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当前青少年违法犯罪是一个严重且复杂的社会现象,其原因是多重的,但心理问题是青少年犯罪的起点,青少年犯罪从心理角度而言,主要产生于不平衡心理、逆反性心理和孤独及空虚心理,本文拟对研究文献进行梳理及概述,综合了较为全面的青少年犯罪心理及其成因。希望对进一步深入研究青少年犯罪问题提供一些参考。  相似文献   

心理安全是未成年人人身安全维护的重要内容.威胁未成年人心理安全的因素来自家庭、学校、社会以及自身等各个层面,其涉及面广、影响持久、隐蔽性强、难于操控.心理安全问题对未成年人的心理健康与心理成长等构成较大的威胁,通过心理教育、心理预警和心理干预是维护未成年人心理安全的有效途径.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、对比分析法、询问调查法等对乒乓球运动员赛前心理状况进行调研。对青少年赛前的心理状况进行分析、整理和研究,总结出这些心理问题的具体调节方法,旨在对乒乓球运动员的心理指导提供帮助,切实提高运动员比赛的成绩。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的未成年人犯罪率持续上升,未成年人犯罪已成为一个突出的社会问题,未成年人已成为违法犯罪的高发群体。出于为四川省预防未成年人犯罪立法提供实证依据的研究需要,对具有典型代表意义的四川某县未成年人犯罪实例进行数据调查、典型案例采样与分析和重点访谈调研,积极探究未成年人犯罪的动机,剖析解读未成年人犯罪动因,多种渠道发力降低未成年人的犯罪率,防止未成年人走上犯罪的道路,从而有效预防和控制未成年人犯罪行为的发生。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的飞速发展,社会竞争日益加剧,当代大学生的心理问题也显得尤为突出,加强大学生的心理健康教育,能够有效的预防、干预、控制大学生可能出现的心理危机事件,帮助大学生度过心理问题的难关,降低风险,促进大学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》和《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》中规定,预防未成年人犯罪应结合未成年人不同年龄的生理、心理特点,加强对未成年人的法制教育,心理矫治和预防犯罪的对策。因此,我们需要从青少年犯罪的特点和犯罪心理入手进行分析,  相似文献   

谢炳春 《职业》2007,(33):33-34
《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》和《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》中规定,预防未成年人犯罪应结合未成年人不同年龄的生理、心理特点,加强对未成年人的法制教育,心理矫治和预防犯罪的对策.因此,我们需要从青少年犯罪的特点和犯罪心理入手进行分析,探索预防青少年犯罪的有效措施.……  相似文献   

一、犯罪心理矫治概述 犯罪心理的含义,有学者给出的定义是指“影响和支配犯罪人实施犯罪行为的各种心理因素的总和”。而对于犯罪心理矫治,理论界对其内涵及适用范围存在不同的理解,分为广义、狭义和准广义几种不同定义。狭义的犯罪心理矫治则指应用精神病学和临床心理学的知识、方法、技术对有心理问题或心理异常者进行治疗,帮助他们消除心理障碍,解除心理矛盾,达到心理健康的目的。广义的犯罪心理矫治是指从心理学角度研究监狱里采取的各项改造措施(管理、教育、劳动、生活卫生等)对罪犯的改善作用与积极影响,它是监狱心理学及犯罪学的研究对象。  相似文献   

失学未成年人犯罪已成为一个日益突出的社会问题.其特点主要表现为文化水平低、人数急剧增加等。失学未成年人犯罪的原因.除社会原因、家庭原因外,还有青少年自身的原因。失学未成年人犯罪对其家庭、社会均带来极大的危害.全社会必须下大力气预防和减少失学未成年人犯罪。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪特点、原因及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未成年人犯罪 ,又称青少年犯罪 ,是指已满14周岁未满18周岁的具有刑事责任能力并实施了危害社会、触犯刑律而应当受到刑法处罚的人的犯罪。近几年来 ,我国未成年人犯罪日趋严重 ,给社会造成了较大的危害 ,因此 ,追究其犯罪足迹 ,探求其矫正谋略 ,是当前预防未成年人犯罪的重大课题。笔者根据多年的司法实践 ,试就未成年人犯罪的特点、原因及对策作些粗浅的探讨 ,以期引起有关方面的重视 ,达到减少和遏制此类犯罪的目的。一、未成年人犯罪的特点从近几年司法实践未成年人犯罪案件的情况看 ,未成年人犯罪除了有成年人犯罪的共性外 ,还具有…  相似文献   

