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In “Nutrition, Food Security, and Obesity,” Harold S. Beebout, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., and chief information officer at the Child and Family Services Agency, District of Columbia, reviews what is known about nutrition, food security, and obesity. He relies on the following data sources: the Continuing Survey of Food Intake for Individuals (CSFII), the CPS, the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), and state administrative data reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Beebout first examines the forces behind the dramatic decline in food stamp rolls, which dropped by 9.1 million (35 percent) between August 1995 and July 2000. He describes how the welfare reform law (PRWORA) restricted eligibility, particularly for able-bodied adults who have no children and who work less than twenty hours per week. He adds that many legal immigrants were disqualified under the legislation as well. But, he notes, these changes explain only about 20 percent of the food stamp decline. Most of the decline occurred among households with children, many of which still appear to be eligible for benefits.  相似文献   

In “Cohabitation and Child Well-Being,” Wendy D. Manning, an associate professor in Bowling Green State University's Department of Sociology, summarizes what is known about cohabitation and its effects on children. She describes how some people view “cohabiting-couple” households (that is, unmarried couples cohabiting with a biological child of at least one of the adults) as a two-parent family form and that one of the major goals of the 1996 welfare reform law was to encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. The main sources of data she uses are the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Decennial Census, the Survey of Income and Program Participation, the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), and the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG).  相似文献   

In “Fatherhood, Cohabitation, and Marriage,” Wade F. Horn, Assistant Secretary for Children and Families at the Department of Health and Human Services, summarizes the importance of fathers to child well-being. He explains that “fatherlessness is a significant risk factor for poor developmental outcomes for children.” This connection has led some observers to view cohabitation as a substitute or at least an alternative to marriage. Horn argues, however, that marriage is the best option for children and that cohabitation is a weak family structure compared with marriage. Children in households with married parents do better on almost every measure of child well-being, even after controlling for income.  相似文献   

犯罪可能是多个人相互合作的结果.不论从实施行为还是从形成犯罪心理的角度看,犯罪都会因为多个行为人适当的力量联合与分工而变得更为容易.然而如何确定共同犯罪人的种类及其处罚一直是各国刑法理论中的"模糊地带",但这同时又为共同犯罪人理论的探讨留下了较大的空间.  相似文献   

In “Child Maltreatment and Foster Care,” Richard J. Gelles, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work, reports what is known about the incidence of child maltreatment and foster care placement rates since welfare reform. He relies on four major sources of data: Current Trends in Child Abuse Reporting and Fatalities: Results of the 1998 Annual Fifty State Survey, the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), the National Incidence Survey of Reported and Recognized Child Maltreatment (NIS), and the Voluntary Cooperative Information System (VCIS).  相似文献   

文章分析了美国女性艺术家辛迪.舍曼的艺术思想产生的文化背景及她与女性主义若即若离的关系,着重探讨了她如何通过自己的作品揭示媒体文化中女性形象背后的真相,即男性权力的运作是如何将女性边缘化的事实。联系当代艺术的特征,文章还解读了舍曼在艺术界的巨大影响力和她的偶像地位的成因。  相似文献   

The Qing inquest was one function of the bureaucracy which administered justice throughout the empire. Concern over integrity of this component of judicial process fuelled development of standardized techniques to ensure quality of forensic determinations. A key method for determining cause of death was use of knowledge of parts of the body for which trauma could be fatal—the so-called “vital spots.” This way of conceptualizing wounds formed part of a basic rubric which officials used to determine the mortal wound and assign legal responsibility in homicide cases. This article uses a nineteenth-century homicide case drawn from Yilibu’s “Elementary Models for Studying Cases” (1838) to examine the observational and analytical procedures used in inquests to transform effects of violence on a body into evidence for adjudication. Not only did these techniques reinforce relationships of power within the bureaucracy but they also reflect the extent to which Qing forensic knowledge was conceptually, institutionally, and procedurally inseparable from judicial process and codified law.  相似文献   

激情是一种强烈的情感表现形式,是强烈的、暴风雨般的、激动而短促的情绪状态。激情犯罪就是在强烈而短暂的激情推动下实施的暴发性、冲动性的犯罪行为。激情犯罪行为与犯罪人的人格缺陷相符,是其行为人人格缺陷的外化,这是激情犯罪人承担刑事责任的基础。在激情状态下,行为人是存在相对意志自由的,这是激情犯罪人承担刑事责任的根据。从刑事责任的结构方面分析,激情犯罪人具有相应的刑事责任能力,应当承担过失的责任。  相似文献   

