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人们通过身体的坐卧立行等姿态表现出来的情感、意向、态度等各种信息的综合,就是“姿势语言”。“站有站相,坐有坐相”,不同的场合有不同的身体姿势。不过,潇洒、自然、大方、得体的身姿总是令人赏心悦目的,而矫揉造作、扭怩作态的身姿最让人厌烦。因而,应聘者要树立良好的个人形象,顺利开展工作,更  相似文献   

杨嘉嘉 《秘书之友》2008,(10):19-19
久坐办公室的上班族除了每周定期锻炼外,还可利用上班闲暇时间忙里偷闲活动活动身体。下面介绍一些简便易操作的锻炼方法,不仅有助于消除疲劳、促进头部血液循环、保持健美姿态,而且可以有效防止颈椎病的发生。  相似文献   

刘丹 《科学咨询》2010,(14):124-124
队列操练是中学体育的必修课,对矫正身体的姿态,培养正确的站、蹲、行姿势,增强组织纪律性、集体观念及团结互助精神,有着不可替代的作用。但在教学中,由于队列练习枯燥乏味,一些学生往往出工不出力,难以完成预期的教学任务。针对这种状况,笔者将单一的队列教材向队形变换、自编操拓展,并列入学校的比赛,纳入班级的争先创优评比,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

牙买加短跑运动员博尔特是现在的男子100米和200米世界纪录保持者,历史上唯一一位奥运会、世锦赛三冠王.博尔特与众不同的身材和令人难以置信的成绩,一时成为世界体坛热议的焦点,甚至对传统的短跑选材理论带来了一定的冲击.本文从遗传基因和身体条件两方面对博尔特成功的原因进行分析和解读,探索"飞人"成功的原因.  相似文献   

一、教材分析正确、规范地书写汉字是学习语文的基础,也是今后学习其他课程的基础。而在一年级,首先应该掌握汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,并且能按笔顺规则用铅笔写字,从中感受汉字的美,还有就是养成良好的写字姿势和习惯。《撇和捺》是一年级第一册中的内容。前面已经学了横、竖  相似文献   

由"应试教育"向"素质教育"转变过程中,在体育课堂上,培养学生良好的锻炼习惯,对提高课堂教学效果,培养学生终身体育能力,促进学生身心健康地发展有着重要的意义。因此,体育教师在课堂教学中,应重视培养学生良好的锻炼习惯。  相似文献   

“推拿”,是中国古老的医术。医者的双手之力施加于患者的身体,患者隐秘的病痛被另一人、另一双手所感知,这双他者之手或许比你更懂得你的身体,在一种审慎、巧妙地运用的暴力下,你的身体与侵蚀它的力量达成和解或平衡。  相似文献   

饮食能促进高质量的睡堋民,正如咖啡中所含的咖啡因可以提神一样,一些食物同样可以激发睡意,促进睡眠,究其原因,食物可以通过所含营养素的作用来调节介质的合成,从而影响我们的精神状态,介质是身体自然产生的一种物质,这种物质对于一些身体功能起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

身体成分是描述不同项目运动员生理特征的一项重要指标。运动员作为特殊的群体,在竞技体育运动训练过程中,身体成份从力学上和能量代谢上对机体产生不同作用,对人体的生理特性、运动能力均有影响。身体成份的结构和比例合理,对有效控制体重,科学安排训练,保证最佳运动能力十分重要。本文分析了运动员身体成分及测定方法,进而探讨身体成分指标在运动训练中的作用,为运动员选材、训练、教学及体质量监控提供一些科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

陈鸿恩 《决策与信息》2013,(10):140-141
白鹤拳是福建闽南地区极具代表性的拳种,其的象形性特征使其深受中小学生的喜爱。近年来,白鹤拳开始在诸多地区开始投入教学,并对学生身体各个方面起到了积极作用。本文就白鹤拳拳运动对青少年身体机能影响进行分析,重点关注其对心率、血压以及体重的影响,以期能为白鹤拳运动的健身练习提供理论指导,以期为白鹤拳进一步的理论研究提供参考。  相似文献   