Educational attainment and school bonding are established predictors of delinquent behavior. In spite of an abundance of research on the relationship between education and delinquency, there is little research that examines the impact of education on stability and change in criminal offending over the life course. This dearth of research is surprising given the increasing significance of post-secondary education in contemporary society and the prominence of the life course approach in the study of crime. The current study uses seven waves of data from the National Youth Survey to examine the impact of higher education on criminal offending over the life course. Findings indicate that college attendance and investment in higher education are negatively associated with criminal offending in adulthood. In addition, the protective effect of higher education is stronger for individuals who were more delinquent during adolescence. Study limitations and future research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

一系列"官二代"、"富二代""红二代"和"星二代"犯罪案件的频发,引起了社会的高度关注。"X二代"犯罪暴露了目前对青少年公民教育的缺失。预防青少年犯罪应当从加强公民教育做起,增强青少年的公民意识,树立正确的权利意识,培养基本的法治意识,提升青少年的道德素养,增强青少年的责任意识,提升青少年的整体素质。公民教育是一项系统工程,需要依靠和发动全社会的力量,通过家庭、学校和社会的共同努力,推进公民教育,实现预防青少年犯罪的目的。  相似文献   

In recent years, prison strikes and controversies have brought public attention to the systemic problems with prison labor in the United States. Such labor often exploits people who are imprisoned to do work that is vital to society—including firefighting, farming, or manufacturing consumer goods—with wages that can be less than a dollar per hour in highly coercive working conditions. Although there is call to end prison labor today, theories of prison labor have historically been contested, even among activists and progressive reformers. Accordingly, this review offers a short sociological history of labor in correctional environments, highlights contemporary controversies, and argues for a more fine-grained approach to the relationships among labor, prisons, and reentry. It traces the field of reformers and scholars that have made arguments for punitive, rehabilitative, restorative, and transformative approaches to work. The contested theories of prison labor across time and space suggest that a better understanding is needed of what makes labor exploitative and what forms of labor have the potential to transform the root causes of crime, within and beyond prison walls. Overall, this review has implications for those who study prison and reentry programs, relationships between crime and community, and the political economy of incarceration.  相似文献   

This study provides new evidence on the deterrent effects of criminal justice sanctions. The supply-of-crime function is tested using 1970 cross-sectional data for the 62 counties in New York State. Most studies consider only expected length of sentence when estimating the offender's cost of crime. The current analysis includes the length of time needed to dispose of a case and the severity of conviction charge as well as the expected prison sentence  相似文献   

Few communities are immune to organized crime and corruption. What has not been fully explored is how education in lawfulness can be introduced into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools to confront the influences of criminal life styles that continue to be romanticized byfactions within a community. This paper reports on such efforts in Sicily, Hong Kong, Russia, and Mexico. Each community is vigorously seeking to repel negative influences from traditional strongholds of organized crime, which continue to exert powerful and pernicious effects on those societies.

Challenging organized crime requires more than governmental regulatory responses. Civic, business, labor, religious, social, and educational organizations all have a role in mitigating the scourge of lawlessness. A central question is to consider the ways in which a civil society can foster a culture of lawfulness. Promoting a set of beliefs and mobilizing the legal norms and institutions for changing, administering, and enforcing laws will enhance and protect “quality of life” is a task that some primary and secondary schools have begun to explore. One approach involves moral education, explicitly and directly teaching children and young people about the rewards and obligations in making moral and ethical decisions. This paper examines this effort in four, distinct cultural settings.  相似文献   