以完善刑事法制,充分发挥刑法保障人权的功能为研究目的,应用比较的方法,通过纵向和横向的立法比较,发现中国刑法中关于杀人罪的立法无论罪名、罪状、犯罪情节还是法定刑的设置都过于简单粗糙,与杀人罪在刑法中的重要位置极不相符。建议借鉴中国古代及当代世界各主要国家刑法典的经验,通过立法方式或者司法解释的方式建立杀人罪的罪名系列,或者根据犯罪情节设置三种不同的犯罪构成,细化杀人罪的构成要件、犯罪情节、法定刑和量刑情节,完善杀人罪的立法,将罪刑法定原则真正落到实处。  相似文献   

试论商业贿赂罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国相当长一段时期无商业贿赂罪名的规定,但是在刑法规定的受贿罪、行贿罪中包括了商业贿赂罪。全国人大常委会颁布的《关于惩治违反公司法的犯罪的决定》中第一次明确规定了商业受贿罪。然而我国刑事法律对商业贿赂罪的规定还存在着不足之处,在以后的刑事立法中,应增加能明确区分受贿罪、行贿罪的商业受贿罪、商业行贿罪的概念、构成要件及法定刑的规定,以完善我国的商业贿赂罪的立法。  相似文献   

Drug use     
In “Drug Use,” Peter Reuter, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Affairs and Department of Criminology, examines substance abuse and addiction among welfare and low-income mothers. He describes the changing patterns of drug use in the general population. Reuter explains that drug use increased rapidly in the late 1970s, declined in the 1980s, and remained relatively flat in the 1990s. The patterns, however, are driven largely by changes in marijuana use. The pattern of frequent use of more dangerous drugs, such as cocaine, is somewhat different. The heavy use of cocaine—especially crack cocaine—peaked during the late 1980s. By the early 1990s, the number of new addicts had fallen dramatically, although not many heavy users discontinued their use. As a result, the stock of frequent users held constant through much of the 1990s and only recently began to decline as more users discontinued their use or died. His main data sources are the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program, the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), Monitoring the Future (MTF), and the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse (NHSDA).  相似文献   

This study provides an analysis of the content of feminine and masculine characteristics/behaviors described in writing by 366 young women and 289 young men from the U.S. Emergent characteristics/behaviors were placed into domains. For both femininity and masculinity, the domains of “physical differences related to sex” and “emphasized physical differences” emerged. For masculinity, additional domains were: “activities and interests focused on the body,” “powerful or oriented toward power,” and “emotion-control or emotionally-limited.” For femininity, additional domains were “lacking power,” “orientation to other people,” and “emotional.” We then compared the characteristics/behaviors and domains we discovered to gender inventories that are commonly used in the contemporary period. The masculine domains focused on physical differences, activities, and interests that emerged from the present study are mostly absent from these masculinity inventories. The domains focused on power and restricted emotion are evident in these inventories, but these inventories do not cover all of the characteristics within our domains. The feminine domains that emerged from the present study are more often covered in these inventories, but some of the specific feminine characteristics we found are not evident in these inventories. Results are discussed in terms of gender role theory, gender inequality, and potential application for qualitative and quantitative inquiries into the construction of gender.  相似文献   

Studies consistently show that female labor force participation is a correlate of infant and child homicide victimization. Research and theory supports the notion that as women’s economic status improves, children are safer. Yet few existing studies make use of feminist perspectives to explain child homicide. Further, homicide studies have focused heavily on urban areas leaving a lacuna of understanding in the literature regarding rural areas. This study explores the connection between absolute and relative female economic status and infant and child homicide victimization in both rural and urban U.S. counties. Results show that absolute female economic status is positively associated with infant and child homicide in urban areas, but not in rural areas. I argue that in rural areas, stronger collective sentiment and less differentiation diminishes the effect of women’s status on child homicide. While rural areas are characterized by harsh economic realities, these realities are nevertheless shared among men and women, decentering the link between child victimization and women status.
Gwen HunnicuttEmail:

