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This article explores the intersection between gender and technology in a Women's and Gender Studies course. It explores the pedagogical methodologies of the course, as well as the ways in which students engage in the process of learning how society genders technology and then uses these gender roles to create a technological hierarchy. where she holds a joint appointment in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and the History Department. She teaches courses in women’s history, gay and lesbian history, feminist theories, sexual politics, gender and popular culture, and gender and technology. Her current research interests include study of the uses of image, the body, and the media in the first and second waves of the feminist movements. Her essays have appeared in NWSA Journal and Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward the role of women in the military require the reconciliation of two often conflicting beliefs: those toward the roles and rights of women and those toward the military. This article explores the relationships between positive attitudes toward women’s roles throughout society, or feminism, and positive attitudes toward defense spending, or militarism, both with each other and with attitudes toward gender integration in the military. Results of this analysis show there to be a negative relationship between feminism and militarism, a positive relationship between feminism and gender integration, and a negative relationship between militarism and gender integration. The results of multiple regression analysis show that feminism is the strongest predictor of attitudes toward gender integration, while militarism is weak in its predictive ability. The author argues that the issue of women in the military is more one of women’s equality than of national defense and that policy discussions should be structured accordingly. She is currently conducting research which examines how women in the United States military employ strategies to manage gender and sexuality. This research provides evidence for the claim that gender is not simply a role or an attribute, but that gender is created and recreated through our interactions with others.  相似文献   

Since the early 1800s when the work place and the home first experienced a clear-cut separation, causing women and men to be perceived as workers and nonworkers, no other period in American history has altered women’s and families’ role so radically as the recent three decades. There is a structural and spiritual difference between the family of the 1950s and that of the 1980s and 1990s. The American family today ranges from the conventional Ozzie and Harriet type to the single parent, working couple, lesbian or gay, blended, unconnected, teen parent or grandparent-led, and homeless family. The attendant challenges for caregivers and providers, particularly women, vary immensely, as was clearly indicated by a group of testifiers at a public forum convened by a women’s body in San Mateo County, California. Drawing from those testimonies, this article examines the various configurations of the American family and assesses the public policy implications of the impact on women of the changing American family. The principal inference is that as the changing family trend gathers further momentum in the 1990s, it will be imperative for policy makers and the American socioeconomy to respond creatively and constructively to the new American family and to women’s changing role in the family and economy.  相似文献   

In this paper, I outline the history of Pakistan’s experience with “Islamic” laws and their impact on women. I also trace the links between the state, nationalism, religion, and women’s organizations, and demonstrate how they have shaped women's lives in Pakistan. I focus mainly on General Zia ul-Haq’s influence in fostering and reinforcing certain detrimental ideologies and policies regarding women. I argue that a close examination of the state, nationalism, the search for cultural authenticity in post-colonial nations, and the struggles and dilemmas of women's activism in Muslim cultures are all central to advancing the discussion of women in islam. With chains of matrimony and modesty You can shackle my feet The fear will still haunt you That crippled, unable to walk I shall continue to think. (Kishwar Naheed, a contemporary poet, quoted in Mumtaz and Shaheed 1987: 77) Her current research interests include gender and development in third-world countries and transnational feminist movements. Her dissertation examines the role of women's non-governmental organizations in Pakistan.  相似文献   

This essay explores how the assumption that hierarchical position should be linked to a position-holder’s age acted as a barrier to women advancing into management positions. The close and unquestioned association between an individual’s age and what was considered an appropriate place on a bureaucratic hierarchy is one of the less often acknowledged barriers to women’s upward mobility. The study focuses on Britain in the years following the Second World War, because the increased participation of women in the workforce during the war had engendered optimism about women’s opportunities for long-term gains and advancement. Many women came out of the Second World War with a high degree of organizational capital that should have seen them advance into managerial positions. But as this study shows, through evidence gathered from archival as well as published historical documents, in the reality of the postwar world being the wrong age for the job constituted a significant barrier to women’s advancement. She holds an MA, MPhil, and PhD in Modern European History from Columbia University. Her current research focuses on changes in office work in the second half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Feminist thought and the women’s movement have had a major influence over most of the disciplines and many institutions of higher education. Women's Studies has matured as a field of study, and programs and departments may be found throughout the United States and around the world that combined high academic standards and critical feminist perspectives. Nonetheless, Women's Studies programs continue to be widely criticized and many are under-resourced. This article describes the successful efforts of one Women's Studies program to develop a rigorous multi-disciplinary curriculum, collaborate with departments and colleges across the university, and build ties with community organization through strategies of expansion, gender mainstreaming, and internationalization. Valentine M. Moghadam is Director of the Women's Studies Program at Illinois State University, and Associate Professor of Sociology. She teaches “Women, Gender, and Society” and “Contemporary Social Movements.” She is the author of Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East (Lynne Rienner, 1993) and Women, Work and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa (Lynne Rienner, 1998). She has edited five books, including Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies (Clarendon Press/OUP, 1993) and Patriarchy and Economic Development: Women's Positions at the End of the Century (Clarendon Press/OUP, 1996). Her current research is on globalization and transnational feminist networks, and on women, citizenship and civil society in the Middle East and North Africa.  相似文献   

