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交织的张力——后现代主义思潮与青年价值冲突   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
伴随着改革开放的不断深入和西方后现代主义思潮的不断涌入,当代青年正面临着同一时空下传统、现代、后现代思潮共存的状况,而三种思潮相互交织形成张力,构成了当代青年的价值冲突.本文从分析后现代主义的"放逐理想"、"多元论与差异性"、"责任的消解与去中心化"等几方面的特征出发,阐述它对当代青年价值取向的冲击与影响,并提出对青年价值重构的思考.  相似文献   

后现代主义是20世纪中期以后在西方广泛流行的一种文化思潮,是晚期资本主义工业社会的一种文化现象,是对文化哲学和精神价值取向进行批判和解构的文化运动。后现代主义对社会各个方面都产生了重要的影响,本文在这里将重点探讨其对大学生的影响,笔者从积极影响和消极影响两个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

西方现代思想界一度盛行的后现代思潮,可以被看成是对"现代性困境"的一种批判、反思和突围。后现代主义思潮包含了整个西方思想和文化非理性、启蒙之外的另外一个真实面向与可能。我们抛开文化批判、理性形而上学批判不论,后现代主义思潮最早在现代性最"根深蒂固"的经济领域,对增长瘾、增长癖现象进行了激烈的批判,率先提出"零增长"的可能性,这一点更值得我们学习。尤其许多后现代主义者借鉴了马克思主义资本批判的资源,对于生态经  相似文献   

"后现代主义"产生于上世纪60年代的西方社会,其美学观点和审美取向不断地影响着人们的生活方式和生活内容。本文对高职院校学生在后现代主义美学思潮影响下形成的审美倾向及对现行思政教育模式形成的冲击进行了分析,探索了高职学生审美价值观重构的途径与方法。  相似文献   

进入新时期以来,在西方后现代主义思潮的浸染下,我国大学生的价值观发生了嬗变:由单一向多元转变、集体向个人位移、理想向世俗变动,甚至呈现出与我国社会主义核心价值观相背离的风险。后现代主义语境下的这一嬗变,因循于社会结构的变迁和大学生思维的非真实化变动,并深刻地受到大众传媒低俗化的影响。面对大学生价值观取向的变迁,引导大学生正确认识后现代主义思潮、强化大学生价值观再培育、发挥社会主义核心价值观的整合作用显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

从思想领域培植我们的现代根系 李振 西方现代思想界一度盛行的后现代思潮,可以被看成是对"现代性困境"的一种批判、反思和突围.后现代主义思潮包含了整个西方思想和文化非理性、启蒙之外的另外一个真实面向与可能.我们抛开文化批判、理性形而上学批判不论,后现代主义思潮最早在现代性最"根深蒂固"的经济领域,对增长瘾、增长癖现象进行了激烈的批判,率先提出"零增长"的可能性,这一点更值得我们学习.  相似文献   

后现代主义思潮是近代西方盛行的一种综合性的社会文化思潮,其基本特征是反理性主义,反权威主义,消解主体性,解构统一性.后现代主义思潮的广泛传播,对我国当代青年的思想和行为产生了一系列正负交织的影响.引导青年正确认识后现代主义思潮,消除其对青年产生的负面影响,要从提高青年的马克思主义理论水平和增强辨别能力等几个方面作出努力.  相似文献   

后现代主义思潮作为当代西方具有重大影响的现实思想运动,于80年代传入我国,而由于大学生的特点在现代主义思潮的影响下出现了很多需要亟待解决的问题,所以我们要认真研究后现代主义,分析其对当代大学生价值观教育带来的双重影响,从而探索出加强和改进大学生正确价值观的对策,以促进学生思想与行为的健康发展。  相似文献   

当下,似乎把侃谈"后现代主义"的任何问题当成是一种时髦之举。一批自认为后现代主义能人在大谈后现代主义表象之上取舍、褒贬之见而无视后现代主义客观存在的学者们提出了后现代主义在中国的伪学说。让我们用发展的眼光去看待中国传统文化的历史进程,大胆创新,勇于探索,在后现代主义思潮对中国传统文化一定层面上无法回避的变革、取代上敢于面对、正视现实,积极引领中国未来传统发展,翘首以待后现代主义思潮预演中国"后现代"之传统。  相似文献   

后现代主义作为西方哲学文化思潮,其倡导的价值观中的某些因素,如游戏、颓废、多元、解构价值、功利化等对高中生的价值观和消费观存在着误导性。基于此,面对后现代主义思潮的冲击,如何纠正高中生的畸形消费心理,如何强化高中生心理调适能力等,将是本文研究的重点。  相似文献   


Postmodernism cannot or will not tell the difference between truth and falsehood, reality and simulacra, principle and dogma, or right and wrong. As a corollary, it is unable or unwilling to make any ‘veritable‘ difference to the nature or order of things. Indeed, there is no escape from, nor anything outside of, the ’panopticon of language’. Accordingly, there is no significant probative difference between the practice and experience of genocide, and talking or writing about it. All one can do is be sceptical about discourses, even those concerned with ethnic cleansing and the like. As ludicrous as this sounds, it has not prevented postmodernism from monopolising discourses about significant aesthetic, cultural, economic, intellectual, political and social practices and sensibilities. Postmodernism manifests itself in a host of disciplines, and its presence is being increasingly felt in human services education and practice. If, as I shall argue, postmodernism is such a thoroughly baseless, reductive and inert doctrine, then why persist with it? The poverty of postmodernism prompts a timely return to the rich legacy of Marxism.  相似文献   

