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《德意志问候:关于一个灾难性姿势的历史》(提尔曼·阿勒特著,孟翰译,江苏人民出版社2008年版,以下引用该书只注页码)是一本篇幅很短的小书,但是,我想这位德国社会学学者的论题,中国读者不但不会感到陌生,而且也会产生继续讨论的兴趣。  相似文献   

人类在最开始做的许多工具,都是为了让它实现某种功能。比如说做把斧子,是为了砍东西用;做一套弓箭,是为了捕食猎物,等等。即使到了工业时代,造出个蒸汽机什么的,那个目的都很明确,就是要提供更大的动力。当然了,人类制造工具在满足基本的功能需要之外,  相似文献   

李莉 《现代妇女》2014,(12):365-365
随着全民健身运用的广泛开展,大众篮球运动也得到了较好的发展,但是我国大众篮球运动的发展比较曲折。在我国大众篮球运动的发展过程中有较多的阻碍因素,那么这就会使得我国的大众篮球运动发展缓慢,本文将详述我国大众篮球运动的社会定位、我国大众篮球运动发展的过程以及我国大众篮球运动的发展方向。  相似文献   

不久前,第四届民营美术馆发展论坛在上海举办,以“中国民营美术馆的学术定位与公共教育”为主题,众多民营美术馆掌门人与知名策展人齐聚一堂,从“民营美术馆学术定位的多元化、差异化”“民营美术馆的学术与收藏”以及“民营美术馆的公共教育和社会责任”三个角度延伸,共话了民营美术馆的当下与未来。  相似文献   

“Hello,Mr.my yesterday!”“Hello,Ms.my tomorrow!”——每到年底,你是否会想要跟过去或未来的自己唠唠嗑、通个信、寄个贺卡什么的?你可以通过定时邮件给未来的自己写信,  相似文献   

刘靖楠 《现代妇女》2014,(10):240-240
本文探讨了查尔斯·梯利著作《社会运动,1768—2004》中社会运动的定义及其内涵。探讨了民主化与社会运动的关系,认为社会运动走向消亡,那就意味着普通民众参与大众政治的一个重要手段岌岌可危。社会运动的潮起潮落,标志着民主路径的宽窄起伏。  相似文献   

国家第十一个五年计划实施5年来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。“十一五”期间也是我国老年人口增长速度明显加快的5年,到2009年60岁及以上老年人口已达到1.67亿,老年人不仅影响着社会发展变化,更推动了改革开放走向新阶段。  相似文献   

城市的钢筋水泥,竖起了栋栋高楼。每天匆忙走进单元楼,谁能遇上谁,谁又能和谁相逢一笑? 忘不了我和对门邻居的意外相遇。一男子买房,在我办公室签合同。结果第二天,我走出单元门时,意外地发现他站在楼下。简直难以置信,他居然就住在我家对门,3年了,我们竟从未照过面!这不由得让人感慨万分。  相似文献   

《瞭望东方周刊》5月14日文章说,目前康复科发展的瓶颈,最主要的还是制度性的问题——康复医疗并未纳入医保范围。华西医院康复科治疗师刘沙鑫说,康复治疗是对伤残者功能的恢复重建,也是对伤残者自信心的重建,让他们作为一个重新找到自己定位的、平等的个体回归社会。  相似文献   

社会学在中国——过去、现在和未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史:曲折的历程 中国社会学重建的十年,是中国社会学近百年历史链条中的一环。中国社会学的历史,依其自身发展的脉络,可以分作五个时期:传入、建立、发展、中断和重建。本文的重点,在于分析和论述中国重建十年的社会学。之前,对其前四个时期的历程做一简略的回顾。  相似文献   

王明浩 《城市》2008,(12):76-77
最近,认真阅读了任致远先生的新作《解析城市与城市科学》,顿觉眼前一亮,收获匪浅。也许我读书不多,但可以说,这是一本近几年来我所读到的城市科学领域内难得的好书。读后,体会颇多,现就以我浅薄的知识把该书的精彩之处概括如下:  相似文献   