Studies consistently show that female labor force participation is a correlate of infant and child homicide victimization. Research and theory supports the notion that as women’s economic status improves, children are safer. Yet few existing studies make use of feminist perspectives to explain child homicide. Further, homicide studies have focused heavily on urban areas leaving a lacuna of understanding in the literature regarding rural areas. This study explores the connection between absolute and relative female economic status and infant and child homicide victimization in both rural and urban U.S. counties. Results show that absolute female economic status is positively associated with infant and child homicide in urban areas, but not in rural areas. I argue that in rural areas, stronger collective sentiment and less differentiation diminishes the effect of women’s status on child homicide. While rural areas are characterized by harsh economic realities, these realities are nevertheless shared among men and women, decentering the link between child victimization and women status.
Gwen HunnicuttEmail:

Gwen Hunnicutt   is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her research interests include exploring the connection between gender, age and victimization, studying masculinity, aggression and empathy in social context, and building theory to explain gender specific violence and nonviolence. Her most recent paper is titled, “Varieties of Patriarchy and Violence Against Women: Resurrecting ‘Patriarchy’ as a Theoretical Tool.”  相似文献   

Ma  Yuxin 《Gender Issues》2005,22(1):56-87
May Fourth women journalists appropriated the discourse of women’s emancipation advocated by New Culturalists to shape their discussions of women’s suffrage, labor movement, and legal rights. The rhetoric of emancipation enabled women writers to redefine gender norms and legitimized women’s presence in coeducational schools, modern professions, and public spaces. The interplay between the discourse and practices associated with new women enabled women activists to embrace the subject positions opened by the ideal of the “new woman” and to appropriate the rhetoric of human rights to advocate the sharing of male power and privilege, while seriously exploring how to be women in the political and social landscape of an emerging modern China. She has authored “Cross Dressing in Modern Japan” (Japan Studies Review, 2002), “Male Feminism and Women's Subjectivities: Zhang Xichen, Chen Xuezhao, and The New Woman” (Twentieth-Century China, 2003), and “Constructing Manchukuo Womanhood to Serve Japanese Imperialism” (The Journal of Georgia Association of Historian, 2005).  相似文献   

Women’s modesty norms are often perceived as governing women’s bodies and as patriarchal oppression. This study challenges these perspectives, offering a deeper, multi-dimensional picture showing that the reality of the women’s life is much more complicated. The article chose to discuss aspects of modesty among women of one of the most extreme Jewish ultra-Orthodox groups, and in particular, to investigate how they experience an extremely demanding requirement—shaving off the hair on their head upon marriage and covering their head with a black kerchief. The findings show that there are a variety of voices among the women, ranging from the view that these practices are desirable, through the view that they empower the women, to the view that they damage one’s attractiveness and are quite painful.
Sima ZalcbergEmail:

20世纪70年代中期以来,欧美历史学界研究著作中出现了一个趋势:研究初期,社会史和劳工史在女人史研究领域中占据着重要地位.伴随着女权主义和马克思主义之间对女人史起源的界定分歧,尤其是1968年社会运动之后,受第二波女权运动的社会大背景的影响,到20世纪80年代中期,女权主义学者开始从宏大结构分析的社会史转向更侧重于文化和话语分析的微观史研究,期冀用“性别”来区分将生理性(别)视为个人身份认同的物质属性的概念,认为男人和女人行为规范具有社会建构的可变性,揭示其贯穿时空流转被建构的本质.从80年代晚期到90年代中期,女权主义在理论和方法论争论中占据主导地位,英美历史学界接受后结构主义影响,从概念上挑战既有“男人”、“女人”社会范畴的稳定性,历史地研究性别关系在以往时代的演变,进一步动摇了历史学科以往的研究.通过分析、总结三个不同时段的四本代表作,揭示了女人史的发展路径:从作为社会史的女人史,到性别史,再到后结构主义性别史,以此探析女人研究领域分析的认识论基础.  相似文献   

The World Anti-Slavery Convention of 1840 is remembered most as the event that inspired Lucretia Coffin Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to organize the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention. Few scholars, however, have analyzed the debate proceedings that ultimately resulted in women’s exclusion from the convention. An analysis of the convention proceedings questions Wendell Phillips’ strategy of speaking on behalf of the women, arguing instead that William Lloyd Garrison’s strategy of silence was the more rhetorically astute response to the exclusion of women. Garrison’s silent protest not only attracted more attention to the women’s rights cause, but also inspired women to speak on their own behalf.
Lisa Shawn HoganEmail:

This article explores why women delay childbearing and increase their likelihood to remain childless in Spain, Italy, West Germany and France. We take a macro–micro perspective and show that national institutions influence women’s life transitions, in particular partnership and motherhood. For coupled women, we find two alternative modes out of childlessness. In countries with high direct and indirect child costs, like Spain and Italy, entering a male-breadwinner couple or occupying a stable and high-income position facilitates motherhood, while in the French context motherhood is most likely in a dual-earner partnership.   相似文献   

