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传统的人类学民族志书写以独立的"社区"和"土著"为关键词。从解释人类学开始,在民族志研究与书写中,研究者与被研究者之间的互动、权力关系和"价值关联"等方面得到反思,而全球化时代的新型民族志则同时关注文化"去地域化"和"再地域化"的复杂过程。  相似文献   

海外民族志:发展中国社会科学的一个路途   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海外民族志是世界人类学界的后来者的概念,也就是非西方的概念.中国人类学界直到进入21世纪之后才开展有规模的境外田野作业的民族志研究,这既是中国与世界的关系进入一种新格局的反映,也是中国发展自己新生的表述世界的"写文化"能力的一种表现.借助于海外民族志在方法、中国与外部世界关系的观念以及各国的社会事实的基本资料上的积累,中国的整个社会科学将找到一条新的发展之路.  相似文献   

人类学的民族志文本写作范式经历了随意写作、科学民族志和实验民族志三种范式,本文分析了在人类学史中推动民族志文本写作范式转移背后的动力,指出了科学民族志文本写作的优势和缺点,三种实验民族志文本写作体裁的优势和不足之处,质疑了实验民族志的学术理念付诸实践的可行性.最后指出了在实验民族志的学术理念喧嚣过后,人类学民族志文本写作的趋势又重新回归到了科学民族志范式.  相似文献   

80年代 ,人类学曾经出现了一个引人注目的“写文化”大论争 ,其代表就是《写文化 :民族志的诗学和政治学》与《作为文化批评的人类学 :一个人文学科的实验时代》。其核心问题就是民族志写作中的修辞、叙事的政治和策略等 ,对传统民族志提出反思和挑战。之后 ,一些人类学家鉴于“写文化”基本只是提出问题 ,却没有提供答案 ,于 1998年结集出版了《写文化之后 :当代人类学的认识论和实践》 ,试图提出一些可能的方案。反观“写文化”和“写文化之后” ,我们可以看到一些对人类学理论和实践发展具有深刻意义的方面。  相似文献   

面对全球化及其所带来的各种不确定性,费孝通晚年重提开展海外民族志的重要性,并希望在文化自觉的基础之上拓展中国人类学的传统边界。在全球化时代,海外民族志研究是一个以文化自觉为路径,在"各美其美"与本土文化反思的基础之上,试图通过"美人之美"与异文化对话来构建自身学术品格、拓展研究视界、并最终实现"美美与共"与"天下大同"局面的学术研究过程。唯有强调文化自觉,我们方能在经验与理论、全球化与本土化、自我与他者的持续对话中不断拓展和推进海外民族志的研究路径,从而有效理解并应对全球化给世界所带来的根本性变化。  相似文献   

旅行是人类文化的一种特殊表述。人类几乎所有重要的文化主题都与之有着密切的关系,可是在漫长的历史进程中,人类似乎忘记了与旅行的这种关系,旅行成了一个"失落的主题"。现代社会的移动属性将人类旅行文化提升到空前的高度,后殖民主义理论对旅行文化的分析达到了历史的深度,民族志研究与旅行所建立起的学科关系促使人类学对旅行文化这一表述范式进行反思。旅游人类学正是在继承传统民族志研究范式的基础上,根据现代社会的移动属性,结合大规模群众旅游所进行的针对性研究。本文试图就旅行文化这一表述范式进行探讨和分析,以期引起学术界的重视。  相似文献   

民族志类比法包括直接历史学方法与一般比较方法。前者是爱斯基摩考古学依赖程度较高的实用性方法,大致包括三个方面:对发现器物功能的推测与分析,进而重建经济模式;对纹饰和图像意义的探索;对史前社会组织的研究与重建。爱斯基摩考古学实践表明,直接历史学方法在复原器物功能、重建史前海猎经济模式、探索纹饰与图像意义、研究社会组织与形态等方面起到了一个不可替代的作用,证明民族考古学方法在考古人类学实践中的有效性。然而,在民族志资料与考古学资料之间可能存在的逻辑陷阱也是民族考古学所无法回避的问题。  相似文献   

这里所说的知识共享伙伴,是指介入非物质文化遗产保护和研究工作时各相关主体或各利益相关方(联合国教科文组织专用术语)在知识上形成的共享关系。而这里所说的知识,包括地方性知识和分析性知识(借用阿兰·邓迪斯的概念术语)。民族志立场,则特  相似文献   

朱靖江 《民族学刊》2022,13(3):92-100, 148
中国民族志电影自20世纪中叶出现之后,长期处于电影学与人类学的边缘地带,较少得到学界的关注,特别是在80年代,由于从业人数较少,且多为人类学民族学内部的学术性创作,其成果更鲜为人知。然而,若回溯中国民族志电影发展史,两代学者与电影工作者怀着抢救、记录中国各民族文化的热诚,在80年代默默无闻地坚守他们的学术使命,使这一电影传统延续至今,留存了一批珍贵的少数民族影像史料,其新旧观念的交替、创作方法的变革、转型作品的问世、学术理论的建构以及国际交流的开始等,都发生在这一时期。也正是自80年代中期开始,随着“影视人类学”概念从海外学界的传入,中国民族志电影开始得到人类学理论方法的庇护与引领,这也预示着一个更有学术前景的新时代即将到来。因此,对于中国民族志电影而言,1980年代是承前启后、化育新生的关键时刻,值得当代影视人类学界重新审视与评价。  相似文献   