On January 21, Richard Reece, MD, interviewed Charles E. Dwyer, PhD, to talk about solutions for changing the perceptions of today's beleaguered physicians. He discusses the state of affairs of physician executives in this turbulent industry and how they need to move beyond their thinking about organizations and their current responses to change. The key, Dwyer emphasizes, is influencing people to do what you want them to do. "If you want somebody to do something other than what they are doing now, then you must bring them to perceive that what you want them to do is better than what they are doing now in terms of what is important to them." He also explores how physicians can change their responses to the health care environment: "You can actually decide how you are going to respond conceptually, emotionally, and behaviorally to anything that happens in your life." Part 2 of this interview will appear in the upcoming May/June issue and will provide hands-on strategies for dealing with physician anger, fear, and resentment.  相似文献   

You've landed the perfect job, but now you must face your current employer and deliver the news that you're leaving the organization. While an exciting time, this can also certainly be a stressful one. Here are some strategies and ideas for saying goodbye to an employer that may be useful in guiding your actions. From being ready for counter-offers to downright hostility, you need to be prepared to deal with various scenarios. No matter how you have steeled yourself to go into the boss's office to share your news, you cannot predict with total accuracy just what his or her response will be. There will always be surprises, although usually things are never as bad as your imagined worst-case scenario. However, when you are ready to make your plans known, one simple rule is always required: You must have total commitment to your new position.  相似文献   

Dissemination of risk information is ubiquitous in contemporary society. We explore how individuals react in everyday life to health-risk information, based on what they report in personal interviews. Health-risk information was without exception recognized as unstable and inconsistent. This conformity, however, did not extend to the narratives regarding how health-risk information should be handled. Two opposite positions (ideal-typical strategies) are presented. Either you tend to process and evaluate new information or you tend to ignore it as a whole. Our attempt to reveal the underlying rationality in these two very different approaches involved the exploration of three different avenues of interpretation and brings together two scientific paradigms--economics and sociology--that provide the framework for our analysis. First, we suggest that a greater long-term experience of explicit choice implies that this kind of action becomes more natural and less resource consuming, whereas a reliance on habits in daily life--a natural adjustment to a lack of resources--makes it is more costly to bother about new information. Second, with fewer resources in the short run, fewer opportunities to mitigate bad outcomes, and greater exposure to social and material risks, one is less likely to devote resources to deal with health-risk information. Third, there are several possible links between a low propensity to take account of risk information and a high relative importance of genuine uncertainty in one's life. These theoretical perspectives provide a viable set of hypotheses regarding mechanisms that may contribute to social differences in the response to health-risk information.  相似文献   

Abstract. A worker's output depends not only on his/her own ability but also on that of colleagues, who can facilitate the performance of tasks that each individual cannot accomplish on his/her own. We show that this common‐sense observation generates monopsony power and is sufficient to explain why employers might expend resources on training employees even when the training is of use to other firms. We show that training will take place in better‐than‐average or ‘good’ firms enjoying greater monopsony power, whereas ‘bad’ firms will have low‐ability workers unlikely to receive much training.  相似文献   

Consultants can and do play many different roles for the client that hires them. In many cases, it is not as simple as it may appear in terms of laying out the problem and then letting the consultant you have contracted with either solve it for you or present you with options from which to pick the best solution. The retaining of outside expertise is usually done for one or more of the following reasons (by no means inclusive): Lack of "in-house" manpower or time to deliver a product. The need for an external expert to bring credibility to the project;. Getting someone outside your organization to deliver unpopular or bad news. Genuine interest in the independent findings and recommendations of the consultant. Whatever the motivation for seeking the advise of outside counsel, be sure you are prepared for the answer they may give to the question you have asked.  相似文献   