Drawing upon research on women in crime and justice, this study examines patterns of female crime and processing of female offenders in Israel over five decades. The data indicate that crime patterns of Israeli women and the criminal justice response to their transgressions show remarkable stability and are similar to those discerned in other Western countries. The article concludes that findings about women in crimed and justice in Israel are congruent with feminist insights and explanatory mechanisms offered to explain female crime. Edna Erez is Professor and Chair of the Justice Studies Department at Kent State University. She has also served as the editor of Justice Quarterly and is on the editorial board of several professional journals. Yael Hassin was a senior lecturer at the Institute of Criminology, Law Faculty of the Hebrew University. Dr. Hassin passed away in November 1996. She was the recipient of the grants from the Wexler Foundation and the Sacker Institute of the Law faculty, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which funded the data collection efforts of a previous version of this paper (Erez and Hassin, 1997). Giora Rahav has taught at Tel Aviv University, Florida State University, and the University of Michigan. His major area is criminology and the sociology of deviance.  相似文献   

Whether immigrant women’s introduction to paid labor empowers them with greater autonomy or exacerbates their oppression has been debated variously in the scholarship on gender and migration. In this paper, the author examines Korean immigrant women’s perspectives on work outside the home after migration. Based on in-depth interview data, the paper emphasizes Korean women’s own interpretations of work and motherhood, and highlights the ways in which they define and redefine work in relation to other aspects of their post-migration experiences. The analysis finds that income producing work is not empowering in and of itself, but contingent upon other post-migration challenges such as economic downward mobility and women’s changed roles as working mothers. Furthermore, women’s perception of work fluctuates over time. The findings suggest that paid work should not be simply interpreted as an empowering change, but the linkage between work and other aspects of immigrant women’s post-migration realities needs to be more closely examined.
Keumjae ParkEmail:

This article examines the status of girls globally and demonstrates that acculturation and development processes favor boys and marginalize girls. Even more than women, girls experience the consequences of gender-based discrimination and such discrimination occurs irrespective of societal and personal socioeconomic levels. Recognizing that gender when combined with age provides the more formidable nexus for disability, the article seeks recognition among development’s strategists and scholars that the key to women’s development lies in the extent to which girls are protected, nurtured and empowered. Drawing on cross-cultural and comparative data to establish the greater vulnerability of girls in various development sectors such as health and survival, nutrition, education, employment, and acculturation, the article concludes with specific pointers to development planners, governments and other policy framers to successfully mainstream girls in development strategies as a way of ensuring a more gender-equitablechild andadult world.  相似文献   

本文运用马克思主义女权主义思想分析其长篇小说《盲刺客》中几代女性的生活,展示女性作为历史主体在家庭、社会生活中丧失主体价值,遭受男权制度及资本主义制度双重压迫的现实;披露女性在政治、经济、文化霸权中与社会强权话语"共谋",加深对女性自身迫害的历史;探讨女性受压迫地位的历史、政治和经济原因;批判父权制、资本主义社会制度及其意识形态对女性的迫害。  相似文献   

Using data from in-depth interviews with 115 women, men and couples in eastern Australia for whom family formation was a recent, current or imminent future issue, this article explores contemporary childlessness among those physically able to have children. It differentiates between those childless by choice and by circumstance, and among other themes highlights (i) the role preservation of lifestyle appears to play as a motive for deliberate childlessness following development of a life course through early adulthood that both generates lifestyle aspirations and often places parenthood on the backburner until after age 30, and (ii) the roles difficulty forming suitable relationships, women’s desire for meaningful careers, and male involvement in family formation decisions play in bringing about childlessness by circumstance.  相似文献   

The current study attempts a simultaneous testing of economic models, the gender display perspective, and gender-deviance neutralization hypothesis that attempt to explain present housework arrangements between men and women. The study uses fixed effects models that can produce more robust coefficients than the standard regression models generally used in cross-sectional designs. The findings in the study reveal the inadequacy of economic models and the gender display theory to account for men’s housework behavior. The study introduces the marital contract hypothesis as an alternative theoretical framework for explaining men’s housework behavior. According to the study, what is crucial for achieving housework parity is changes in women’s gender related attitudes and their economic and labor market standing and orientation to paid work. The study suggests that attempting to change men’s gender beliefs can do little to achieve the goal of housework parity.  相似文献   

该文从个人研究经历梳理中国妇女史研究近30年的理论历程——从本土研究中"发现"妇女的历史,到与女性主义史学相逢后引入父权制、社会性别与差异诸范畴进行本土探索,再进入建基于国际视野和本土实践的妇女社会性别史学科化建设,并致力于妇女史研究与本国实践结合,服务实践并发展本土理论。该文还重点阐述作者在研究中如何整合本土与外来理论,创建研究中国妇女/性别史的新框架;并介绍其策略:一是融合多家,探索源头,揭示华夏族社会性别制度起源与父权制的构成;二是将华夏族父权制历史化与复杂化,从"因/变""经/权"中阐释妇女/性别史。  相似文献   

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