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本研究以2010年中国第六次人口普查微观数据为基础,采用35岁妇女平均曾生子女数作为终生生育率的估计指标对当前中国的生育水平进行分析。研究发现,当前中国妇女的终生生育率为1.52,通过教育部9岁学龄儿童人数估算的妇女终生生育率也介于1.51.6之间,因此,当前中国已经处于低生育水平国家行列。不同省(自治区、直辖市)、民族、文化教育程度、职业、城乡、农业户籍和非农业户籍、流动人口与户籍人口的生育水平有趋同的发展态势。  相似文献   

China's Floating Population: New Evidence from the 2000 Census   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article uses tabulations from the 2000 Population Census of China along with a micro‐level data sample from the census to provide a picture of China's floating population: migrants without local household registration (hukou), a status resulting in significant social and economic disadvantages. By 2000, the size of China's floating population had grown to nearly 79 million, if that category is defined as migrants who moved between provinces or counties and resided at their destinations for six months or more. Intra‐county floating migration is similarly large, contributing another 66 million to the size of the floating population. The article also discusses the geographic pattern of the floating population and the reasons for moving as reported by migrants. Policy implications are noted.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the “healthy immigrant” hypothesis and assess health heterogeneity among newly arrived working-age immigrants (18–64 years) from various regions of origin. Using the 5% sample of the 2000 U.S. Census (PUMS), we found that, compared with their native-born counterparts, immigrants from all regions of the world were less likely to report mental disability and physical disability. Immigrants from selected regions of origin were, however, more likely to report work disability. Significant heterogeneity in disabilities exists among immigrants: Those from Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia reported the highest risk of mental and physical disability, and those from East Asia reported the lowest risk of physical disability. Furthermore, Mexican immigrants reported the lowest risk of mental disability, and Canadian immigrants reported the lowest risk of work disability. Socioeconomic status and English proficiency partially explained these differences. The health advantage of immigrants decreased with longer U.S. residence.  相似文献   

Recently data on age and sex for the United States have beenreleased in the Census 2000 data product Summary File 1. This paper presents someearly analysis on the shape of the age and sex structure from Census 2000 data throughstatistics and graphics on national and sub-national levels. Also highlighted are comparisonswith data from the 1990 census.  相似文献   

The 2000 census of China has several notable innovations, including a sample long form containing detailed items on migration, housing, and employment. Preliminary data indicate rapid urbanization and continued rapid social change in the 1990s, and apparent success in the government's drive to curtail population growth. Although a post‐enumeration survey indicates that overall data quality is good, the rise of a mobile “floating population” and pressures of the birth planning program caused problems for the enumeration of migrants and infants. Data released to date have been silent on two important issues, fertility and rising sex ratios.  相似文献   

Since the 1960 Census, Demographic Analysis (DA) has been used by the Census Bureau to evaluate the coverage of the population. Administrative statistics on births, deaths, immigration and Medicare enrollments as well as estimates of legal emigration and net undocumented immigration are used to produce demographic analysis estimates of the population for the census date. These estimates are compared to the Census 2000 data to evaluate coverage in the census. The results are also compared to measures of undercount obtained from dual system estimation. The DA measures substantial reduction in net undercount in Census 2000 compared to 1990. The reductions occur among all demographic categories: all broad age groups, males and females, Blacks and Non-Blacks.  相似文献   

US Census same-sex couple data represent one of the richest and most frequently used data resources for studying the LGBT population. Recently, the Census Bureau conducted an analysis of a serious measurement problem in these data, finding that as many as 40 % of same-sex couples tabulated in Census 2000 and 28 % of those tabulated in Census 2010 were likely misclassified different-sex couples (O’Connell and Feliz, Bureau of the Census, 2011). As a result, the Census Bureau released new state-level “preferred” estimates for the number of same-sex couples in these years, as well as previously unavailable information regarding the error rate of sex misclassification among different-sex married and unmarried couples by state and year. Researchers can use this information to adjust same-sex couple tabulations for geographic areas below the state level. Using these resources, this study: (1) considers in greater detail how the properties of the same-sex couple error might affect statistical inference, (2) offers a method for developing sub-state estimates of same-sex couples, and (3) demonstrates how using adjusted estimates can improve inference in analyses that rely on understanding the distribution of same-sex couples. In order to accomplish the third task, we replicate an analysis by McVeigh and Diaz (American Sociological Review 74: 891–915, 2009) that used county level Census 2000 unadjusted same-sex couple data, substitute our adjusted same-sex couple estimate, and examine the way in which this substitution affects findings. Our results demonstrate the improved accuracy of the adjusted measure and provide the formula that researchers can use to adjust the same-sex couple distribution in future analyses.  相似文献   

Census 2000 Partnership and Marketing Program Evaluation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To evaluate the Census 2000 integrated marketing strategy, the Census Bureau contracted with the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) to conduct a national representative sample survey. In addition to having a nationalrepresentative sample, NORC oversampled populations whichare historically undercounted in the census. Using threecross-sectional mixed mode surveys, NORC obtained baseline,pre- and post-census measures of awareness, attitudes, knowledge,and mailback intentions over the period of the census. This paperreports on some of the preliminary results from the NORC reportof the Partnership and Marketing Program (PMP) evaluation.  相似文献   

