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中年高级知识分子健康状况的社会人口学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用2004年"北京市中年高级专业技术人才健康状况调查"资料,从社会医学和社会人口学的角度比较了北京市中年高级知识分子与普通人群之间健康水平的差异;探讨了影响知识分子健康状况的个人和社会环境因素。结果显示,其一,当以慢性疾病来衡量生理健康时,知识分子的健康状况低于一般人群,但二者的生活质量自评没有显著差异。其二,社会人口学因素对这两方面健康的作用有同有异。工作和生活压力是影响人们身心健康的至关重要因素之一,但大部分因素对健康的影响因健康层面和人群而异。  相似文献   

中年高级专业技术人才是党和国家的宝贵财富,是实施人才强国战略的生力军,关于中年高级知识分子“过劳死”的提法成为报纸、互联网络的热门话题,其健康问题已引起人们的高度关注。本文利用“北京市中年高级知识分子健康状况调查”数据对于其健康自评状况进行比较分析,试图用因子分析与模糊评价方法对于健康状况给以综合评价,以期了解中年高级知识分子的健康状况,希望能为进一步制定、改善和提高专业技术人才的相关政策提供科学决策依据。  相似文献   

本文考察了中国知识分子的平均预期寿命,挑战了广为流行的观点.本文首先解释"死亡人口平均年龄"与"平均预期寿命"指标的概念和差异;然后使用2004年在中科院18个研究所以及北京大学、清华大学共20个单位调查的死亡人口资料,检验"知识分子死亡平均年龄下降趋势"的可信性;并利用全国第四次和第五次人口普查的权威数据,计算受过本科以上教育人群的生命表和"平均预期寿命",得出中国知识分子预期寿命大大高于普通人群的结论,推翻了"中国知识分子预期寿命比全国平均寿命低17岁"这个流传广泛且被反复引用的错误结论.  相似文献   

宋悦华  谢敬宇 《西北人口》2010,31(6):49-53,58
我国已进入老龄化社会,老年知识分子的开发利用对我国当前社会经济发展具有重要的作用和贡献。本文将通过分析老年知识分子所具有的社会价值,以及制约老年知识分子发挥其社会价值的因素,提出挖掘和利用好老年知识分子社会价值的对策。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,国内许多报刊相继报道一些中年科学家早逝,如蒋筑英、罗健夫、张广厚、陆家羲,张秋生等。他们都在50岁左右辞世,不能不令人为之叹息。本文统计、分析了吉林大学1983年1月至1988年12月(以下简称六年来)教职工病逝情况,认为吉林大学知识分子中存在早逝现象,党政管理干部表观死亡率最高。知识分子教职员中致死率最高的三种疾病依序为:心脏病、癌症和脑血管疾病。一、六年来全校知识分子病逝情况知识分子的概念似乎尽人皆知,但在具体区分知识分子与非知识分子时却很难有统一的标准。因为有的部门是按学历区分的;有的部门是按职业区分的;还有的部门是按职务区分的。根据高等学校教职工队伍的实际情况,本文以其有中专及以上学历的从事脑力劳动的教职员,认定为知识分子。  相似文献   

文章在对北京市水资源压力变动趋势进行分析的基础上,进一步使用对数平均的因素分解法对北京市2001~2010年间的用水量进行各类驱动因素的分析,研究人口规模变化、家庭规模和数量等人口学因素在各种驱动因素中的地位和作用。结果表明,北京市水资源压力很大,而且近年来呈现持续上升、逐年加剧的趋势;北京市用水量增长最大的驱动因素是人均GDP的增长;人口数量、家庭数量以及家庭规模等人口学要素对用水量变化有一定的作用,但并非是北京市用水量变化的最主要因素;提高生产部门的水资源利用率,引导居民树立合理的消费观对缓解北京市水资源压力、提高人口承载力有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文基于北京市昌平区的农村独生子女调查数据,利用效用最大化离散选择模型,对农村独生子女生育选择模式及影响因素进行了分析。文章不仅考察了个体因素、经济与社会政策因素对生育选择模式的影响,更重要的是从生育选择的预测概率、离散变化以及Odds Ratios等多角度对影响因素的重要程度、影响大小等进行了定量测度分析。并从中推断起决定作用的因素发生变化时,可能导致的生育意愿、计划与行为的改变,探讨独生子女生育选择对中国未来人口变动趋势产生的影响和政策意义。  相似文献   

张乐川 《南方人口》2012,27(4):32-38,15
基于我国目前城镇基本养老保险的制度设计,以及对未来中国人口老龄化的预期,可以说城镇基本养老制度,在未来所要承受巨大的挑战将是毫无疑问的。目前理论界也就此问题提出了各种解决方法以及相关的效用分析。本文通过对“延长法定退休年龄”这一解决基本养老制度压力的途径进行假设,对不同法定退休年龄状态下,从目前到2050年的时间范围内,对我国城镇基本养老保险金的“年龄缺口”进行描述和分析。从而为应对人口老龄化带来的制度压力提供理论支持。  相似文献   

