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Bargaining and Strategic Demand Commitment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
On occasion, in multilateral negotiations, interested parties make unilateral demands. Certain agreements need unanimity. However, a lesser degree of consensus may be feasible. In this paper, an alternating demand bargaining game among n players is proposed, which envisages varying consensus requirements and commitment, both crucial in generating a unique and efficient outcome of the bargaining process.  相似文献   

This paper shows that altruism may be beneficial in bargaining when there is competition for bargaining partners. In a game with random proposers, the most altruistic player has the highest material payoff if players are sufficiently patient. However, this advantage is eroded as the discount factor increases, and if players are perfectly patient altruism and spite become irrelevant for material payoffs.  相似文献   

闻效仪 《社会》2011,31(1):112-130
集体谈判作为西方社会劳资冲突制度化的社会发明,不但得到工人和工会的拥护,同时也引起了雇主的兴趣。通过协商的程序、承诺的遵守以及共同利益的形成,可以构筑消解工人集体怨恨、制造工人认同的内部国家机制。在中国,工会受组合主义限制,尚不能成为集体谈判的有效发起者,愈演愈烈的劳资冲突却有可能使雇主成为实际的“发动引擎”。本文通过对温岭羊毛衫行业工价集体谈判过程的描述,探讨在竞争和斗争的背景下,雇主和工人在集体谈判过程中的互动,以及在以生存伦理为基础的工人群体中逐步形成从“无序抗争”到“有序遵守”的内部国家机制。  相似文献   

If negotiation over ownership of an asset is unsuccessful, agents go to court to determine possession. Experiments examine how the presence of a stochastic court decision affects pretrial bargaining behavior. Two players have private information over the value of an asset, owned by one player. If there is no acceptable trade price, a random court decision assigns ownership. The impact of a second stage court decision on bargaining outcomes and the efficiency of trades is measured. Courts reduce the total earnings of players and the frequency of efficient trades. Relative earnings and bargaining behavior depend on which agent proposes the trade price.  相似文献   

We characterize equilibrium behavior in a finite horizon multiple-pie alternating offer bargaining game in which both agents have outside options and threat points. In contrast to the infinite horizon case the strength of the threat to delay agreement is non-stationary and decreases over time. Typically the delay threat determines equilibrium proposals in early periods, while the threat to opt out characterizes those in later ones. Owing to this non-stationarity both threats may appear in the equilibrium shares immediately agreed upon in the first period. When the threat to opt out is empty for both agents, the outcome corresponds exactly with the (generalized) Nash bargaining solution. The latter observation may prove useful for designing experiments that are meant to test economic models that include a bargaining stage.JEL CLASSIFICATION CODES: C78, C91.The useful remarks of an anonymous referee greatly improved the presentation of the material and are gratefully acknowledged. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

In this paper we will point out some possibilities and limitations of the discussion of distributive justice by bargaining in the classical bargaining models.We start by considering a kind of bargaining situation where two persons with different risk aversions have to distribute a given quantity of a certain good. Then we define a model in which two bargaining situations are compared. In both situations two persons divide a quantity of a certain good; in the second situation one of the persons, say person 2, is replaced by a more risk averse person. From a well-known theorem of Kihlstrom, Roth and Schmeidler it follows that in the Nash solution, the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution and the Maschler-Perles solution person 1 prefers the situation with the more risk averse opponent.In both classes of problems the judgement of distributive justice is impossible because of an informational poverty of the classical bargaining model. We propose to integrate changes in the economic situation of the persons into the model.Therefore, in a third step, we compare two distributive situations, where differences in the situations are implied by changes in the initial endowments of the persons. Under the assumption that each person has a decreasing local risk aversion, we show that every reallocation of the initial endowments is enlarged or at least preserved by risk sensitive bargaining solutions. This fact has some significance for the discussion of distributive justice in social decision making by bargaining.  相似文献   

In bargaining environments with uncertain disagreement or “impasse” outcomes (e.g., litigation or labor strike outcomes), there is an identification problem that confounds data interpretation. Specifically, the minimally acceptable settlement value from a risk-averse (risk-loving) but unbiased-belief bargainer is empirically indistinguishable from what one could get with risk-neutrality and pessimistically (optimistically) biased beliefs. This article reports results from a controlled bargaining experiment where data on both risk attitude and beliefs under uncertainty are generated in order to assess their relative importance in bargaining experiment outcomes. The average lab subject is risk-averse, yet optimistic with respect to uncertainty, which is consistent with existing studies that examine each in isolation. I also find that the effects of optimism dominate those of risk-aversion. Optimistic bargainers are significantly more likely to dispute and have aggressive final bargaining positions. Dispute rates are not statistically affected by risk attitude, but there is some evidence that risk aversion leads to a weakened bargaining position. Though additional research is needed to understand the limits of extending these results, a key implication follows. In uncertainty environments where optimism dominates, increased settlement rates are more likely achieved by minimizing impasse uncertainty (to limit the potential for optimism) rather than maximizing uncertainty (to weaken the reservation point of risk-averse bargainers), as has been argued in the dispute resolution literature.   相似文献   

我国气候可行性论证的现状、问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国气候可行性论证管理趋于规范化,领域和规模越来越大,经济效益越来越明显。目前,我国气候可行性论证主要有社会认识存在偏差、问责机制缺失、区域发展不平衡等问题。应当加深与政府的沟通,推进制度建设,强化宣传力度,扩大气候可行性论证的影响力。  相似文献   

