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This article delineates the historical background specifying the academic conditions within which my clinical experience evolved. Three main themes guided this development: (a) creating the academic context deemed necessary for acknowledging and supporting clinical psychology as a discipline in Egypt, (b) shaping with care the ensuing relationship with psychiatrists, (c) carefully figuring out an adequate orientation to guide decisions concerning the administration of available techniques of assessment and treatment to Egyptian clients. Such an orientation had to be based on an insightful balance and compromise between considerations of proper methodology and pressures of practicality. Some provisional solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

中阿在石油和石化工业领域的合作起步虽晚,但发展较快展望未来,机遇和挑战并存,特别是在当前世界经济一体化及西方将其经济、文化观和强权政治强加于其他国家的形势下,中阿必须协调双方立场,认真研究能源方面的合作,更好地应对所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Post 11 September 2001, terrorism has emerged as the defining stereotype of Arab immigrants. As a result, the study of Arab immigrants has become susceptible to stereotypes because in an era of unprecedented diversity sociological investigation has neglected spirituality. Among the various Arab populations spirituality is fundamental. Subsequently any investigation of Arab immigrants is impossible without acknowledgement of a spiritual dimension in the form of Islam. Moving beyond the stereotypical implications of terrorism will require Western sovereignties to be more informed about the Arab culture. Otherwise, their lack of effort will destine the uninformed to the stereotypical implications of terrorism that will not be limited to Arab immigrants but extend to other populations as well.  相似文献   

This paper aims to do three things. First, it will provide a review of key aspects of media events to date. Second, it will consider the relevance and challenge facing the paradigm of media events in the era of post‐broadcasting and terrorism. Third, it will discuss the ways in which media events work in the context of the People's Republic of China. The paper suggests that classic media events were instrumental in recording the significant moments of history during the second half of the 20th century. Although this enchantment with the modern technology of broadcasting and its role in building the national culture has been on the decline in some parts of the world, the concept of media events proves to be remarkably elastic, and as the Chinese case makes clear, innovative media event formats take place in unlikely places and in unpredictable circumstances. As we move ahead into the 21st century, it has become clear – evidenced in the case of China and elsewhere – that the scenario we face is not the replacement of the enchantment of the broadcasting era with the cynicism of the post‐broadcasting era, but rather their uneasy coexistence and curious codependence.  相似文献   

Good Days, Bad Days: The Self in Chronic Illness and Time , by Kathy Charmaz. At The Will of The Body: Reflections on Illness , by Arthur W. Frank. The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory , edited by Mike Featherstone, Mike Hepworth, and Bryan S. Turner.  相似文献   


This article examines how the field of college health has evolved over time to address the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. The central argument is that college and university health programs developed in conjunction with shifting standards of medical care and public health practices in the United States. The author reviews the role of college health programs as public health agencies for campus communities, and describes contemporary public health challenges facing college campuses. She shows how the history of college health is intertwined with the history of diversity in higher education. In particular, the author outlines how the growth of health services made higher education accessible to women, racial minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

Good Days, Bad Days: The Self in Chronic Illness and Time , by Kathy Charmaz. At The Will of The Body: Reflections on Illness , by Arthur W. Frank. The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory , edited by Mike Featherstone, Mike Hepworth, and Bryan S. Turner.  相似文献   

自新中国与阿曼建立外交关系以来,双方在政治、经济和文化等领域的友好合作关系是历史上数千年友好合作关系的延续。通过高层领导人和其他领域的互访,双方增进了各领域交流,在国际和地区事务中持一致或类似观点,珍惜彼此慷慨的援助以及在解决国际事务中的协调和支持。双方通过"中阿合作论坛"和中国与海合会战略对话等机制,在经济、贸易、文化、公共卫生及其他领域的互利合作拥有巨大潜力,使两国关系从传统友谊走向新兴合作伙伴。  相似文献   

在世界粮食价格高企的背景下,阿拉伯粮食安全状况不容乐观,主要体现为各国粮食供应短缺、粮食外贸依存度增加、以及粮价持续走高。粮食安全不仅是经济问题,还是社会和政治问题。为了确保粮食安全,阿拉伯各国纷纷采取措施,联合制定了阿拉伯农业可持续发展战略,准备走农业一体化道路,但却面临着人口增速过快、自然资源短缺、农业生产方式落后、农业地位遭受忽视等多方面挑战。笔者认为,解决阿拉伯粮食安全问题是系统工程,既有技术性因素,也有政策性因素,但关键在于走联合保障之路。  相似文献   