The study of migrants in their new environments is often a useful means of investigating environmental influences on health. Migrants have been found to develop higher rates of mental illness compared to their counterparts who remain at home. These deleterious effects of migration have been attributed to selection factors and stressful life experiences. Migration from an agricultural and traditional society to an urban industrial society where value systems can be demanding, often leads to role strain and role conflict. These kinds of incongruities are the beginning of a series of stressful experiences that contribute to poor health/mental health status. The extent to which one experiences stress is dependent on a number of factors. First, it depends on the perceived difference between home and the new environment. Second, it depends on the cultural homogeneity of the new environment, that is, the extent to which the migrant is readily assimilated into the new culture or is able to maintain a traditional lifestyle by living in an ethnic enclave, and the psychological resources available to successfully access services in the new environment. This paper examines the rates, incidence, and prevalence of schizophrenia found in Caribbean-born immigrants to Britain, and first- and second-generation people of Caribbean background born in Britain. It is argued that Afro-Caribbean people in England are overrepresented in the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Factors that may contribute to this finding range from unemployment, social disadvantage status, social adversity, racism in the health and criminal justice systems, and misdiagnosis.This paper was completed when the author served as Distinguished Visiting Professor-William Patterson College, Wayne, New Jersey.  相似文献   

The emergent field of desistance research originated among scholars who were interested in the persistence or termination of crime among young men. From a focus on the structured effects of age‐graded events such as employment and marriage on desistance, the field has now broadened its interest into desistance as an interplay among identity, cognitive factors, and sociogenic factors. Mirroring the growth in theories about women's pathways to offending, the field of desistance has taken on a greater focus on gender as a determinant of crime termination. The discussion of women's desistance presented here provides the basis for a recommendation that higher education may play a pivotal role in enhancing women's successful reintegration into society after prison.  相似文献   

In dominant theories of criminal desistance, marital relationship formation is understood to be a key “turning point” away from deviant behavior. Empirical studies supporting this claim have largely focused on the positive role of marriage in men's desistance from crime, and relatively few studies have examined the role that nonmarital relationships may play in desistance. Drawing on 138 longitudinal in‐depth interviews with 22 men and women reentering society from prison, this article extends the scope of desistance research by additionally considering the significance of more fleeting and fluid relationships, and the diverse processes through which romantic relationships of all sorts are linked with criminal behaviors. We present an empirically based typology detailing six processes, grouped within three conceptual categories, through which romantic relationships had their effects. These pathways include material circumstances, social bonds and interactions, and emotional supports and stressors. We also consider gender differences in these processes. While more tenuous bonds to marginally conventional partners would seem to exert little effect, as one of the few relationships and social roles available to many former prisoners, we found that they wielded important influence, if not always in a positive direction.  相似文献   

Ninety-four recently sentenced women prisoners were interviewed to assess aspects of their gambling involvement, problem gambling and relationships between gambling and criminal offending. A third of the women, on the basis of their SOGS-R scores, were assessed as lifetime probable pathological gamblers and just under a quarter were assessed as probable pathological gamblers during the 6 months prior to imprisonment. For women prisoners, a preference for non-casino gaming machines and housie were predictive of problem gambling. Relative to non-problem gamblers, problem gamblers experienced higher rates of childhood conduct disorder and current non-psychotic mental disorder. Just over a quarter of prisoners and a half of the problem gamblers had committed a crime to obtain money to gamble. Few women said their early offending or convictions related to gambling. It was concluded that most women were “criminals first and problem gamblers second” rather than people whose offending careers commenced as a consequence of problem gambling. However, the extent of problem gambling-related offending among the women prisoners highlights the potential for comprehensive assessment and treatment programs in prison to reduce recidivism and other adverse impacts of problem gambling and gambling-related offending.  相似文献   

The study explored the links between adult offending and exploitative sexual experiences during childhood. A questionnaire was administered to three criminal groups (child molesters, rapists and non‐sexual offenders) with the aim of investigating the statistical relationships between the men's early childhood sexual experiences. The sample comprised a total of 125 males. Fifty‐eight were in prison for non‐sexual crimes, 23 were serving sentences for rape and the remaining 44 were undergoing therapeutic treatment for their child molestation crime at a special treatment programme within the prison. Significant differences were found across the groups with respect to family context: education, subsequent occupation, religious family background and levels of abuse experienced during childhood. The two sex offending groups reported higher levels of physical and sexual abuse. The rapists reported significantly higher levels of emotional abuse and neglect. The child molester group was more likely to report both consenting and non‐consenting activity with other children and there was significance across the range of sexual behaviours. Higher abuse reporting by the child molester and rapist groups suggests that early experience may influence developmental trajectories and offending pathways. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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