An evaluation of bridging methods using race data from Census 2000   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question on race from Census 2000 was different from previous censuses because it allowed respondents to select one or more races to indicate their racial identities. Because of this change, the race data from Census 2000 are not directly comparable with data from earlier censuses. Researchers can use `bridging' methods to assign more than one race respondents to single race categories to maximize the comparability of Census 2000 race data with earlier censuses. This paper uses several bridging methods to generate race population estimates and analyzes the variability in those estimates across six single race groups.  相似文献   

李波  姜全保 《西北人口》2010,31(3):37-41,46
本文在考虑了第四次人口普查和第五次人口普查的调查时点差异后,采用列克西斯图图示法,运用人口逆存活分析技术并结合对比分析方法,对第四次人口普查数据质量进行了重新评估。研究发现,“四普”0—9岁人口存在严重漏报,男女两性合计漏报人口1269万;10-18岁人口不仅存在漏报,也存在重报;男女分性别漏报人口之间也存在较大差异。  相似文献   

朱勤 《中国人口科学》2012,(4):68-77,112
文章根据公布的"六普"数据,对2000~2010年中国生育水平进行模拟推算,并与往年普查及调查结果进行比较分析。结果发现,2000年"五普"0~14岁低龄人口漏登2 056万人,女性漏登率高于男性,1岁和7岁组漏登率最高;2000~2010年育龄妇女人数增长了7.86%,生育水平相对较低的35~49岁女性增幅较大;总和生育率经历了由降到升、再到稳中有降的过程,2000~2009年历年加总的总和生育率平均值为1.48。另外,"五普"低龄人口漏登并未导致此前一些研究认为的近10年"生育率被严重低估"的结果,由普查与调查数据直接获得的总和生育率与推算值之间的平均落差仅为0.09。在生育率低走、育龄妇女人口规模缩小且其年龄结构持续老化的多重影响下,中国人口年龄结构的急剧变化应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

本文首先指出,中国2000年的人口普查,是中国人口普查所而临的首次世纪之交的人口普查,因此,是一次具有重要时代意义的人口普查。论文着重对人口普查资料的应用与发展,人口普查资料的发布,以及人口普查资料发布的规范与管理问题,进行了深入讨论。指出,人口普查资料的发布,应包括重要国情指标的发布,并强调国情指标的发布,应由国家统计局纳入统一规范与管理。  相似文献   

作为市场化的人口流动--第五次全国人口普查数据分析   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
文章利用2000年第五次全国人口普查等有关资料,分析了改革以来中国大规模人口迁移的空间分布特征、决定因素,及其与市场化改革之间的关系。城乡二元分割的户籍制度使得中国大规模人口迁移在经济转型过程中具有区别一般迁移理论的独特之处。伴随经济增长的市场化改革程度和市场发育的不平衡性,是决定人口迁移基本方向的一个重要因素。加快城乡户籍制度改革和劳动力市场建设,特别是清除阻碍劳动力市场发育的各种制度性障碍,将起到引导和规范人口迁移、促进持续经济增长的双重作用。  相似文献   

China conducted its sixth modern census in 2010, recording a total of 1.34 billion people. This article presents an overview of the early census results. The data are of reasonable quality but contain some apparent defects where adjustments may be required. The census confirms that China has entered the era of demographic modernity and depicts the vast transformation of the country's rural‐urban distribution. Life expectancy has risen by 3–4 years in the decade since the last census, while fertility remains well below replacement—probably as low as 1.5 births per woman—and the sex ratio at birth is still significantly elevated. Low fertility and falling old‐age mortality are leading to continued and rapid population aging. Several coastal provinces grew by as much as 40 percent in the last decade, while a number of inland provinces have recorded population decline. China has reached an overall urban proportion of 50 percent.  相似文献   

于弘文 《人口研究》2002,26(3):35-38
2000年第五次人口普查是我国市场经济体制下的第一次人口普查,在组织和实施这次人口普查中,遇到了许多以往普查所没有遇到的新问题,归纳起来主要有以下几点:(1)依法进行普查的问题。前四次人口普查的组织和实施都是在各级政府的行政命令下完成的……  相似文献   

从2000年人口普查看我国人口状况的几个特点   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
于弘文 《人口研究》2001,25(4):12-18
第五次人口普查是我国市场经济条件下进行的第一次人口普查 ,也是世纪之交的一次国情国力调查。本文根据 31个省快速汇总的主要数据 ,对我国 2 0年来人口变化、发展的主要特点进行了简要分析。纵观人口状况的这些变化特点 ,都与人口的迁移流动有着密切的关系。随着我国低生育水平的逐渐稳定 ,低出生、低死亡和低自然增长的趋势已经形成 ,人口自然变动对人口各种结构的影响逐渐减弱。随着省际之间、城乡之间人口的迁移流动日趋频繁 ,人口的机械变动对人口各种结构的影响将逐渐增大。  相似文献   

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