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下岗失业妇女是劳动市场上的弱势群体,维护妇女就业这一基本的生存和发展权是妇联工作的重中之重。黑龙江省哈尔滨市妇联以“抓培训、促就业、为下岗女工排忧解难”为宗旨,为下岗女工再就业提供综合服务。5年来,已培训下岗女工3万余人,安置再就业女工4万余人。 相似文献
王洪伟 《中国妇女(英文版)》2006,(8)
在我国56个民族中,瑶族是一个很有特色的少数民族,他们现有人口213.4万人,分布于广西、云南、广东、湖南、贵州等省。在瑶族的服饰中,瑶族妇女的服饰比较有特色。其中,居住在云南红河哈尼族彝族自治州的瑶族妇女的服饰绚丽多彩,可以说是瑶族服饰文化的一个缩影。 相似文献
赵宁 《中国妇女(英文版)》2000,(12)
"Everything is so new!" said, Hon. Zippora J. Kittony, National Chairman of MYWO, on this, her third visit to China. She was amazed at the number of new developments in China-particularly those concerning Chinese women. At the invitation of the ACWF, Madam Kittony led the KenyanWomen's Delegation to China this autumn, to observe Chinese women's participation in political affairs and economic activities. During the 11-day tour of Jiangxi, Shanghai and Beijing, the six-person delegation personally visited rural farming projects run by women, as well as inspecting community services and the development of cities. The Kenyan visitors expressed their support and mentioned how touched they were by the warmth of the Chinese people. 相似文献
中国,这个有着9亿农民的国家,民主政治建设有了可喜的进展在大约100万个村落中,群众每隔3年直接选举出自己拥护的领头人。那么,占农村人口半数以上的妇女在选举中处于什么样的地位呢? 相似文献
晓明 《中国妇女(英文版)》2003,(7)
50多年来,中国妇女参与国家和社会事务管理的程度有了很大提高,目前31个省市领导班子中都有女性。然而男女参政不平等的现象仍然存在,妇女参政面临新的挑战。 相似文献
2005年8月29日至31日,纪念第四次世界妇女大会10周年会议在北京隆重举行。会议期间,来自国内外的代表们围绕着妇女与决策和管理、妇女的经济授权、妇女人权与消除对妇女的暴力、妇女与可持续发展、妇女与消除贫困和妇女与艾滋病这6个主题展开热烈的专题研讨。她们总结和交流经验,分析面临的问题和挑战,探求解决的途径,共谋妇女发展大计。 相似文献
兆瑞臻 《中国妇女(英文版)》2003,(1)
时值中美联合公报发表30年之际,第三届中美妇女论坛在2002年金秋的北京隆重召开。来自中美两国各界妇女代表100余人就妇女与发展、妇女与环境、妇女与暴力及老年问题等共同关心的话题进行畅谈。会后,代表们一致希望继续加强交流与合作。 相似文献
上海出版了中国第一本地方妇女志—《上海妇女志》。 八十年代中期,上海妇女学学会成立,它由多学科、多系统、多层次的研究人员组成,关注的焦点是改革中妇女的命运。 相似文献
2004年3月15-24日,在法国的马赛、巴黎、和雷恩,由中华全国妇女联合会与法国社会事务、劳动和团结部、马赛市政府、雷恩市政府共同举办的中法文化年——中国妇女文化周活动,通过热烈的研讨、精彩的演出、美丽的图片向法国人民介绍和展示了中国文化的魅力以及中国妇女的风采。此次活动取得了圆满的成功。 相似文献
Lauro D 《International migration (Geneva, Switzerland)》1988,26(3):301-310
This paper uses data from a 1-year field study of demographic history and behavior in a Thai village (Baan Naku) in the Central Plains, to illustrate the considerable impact Chinese migrants had on even rural, remote villages. The 1976 field study of Baan Naku used participant/observation, cultural informants, in depth interviews, case histories, and reconstruction of family genealogies. Nearly 1/3 of previous and present inhabitants of the village were wholly or partly Chinese. For some Chinese immigrants residence in Baan Naku was a stepping stone on the way to greater success; for others it was a final destination after previous failures. The author illustrates this with 2 case histories. The most remarkable aspect of Chinese migration to Thailand is the apparent degree to which Chinese migrants and their descendants have been assimilated in to Thai culture; however, significant differences remain. While Thai villages often refer to Chinese-Thai neighbors derogatorily, they generally admire Thai-Chinese offspring. To a limited extent, some characteristics of the extended family structure have survived among Naku villagers of Chinese descent; for example, the Thai-Chinese keep in better contact among each other than the purely Thai villagers. Many Thai-Chinese villagers believed that marriages occurred at significantly younger ages in their Chinese homeland than in Thailand. In fact, in 1929-1931, the singulate mean age for marriage for South China was 17.78. Comparable data from Baan Naku shows that mean age of marriage for surviving women in the 70 years and over cohort was 23.7. Chinese-Thai villagers differed from Thai villagers in 2 ways: 1) they had greater financial acumen and 2) they controlled their children more strictly, especially with regard to marriage. Because of brideprice payment requirements, Thai-Chinese villagers delayed marriage during the economic difficulties of World War II. Thus, despite rapid assimilation into Thai culture, differences remain between the Chinese and Thais. 相似文献
