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Studies on bias correction have often used blatant inductions to motivate people to reduce the mental impact of perceived biases. In the current research, we test a relatively unexplored, subtle way of inducing bias correction based on the activation of different calculative mindsets. Across two studies, participants were exposed to an advertisement introducing a new consumer product delivered by a credible or non-credible source. Then, as part of an ostensibly unrelated study, participants completed mathematical operations that involved subtracting or adding. Study 1 revealed that when participants were primed with an addition calculative mindset, an expert source elicited more favourable attitudes towards the product than a non-expert source. This pattern illustrates the traditional effect of source credibility on persuasion. In contrast, within the subtraction calculative mindset condition, persuasion was no different between an expert and a non-expert source. These results were obtained exclusively under high thinking conditions (e.g., for participants high in Need for Cognition). This finding can be interpreted as if the effect of source credibility was subtracted from the evaluative judgement. Study 2 replicated this two-way interaction using different materials and inductions. The present research has implications for bias correction, procedural priming, persuasion and beyond.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the spatial dimensions of office layouts in diverse knowledge-intensive workplace environments based on the theoretical and methodological propositions of Space Syntax, and brings this together with the analysis of intra-organizational interaction networks. Physical distances between agents are modeled in different ways and used as explanatory variables in exponential random graph modeling. The paper shows that spatial configuration in offices can be considered an important but not sole rationale for tie formation. Furthermore, it is shown that spatial distance measures based on detailed configurational analysis outperform simple Euclidean distance metrics in predicting social ties.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of status inconsisitency, while having rich potential as an explanatory variable, has been beset with methodological problems and conflicting findings. Nelson has argued that the use of objective and subjective components of status inconsistency will allow for a more accurate test of its usefulness (1973). The present study, using a sample of 1971 male college graduates interviewed in 1974, analyzed the attitudinal and behavioral consequences of one type of status inconsistency (under-rewarded) incorporating objective and subjective techniques. The tentative conclusions were: (1) the use of subjective measures of inconsistency validates this phenomenon as an explanatory variable; (2) the use of subjective measures minimizes the methodological criticisms of the objective approach; and (3) both objective and subjective measures of status inconsistency should be incorporated in future research.  相似文献   


Social movement scholars often want their research to make a difference beyond the academy. Readers will either read reports directly or they will read reviews that aggregate findings across a number of reports. In either case, readers must find reports to be credible before they will take their findings seriously. While it is not possible to predict the indicators of credibility used by individual, direct readers, formal systems of review do explicate indicators that determine whether a report will be recognized as credible for review. One such indicator, also relevant to pre-publication peer review, is methodological transparency: the extent to which readers are able to detect how research was done and why that made sense. This paper tests published primary research articles on and for social movements in Latin America for compliance with a generous interpretation of methodological transparency. We find that, for the most part, articles are not methodologically transparent. If transparency matters to social movement scholars, the research community may wish to formalize discussions of what aspects of research should be reported and how those reports should be structured.  相似文献   

Past research indicates that one's beliefs about the control of rewards and aversive events critically affect the quality of one's life. The concept of locus of control (LC) has been a focal point for this prior work. Few studies have examined the explanatory power of the LC concept in sexual (excluding reproductive) contexts. Problematic for past work has been the use of LC measures not developed specifically for sex research. The present study discusses methodological and conceptual issues involved in assessing LC, reports on the development of an LC measure relevant to the sexual dyad (the DSR), and compares the DSR to a general LC measure not developed expressly for sex research (the NSLC). The DSR was found to (a) have satisfactory reliability and validity, (b) correlate with sexual dyadic variables (e.g., frequency of orgasm, dyadic sexual satisfaction) but not monadic variables (e.g., masturbation frequency, masturbation attitudes), and (c) have significantly larger correlations with dyadic sexual variables than has the NSLC. Accordingly, when LC is assessed in a sexual context, LC scale items should incorporate relevant features of the sexual situation. Lastly, expected sex differences in perceptions of control were not found. Possible reasons for this result are discussed.  相似文献   


