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刘素芬 《创新》2013,(3):83-86,128
公民网络参与是信息时代实现城市善治目标的必然选择,而公民网络参与的发展有赖于城市善治目标的逐步实现,主要体现为:透明性是公民网络参与发展的前提,回应性是公民网络参与发展的关键,有效性搭建了公民网络参与发展的平台,法治性提供了公民网络参与发展的保障。  相似文献   

于飞 《学术交流》2007,1(5):50-53
侵权法应当将利益纳入其保护范围,但由于利益的广泛性与不确定性,立法上又必须借助某种工具对利益的范围进行合理的限制,公序良俗正是达致此功能的适当工具。德国侵权行为法采取折中式,在立法中采纳了善良风俗概念,善良风俗限制利益范围的功能表现的比较明显。法国侵权行为法采抽象概括式,立法上未出现公序良俗,但在法解释上依然要靠此概念解决利益限制问题。总之,限制侵权行为法中受保护的利益范围是一个一般性问题,而以公序良俗限制之则是一个一般性解决方法。我国侵权行为法采何种立法模式虽未确定,但在立法或法解释上需要利用公序良俗概念来发挥其限制利益范围的功能。  相似文献   

在西方和中国学者的政治社会论述中,现代公共领域概念涵盖了政治公共领域、文化公共领域和日常生活的公共领域三个相互关联又各具独立性的论题,其中日常生活的公共领域与当代中国人的生存现实最为切近。中国当代公共行为文明的构建蕴含着三个依次递进的价值原则:基于利益纽带的工具性价值,在自主意识与伦理责任之间达成均衡的"健全的个人主义",以及基于"健全的人道主义"的公共精神。  相似文献   

Research on early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy focuses overwhelmingly on formal, centre‐based provision and, to a lesser extent, on family day care (or childminding) provided in the homes of registered carers. Comparatively little research addresses the policy treatment of care provided in the child's home by nannies and au pairs. This article examines the position of in‐home childcare in Australia, the UK and Canada, and the varied nature and extent of public funding and regulation. Introducing a new dimension into comparative studies of ECEC, it also explores how shifts in migration policy in each country have intersected with ECEC funding and regulation to reshape the recruitment and employment of in‐home child carers. Australia, the UK and Canada are all liberal, market‐oriented countries, but there is considerable diversity in the way governments support and regulate in‐home childcare, their rationales for so doing, and in the connections between childcare and migration. We argue that connecting the analysis of in‐home childcare to migration policies raises new questions about the classification and comparison of ECEC policies.  相似文献   

We report an experiment on two treatments of an ultimatum minigame. In one treatment, responders reactions are hidden to proposers. We observe high rejection rates reflecting responders intrinsic resistance to unfairness. In the second treatment, proposers are informed, allowing for dynamic effects over eight rounds of play. The higher rejection rates can be attributed to responders provision of a public good: Punishment creates a group reputation for being tough and effectively educate proposers. Since rejection rates with informed proposers drop to the level of the treatment with non-informed proposers, the hypothesis of responders enjoyment of overt punishment is not supported.  相似文献   

创新驱动发展战略顺应时代潮流,助推全面建成小康社会,但创新要有价值引领,才能保持正确的发展方向.以人民为中心的创新价值导向,要求创新依靠人民,围绕人民根本利益展开,为了人民,并由人民来评判.坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,要求我们秉持以人民为中心的创新价值导向,引领创新向上向善,促进创新健康发展,实现中华民族伟大复兴与人民幸福.以人民为中心的价值导向,能够实现创新发展的价值最大化.  相似文献   

I.ReflectionontheSelf-UnderstandingofModernPhilosophyTheDevelopmentandapplicationofmodernsciencehasbroughtaboutprofoundchangesinman'srelationshiptotheworld,andhencetohisunderstandingofthisrelationship,i.e.,hisworldview.Oneobviousquestionrelatedtothischangeis:doesmanhavetograsporunderstandthisworldthroughthemediumofscience,orcanheattainhispictureoftheworldwithoutascientificmedium?Thisquestionhasmanycontroversialimplications.oneoftheseistheimmediatedistrustofthelegitimacyofphilosophy:aslongasm…  相似文献   

正如莎士比亚所说:“书籍是全人类的营养品,生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀.”当新一年的钟声敲响,翘首回望,总有那么一段光阴因为书籍的慰藉而变得阳光普照.本刊特邀了几位嘉宾,请他们讲讲这一年中读过的印象深刻的一本书.  相似文献   

