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Massimiliano Tani 《LABOUR》2003,17(4):459-487
Abstract. This paper investigates whether foreigners cushion native labour during the phases of the economic cycle. The theoretical model, based on the work of Blanchard and Katz (Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 0(1): 1–75, 1992), assumes that foreigners supply labour with a higher wage elasticity than natives. The empirical analysis, based on an unbalanced panel of 161 European regions during 1988–97, shows that following a labour demand shock the variability of native employment growth is lower the higher the proportion of foreign citizens in the local labour force. These results suggest that foreigners absorb some of the effects of the shock, shielding natives from its full impact. The analysis also reveals that the main channel mediating this ‘cushioning’ effect is the inter‐regional migration of foreign workers, followed (as a far distant second) by their higher/lower unemployment rates.  相似文献   

Abstract. Both the efficiency wage theory and the insider-outsider theory are promising attempts to explain the existence of unemployment. These theories also explain why workers are often laid-off or fired, rather than retained at lower wages than the initial ones when there is a reduction in the demand for labour. The type of unemployment that is explained in these theories may also be called “involuntary” in a well-defined way; the distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is then made on the basis of the constraints that apply for economic agents. This paper tries to pin down such constraints, and to investigate whether various theories of unemployment are able to answer the fundamental questions that a good theory of unemployment should be able to answer.  相似文献   

Horst Feldmann 《LABOUR》2006,20(3):559-579
Abstract. Using data from 19 industrial countries for the period 1985–2002, this paper analyses whether the quality of industrial relations affects unemployment and employment rates. To measure the quality of industrial relations, we use the results of surveys in which senior business executives characterized the industrial relations of their countries. Controlling for the impact of major labour market institutions, the business cycle, the level of economic development, unobserved country effects, as well as endogeneity, we find that cooperative industrial relations are likely to lower unemployment and to increase employment. The effects appear to be large, particularly among young people.  相似文献   

Elisabetta Marzano 《LABOUR》2006,20(2):237-254
Abstract. The motivation of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of the British labour force, using data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS). The goal is to examine whether there are statistically significant differences between the unemployed and non‐participants, as well as inside each of the two groups, considering their transitions in the job market. Using logistic regression for a pooled cross‐section time‐series sample of employed as well as non‐employed persons, three different Out of Work subgroups are identified: Seeking Out of Work, Attached Out of Work, and Voluntary Out of Work. The first group can be broadly assimilated to the official definition of unemployment, International Labour Organization unemployment, whereas all the others are usually classified as economically inactive. Nonetheless, the last two groups are characterized by significantly different transition rates, showing a behaviourally distinct attitude in their labour market dynamics. This result points out that the aggregate non‐employment has several dimensions, which are not caught by the distinction between unemployment and economic inactivity, and should be accounted for by policy makers and researchers.  相似文献   

This paper analyses regional labour market adjustment in the Finnish provinces during 1971–96. It investigates the interrelations of employment, unemployment and labour force participation to examine how a change in labour demand is adjusted to. The study questions the usual assumption that positive and negative shocks evoke similar adjustment processes. Instead, we test for the possibility that the effects of positive and negative shocks are asymmetric. The analysis reveals that there is little asymmetry in the adjustment to region‐specific labour demand shocks, but adjustment to total (region‐specific plus common component) shocks displays more asymmetry. The region‐specific component of a labour demand shock has short‐lived effects on unemployment and participation, and its effect on employment is very small but permanent [persistent?]. Initially, most of the fall in employment is absorbed by the unemployment and participation rate, but after a few years migration plays a larger role in the adjustment process.  相似文献   

The subject of the changing pattern and levels of unemployment in the United Kingdom is a matter which has been receiving much attention. This paper examines some of the underlying trends and the related factors which have been creating those trends. The author does not only concentrate on the economic factors but also on the educational and social factors which have led to changes in the supply of and demand for labour. Indeed, some of the more interesting aspects of the relationship between the public and the private sector and the relative patterns of demand and supply of labour, and the causes of that supply are also examined. The author places the study in an international context and, albeit rather gloomily, does show us that this is not a problem unique to the U.K. Finally, the paper examines some of the possible remedies to the situation and outlines the need for examining rather more clearly the balance between capital and labour and, perhaps more fundamentally, the growing problem of the concentration of British industry. This paper does not aim to answer all the questions created by a relative economic decline and the growing problems of unemployment, particularly amongst the under-25 age group, but it does set out the problem and some possible solutions.  相似文献   