Migrant workers are less protected than nationals against the actions of states and employers. These workers therefore require special global protection of their rights while employed in countries other than their own. Accordingly, the UN International Labor Organization (ILO) is constitutionally charged with developing international measures to protect the interests of migrant workers from developing countries. The ILO, however, had little involvement in molding the International Convention on the protection of the Rights of All Migrants Workers and Members of their Families, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1990. Instead, final adoption of the Convention stems largely from developing state dissatisfaction with the former 1975 ILO Migrant Workers Convention No. 143, and Mexican and Moroccan government machinations outside of the ILO in support of modifications. Convention No. 143 threatened to sever employment opportunities and hard foreign exchange remittances in North America and western Europe from illegally employed immigrant workers from developing countries. By working in the UN outside of the ILO, developing nations would enjoy automatic majority, and greater potential for success in reforming the Convention. Soon, developing nations squelched a delay tactic proffered by the Swedes, and succeeded in bringing the UN General Assembly to adopt resolution 34/172 in December 1979, which led to the establishment of an Open-Ended Working Group. This group then elaborated the 1990 Convention over 19 sessions. At the expense of the ILO and more developed nations, developing nations successfully challenged and changed the international order to benefit their peoples and national economies. Finally, the paper considers the interests of immigrant businesspeople and asylum seekers during or immediately upon entry to a foreign country, who are not specifically covered by the Convention. While the university of international humanitarian law suggests that businesspeople be included in the Convention, changes to the Convention will probably not be forthcoming. As for asylum seekers waiting for either refugee status or an interim-term engagement for work, the sensitive nature of this topic in certain countries precludes the adoption of inclusive documentation.  相似文献   

The authors provide a retrospective look at time use research since the turn of the century by identifying shortcomings in previous attempts at measuring time allocation patterns and in the models used to examine time use by individuals and households. Suggestions are offered for improving measurement in future empirical work. Fruitful areas for future time use research are identified.Her research interests include family time use, consumer decision making, adoption, and family policy.His research interests include parental child care and the effects of technical change on time use patterns.Her research interests include valuation of unpaid work in national income accounts.Her research interests include family time use and patterns in time use.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the history of the modern disability rights movement in Japan, which has been a driving force for change in social norms and policies, and for improving the lives of disabled persons and their families. It presents the traditional social norms and policies that resulted in the confinement of disabled people in their parents' homes and in institutions, a radical movement of people with cerebral palsy active in 1960-1980s, the emergence of the independent living movement in 1980s, and the current disability rights movement and its future challenges. This paper is based on a review of documents and on interviews conducted during the spring of 2000 in Japan with disability rights advocates and personnel working for centres for independent living.  相似文献   


The aim of this contribution is to provide researchers involved in quantitative and qualitative cross-national comparative projects with a rationale and practical guidance for analysing socio-economic phenomena in relation to their institutional and socio-cultural settings. The paper tracks the shift in cross-national comparisons in the social sciences away from universalistic culture-free approaches to culture-boundedness, which has placed the theory and practice of contextualization at the nexus of cross-national comparative studies. It draws on a wide range of multinational and interdisciplinary studies to address a number of recurring questions, covering the selection of appropriate contextual frames of reference, the impact of the researcher's own cultural traditions, issues of equivalence of concepts and interpretation.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of participatory research into the roles and practices of autistic self-advocates in the Netherlands, and the outcomes of their activities. The article discusses the history of Dutch autism self-advocacy, situating it within the history and practices of self-advocacy internationally and the socio-cultural context of the Netherlands. Particular reference is made to Judi Chamberlin’s model for building effective self-advocacy organisations. Key findings include the scope of significant achievements, and the identification of barriers to efficacy in the areas of governance, personal and organisational capacity, relationships with other organisations, and coalition-building. The research concludes by considering what practices could serve to build increased capacity and efficacy, based on the experiences of these and other self-advocates.  相似文献   

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