西方绝大多数工业化国家无配偶人群(包括未婚、丧偶、离婚)的死亡率比同龄有配偶人群的死亡率高出2-3倍,这种现象被称为Farr-Bertillon效应。在社会科学中很少有在任何时间和任何国家均有效的效应。我国与西方国家有着不同的家庭结构和家庭观念,是否存在Farr-Bertillon效应尚不清楚。本文利用1990年和2010年人口普查数据对婚姻状态和死亡率的关系进行研究。在15-59岁年龄段:30岁之前有过结婚经历而后丧偶或离婚的人群的死亡率比未婚人群高得多;我国相对死亡比高于西方工业化国家;离婚和丧偶对男性的影响更大,这与西方的研究结果基本一致;对未婚人群,在青年段对男性的影响更大,中年段对女性的影响更大,这与日本的研究结果一致。毕竟在亚洲地区,相对于新郎,更看重新娘的健康因素。然而在大多数西方工业化国家,未婚男性相对死亡比始终高于同龄的女性。在60岁及以上年龄段:有配偶人群比无配偶人群的健康状况更好。婚姻对女性老年人健康的保护作用强于男性老年人。上述研究表明中国存在Farr-Bertillon效应,几乎在所有年龄段未婚、离婚或丧偶状态对健康状况都构成潜在的不良影响,但具体表现与西方国家有差异。  相似文献   

城市低保措施满意率的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市居民最低生活保障制度作为社会最后一道"安全网",为社会的稳定发挥了举足轻重的作用。政府为低保政策做出了巨大的努力,但是仍有低保对象对低保措施不满意。为提高低保措施的满意率、增强低保制度的实施效果,本文对影响城市低保措施满意率的因素进行探讨分析。研究采用系统和整群抽样方法对徐州市445名低保对象进行入户调查,调查内容包括一般情况和症状自评量表(SCL-90)。结果显示影响城市低保措施满意率的因素是对生活质量、自身潜在价值的期望值和强大的生存压力。  相似文献   

The politics of fertility control refers to the role of the state in regulating individual behavior. It is about the influence of academics and intellectuals, the motivations of officials and bureaucrats, and the interests of international donors. The politics of fertility control is also about the control which one class or ethnic group exerts over another, and the gender relations within and beyond the household. The Population Council's book, "Do Population Policies Matter? Fertility and Politics in Egypt, India, Kenya, and Mexico," examines what makes the population policies of those four countries either succeed or fail. The analyses show how and why the creation, implementation, and effectiveness of population policies vary over time both within and between countries. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that effective population policies require political commitment and courage, broad support, adequate funding, good design and management, and a sound concept. The volume's case studies explore population policy-making from both historical and contemporary perspectives in the individual country contexts.  相似文献   

M R Zhang 《人口研究》1982,(5):16-20, 26
After the middle of the Ming dynasty, the Chinese feudal system began to show some influence of capitalism in its production models. Changes began to take place in its political and economic systems. In 1723, a new method of household taxation was adopted to replace the traditional taxation system, which had been based upon the population of each household. Under the new system, taxation was based upon the size of the land each household owned. As a result of this change, the population showed rapid growth. Intellectuals began to form the concept of curbing excessive population growth. They also began to pay attention to the problems of adequate material supplies, overpopulation, and possible solutions. Chinese intellectuals and scholars of the late Ming and Qing dynasties, including Xu Guangqi, Hong Liangji, Wang Shifeng, and Xue Fucheng realized the serious nature of population growth. In fact, the population figure doubledever 30 years on a regular basis. The rapid population growth caused a decline in the living standard, higher prices for consumer goods, unemployment, a decline in the population quality, and social disorders. Hong Liangji suggested that natural disasters such as floods and droughts could help reduce the population, and that improvement in agriculture, emigration, and tax reductions could promote production. Wang Shifeng was in favor of using severe laws and restrictions on marriage to control population. Xue Fucheng proposed the idea of imitating Western countries to develop capitalism and industries and increase employment opportunities to reduce the pressure of the rapid population growth.  相似文献   

Living Arrangements and Quality of Life Among Chinese Canadian Elders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the role of living arrangements in thequality of life of community-dwelling Chinese elders (aged 65 andover) currently residing in Vancouver and Victoria, BritishColumbia. Data are based on a random sample of 830 persons[response rate = 71.5%], who were interviewed in their homes inthe language of their choice in 1995–96. Three dimensions ofquality of life – satisfaction, well-being and social support –are examined for married men and women [living with spouse alonevs. living intergenerationally] and widowed women [living alonevs. living intergenerationally]. Few differences are found formarried persons, especially women; for widows, living alonesignificantly reduces quality of life in a number of areas.Regression analyses indicate that living arrangements are not asignificant predictor of life satisfaction or well-being formarried men and women. For widows, living arrangements determinewell-being but not life satisfaction.Overall, age, health status, and social support (havingfriends/confidante) are better predictors of quality of life forelderly Chinese Canadians than are living arrangements. Findingshighlight the importance of: empirically distinguishing maritalstatus and living arrangements in studying the quality of life ofelders; not homogenizing Chinese Canadian seniors with regard toliving arrangements; and focussing on Chinese elderly widows wholive alone as a group at risk of low well-being.  相似文献   