While there continues to be increasing research about Black male teachers’ school-based experiences, there is less empirical evidence on the variation in these experiences for this subgroup. Drawing on Kanter’s Theory of Numbers and Group Composition, the researcher used the qualitative method to compare the perceptions of Black male teachers in schools that employ just one Black male teacher versus schools with larger numbers of Black male teachers. A theory of social isolation in organizations is proposed to explain differences in the variation of school-based experiences for Black male teachers. When compared to Black men in schools with larger percentages of Black male teachers on the faculty, those Black men who were the only Black male teachers on their faculty were more likely to describe feeling socially isolated and disconnected from their colleagues.  相似文献   

这个对话围绕的主旨是如何在村落、如何在当下书写以非物质文化遗产为关怀的民族志.这种民族志所要求的田野作业必须正视知识生产的在场,把乡村设定为村民、知识分子和国家发生持续互动的舞台.  相似文献   

张瓅尹  何嘉豪 《民族学刊》2021,12(8):19-27, 122
新媒体生态颠覆了人们媒介接触的方式并继而影响其现实认知的建构。具体到民族认同,基于新媒体产生的云族群已经呈现出和原生族群产生发展完全不同的建构逻辑,且这种逻辑可以为构筑中华民族共同体所用。对两大央媒新媒体平台相关内容的框架分析显示,现有内容在价值引导、制作质量上有较大优势,但在内容数量、跨平台适应性和内容多元吸取与传播上尚待加强。需具备基本的在场意识和把握有效浸润的人文核心及传播架构。  相似文献   

In recent years mentorship has become a popular ‘solution’ for struggling boys of color and has led to the recruitment of more male of color teachers. While not arguing against the merits of mentorship, this article critiques what the author deems ‘corrective representations.’ Corrective representations are the imagined embodiment of proper and productive masculinities that male of color educators are asked to perform. This discourse perpetuates confining representations of identity and locates the problem of boys of color within their own actions. Designed as an ethnographic case study, this article explores the life of one Latino male teacher as he navigates discourses of corrective representation as coordinator of his school’s Latino boys program. This project provides a detailed account of the cultural politics of Latino male mentorship and offers the notion of a critical borderlands approach to identity as an avenue to problematize essentialist and deficit approaches to Latino boys.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of an ethnographic study of recruitment processes in the public service of a French city. It begins by engaging with the existing literature on representative bureaucracy and discrimination of members of minority groups and then surveys some of the existing literature on French exceptionalism in this domain. Based on an analysis of gate-keeping practices and recruitment, set off against the numerical under-representation of candidates with an immigration background, the paper argues that a series of seemingly minor mechanisms help to explain why so few of these candidates are being selected. It concludes by arguing that the empirical study of these mechanisms provides avenues for strategic interventions in selection processes aiming to create more genuine equal opportunities for members of minority groups.  相似文献   

The welfare and migration regime of Sweden are undergoing substantial changes, as neo-liberal restructuring is rapidly increasing inequalities, and multicultural policies are in retreat as neo-assimilationist policies are growing. In 2014, the Sweden Democrats, a party conceptualised as culturally racist, was re-elected with 13% of the votes, with a presence in almost all municipalities. While scholarship on this and similar parties has expanded, the role that gender and gender equality has for the culturally racist articulation of their agenda remains unexplored. The experience of women organised in the Sweden Democrats is the focus of this article, the experience of these women engaged in local politics, working to include the Sweden Democrats' culturally racist agenda at the municipality level. The article draws upon in-depths interviews with women activists of the Sweden Democrats. Central to the article is an analysis of forms of inclusion and normalisation of the Sweden Democrats' worldviews but also of the forms of resistance towards their presence at the municipality level. Unlike mainstream research, which downplays the cultural racism of extreme right-wing parties, and rarely employ a gendered analysis, we see (cultural) racism and anti-feminism as central for their agenda.  相似文献   

Asylum centres in rural areas are an increasingly common mode of managing asylum seekers in Denmark. These centres’ arrival occurs in a context of protracted rural crisis, as demographic and economic changes reshape local communities. Yet research on these processes remains scarce, issues concerning asylum and the rural being seldom conceived together. At the same time, majority population attitudes towards refugees are often depicted through the opposed poles of xenophobia and humanitarianism. Based on ethnographic research, this article examines the meanings and consequences of asylum centres for rural Danish communities. Drawing on anthropological theory on the mutuality of social life we argue that asylum centres become embedded in pre-existing relations within local communities and between them and the centralising Danish welfare state. Local communities sometimes were initially sceptical about asylum centres, but they generally developed a collective, pragmatic approach towards them in contrast to the divided, ideological cast of national debates on asylum. By shifting focus from the national to the local, from the urban to the rural, and from the migrants to the neighbouring communities, a less polarising and more everyday mode of relating to the arrival of asylum seekers becomes visible.  相似文献   

赵晓宁 《民族学刊》2022,13(7):50-56, 143
表征的空间是列斐伏尔空间生产理论的重要议题,但在民族村寨领域还未引起足够重视。民族村寨空间生产是关于空间-人-文化三者共存秩序的复杂建构过程,其中村民弱小、碎片的空间实践机制研究有待加强。本文以一 个移民羌村为案例,在田野调查基础上,从空间生产的微观视角出发,对羌村的居住信仰、释比信仰、习俗信仪、羌年祭典四个方面信仰习俗的空间化表征展开研究。研究发现,在空间-人-文化三元互动中,羌民弱小、碎片化的空间实践使特定信仰习俗得以自洽地存续,新村表征的空间背后既是羌民“化他乡为故乡”的主体性呈现,更是羌民对本民族文化的坚定持守。  相似文献   

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