Gwen Hunnicutt   is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her research interests include exploring the connection between gender, age and victimization, studying masculinity, aggression and empathy in social context, and building theory to explain gender specific violence and nonviolence. Her most recent paper is titled, “Varieties of Patriarchy and Violence Against Women: Resurrecting ‘Patriarchy’ as a Theoretical Tool.”  相似文献   

随着互联网的广泛应用,网络自杀现象日益突出,其频繁发生也引起社会各界对与之相关的网络杀人行为的关注。为探析对网络杀人进行刑事规制的理论基础,本文在对其犯罪性质进行分析的基础上,结合我国现有法律规定并参考国外经验,论述了对网络杀人的刑事规制的合理性及可行性,并提出充分利用现有法律资源对其进行规制的建议。  相似文献   

三大犯罪构成体系虽然在构成要件与思维进路上迥然各异,但是在犯罪认定的实质内涵上却几无差别.三大犯罪构成体系均囊括全部犯罪成立必须具备的基本条件,涵摄证明犯罪人主观心态的诸种客观方面,明晰主观方面是犯罪认定的核心,洞彻客观方面佐证主观方面的功能,旨在为犯罪认定提供统一的抽象模型.同时,犯罪构成体系的生成又与一国的传统文化、社会情势、刑事诉讼法和刑事实体法的交互作用休戚相关,紧密相连,意在关照个性基础上的公允认定.犯罪构成体系是指导犯罪认定的思维方法,理解相关法律规范的过程,并无孰优孰劣之分,而仅有适正演绎之别,需要在把握犯罪构成体系的共性特点及甄别个性差异的基础上,予以刑事一体化的方法考量.具体而言,犯罪构成体系的选择和适用应恪守犯罪主观方面认定的中核地位,秉持犯罪构成体系与公众逻辑思维过程的趋同性,凸显控方举证责任的增加,着力犯罪构成有机体的构建.  相似文献   

自德日刑法犯罪构成要件理论引进我国以来,我国传统的“平面式”的构成要件理论就开始遭到各方刑法学者的批判,更有甚者认为应该直接引进德日刑法的犯罪构成要件理论取而代之。但是德日刑法中的“构成要件”与我国刑法中的犯罪构成要件都不能脱离刑法分则条文,只有这样才能完成犯罪类型化的任务,并进一步指导司法实践。所以德日刑法中的“构成要件”与我国刑法中的犯罪构成要件必然在本质上是相同的,在内涵上也不会有太大的区别,因此也没有必要采取“拿来主义”,直接引进德日的犯罪构成理论来取代我国现有的犯罪构成体系。  相似文献   

杀人犯罪被害人是指因杀人犯罪行为而遭受直接侵害的自然人。杀人犯罪被害人参与刑事司法,具有重要意义和价值,其途径主要有量刑参与和刑事和解。此外,在被害人具有过错的情况下,其也以独特的方式参与到刑事司法程序之中。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中被害人应界定为刑事诉讼被害人。他具有四个特征:一是以刑事被害为前提,二是享有刑事诉讼权利为基础,三是以制裁犯罪人、实现自己合法权利为目的,四是具有当事人的诉讼地位。前三者是刑事诉讼被害人的实质特征,后者是刑事诉讼被害人的形式特征。  相似文献   

前科制度作为一项基本的刑罚制度,在预防犯罪、社会防卫等方面具有重要意义,但在实践中对有前科者会造成一定的消极影响。因此,我国很多学者提出应借鉴其他国家的经验,建立前科消灭制度。从我国当前社会发展的程度、前科消灭制度的缺陷等方面来看,目前我国还不适宜建立前科消灭制度。从完善相关法律政策的角度出发来克服前科制度产生的不利后果,对于当前的中国更加切实可行。  相似文献   

犯罪构成体系在结构表现上“仪态万千”,在达致犯罪认定的结果上“殊途同归”,其体系内涵均强调犯罪认定主观方面的总领地位,凸显客观方面对主观方面的印证作用,侧重犯罪人格的预防功能,体现思维的渐进性,囊括举证责任的合理分配。世界三大犯罪构成体系的中核将主观认定贯穿始终,并恪守客观方面印证主观方面之原则,正确厘清刑事诉讼法和刑事实体法在犯罪认定中的各自作用,具有贴近民意,契合实情之功效,予以合理把握均能在犯罪认定中发挥积极作用。犯罪构成体系仅是犯罪认定的方法和工具,无优劣之分,有适正把握之别。  相似文献   

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