2016年以来我国政府陆续出台了专门的留守儿童保护政策以防控其虐待风险,那么当前留守儿童的虐待风险如何?虐待形成的创伤是否严重?虐待的成因是否得到了有效控制?本研究试图利用基于四川省Z市1 245名被访者的实证调查来回答上述问题。研究得出了三个结论:一是各类被调查儿童的虐待风险整体上较为严峻,双亲留守儿童的忽视率比普通儿童高18.8%~25.8%,单亲留守儿童的精神虐待率同比高17.4%~22.1%,而两类留守儿童遭受复合虐待的比例也同比高15.2%以上。二是虐待会导致各类儿童出现明显的心理问题与行为问题,每提升1个单位的虐待强度就会增加0.23~0.24个单位的抑郁度和0.25~0.62个单位的行为问题,留守儿童尤其是双亲留守儿童并未表现出比普通儿童更强的创伤适应性,"变色龙本性"和"伙伴群"的理论解释在中国数据中并未能得以证实。三是留守儿童与普通儿童的虐待成因有所差异,父母的抑郁性人格对于普通儿童的受虐风险具有预测力,婚姻冲突的外溢与暴躁性人格则对留守儿童的虐待防范威胁最大,而"压力释放"及"暴力循环"等学理解释则相对较弱。我国政府应增强留守儿童保护政策的落实能力,提升虐待创伤干预的专业性和制度化水平,积极纾解留守家庭的婚姻冲突。  相似文献   

周喜琴 《西北人口》2004,(2):62-62,F003
目的:了解中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎的疗效。方法:随机设置两组各66例。治疗组采用中药熏洗,外用甲硝唑。对照组用清水洗外阴,外用甲硝唑。结果:治疗组总有效率为100%,对照组有效率为69.7%。结论:采用中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎,应推广应用。  相似文献   

D Tang 《人口研究》1985,(6):26-27
The fertility rates of Chinese women of different educational backgrounds and ages were studied. The results indicate that women with higher educational backgrounds are likely to marry later in life, and have fewer children. The converse is also true; women with little or no education marry very young and have significantly more offspring. It is noted that many of the poory educated are traditionally conservative; they strongly desire at least 1 male offspring, and generally understand the least about matters related to family planning. In terms of economics and human investment, intellectuals are less likely to want more than 1 child. 2 of the most effective ways in which fertility rates may be lowered are to reduce early fertility and to improve the educational levels of women.  相似文献   

Neo-natal and post-neo-natal mortality in a rural area of Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract An analysis of neo-natal and post-neo-natal mortality in 132 villages (population of 117,000) of Matlab thana indicates the following: (i) Neo-natal deaths accounted for 60% of the infant mortality rate of 125. This proportion was unexpectedly high since previous research had maintained that in countries with infant mortality rates over 100, neo-natal deaths account for less than one-third of all infant deaths. Since the present findings on the proportions of neo-natal deaths correspond exactly with results from an earlier registration system in East Pakistan, it is suggested that the long-accepted proposition, 'less developed' areas are characterized by lower proportions of neo-natal deaths than 'more developed' areas, be re-examined. (2) The infant death rate accounts for 36% of all deaths in the population. If the infant death rate were reduced by half the result would be a decrease in the current crude death rate from 16 to 13. Although this reduction would appear to be small, in the context of a current high growth rate of 3% (from 1966-67 to 1968-69) it exerts a sizeable impact. For example, it would take a reduction of eight points in the crude birth rate of 46 just to achieve a growth rate 2·5% under these circumstances. Obviously, continued efforts in death control without an effective birth control programme will perpetuate high rates of growth. (3) Neo-natal and post-neo-natal mortality exhibited the -expected 'U' shaped pattern with parity, and generally varied as expected with age and family size, except in the oldest age group and largest family size where the risk was smaller than in the preceding groups. An explanation for these findings is presented, based on the effect that births to high-parity women with low child mortality have upon the total neo-natal and post-neo-natal mortality rates. It was found that these births exhibit a much lower mortality risk than births to women of comparable parities and higher child mortality, and that their numbers account for the lower risk to the births in the oldest age group and largest family size. It was concluded that women with a combination of high parity and low child mortality most probably represent a group with superior socio-economic and or health conditions which contribute to the lower risk of neo-natal and post-neo-natal death.  相似文献   

年龄分层视角下的中国劳动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁宏 《南方人口》2013,(6):19-25,34
在全社会关于“延迟退休”的热议之下,本文利用2012年中国劳动力动态调查,分析了不同年龄层劳动力的特征,调查结果显示,我国高龄劳动力素质低、收入低,全职就业及劳动合同签订比例皆低,同时,他们更看重工作的谋生价值.基于不同年龄层劳动力状态的对比,本文为提高领取养老金年龄、延迟退休年龄的渐进实现问题提出一些建议.  相似文献   

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