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与普通最小二乘法相比,线性模型参数的极大似然估计,在一般的条件下也具有很好的性质;而实际中,在进行统计推断之前,我们往往对参数的信息有一定把握。文章将利用参数的先验信息即先验分布,构造了线性模型参数的后验极大似然估计,并在两种先验分布的情形,给出了具体的结果。  相似文献   

空间回归模型由于引入了空间地理信息而使得其参数估计变得复杂,因为主要采用最大似然法,致使一般人认为在空间回归模型参数估计中不存在最小二乘法。通过分析空间回归模型的参数估计技术,研究发现,最小二乘法和最大似然法分别用于估计空间回归模型的不同的参数,只有将两者结合起来才能快速有效地完成全部的参数估计。数理论证结果表明,空间回归模型参数最小二乘估计量是最佳线性无偏估计量。空间回归模型的回归参数可以在估计量为正态性的条件下而实施显著性检验,而空间效应参数则不可以用此方法进行检验。  相似文献   

传统的分层模型假设组与组之间独立,没有考虑组之间的相关性。而以地理单元分组的数据往往具有空间依赖性,个体不仅受本地区的影响,也可能受相邻地区的影响。此时,传统分层模型层-2残差分布的假设不再成立。为了处理空间分层数据,将空间统计和空间计量经济模型的思想引入到分层模型中,既纳入分层的思想,又顾及空间相关性,提出了空间分层线性模型,并给出了其固定效应、方差协方差成分和空间回归参数的最大似然估计,在运用EM算法时,结合运用了Fisher得分算法。  相似文献   

李小胜  王申令 《统计研究》2016,33(11):85-92
本文首先构造线性约束条件下的多元线性回归模型的样本似然函数,利用Lagrange法证明其合理性。其次,从似然函数的角度讨论线性约束条件对模型参数的影响,对由传统理论得出的参数估计作出贝叶斯与经验贝叶斯的改进。做贝叶斯改进时,将矩阵正态-Wishart分布作为模型参数和精度阵的联合共轭先验分布,结合构造的似然函数得出参数的后验分布,计算出参数的贝叶斯估计;做经验贝叶斯改进时,将样本分组,从方差的角度讨论由子样得出的参数估计对总样本的参数估计的影响,计算出经验贝叶斯估计。最后,利用Matlab软件生成的随机矩阵做模拟。结果表明,这两种改进后的参数估计均较由传统理论得出的参数估计更精确,拟合结果的误差比更小,可信度更高,在大数据的情况下,这种计算方法的速度更快。  相似文献   

本文首次提出混合广义线性模型,此模型包括通常的标准广义线性模型以及贝叶斯多层广义线性模型。对二分量混合广义线性模型,利用近似准似然方法讨论其参数估计。对指数族混合广义线性模型,利用标准的广义线性模型分析方法得到参数的迭代估计。至于Albert提出的贝叶斯多层先验分析方法,我们给出简单的讨论与修正;并且讨论与分析两个特殊的贝叶斯多层广义线性模型,给出它们的有关详细结果。最后,对混合广义线性模型,提出两个问题  相似文献   

李颖  汤果 《统计教育》2003,(1):10-12
本文在FIGARCH模型的基础上介绍了其参数的检验方法,然后重点阐述了其参数的估计方法即极大似然估计方法(QMLE),并在QMLE中对算法进行了创新,提出了混合梯度算法。通过Monto-Carlo模拟实践中证明,混合矩梯度算法优于其它算法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了线性模型中对于回归变点检测的已有方法,包括在正态分布的假设下采用一个经验似然型的Wald计量和基于经验似然比检验统计量检测方法。还利用对经验似然法的改进给出了一个新的变点检测方法,其中包含了两个不同检验统计量,并给出了具体算法步骤,最后通过模拟比较这几种方法的检验效果,结果显示:新的变点检测方法在很大程度上提高了变点检测问题的功效和命中率。  相似文献   

文章在广义线性混合模型的框架下分析广义Gamma分布簇广义线性混合模型的参数估计问题.提出的参数估计有以下三个显著特点:其一,充分利用广义线性混合模型参数估计的理论成果,参数估计表达式与6种广义线性混合模型参数估计结果形式相同;其二,该方法可以通过反复调用广义线性混合模型中的参数估计模块来实现;其三,具有渐进正态性.  相似文献   

文章在随机右截尾样本下,研究了这种生存模型的最大似然估计,证明了参数的最大似然估计的强相合性。  相似文献   

 本文讨论了指数族广义部分线性单指数模型(Generalized Partially Linear Single Index Models, GPLSIM) 的惩罚样条迭代估计,提出了基于惩罚似然和一组预先取定的单指数参数向量 的初始估计的迭代估计算法。另外本文还通过一组模拟数据的分析对所提出的迭代算法进行了验证。  相似文献   

We study a factor analysis model with two normally distributed observations and one factor. In the case when the errors have equal variance, the maximum likelihood estimate of the factor loading is given in closed form. Exact and approximate distributions of the maximum likelihood estimate are considered. The exact distribution function is given in a complex form that involves the incomplete Beta function. Approximations to the distribution function are given for the cases of large sample sizes and small error variances. The accuracy of the approximations is discussed  相似文献   