There is a trend in current quantitative sociology that argues for the integration of quantitative sociological research and rational action theories (RATs). The main proponents argue that the two are not only desirable for each other but are in fact necessary to give them credibility. In this paper the author argues that quantitative sociology does not need RAT in order to be an essential and credible part of sociological analysis. Drawing on the work of Bourdieu, she argues that quantitative sociology should not link itself to the atomistic theories of rational action but rather should look towards a position within sociology based on its own strengths. In addition, it is argued that the current vogue to link RAT and quantitative research owes more to the character of RATs than to their explanatory power. Thus, the responsibility for a way forward for sociological research of all kinds lies not only with those actively engaged in research but also with those who claim to be generating sociological theory.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》1998,24(3):265-272
The aim of this special issue of Public Relations Review is to raise questions for further discussion and research about how technology is changing the industry of public information dissemination and persuasion, and how the public changes its mind about events, social issues, high profile images, and information itself. Unprecedented access to information through consumer and citizen Net-works has created the “transparency” in corporate life that has overturned conventional ideas about ownership in organizations, reshaping popular images of Big Business carved by partisan politics. Corporate Social Responsibility, also called “stakeholder capitalism”, suggests that prosperous business owes something back to the community from which it draws its profits.The widespread use of pseudo-polls by policy advocates in public relations campaigns and the media ownership of polls have undermined public confidence in the credibility of the phrase “what the public thinks”. While technology diminishes the ability of corporations, politicians, and governments, to control or define a public image, the individual enjoys unprecedented access to information and a newfound advantage in the sphere of public influence. The currents and undercurrents of the life cycle of public information, disbelief, persuasion and doubt pose profound questions for public relations inquiry, on an ethical as well as technical level.  相似文献   

Prior research on video news releases (VNRs) has focused on news organizations and sponsoring firms, largely ignoring the news viewer. This study tested viewers' responses to VNRs in an experiment. Results showed viewers assign significantly more credibility to VNR-based messages than to similar advertisements. Further, the level of credibility given to newscasts was found as a significant predictor of VNR recall. Implications for future research into VNR use are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of mechanisms has received increased attention in recent years and contributed to the formation of so-called ‘analytical sociology’ that has put the idea of social mechanisms at its core. We discuss the crucial characteristics of mechanism-based explanations and their relation to the longstanding tradition of explanatory sociology. Looking at the widespread and growing number of references to ‘mechanisms’ in the current research literature, we identify typical deviations from the ideal of a mechanism-based explanation. Many references come down to mechanism talk insofar as it is not explicated in detail how and why particular inputs tend to result in particular outputs. To this end, researchers have to give a detailed verbal account of how exactly a mechanism is thought to unfold under specified conditions, or to specify a formal generative model which can be analysed analytically or by simulation. This agenda has been at the core of methodological individualism, sociological rational choice theory, and explanatory sociology for some time, but has received a new coat of whitewash by analytical sociology. This more recent theoretical movement offers a fresh problem-centred agenda based on the well-known macro-micro-macro model and could inspire a new generation of research that places greater weight on analysing social dynamics than on developing theories of action. However, we submit that, rather than constituting a competing approach, these impulses should be located within the longstanding and multifaceted explanatory agenda in sociology. Avoiding any form of mechanism cult and choosing from the full toolbox of explanatory/analytical sociology will be crucial to answer key questions in established areas of sociological research.  相似文献   

Legislation is not an end in itself, but means to an end. Unfortunately, the technical relationship connecting any legislation to real consequences is rarely known for sure. In debate, legislators have an opportunity to persuade others of the relative value of particular bills, to influence the substance of the agenda, and to affect voting decisions. Since preferences over consequences are typically taken to be fixed, such persuasion etc. necessarily amounts to changing beliefs over the likely effects of various alternative bills. The extent to which debate can be effective in altering others' beliefs depends on how audiences interpret and assimilate any information speechmakers volunteer. This paper considers one plausible approach to credibility in debate. Debate is modeled as a cheap talk stage preceding an endogenous agenda setting game under incomplete information. In this framework, the issue can be formulated in terms of what constitutes an equilibrium. It is demonstrated that a fairly weak and intuitively plausible criterion of credibility effectively leads to there being little opportunity for credible transmission of information in debate.An earlier version of this paper was titled Credibility in Debate. I am extremely grateful to Jeffrey Banks, Randy Calvert and the anonymous referees for many valuable comments. The research was supported in part by the NSF under grant SES-8600468. I retain responsibility for any remaining errors and ambiguities in the paper.  相似文献   

