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机关事业单位工龄可视同缴费年限编辑同志:我原是机关事业单位职员,后辞职,到一家企业工作,企业开始为我缴纳社会保险费。我想知道,原机关事业单位的工龄能视同缴费年限吗?  相似文献   

编辑同志:我父亲是一名退休市级劳动模范,想知道他在医疗保险方面享受哪些特殊待遇?范思范思读者:根据津劳局〔2006〕373号文件规定,自2007年1月1日起,企业(含自收自支事业单位)市级以上参保  相似文献   

职工异地调动养老保险关系可随同转移编辑同志:我原在天津工作,2006年调到上海,户口也随之转移,想知道养老保险、医疗保险等能否衔接?如何办理相关手续?李梅  相似文献   

天津参保,外地生育需提前备案编辑同志:我是外地人,在天津市的某单位工作。在工作期间,单位为我缴纳了社会保险费。现在我怀孕了,由于在天津没有亲属,想回原籍生育,手续该如何办理?张俊婷  相似文献   

首先,让我们看一个许多省近年都可以复制的文件。《关于XX年度社会保险缴基准数及相关待遇水平核定有关问题的通知》。根据现行社会保险相关规定,每年1月1日起使用上年全省职工平均工资和在岗职工平均工资,计算各项社会保险缴费、核定相关待遇,由于统计部门尚未公布,因此,凡社会保险缴费及相关待遇核定涉及使用上年全省平均  相似文献   

社会保险权是我国《宪法》和《社会保险法》赋予城乡居民的一项基本权利,构成了城乡居民基本人权。社会保险法的主旨是保障和规范社会保险权,规范社会保险关系,维护公民参加社会保险和享受社会保险待遇的合法权益,使公民共享发展成果,促进社会和谐稳  相似文献   

北京市医疗保险一降三升每年减少群众负担4.6亿元北京市于7月1日起调整基本医疗保险参保人员待遇标准,实行包括降低报销起付线、提高门诊医疗费报销比例在内的一降三升政策。一降三升中的一降就  相似文献   

津劳社局发〔2007〕145号各区县劳动保障局,市社会保险基金管理中心及有关单位:为了规范本市城镇非从业成年居民参加城镇居民基本医疗保险工作,做好完全或大部分丧失劳动能力人员的参保资格认定,明确工作规程,根据《天津市城镇居民基本医疗保险暂行规定》(津政发〔2007〕64号)及  相似文献   

津劳社局发〔2008〕87号各区县劳动和社会保障局(医保局)、教育局及有关单位:为进一步落实天津市城镇居民基本医疗保险学生意外伤害附加保险制度,根据市人民政府《关于印发天津市城镇居民基本医疗保险暂行规定的通知》(津政发〔2007〕64号)和市劳动保障局、市教委、市财政局《关于建立学生意外伤害附加保险制度有关问题的通知》(津劳社局发〔2008〕14号),  相似文献   

263平方公里的区域面积,在中国只能算一座小城,26岁的市龄,也实属年轻。然而,这座小城却是中国八大煤炭基地之一,这座年轻之城却接二连三地获得诸多殊荣。这座城市的名字叫调兵山。  相似文献   

中华书局2000年点校出版的《无邪堂答问》一书,在标点方面,有不少可商之处。其中最严重的是有不少影响阅读的破句,本文择要搜出并作重新标点。另外还有当断不断、不当断而断等两种情况,本文举例说明。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Julie Browne, 5 Belsize Crescent, London NW3 5QY Summary Despite an increase in both publicity on child sexual abuseand initiatives from government and voluntary agencies, it isby no means obvious that the position of the majority of sexuallyabused children has been significantly improved. Most sexuallyabused children still do not disclose the fact that they arebeing abused and it has been argued that new ways of approachingthe problem of child sexual abuse are needed. A study was madeof the policy development work being carried Out by the children'scharities and by survivors' organizations in this area. Individualsurvivors were also questioned as to the type of help they neededwhen children to enable them to end or escape the abuse. Itemerged that, in the main, the charities espouse pathologized/legalisticsolutions to the problem of child sexual abuse. In contrast,survivors' organizations tended to adopt a view of the problemwhich challenges societal attitudes, male sexual socialization,and the labelling of victims as passive and damaged. This articleattempts to find explanations for why these different approacheshave been taken and examines the implications for policy developmentin this area. It concludes that social workers and the children'scharities could benefit considerably from greater collaborationwith both survivors and survivors' organizations.  相似文献   

Schooling, Ideology and the Curriculum By L en B arton et al. (eds.)
Education and The State By R oger D ale et al. (eds.)
The Missing Half: Girls and Science Education By A lison K elly (ed.)  相似文献   

Summary The modified version of the reverse tariff theory, developedby Pauline Hardiker, claims that a matrix combining risk andneed is implicit in the recommendations made to courts by probationofficers. This version of the theory is criticized on threecounts. (i) A number of counter-examples are examined: someof them imply factors other than risk and need which probationofficers take into account; others illustrate types of recommendationwhich, relative to the theory, have an anomalous form; (ii)it is suggested that, in any event, Hardiker does not have anadequate theory of how ‘need’ and ‘risk’are combined; (iii) it is argued that, given the evidence onwhich it is based, the reverse tariff model cannot have thestatus which Hardiker appears to claim for it.  相似文献   

ThedevelopmentofsocialistdemocraticpoliticsconstitutesoneofthegreathistoricaltasksintheconstructionofsocialismwithChinesecharacteristics,andisalsothemostimportantpoliticalandinstitutionalguaranteefortherealizationofsocialistmodernizationandthecompreh…  相似文献   

Peaceful coexistence is materially strengthened and expanded by the development of international economic relations. Both the prospects for and realization of detente will depend in large measure on how relations progress between the Soviet Union and the United States. Pursuant to resolutions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the USSR's Supreme Soviet, and its Council of Ministers at the time of L. I. Brezhnev's 1973 visit to the United States, the Soviet Union has set itself the task of turning these relations "into a permanent force for world peace, for guaranteeing that the processes of detente now being developed will be irreversible, and for the deepening of peaceful, mutually advantageous cooperation between governments belonging to antagonistic social systems."  相似文献   

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