周国梁 《城市观察》2014,(3):134-140
城市规划具有公共政策的属性,实质上是一种公共政策,研究其价值取向,既是城市规划理论发展的应有之义,也是新时期我国城市发展的现实需要。在分析城市规划公共政策属性的基础上,结合我国城市规划向公共政策的转型,着重探讨了公共政策视角下城市规划的公共价值取向、民主参与取向、人本取向和空间正义取向。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the key features of modernism and postmodernism, and critiques global standards setting from a postmodern theoretical perspective. The main areas of critique consist of the possibility of the creation of yet another totalizing discourse or grand narrative; debates around the particular and the universal; issues around representation; and power, knowledge and discursive formations. We argue that to treat modernism and postmodernism as a linear progression and as a bi‐polar categorization is to fall within the traps of modernism itself. We have thus avoided making a choice between modernism and postmodernism—between justification, objectivity, reason, universalism, proof and unity of science on the one hand and the postmodern emphases on language, power, and the particular, contingent and relational on the other hand.  相似文献   


In this paper, the basic theoretical tenets of postmodernism are outlined. As part of this process, the implications for social interventions are also discussed, including the political side of this philosophy. In general, postmodernism breaks with the reductionism that is inherent to the biomedi-cal model and offers the opportunity to develop more holistic modes of diagnosis and intervention. As a result of this shift, disabilities can no longer be viewed in an essentialist manner, but instead must be approached as social constructions. Therefore, rather than destroying culture, postmodernism supports an awareness of the so-called ‘culture of disability’ that allows persons to be understood in their own terms.  相似文献   

Adoption and family communication both affect adolescent adjustment. We proposed that adoption status and family communication interact such that adopted adolescents in families with certain communication patterns are at greater risk for adjustment problems. We tested this hypothesis using a community‐based sample of 384 adoptive and 208 nonadoptive families. Adolescents in these families were, on average, 16 years of age. The results supported our hypothesis. Adopted adolescents were at significantly greater risk for adjustment problems compared to nonadopted adolescents in families that emphasized conformity orientation without conversation orientation and in families that emphasized neither conformity nor conversation orientation. Adolescents in families emphasizing conversation orientation were at lower risk for adjustment problems, regardless of adoption status.  相似文献   

Using network analysis, this study investigated how family communication patterns (Conversation and Conformity) were related to and predictive of adolescent overall depression severity and specific symptoms. A community sample of adolescents (10–17 years, n = 1327) completed the Children's Depression Inventory and the Revised Family Communication Pattern Instrument. Depressive symptoms were also re-assessed 6 months later. Results showed that Conversation orientation protected against, whereas Conformity orientation increased the risk of adolescent depression. Family communication particularly influenced the child's feeling of being unloved, and feeling unloved was the only symptom prospectively predicted by two communication orientations at baseline. These findings revealed the path linking family factors to adolescent depression and may have implications for future family-based interventions.  相似文献   

流动青少年的生殖健康知识、态度和行为存在明显的弱质性:总体知识水平较低,尤其是性病与避孕知识缺乏严重;对早恋和对婚前性行为的态度日渐开放;性活动与性行为趋向活跃,意外妊娠和人工流产成为流动未婚青年生殖健康的严重问题。流动青少年家庭客观生存环境较差、父母主观重视不够、家庭教育能力不足、亲子关系欠佳、交流沟通不畅等因素,成为影响流动青少年的生殖健康的重要因素。必须要重视流动人口的家庭发展权,丰富家庭教育支持资源,逐步建立全方位、开放性的性教育和服务模式,促进流动青少年性与生殖健康发展。  相似文献   

贾颉 《现代交际》2010,(9):27-28
人是社会动物,社会性是人类的基本属性之一。社会使“交际”成为必需,因此作为人类,“不交际是不可能”的。本文从跨文化交际角度出发,以整齐划一的文化定势为标准开展对两性语言特征的对比研究,力图找出并解决性别文化差异给跨文化交际带来的误解和矛盾等难题。  相似文献   

Culture: A Possible Predictor of Morality for African American Adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the ways in which cultural orientation (communalism and material well‐being) and empathy influence the moral reasoning of African American middle to late adolescents. Specifically, this study utilized path analysis to investigate Ward's (1995) hypothesis that a communal orientation would promote morality among African American adolescents, while a material well‐being orientation would mitigate against it. In addition, it was hypothesized that empathy would mediate the relationship between cultural orientation and moral reasoning. Thirty‐seven high school students and 35 college students participated in the study. Results revealed that communalism was a significant predictor of empathy. Despite prediction, communalism and material well‐being were not predictors of moral reasoning. The findings did not yield support for empathy functioning as a mediator between communalism and moral reasoning. These findings are discussed in terms of previous findings, methodological limitations, and implications for future research.  相似文献   

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