In this article, the concept of lifestyle is traced to its early roots in personality psychology and in marketing. In the latter field, many commercial marketing firms have made strong claims as to the explanatory power of lifestyle dimensions, often based on procedures which have been kept secret, but researchers have seldom been able to verify such claims. In spite of this, the approach is very popular, has wide credibility and is often given very favorable media coverage. Probably because of this, it is often considered as a very important and promising approach by administrators working with the regulation of risk and risk communication. It may also be credible in some quarters because it affords a way of ‘explaining’ risk perception as being non-rational. In this paper, we give results from an empirical study of nuclear waste risk perception which is related to a basic risk perception model and three approaches to lifestyles: Kahle's List of Values, a Swedish adaptation of the ‘Agoramétrie’ approach suggested by a group of French researchers, and Dake and Wildavsky's Cultural Theory dimensions. It was found that nuclear waste risk perception could be modeled successfully with risk attitudes and perception data (basic model about 65% of the variance explained), but that lifestyle dimensions added virtually nothing to the explanatory power of the model. Lifestyle dimensions in isolation only explained a minor part of the variance.  相似文献   

This article critically reviews theories of migration policy according to two criteria: methodological rigor and explanatory plausibility. It finds that political economy accounts are theoretically robust, but at the price of oversimplification. Neo‐institutional theories offer more sophisticated accounts, but fall short on a number of methodological and explanatory counts. As an alternative, this article suggests a theory focusing on the functional imperatives of the state in the area of migration, which shape its responses to societal interests and institutional structures.  相似文献   

The following critical essay on the social return on investment (SROI) methodology is broken into two parts. In the first section, focusing on the categorization dynamics of the SROI, I review a set of methodological and ethical tensions surrounding the SROI, using examples from my own work and other published works using SROI. These tensions include the fact that the project requires standardization to achieve comparability while concurrently offering a flexibility in constructing a narrative of impact that is attractive to users. In the second section, focusing on the legitimation dynamics, I define a narrow scope for where, despite the aforementioned pitfalls, that the SROI can be quite effective in building a rhetorical argument for directing material resources. The essay argues that despite ongoing methodological challenges, the investor lens and market logic undergirding the metric provide a powerful frame for persuasion that can be used to construct worthiness and value creation for constituents not already constructed as such.  相似文献   

Indigenous NGOs in Uganda are a key stakeholder in the development process. Unfortunately, their impact on the ground has over the years been affected by their poor credibility. Until this research, no empirical research had been done to explore this terrain in Uganda. It is in the wake of this that this research was undertaken. This work was undertaken under the Swedish International Development Agency/Swedish Department for Research Cooperation grant for capacity-building for Makerere University. It was carried out on 100 NGOs selected randomly from some purposively selected districts. A total of 783 respondents responded to a questionnaire whereas some 100 key informants were also involved. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Factor analysis with loadings above 0.4 established that several variables affect each of the factors, with the highest randomly selected loading in each factor being as follows: in accountability (0.61291), transparency (?0.66958), legitimacy (0.43661) partnership/networking (0.48110), ICT (?0.42610) and effectiveness (?0.77667). The beta (β) column under the standardised coefficients shows that the beta for legitimacy = 0.236; efficiency = 0.171; transparency = 0.153; accountability = 0.141; partnership = 0.120 and ICT = 0.080 and that all are significant at 0.001 level. The coefficients show that legitimacy is the most predictive factor for credibility and that the least predictive factor is ICT. All in all, it was established that the credibility of the NGOs is just average. The level of credibility was found to be insufficient for the badly needed effective service delivery and poverty eradication in a country where 24.5% of the population still live in absolute poverty. It is recommended that in practice, for NGOs to effectively participate in poverty eradication and enhance their credibility, they should invest in the above factors in proportion to their predictive power. Theoretically, more research needs to be done in order to develop a robust theory on the NGOs’ credibility. However, it was noted that these key factors could still provide guidelines for the theoretical explanation of the NGOs’ credibility in Uganda.  相似文献   