Stephanie A. Bennett 《Journal of Progressive Human Services》2013,24(1):97-98
No abstract available for this article. 相似文献
Hu Jintao, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and vice president of China, offered congratulations to the Eighth Chinese Women's National Congress on behalf of the CPC Central Committee. The ECWNC convened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the aternoon of August 31, 1998. 相似文献
Chinese women have devoted themselves to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,and they have played an important role insupporting half of the sky,with no less courage or effort than men,says Chinese President Xi Jinping.Xi made the remarks when he joined national political advisors from the education,medical a and health sectors during a group meeting on March 6. 相似文献
European Union (EU) accession has been a highly ambivalent andcontradictory process both for women's mobilization and networking,and the introduction of gender equality policies in the newmember states. While EU membership gave women's NGOs in Centraland Eastern Europe better access to EU institutions and EU funding,it also resulted in a loss of financial support from previousdonors. Some, in general bigger, organizations benefited fromthese changes, whereas smaller groups now struggle. Furthermore,although accession offered women's movements political opportunitiesto put pressure on their governments, the adaptation to EU regulationsis characterized by top-down reforms and the unequal complianceof national governments. 相似文献
无 《中国妇女(英文版)》2020,(3):10-21
2020年伊始,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情袭来!面对危难,全国上下众志成城,同心抗疫,共克时艰。在这场没有硝烟的全民战争中,人们再次看到了新时代中国女性的大爱与担当。无论是逆行出征、奋战一线;还是守护家园、服务保障,她们都巾帼不让须眉。她们,用生命守护生命,用温暖传递希望,撑起了疫情防控阻击战的“半边天”。 相似文献
Kirsten Mai Castle 《Sociological inquiry》2023,93(1):117-152
The collateral consequences of incarceration and prison visitation, transcend the boundaries of prison and transform women's lives. Through an intersectional approach, this research uncovers in what capacity degradation and secondary prisonization shape women's lives, and what coping mechanisms women form in response to the difficulties of visitation. Existing research has yet to identify visitors' relationships to one another and how these relationships aid in fostering coping strategies and resilience within the carceral realm. To fill the gaps, I employed qualitative research to explore the process of visitation, processing procedures, challenges of visitation, staff relations, and women's support systems. Findings indicated visitors are subject to an environment of gendered, racist, and classist oppression that varies in degree depending on social heirarchy and status. However, as a manifestation of resilience, women construct coping mechanisms in the form of information and support networks that aid in the dismantling the prevailing culture of scarcity of information and the degradation of free women by prison staff. These marginalized women habitually resist carceral domination through informal interpersonal support systems. 相似文献