Much of the current debate in ageing countries focuses on whether governments should increase investments in human capital. We address this issue by simulating the effects of additional education spending using an overlapping-generations model applied to Canada. In the context of population ageing, the results indicate that how the policy is funded has powerful impacts on the targeted outcomes. Higher education incentives may increase the rate of human capital accumulation and mitigate the negative effects of slowing labour force growth. However, the impact depends on the distortions implied by alternative tax instruments and the efficiency of public expenditures on education.  相似文献   

冯勇 《创新》2014,8(5):89-93
在当前中国社会转型的背景下,行政机关的行政行为侵害社会公共利益的现象屡有发生,这就使建立行政公益诉讼更加必要和迫切,也使行政公益诉讼的独特价值更加凸显。行政公益诉讼不仅体现法治国家的发展趋势和行政诉讼的未来走向,而且有助于弥补行政管理的不足,提高行政机关依法行政的水平,并彰显中国共产党以人为本、保障人权的执政理念。  相似文献   

自1979年刑事诉讼法公布实施以来, 中国刑事诉讼体系的构建逐步走过了一条精 致化、细腻化的发展历程, 形成了相对完整的刑事诉讼框架, 并逐步实现了与世界现 代刑事诉讼理念的衔接。2012年3月14日?全国人民代表大会关于修改〈中华人民共和 国刑事诉讼法〉的决定?的通过, 凸显了中国立法机关保障人权、推进法治现代化建 设的巨大努力, 也是对长期改革成果的巩固和吸收。全面审视此次刑事诉讼修正案的 框架内容, 对于今后刑事诉讼体系的继续完善具有重要意义。

Since the enactment of China’s Criminal Procedure Law in 1979, China’s criminal procedure system has undergone a process of refinement and elaboration. A relatively complete framework for the criminal procedure system has been constructed that fits in well with contemporary international thinking on criminal procedure. The Decision on Amending the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China passed by the National People’s Congress on March 14, 2012 highlights China’s strenuous efforts in protecting human rights and promoting the modernization of the legal system. It also demonstrates the consolidation and absorption of the achievements of China’s continuing reforms. A review of the main content of the Amendment to Criminal Procedure Law is highly significant for the further improvement of the system.  相似文献   

中国正处于社会转型期, 社会矛盾和利益纠纷呈高发态势, 通过厉行法治, 保证 行政权正确行使, 是预防、减少和妥善应对社会风险的良策。由于行政诉讼在制度架 构方面的缺陷, 其制度功能发挥并不充分。设置行政公诉制度, 应当成为完善行政诉 讼制度的一个重要选择。它具有监督和促进依法行政、引导市民社会生成、化解社会 矛盾等多方面的价值, 也是完善中国特色检察制度的应有之义。建立行政公诉, 应当 从理念和制度建构等不同层面予以设计。

关键词: 行政公诉 依法行政 检察权 权力制衡

Since China is now in a stage of social transition that displays a high occurrence of social conflict and interest disputes, strict adherence to the rule of law and ensuring the correct exercise of administrative power is the best strategy for preventing, reducing and properly managing social risks. Structural defects have meant that the institutional function of public prosecution has not been given full rein. The establishment of administrative public prosecution should thus become an important option for the improvement of administrative legal proceedings. It would have value in a multitude of ways, including monitoring and promoting the exercise of administrative functions according to law, guiding the creation of civil society, and resolving social conflicts, and it is also a necessity for the improvement of China’s procuratorial system. The establishment of administrative public prosecution should be designed at the conceptual level, the institutional level, and so on.  相似文献   

Children rarely have the language or the cognitive development to process and convey their experiences solely through words, so spontaneously complement these with symbolic forms of expression and communication, such as play, metaphor and a variety of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic imagery. Consequently, social workers need to supplement verbal methods of assessment and intervention with more symbolic modes of communication and engagement when working directly with children. The play therapy literature has been a key source of guidance and the expressive arts therapies, such as art and drama therapy, are now well represented in the literature and training of social workers in ‘direct work with children’. However, principles and practice from music therapy are under‐represented. The writer, who is a social worker, psychotherapist and musician, shares her reflections on introducing techniques and theoretical approaches from music therapy into her own therapeutically orientated direct work. Suggestions are made as to how other practitioners (both musically trained and not) could develop the use of music as a further ‘tool’ in their direct work with children.  相似文献   

中国正处于社会转型期,社会矛盾和利益纠纷呈高发态势,通过厉行法治,保证行政权正确行使,是预防、减少和妥善应对社会风险的良策。由于行政诉讼在制度架构方面的缺陷,其制度功能发挥并不充分。设置行政公诉制度,应当成为完善行政诉讼制度的一个重要选择。它具有监督和促进依法行政、引导市民社会生成、化解社会矛盾等多方面的价值,也是完善中国特色检察制度的应有之义。建立行政公诉,应当从理念和制度建构等不同层面予以设计。  相似文献   

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