We investigated persuasiveness as a social outcome of the ability to produce a deliberate Duchenne smile in a role-play task and of a participant’s use of a Duchenne smile while persuading someone in a live interaction. Participants were tasked with persuading an experimenter to drink a pleasant and unpleasant tasting juice as well as not drink a pleasant and unpleasant juice while being videotaped. Participants’ deliberate Duchenne smiling ability was measured by asking participants to smile while acting out “genuine happiness” and also to mask imagined negative affect with a smile. Smiles in the deliberate Duchenne smiling task and the persuasion task were coded for presence of the Duchenne marker, and naïve viewers of the persuasion task made ratings of how pleasant they thought the juice was. Results showed further evidence that a sizeable minority of people can deliberately produce a Duchenne smile and showed that those with this ability are more persuasive. When persuading to drink the pleasant tasting juice, the correlation between the ability to produce a deliberate Duchenne smile and persuasion was partially due to the use of the Duchenne smile while persuading, but this was not the case with the unpleasant tasting juice. When persuading to drink the unpleasant juice, participants who could deliberately put on the Duchenne smile were more persuasive but their persuasiveness was not the result of using a Duchenne smile during the persuasion task.  相似文献   

The present paper discusses a component of the micro-macro explanatory model (i.e. the individualistic research program): the question is whether and, if so, how collective properties (or, equivalently, macro variables) can be constructed by properties of individuals (i.e. by aggregating micro variables). This is the aggregation problem. After sketching the procedure of micro-macro explanations and its possible problems the state of research in regard to the aggregation problem is described. Then two kinds of aggregation are analyzed in detail: analytical aggregations (i.e. the micro-to-macro relationship is a logical one) and empirical aggregations (i.e. the micro-to-macro relationship is empirical). It is further discussed whether there exist collective properties that cannot be reconstructed individualistically. Many collective properties emerge by the unintended consequences of individual action. It is argued that the structure of micro-macro explanations do not differ if these consequences are intended or unintended. In the final part it is claimed that there are emergent properties but that they do not invalidate methodological individualism. In this context it is argued that “ontological” arguments are not helpful for solving explanatory problems of the social sciences.  相似文献   

This paper presents an account of an access encounter, and uses this case to reinforce the potential for access meetings to provide a rich source of ethnographic data. The paper originates from one of the authors' experience of negotiating research access in a UK local authority social services department. In response to a summary research proposal sent in advance that expressed interest in social work with men, a gatekeeper expressed his concern during an initial meeting that the author might be a ‘paedophile’ wanting to make contact with others of a similar persuasion. This encounter, and the issue of sexual abuse that it introduced, highlights a number of ethical, epistemological and gendered tensions for ethnographic work, which this paper attempts to negotiate. Some of the potential implications of this specific access meeting are discussed, and set within broader methodological and empirical contexts.  相似文献   

The interviewers’ voice, manner, personal characteristics and persuasion strategies are related to participation in telephone interviews. A comparison of groups reveals that the interviewer’s manner and personal characteristics lead to higher influence to participate than the interviewers’ voice. Vocal attributes are intercorrelated with personality. In addition, considerable differences were found in multivariate correlations between interviewers’ voices on the one hand and personal characteristics on the other hand. Only three characteristics have significant effects: enthusiastic, personal speech and rate of speaking. Some other results of the persuasion strategies are: repeating of the recipient’s arguments, tailoring and the formulation of different arguments. The findings point to the importance of a training program for interviewers.  相似文献   

A focus group study was conducted examining the way young voters interpret and make sense of celebrity influence in politics. Eight focus groups discussed the credibility and influence of celebrities when they speak on political and social issues. Findings suggest that young people have a complex interpretation of celebrity influence. Celebrity type, general credibility, identification with, and appropriateness to an issue were all key components in evaluating celebrity political credibility. Perceived influence of celebrities manifested in a greater interest in an issue but not necessarily an attitude change. There was a high degree of perceived influence on others; this was not always regarded positively. Social media was the primary medium for consumption of celebrity political appeals. An interweaving of all key themes suggests that young voters use aspirational identification and attachment to a celebrity to negotiate political messages. Normative implications and guidance for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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