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In ridge regression, the estimation of ridge parameter k is an important problem. There are several methods available in the literature to do this job some what efficiently. However, no attempts were made to suggest a confidence interval for the ridge parameter using the knwoledge from the data. In this article, we propose a data dependent confidence interval for the ridge parameter k. The method of obtaining the confidence interval is illustrated with the help of a data set. A simulation study indicates that the empirical coverage probability of the suggested confidence intervals are quite high.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a novel method of developing one-sample confidence bands for survival functions from right censored data. The approach is model-based, relying on a parametric model for the conditional expectation of the censoring indicator given the observed minimum, and derives its strength from easy access to a good-fitting model among a plethora of choices available for binary response data. The substantive methodological contribution is in exploiting a semiparametric estimator of the survival function to produce improved simultaneous confidence bands. To obtain critical values for computing the confidence bands, a two-stage bootstrap approach that combines the classical bootstrap with the more recent model-based regeneration of censoring indicators is proposed and a justification of its asymptotic validity is also provided. Several different confidence bands are studied using the proposed approach. Numerical studies, including robustness of the proposed bands to misspecification, are carried out to check efficacy. The method is illustrated using two lung cancer data sets.  相似文献   

An exact confidence set for that x-coordinate where a quadratic regression model has a given gradient is derived. The limits of the confidence set are given by mathematical formulae. They are implemented in Fortran programs that can be downloaded from the web. The confidence set need not be an interval. Its increase and its changing shape for increasing confidence level is extensively described and visualized in a figure that relates to data from nitrogen-rate trials in Germany. The wheat yields in this example are modeled as quadratic functions of the nitrogen input in order to determine a confidence set for the economically optimum nitrogen fertilization. The disadvantage that the confidence set does not distinguish between concave and convex parabolae, between profit maxima and minima, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Confidence intervals for a single parameter are spanned by quantiles of a confidence distribution, and one‐sided p‐values are cumulative confidences. Confidence distributions are thus a unifying format for representing frequentist inference for a single parameter. The confidence distribution, which depends on data, is exact (unbiased) when its cumulative distribution function evaluated at the true parameter is uniformly distributed over the unit interval. A new version of the Neyman–Pearson lemma is given, showing that the confidence distribution based on the natural statistic in exponential models with continuous data is less dispersed than all other confidence distributions, regardless of how dispersion is measured. Approximations are necessary for discrete data, and also in many models with nuisance parameters. Approximate pivots might then be useful. A pivot based on a scalar statistic determines a likelihood in the parameter of interest along with a confidence distribution. This proper likelihood is reduced of all nuisance parameters, and is appropriate for meta‐analysis and updating of information. The reduced likelihood is generally different from the confidence density. Confidence distributions and reduced likelihoods are rooted in Fisher–Neyman statistics. This frequentist methodology has many of the Bayesian attractions, and the two approaches are briefly compared. Concepts, methods and techniques of this brand of Fisher–Neyman statistics are presented. Asymptotics and bootstrapping are used to find pivots and their distributions, and hence reduced likelihoods and confidence distributions. A simple form of inverting bootstrap distributions to approximate pivots of the abc type is proposed. Our material is illustrated in a number of examples and in an application to multiple capture data for bowhead whales.  相似文献   

Consider panel data modelled by a linear random intercept model that includes a time‐varying covariate. Suppose that our aim is to construct a confidence interval for the slope parameter. Commonly, a Hausman pretest is used to decide whether this confidence interval is constructed using the random effects model or the fixed effects model. This post‐model‐selection confidence interval has the attractive features that it (a) is relatively short when the random effects model is correct and (b) reduces to the confidence interval based on the fixed effects model when the data and the random effects model are highly discordant. However, this confidence interval has the drawbacks that (i) its endpoints are discontinuous functions of the data and (ii) its minimum coverage can be far below its nominal coverage probability. We construct a new confidence interval that possesses these attractive features, but does not suffer from these drawbacks. This new confidence interval provides an intermediate between the post‐model‐selection confidence interval and the confidence interval obtained by always using the fixed effects model. The endpoints of the new confidence interval are smooth functions of the Hausman test statistic, whereas the endpoints of the post‐model‐selection confidence interval are discontinuous functions of this statistic.  相似文献   

This paper describes a statistical method for estimating data envelopment analysis (DEA) score confidence intervals for individual organizations or other entities. This method applies statistical panel data analysis, which provides proven and powerful methodologies for diagnostic testing and for estimation of confidence intervals. DEA scores are tested for violations of the standard statistical assumptions including contemporaneous correlation, serial correlation, heteroskedasticity and the absence of a normal distribution. Generalized least squares statistical models are used to adjust for violations that are present and to estimate valid confidence intervals within which the true efficiency of each individual decision-making unit occurs. This method is illustrated with two sets of panel data, one from large US urban transit systems and the other from a group of US hospital pharmacies.  相似文献   