In most West European economies the annual number of grievance procedures settling individual complaints against unfair dismissals has been increasing since the 1960s. This development has very often been attributed to the enactment of legal regulations restricting the dismissal behaviour of firms. Econometric analyses using data from Germany and Great Britain show that labour market developments, namely the flow into unemployment and the vacancy rate, have a much stronger influence on the cyclical demand for grievance procedures than changes in the “legal infrastructure” of the labour market. Without denying the importance of institutional differences it appears that the individual costs of unemployment (which, ceteris paribus, rise as the flow into unemployment increases and the vacancy rate decreases) are superior predictors of the demand for grievance procedures than institutional changes strengthening or weakening employees' rights.  相似文献   

Abstract. Empirical studies of interregional mobility routinely use regional unemployment differentials to characterize economic incentives to move between regions. In this paper, we present a new regional labour market indicator computed from survey data in which respondents are asked to evaluate local employment opportunities in their resident municipality and surroundings. The subjective measures of satisfaction with local employment opportunities have positive and significant impact on interregional migration flows, also when controlling for traditional measures of regional labour market conditions, including the regional unemployment rate. Contrary to most European studies, we find that regional labour market conditions have a strong effect on interregional migration flows.  相似文献   

European economies display large variations in unemployment rates across regions as well as between education groups. Insufficient labour mobility is widely believed to contribute to higher regional disparities and overall unemployment, but few studies have compared mobility responses of different education groups to regional shocks. This paper employs administrative registers covering the entire Norwegian population to compute annual time series from 1994 to 2004 of migration flows and regional labour market conditions by education level for 90 travel‐to‐work areas. We find that regional disparities in unemployment rates are decreasing in education level, whereas the response of migration flows to regional unemployment shocks is increasing in education level. The results suggest that low regional mobility of low‐educated workers may contribute to higher regional disparities and higher overall unemployment among the low educated.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess whether regional disparities in the euro area stimulate labour mobility, using migration behaviour in US states as a benchmark. Large regional disparities within European countries and size differences between them and US states led us to select regions as the appropriate unit of analysis for Europe. While the level of net immigration flows with respect to population is similar in the USA and the euro area, our study shows that its sensitivity to regional disparities differs considerably. Indeed, migration is much more significantly influenced by income disparities in the USA than it is in the Euro-11, both in the short and the long term. Furthermore, the responsiveness of net migration inflows to shocks to the relative unemployment rate is negative in the regions of the USA, but nil in those of the Euro-11. Finally, risk factors (identified in the theoretical model as the variance of income) are significant determinants of migration decisions in Europe but not in the USA.  相似文献   

The increase in unemployment rates in the G7 countries is broken down into both labour supply and labour demand components. In no case is there a dominant source. Real GDP generally ranks first but does not account for more than a third of the overall changes. This finding shows that unemployment cannot be equated to negative employment since the labour force is generally increasing and volatile, mostly because of rising participation rates. Another reason why unemployment is not a reliable indicator of macroeconomic performance is that labour hoarding reduces employment response to output changes; this is especially true for Japan and Europe.  相似文献   

Paolo Buonanno 《LABOUR》2006,20(4):601-624
Abstract. This paper investigates the relationship between labour market conditions and crime in Italy accounting for both age and gender in the unemployment measure and considering regional disparities between the North‐Centre and the South of Italy. Using regional data over the period 1993–2002, we study the impact of wages and unemployment on different types of crime. To mitigate omitted variables bias, we control extensively for demographic and socio‐economic variables. Empirical results suggest that unemployment has a large and positive effect on crime rates in southern regions. Our results are robust to model specification, endogeneity, changes in the classification of crimes, and finally, to alternative definitions of unemployment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Monthly panel (1998–2003) data from regional labour offices in Latvia are used to analyse the matching process in a high unemployment–low labour demand environment and to evaluate the impact of active labour market policy programmes on outflows from unemployment. Results suggest that the hiring process is driven by a stock–flow rather than by a traditional matching function: the stock of unemployed at the beginning of the month and flow of vacancies arriving during the month are the key determinants of outflows from unemployment to employment, whereas stock of vacancies and inflow of unemployed do not play any significant role. We find positive and significant effect of training programmes on outflows from unemployment to employment, thus providing strong evidence against cuts in training expenditures.  相似文献   