This paper discusses trends in social work in the last twenty-fiveyears. Within the broad theme of social work as a social institution,more detailed attention is focused on: services for childrenand elderly people; manageralism; and social work research andevaluation. Processes of secularization, professionalism andmanageralism have weakened the impetus for social reform. Thishas sharpened dilemmas for social work in balancing benefitsfor service users and public involvement with tight state controland regulation.  相似文献   

Miyagawa (Games and Economics Behavior 41(2), 292–308 [2002]) provides a simple extensive game form that implements a large class of two-agent bargaining solutions in subgame-perfect equilibrium. This class includes all of the Nash, Kalai–Smorodinsky, and relative utilitarian solutions. This note extends Miyagawa’s result to multi-agent bargaining problems.  相似文献   

I derive alternative measures of maximum willingness to pay (WTP) and value of statistical life (VSL) for selfish members of two-person households who bargain efficiently over consumption of individual and household goods. There is then no systematic bias in letting one member conduct the valuation on behalf of the household. Public-good VSL may exceed private-good VSL when each member attaches (selfish) preferences to survival of the spouse, and to any income from a surviving spouse in period 2. When period 2 is a retirement period and household members’ incomes are fixed, interview surveys tend to overvalue VSL due to ignored negative effects of own survival on private of public pension budgets.JEL Classification: I12, G22, J17  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore the utilization of corporate management functions, such as planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, advocating, and monitoring and evaluating, by social work care managers. Method: The sample included 122 care managers in 13 urban hospital settings. Each care manager chose two completed cases, one judged by them to be a good and one a poor case. They then completed an open-ended questionnaire about each case. Results: Content analyses indicated that themost frequently utilized goals and interventions were traditional corporate management functions. Logistic regression analyses indicated that the presence versus absence of 5 management outcome variables (planning, organizing, coordinating the interdisciplinary team, coordinating hospital and community resources, and advocacy), taken together as a scale, correctly predicted 89.1% pre-designated good cases, and 83.8% poor cases. Conclusion: Successful social work cases required the use of corporate management functions.  相似文献   


Gerontology education in one graduate school of social work is advancing across a life course. From its origins of three students, now over 100 graduates serve elders and significant others. Grounding, growing, and sustaining gerontology as a “concentration” comes with challenge and reward. This article denotes the origins of a gerontology concentration, describing “community as impetus” and “outreach to students.” It proceeds to concentration outcomes, presenting “alumni as partners” and “community as beneficiary.” Sustainment of gerontology as a concentration is attributed to internal and external investment in a gerontologically- and geriatrically-sophisticated social work force.  相似文献   

This article explores how social justice has been defined in social work practice and contests the claim of some in our profession that direct practice and social welfare programs are incompatible with social justice, drawing on Foucault’s work on the inextricable link between power and knowledge. This article proposes that social justice “in the trenches” needs further theorizing. Literature supporting a view that direct practice is congruent with a social justice perspective is reviewed. Theory of recognition is introduced as a possible overarching theory to ground direct practice within a social justice framework.  相似文献   

In attempting to establish a social security system that would function to smooth the transition from a planned to market economy, the government of China has, for most of the time in the past decades, focused its efforts on setting up social insurance programs in the urban areas. Along with the emergence of urban poverty since the mid 1990s, the emphasis of the government has shifted to means-tested social assistance programs as the major means to combat poverty and maintain social stability. However, with the absence of more equitable social and economic policies that can protect people against the many risks associated with a market economy, the role of social assistance is very limited.  相似文献   

在我国,社会工作和社会政策进行着有中国特色的社会建构,在此过程中,两者之间存在着相互的作用,本文旨在探索这种相互作用。把握这种相互作用,有助于我们更好地增强它,并利用它为解决社会问题、建设和谐社会服务。  相似文献   

社会分层与社会和谐   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
童星  张海波 《社会》2005,2(6):68-80
一、社会分层与社会和谐:社会学永恒的话题在所有的社会中,人们一生下来就面对着不平等,即缺少平等的途径以得到社会所提供的满足欲望的物品(戴维·波普诺,1999:239)。因此,在所有的社会中,都如同地质结构一样,存在着高低有序的等级层次,即社会分层。社会分层是社会学永恒的话题。自社会学的经典时代起,就形成了马克思和韦伯两种传统,此后,关于社会分层的研究就从未脱离西方主流社会学的视线。1在国内学界,社会分层研究也是方兴未艾,其态势正如边燕杰(1999)所言,“制度转型时期的社会分层研究成为近年来社会学研究的一个热点,也是社会科学、…  相似文献   


Adolescent empowerment has been used to develop programs addressing a variety of issues that put young people at risk. Empowerment has been associated with positive outcomes in youth, including increases in resilience, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and civic engagement. This article reviews a selection of applications of empowerment with adolescents to identify how the concept is defined, applied, and measured. Key challenges to implementing adolescent empowerment programs are identified. Based on the review, social empathy is proposed as a framework for adolescent empowerment program developers. Using social empathy as a framework allows for consistency in definition and flexibility in application to apply to diverse groups of youth in various settings. A social empathy framework also establishes key outcomes that can be measured to ensure program effectiveness. By employing social empathy as a framework, service providers can draw on the value that empowerment, both as a process and an outcome, brings to their work with adolescents.  相似文献   

Nash Bargaining Theory,Nonconvex Problems and Social Welfare Orderings   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we deal with the extension of Nash bargaining theory to nonconvex problems. By focussing on the Social Welfare Ordering associated with a bargaining solution, we characterize the symmetric Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS). Moreover, we obtain a unified method of proof of recent characterization results for the asymmetric single-valued NBS and the symmetric multivalued NBS, as well as their extensions to different domains.  相似文献   

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