Abstract: The authors derive empirical likelihood confidence regions for the comparison distribution of two populations whose distributions are to be tested for equality using random samples. Another application they consider is to ROC curves, which are used to compare measurements of a diagnostic test from two populations. The authors investigate the smoothed empirical likelihood method for estimation in this context, and empirical likelihood based confidence intervals are obtained by means of the Wilks theorem. A bootstrap approach allows for the construction of confidence bands. The method is illustrated with data analysis and a simulation study.  相似文献   

We construct bootstrap confidence intervals for smoothing spline estimates based on Gaussian data, and penalized likelihood smoothing spline estimates based on data from .exponential families. Several vari- ations of bootstrap confidence intervals are considered and compared. We find that the commonly used ootstrap percentile intervals are inferior to the T intervals and to intervals based on bootstrap estimation of mean squared errors. The best variations of the bootstrap confidence intervals behave similar to the well known Bayesian confidence intervals. These bootstrap confidence intervals have an average coverage probability across the function being estimated, as opposed to a pointwise property.  相似文献   

Clustered survival data arise often in clinical trial design, where the correlated subunits from the same cluster are randomized to different treatment groups. Under such design, we consider the problem of constructing confidence interval for the difference of two median survival time given the covariates. We use Cox gamma frailty model to account for the within-cluster correlation. Based on the conditional confidence intervals, we can identify the possible range of covariates over which the two groups would provide different median survival times. The associated coverage probability and the expected length of the proposed interval are investigated via a simulation study. The implementation of the confidence intervals is illustrated using a real data set.  相似文献   

A polynomial spline estimator is proposed for the mean function of dense functional data together with a simultaneous confidence band which is asymptotically correct. In addition, the spline estimator and its accompanying confidence band enjoy oracle efficiency in the sense that they are asymptotically the same as if all random trajectories are observed entirely and without errors. The confidence band is also extended to the difference of mean functions of two populations of functional data. Simulation experiments provide strong evidence that corroborates the asymptotic theory while computing is efficient. The confidence band procedure is illustrated by analyzing the near infrared spectroscopy data.  相似文献   

In an attempt to apply robust procedures, conventional t-tables are used to approximate critical values of a Studentized t-statistic which is formed from the ratio of a trimmed mean to the square root of a suitably normed Winsorized sum of squared deviations. It is shown here that the approximation is poor if the proportion of trimming is chosen to depend on the data. Instead a data dependent alternative is given which uses adaptive trimming proportions and confidence intervals based on trimmed likelihood statistics. Resulting statistics have high efficiency at the normal model, proper coverage for confidence intervals, yet retain breakdown point one half. Average lengths of confidence intervals are competitive with those of recent Studentized confidence intervals based on the biweight over a range of underlying distributions. In addition, the adaptive trimming is used to identify potential outliers. Evidence in the form of simulations and data analysis support the new adaptive trimming approach.  相似文献   

Assuming stratified simple random sampling, a confidence interval for a finite population quantile may be desired. Using a confidence interval with endpoints given by order statistics from the combined stratified sample, several procedures to obtain lower bounds (and approximations for the lower bounds) for the confidence coefficients are presented. The procedures differ with respect to the amount of prior information assumed about the var-iate values in the finite population, and the extent to which sample data is used to estimate the lower bounds.  相似文献   

This paper considers a linear regression model with regression parameter vector β. The parameter of interest is θ= aTβ where a is specified. When, as a first step, a data‐based variable selection (e.g. minimum Akaike information criterion) is used to select a model, it is common statistical practice to then carry out inference about θ, using the same data, based on the (false) assumption that the selected model had been provided a priori. The paper considers a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1 ‐ α constructed on this (false) assumption, and calls this the naive 1 ‐ α confidence interval. The minimum coverage probability of this confidence interval can be calculated for simple variable selection procedures involving only a single variable. However, the kinds of variable selection procedures used in practice are typically much more complicated. For the real‐life data presented in this paper, there are 20 variables each of which is to be either included or not, leading to 220 different models. The coverage probability at any given value of the parameters provides an upper bound on the minimum coverage probability of the naive confidence interval. This paper derives a new Monte Carlo simulation estimator of the coverage probability, which uses conditioning for variance reduction. For these real‐life data, the gain in efficiency of this Monte Carlo simulation due to conditioning ranged from 2 to 6. The paper also presents a simple one‐dimensional search strategy for parameter values at which the coverage probability is relatively small. For these real‐life data, this search leads to parameter values for which the coverage probability of the naive 0.95 confidence interval is 0.79 for variable selection using the Akaike information criterion and 0.70 for variable selection using Bayes information criterion, showing that these confidence intervals are completely inadequate.  相似文献   