For linear regression models with non normally distributed errors, the least squares estimate (LSE) will lose some efficiency compared to the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). In this article, we propose a kernel density-based regression estimate (KDRE) that is adaptive to the unknown error distribution. The key idea is to approximate the likelihood function by using a nonparametric kernel density estimate of the error density based on some initial parameter estimate. The proposed estimate is shown to be asymptotically as efficient as the oracle MLE which assumes the error density were known. In addition, we propose an EM type algorithm to maximize the estimated likelihood function and show that the KDRE can be considered as an iterated weighted least squares estimate, which provides us some insights on the adaptiveness of KDRE to the unknown error distribution. Our Monte Carlo simulation studies show that, while comparable to the traditional LSE for normal errors, the proposed estimation procedure can have substantial efficiency gain for non normal errors. Moreover, the efficiency gain can be achieved even for a small sample size.  相似文献   


Bhattacharyya and Soejoeti (Bhattacharyya, G. K., Soejoeti, Z. A. (1989 Bhattacharyya, G. K. and Soejoeti, Z. A. 1989. Tampered failure rate model for step-stress accelerated life test. Commun. Statist.—Theory Meth., 18(5): 16271643. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Tampered failure rate model for step-stress accelerated life test. Commun. Statist.—Theory Meth. 18(5):1627–1643.) pro- posed the TFR model for step-stress accelerated life tests. Under the TFR model, this article proves that the maximum likelihood estimate of the shape parameters is unique for the Weibull distribution in a multiple step-stress accelerated life test, and investigates the accuracy of the maximum likelihood estimate using the Monte-Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

Quantification of uncertainties in code responses necessitates knowledge of input model parameter uncertainties. However, nuclear thermal-hydraulics code such as RELAP5 and TRACE do not provide any information on input model parameter uncertainties. Moreover, the input model parameters for physical models in these legacy codes were derived under steady-state flow conditions and hence might not be accurate to use in the analysis of transients without accounting for uncertainties. We present a Bayesian framework to estimate the posterior mode of input model parameters' mean and variance by implementing the iterative expectation–maximization algorithm. For this, we introduce the idea of model parameter multiplier. A log-normal transformation is used to transform the model parameter multiplier to pseudo-parameter. Our analysis is based on two main assumptions on pseudo-parameter. First, a first-order linear relationship is assumed between code responses and pseudo-parameters. Second, the pseudo-parameters are assumed to be normally distributed. The problem is formulated to express the scalar random variable, the difference between experimental result and base (nominal) code-calculated value as a linear combination of pseudo-parameters.  相似文献   

缺失偏态数据下线性回归模型的统计推断   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究缺失偏态数据下线性回归模型的参数估计问题,针对缺失偏态数据,为克服样本分布扭曲缺点和提高模型的回归系数、尺度参数和偏度参数的估计效果,提出了一种适合偏态数据下线性回归模型中缺失数据的修正回归插补方法.通过随机模拟和实例研究,并与均值插补、回归插补、随机回归插补方法比较,结果表明所提出的修正回归插补方法是有效可行的.  相似文献   

For the first time, we provide a matrix formula for second-order covariances of maximum likelihood estimates in heteroskedastic generalized linear models, thus generalizing the results of Cordeiro (2004 Cordeiro , G. M. ( 2004 ). Second-order covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models . Statist. Probab. Lett. 66 : 153160 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Cordeiro et al. (2006 Cordeiro , G. M. , Barroso , L. P. , Botter , D. A. (2006). Covariance matrix formula for generalized linear models with unknown dispersion. Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 35:113120.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) related to the generalized linear models with known and unknown dispersion parameter, respectively. The covariance matrix formula does not involve cumulants of log-likelihood derivatives and can be easily obtained using simple matrix operations. We apply our main result to a simple model. Some simulations show that the second-order covariances can be quite pronounced in small to moderate samples. The usual covariances of the maximum likelihood estimates can be corrected by these second-order covariances.  相似文献   

Likelihood ratio tests for fixed model terms are proposed for the analysis of linear mixed models when using residual maximum likelihood estimation. Bartlett-type adjustments, using an approximate decomposition of the data, are developed for the test statistics. A simulation study is used to compare properties of the test statistics proposed, with or without adjustment, with a Wald test. A proposed test statistic constructed by dropping fixed terms from the full fixed model is shown to give a better approximation to the asymptotic χ2-distribution than the Wald test for small data sets. Bartlett adjustment is shown to improve the χ2-approximation for the proposed tests substantially.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review briefly the three main formulations of no Interaction hypotheses in contingency tables and to consider the formulation on a linear scale in some detail.More specifically we (i) present a situation in 2×2 tables where such a formulation may be more appropriate than others, (ii) study the geometry for this problem, (iii) give contrast-type or parametric ANOVA type formulations in the general n-dimensional tables, (iv) discuss estimation and testing procedures and (v) consider collapsibility of contingency tables in relation to the hypotheses of no interaction on a linear scale.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to use the empirical likelihood method to study construction of the confidence region for the parameter of interest in heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables model with martingale difference errors. When the variance functions of the errors are known or unknown, we propose the empirical log-likelihood ratio statistics for the parameter of interest. For each case, a nonparametric version of Wilks’ theorem is derived. The results are then used to construct confidence regions of the parameter. A simulation study is carried out to assess the performance of the empirical likelihood method.  相似文献   

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