How can physician executives negotiate the salary and terms that they want for a new position? The idea of negotiation raises the anxiety level of all but a few people, those who thrive on the thrill of competitive bargaining. Most physicians do not relish the process and view it as a type of conflict. But without knowing what you want to accomplish and preparing to ask for it, you may well leave the meeting frustrated and unhappy with the offer. Determine what you want before you get into an important negotiation. You will get clear on what you want much quicker and you will remember the points better when you talk to the other person.  相似文献   

It's difficult to predict success based only on educational background and career experience, important as they are. More is needed. And one of the aspects that needs to be evaluated is the degree of self-actualization. Self-actualized individuals have worked out their personal issues well enough that their personal life no longer has to intrude into their professional lives and actions. In a word, they are free people. In career terms, self-actualized people are "company people," but not "yes-people." They are executives who have freed themselves to be able to internalize the growth, development, and strategic planning of their organization--because they are able to rise above personal considerations, to shed emotionalism, and see more clearly. Some methods you can use to figure out where you stack up are: Conduct a self-evaluation; identify role models; do what is called "a 360 evaluation."  相似文献   

How can you change your negative thinking? This column describes a process that, on the surface, seems too simplistic to be beneficial, but that works: choose a few good words to repeat to yourself constantly, progress to better thoughts, and then improve what you say to others. If you want to be more satisfied with your work life and your personal life, you must change the internal dialogue in your head. If you have some version of negative internal chatter, you need to substitute positive statements. You need to say something different from what you have been saying every spare minute of the day. You must say it even if it is the biggest lie you have ever heard yourself think. You must say it for days or weeks before you notice a difference in your attitude, relationships, and health. Eventually, you will notice you feel better and people are behaving better.  相似文献   

In the '50s and '60s, as you drove through the United States, you could not help but notice the large number of mom and pop businesses--gas stations, groceries, restaurants. The same ride in the '70s and '80s is remembered because of the large number of these businesses that had closed their doors. In the '90s, this could very well begin to happen to doctor's offices and small clinics as medicine comes to look more and more like a business. This decade has already seen a shift in medicine from fee-for-service to more managed types of insurance and payment programs and the beginning of larger physician groups. Proposed health reform initiatives can only serve to accelerate these trends. Those in medicine prepared for changes will survive and perhaps even thrive. The others will wither on the vine. One of the key strategies that will enhance survival is cooperation and organization among the different players--hospitals, insurance companies, and providers. An extremely valuable tool for survival, along with the independent practice arrangement, the integrated delivery system, etc., will be the management service organization.  相似文献   

The use of thimerosal preservative in childhood vaccines has been largely eliminated over the past decade in the United States because vaccines have been reformulated in single‐dose vials that do not require preservative. An exception is the inactivated influenza vaccines, which are formulated in both multidose vials requiring preservative and preservative‐free single‐dose vials. As part of an ongoing evaluation by USFDA of the safety of biologics throughout their lifecycle, the infant body burden of mercury following scheduled exposures to thimerosal preservative in inactivated influenza vaccines in the United States was estimated and compared to the infant body burden of mercury following daily exposures to dietary methylmercury at the reference dose established by the USEPA. Body burdens were estimated using kinetic parameters derived from experiments conducted in infant monkeys that were exposed episodically to thimerosal or MeHg at identical doses. We found that the body burden of mercury (AUC) in infants (including low birth weight) over the first 4.5 years of life following yearly exposures to thimerosal was two orders of magnitude lower than that estimated for exposures to the lowest regulatory threshold for MeHg over the same time period. In addition, peak body burdens of mercury following episodic exposures to thimerosal in this worst‐case analysis did not exceed the corresponding safe body burden of mercury from methylmercury at any time, even for low‐birth‐weight infants. Our pharmacokinetic analysis supports the acknowledged safety of thimerosal when used as a preservative at current levels in certain multidose infant vaccines in the United States.  相似文献   

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