Importance resampling is an approach that uses exponential tilting to reduce the resampling necessary for the construction of nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals. The properties of bootstrap importance confidence intervals are well established when the data is a smooth function of means and when there is no censoring. However, in the framework of survival or time-to-event data, the asymptotic properties of importance resampling have not been rigorously studied, mainly because of the unduly complicated theory incurred when data is censored. This paper uses extensive simulation to show that, for parameter estimates arising from fitting Cox proportional hazards models, importance bootstrap confidence intervals can be constructed if the importance resampling probabilities of the records for the n individuals in the study are determined by the empirical influence function for the parameter of interest. Our results show that, compared to uniform resampling, importance resampling improves the relative mean-squared-error (MSE) efficiency by a factor of nine (for n = 200). The efficiency increases significantly with sample size, is mildly associated with the amount of censoring, but decreases slightly as the number of bootstrap resamples increases. The extra CPU time requirement for calculating importance resamples is negligible when compared to the large improvement in MSE efficiency. The method is illustrated through an application to data on chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which highlights that the bootstrap confidence interval is the preferred alternative to large sample inferences when the distribution of a specific covariate deviates from normality. Our results imply that, because of its computational efficiency, importance resampling is recommended whenever bootstrap methodology is implemented in a survival framework. Its use is particularly important when complex covariates are involved or the survival problem to be solved is part of a larger problem; for instance, when determining confidence bounds for models linking survival time with clusters identified in gene expression microarray data.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop four explicit asymptotic two-sided confidence intervals for the difference between two Poisson rates via a hybrid method. The basic idea of the proposed method is to estimate or recover the variances of the two Poisson rate estimates, which are required for constructing the confidence interval for the rate difference, from the confidence limits for the two individual Poisson rates. The basic building blocks of the approach are reliable confidence limits for the two individual Poisson rates. Four confidence interval estimators that have explicit solutions and good coverage levels are employed: the first normal with continuity correction, Rao score, Freeman and Tukey, and Jeffreys confidence intervals. Using simulation studies, we examine the performance of the four hybrid confidence intervals and compare them with three existing confidence intervals: the non-informative prior Bayes confidence interval, the t confidence interval based on Satterthwait's degrees of freedom, and the Bayes confidence interval based on Student's t confidence coefficient. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid Freeman and Tukey, and the hybrid Jeffreys confidence intervals can be highly recommended because they outperform the others in terms of coverage probabilities and widths. The other methods tend to be too conservative and produce wider confidence intervals. The application of these confidence intervals are illustrated with three real data sets.  相似文献   


The performances of six confidence intervals for estimating the arithmetic mean of a lognormal distribution are compared using simulated data. The first interval considered is based on an exact method and is recommended in U.S. EPA guidance documents for calculating upper confidence limits for contamination data. Two intervals are based on asymptotic properties due to the Central Limit Theorem, and the other three are based on transformations and maximum likelihood estimation. The effects of departures from lognormality on the performance of these intervals are also investigated. The gamma distribution is considered to represent departures from the lognormal distribution. The average width and coverage of each confidence interval is reported for varying mean, variance, and sample size. In the lognormal case, the exact interval gives good coverage, but for small sample sizes and large variances the confidence intervals are too wide. In these cases, an approximation that incorporates sampling variability of the sample variance tends to perform better. When the underlying distribution is a gamma distribution, the intervals based upon the Central Limit Theorem tend to perform better than those based upon lognormal assumptions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Bayesian-hypothesis-testing-based methodology for model validation and confidence extrapolation under uncertainty, using limited test data. An explicit expression of the Bayes factor is derived for the interval hypothesis testing. The interval method is compared with the Bayesian point null hypothesis testing approach. The Bayesian network with Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation and Gibbs sampling is explored for extrapolating the inference from the validated domain at the component level to the untested domain at the system level. The effect of the number of experiments on the confidence in the model validation decision is investigated. The probabilities of Type I and Type II errors in decision-making during the model validation and confidence extrapolation are quantified. The proposed methodologies are applied to a structural mechanics problem. Numerical results demonstrate that the Bayesian methodology provides a quantitative approach to facilitate rational decisions in model validation and confidence extrapolation under uncertainty.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate four existing and three new confidence interval estimators for the negative binomial proportion (i.e., proportion under inverse/negative binomial sampling). An extensive and systematic comparative study among these confidence interval estimators through Monte Carlo simulations is presented. The performance of these confidence intervals are evaluated in terms of their coverage probabilities and expected interval widths. Our simulation studies suggest that the confidence interval estimator based on saddlepoint approximation is more appealing for large coverage levels (e.g., nominal level≤1% ) whereas the score confidence interval estimator is more desirable for those commonly used coverage levels (e.g., nominal level>1% ). We illustrate these confidence interval construction methods with a real data set from a maternal congenital heart disease study.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Cox model with time-dependent coefficients has been studied by a number of authors recently. In this paper, we develop empirical likelihood (EL) pointwise confidence regions for the time-dependent regression coefficients via local partial likelihood smoothing. The EL simultaneous confidence bands for a linear combination of the coefficients are also derived based on the strong approximation methods. The EL ratio is formulated through the local partial log-likelihood for the regression coefficient functions. Our numerical studies indicate that the EL pointwise/simultaneous confidence regions/bands have satisfactory finite sample performances. Compared with the confidence regions derived directly based on the asymptotic normal distribution of the local constant estimator, the EL confidence regions are overall tighter and can better capture the curvature of the underlying regression coefficient functions. Two data sets, the gastric cancer data and the Mayo Clinic primary biliary cirrhosis data, are analysed using the proposed method.  相似文献   

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