The historical impact of times, people, and events on the foundation and development of the human sexuality profession is presented. The present status of the field and the efforts of some of today's leading contributors are also surveyed. Some recent research findings and trends in the direction sex research is taking are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary news events indicate the continuing relevance of moral panic analysis. Of two versions one is British, formulated by Stan Cohen, exemplified by the 1970s emergence of mugging. The second is American, formulated by Goode and Ben-Yehuda, exemplified by the 1980s missing children campaign. Each model conceptualises the agents and dynamics of moral panics, their causes and consequences. The models have been applied mainly to seven main areas: AIDS, child abuse, drugs, immigration, media violence, street crime and youth deviance. Empirical data have confirmed basic features of the original models and enabled generalisations about the presence and functions of moral panics in capitalist democracies. Critics express reservations about the models' ambiguous terminology, assumptions of media effects, predetermined dynamics, and vague outcomes. Some advocate revision of the models, others their abandonment. Future development of moral panic analysis requires connection to three important sociological themes: discourse, risk and moral regulation.  相似文献   

2006年末,正当伊朗坚持推进其核计划时,海湾及北非部分阿拉伯国家也先后提出了自己的核研制计划,引起了国际社会的普遍关注。后冷战时代,新一轮核竞赛出现向欧美以外的其他热点地区转移的倾向:从朝鲜半岛到南亚次大陆再到中东地区,上述三个地区沿欧亚大陆的边缘形成一条弧线,使《核不扩散条约》受到巨大挑战。阿拉伯国家的核计划与核设想有着深刻的国际和地区关联性,但计划的实现也会面临诸多因素的制约,包括经济能力不足、技术水平低下、国内民众反对和大国的劝阻。阿拉伯国家谋求核技术旨在显示一种姿态,希望国际社会能因此向伊朗施加更多的压力。  相似文献   

In Arab Mediterranean countries (AMCs), insecurities and a lack of opportunities have continuously kept young people from becoming independent and being full, active, and integrated members of society; a process commonly referred to as social exclusion. This paper explores the driving factors of youth exclusion in Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia. It is argued that not only the extent but also the structure of social exclusion varies across countries. Based on the social exclusion framework developed by the UNDP [2011. Beyond Transition – Towards Inclusive Societies. Bratislava: United Nations Development Programme], we construct a social exclusion index that takes economic, social, and political factors into account. The results obtained indicate that the share of young people suffering from social exclusion is highest in Tunisia (46.7%), followed by Algeria (43.4%), Egypt (42.1%), and Lebanon (33.2%). In contrast to the prevailing assumptions on social exclusion, we find that economic exclusion does in fact play a minor role. The strongest driver of youth exclusion in all Arab Mediterranean countries is the exclusion from social and political life.  相似文献   

This study examines Arab American intermarriage using 1990 U.S. Census data. The results indicate high rates of intermarriage consistent with an assimilation perspective. Over 80% of U.S.‐born Arabs had non‐Arab spouses, implying a diminishing ethnic identification. Logistic regressions show that for both sexes, those with part Arab ancestry, the U.S. born, those with strong English‐language ability, and the highly educated were significantly more likely to out‐marry, as were Arabs of Lebanese ancestry. The cultural and structural assimilation of Arab Americans is facilitating intermarriage, with indicators of acculturation being the strongest predictors, especially for women. The article further discusses ethnic options for children of intermarried couples.  相似文献   

Since the late 1970s, American evangelicals have been a potent influence in conservative politics. Recent scholarship both refines and contextualizes some of the central themes found in the broader literature on evangelical politics. We first review key recent scholarship in American religious history. It shows that current patterns of evangelical conservatism are the product of historically contingent social forces and that political conservatism was never uniform among evangelicals. We then discuss recent scholarship on evangelicals' attitudes toward public issues. This work indicates that commitment to moral traditionalism on social issues is the dominant force animating evangelical political conservatism and that evangelicals remain distinctly Republican in their partisan voting despite economic and foreign policy commitments that are not as strongly aligned with Republican priorities. We then shift our focus to the dominant conservative movement of the moment: the Tea Party. We cite evidence that evangelicals and the Tea Party remain distinct in terms of constituents and issue priorities but that social concerns may be taking precedence over the economic concerns that birthed the movement. We conclude by discussing recent trends that suggest that a de‐alignment between evangelicalism and conservative politics may be underway.  相似文献   

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