Terence Moll 《LABOUR》1992,6(3):45-70
Abstract. Since the later 1970s, earnings inequality in the United Kingdom has been rising steadily. It is argued that this rise reflects increasing returns to skills, as proxied by factors like education and occupation, while the strengthening labour market position of relatively skilled workers was also reflected in improving relative unemployment and labour force participation rates. These trends are best explained by a rise in the relative demand for skilled labour, implying that the most efficient way of restraining earnings inequality growth is through vigorous educational policies.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we apply a stochastic frontier approach to examine how matching inefficiencies and regional disparities in structural factors contribute to regional and aggregate unemployment. Our results suggest that there would be a substantial decline in aggregate unemployment if (i) all local labour offices operated with full efficiency or (ii) they shared the same structure of job seekers and vacant jobs as the most favourable office. In the former case an increase in hirings would lower the average unemployment rate by 2.4 percentage points. In the latter case the decrease would be 1.4 percentage points. Further, we find that fixed effects are positively correlated with both a more favourable structure and higher efficiency. This suggests that the fixed effects may capture some part of time‐invariant features in the structure and inefficiency. Thus, the role of structural factors and inefficiency in regional unemployment disparities may be higher than estimated.  相似文献   

It appears that it is no longer possible for the rate of inflation in Britain and other advanced industrial economies to be controlled by the traditional macro- economic reglators, at least within the limits imposed by other politico-economic goals (such as the maintenance of an acceptable level of unemployment). This has led many to look for explanations of inflation beyond economic analysis: in the psychology of wage and salary earners; in the changing class structure of our society; in the changing loci of power and means of exercising power; and in our systems of labour relations and pay determination.The author's organization (PEP—Political and Economic Planning) have just come to the end of a programme of research concerned with the contribution that non- economic perspectives can make to an understanding of the process of inflation. The author has been focusing upon the pressure on pay and has carried out two studies designed to explore the forces contributing to the apparent increase in the demand for pay increases and the conviction that these are legitimate among wage and salary earners. This article describes his findings.  相似文献   

Maja Micevska 《LABOUR》2008,22(2):345-368
Abstract. This paper examines the labour market in Macedonia, a country with the highest unemployment rate in Europe. I describe labour market institutions and policies during the transition. I also examine job creation and job destruction using firm‐level data and I estimate short‐term and long‐term elasticities of the labour demand. The analysis shows that there are regulatory barriers to the labour market flexibility. I can also conclude that the privatization of socially owned enterprises has failed to promote job creation. Nevertheless, labour market problems seem to stem from factors other than substantial sluggishness of firms in adjusting employment to variations in wages.  相似文献   

Marcello Signorelli 《LABOUR》1997,11(1):141-175
In this paper we analyse the effects of changes in the degree of uncertainty of the economic system and in the “flexibility gap”, deriving from the combined evolution of the degrees of uncertainty and flexibility of the economic system (in particular, labour market flexibility), on regular and irregular labour demand. On the basis of a simple qualitative model, we give a partial interpretation of some stylized facts of the Italian economy during the last decades. We argue that the low uncertainty and flexibility gap in the 1950s and 1960s, their remarkable increases in the 1970s, their inadequate reduction in the 1980s and the new increase of uncertainty and flexibility gap in the first half of the 1990s, have had a considerable influence on the quantity and quality of the “investment in employment” of Italian economy. The higher degree of uncertainty and the inadequate degree of flexibility of the Italian economic system are likely to have contributed towards the lower regular employment rate, compared to the main industrialized countries, and to high irregular employment. An adequate economic policy for reducing the uncertainty of the economic system together with a structural economic policy for increasing the flexibility of the economic system (in particular, an active labour policy for increasing the flexibility of the labour market), would be likely to produce positive effects on the quantity and quality of labour demand, contributing towards reducing unemployment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the eighties Italy has evolved into being a receiver of immigration. However, the existence of large Italian communities abroad, and the persistence of exit migratory flows (although amply compensated by re-entry flows) show that the connotation of Italy as a country of emigration still persists. This paper points out the differing composition of present immigration flows to Italy compared to those of Italian migratory flows towards the more industrially advanced European countries over the past decades. The labour forces that constitute these present day immigration flows often possess medium to high educational qualifications, and are more frequently absorbed into the tertiary and agricultural markets, rather than the industrial sector. These immigrants rarely have regular, unionized occupations, and satisfy a demand for precarious, unstable labour which is in expansion in Italy, as in other countries. Furthermore, these immigration flows are directed not only towards those regions with high employment rates, but also to those with high unemployment rates. Thus, the implications are that the character of present day emigration can only be clearly understood by taking into account the highly segmented aspect of the labour market.  相似文献   

The persistent failure in the labour market is due to uncertainty and asymmetric information, and relies on a reconsideration of the bargaining process. This process is not generated by individual action but rather by the behaviour of social groups and institutions in which State intervention can immprove the efficiency in matching demand and supply. In this framework we will discuss the ways by which institutional decentralization can be implemented in a labour market characterized by deep regional differences and by long-term unemployment persistence as in Italy. The main conclusion is that this policy option better fits the active labour policies. In fact the actual aim of such supply-side policies is to reduce the regional and skill mismatches and therefore it needs a substantial involvement of local public agencies.  相似文献   

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