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 统计学博士是统计科研的中坚力量之一,其博士论文在一定程度上反映了当时我国统计学科研的热点和前沿,代表着我国统计教育的先进水平。本文通过对1987-2009年509篇统计学博士学位论文的选题及其研究内容进行统计,分析其变动规律和特点,总结选题的得失与启示,为今后科学选题以及进一步深入开展统计学术研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

袁卫 《统计研究》2019,36(5):120-128
许宝騄、戴世光是我国近现代数理统计和社会经济统计领域的两面旗帜。他们二位在上世纪30年代分别留学英国和美国,获得统计学博士和硕士学位。抗日战争爆发后,分别在1940年、1938年回到昆明,任教西南联大。在极其困难的条件下,他们不仅在算学系、经济学系系统讲授数理统计和社会经济统计等课程,而且作出了有重大国际影响的研究成果。艰苦而乐观的生活趣事既反映了当时特殊的时代背景,更彰显出他们高尚的人格品德。  相似文献   

本文基于熵值法构建城市民生发展指数,利用Dagum基尼系数和方差分解方法首次从空间和结构两个视角考察我国城市民生发展的差异大小及来源,并运用关系数据分析范式研究其形成机理。研究发现:我国城市民生发展水平持续向好,但2010年之后民生发展不均衡现象显著;民生发展总体差异主要来源于区域间差异,其中东部和中部区域间差异贡献最大,东部区域内差异贡献显著高于中部、西部地区;社会发展差异和生态建设差异是民生发展差异的主要结构来源;人民生活差异、科技创新差异对民生发展差异的影响均从东向西依次减弱,社会发展差异的作用则依次增强,生态建设差异的影响在中部地区最为突出,经济发展差异对东部地区的影响较弱;人民生活差异、科技创新差异上升是导致2010年之后民生发展差异扩大的主要原因。本研究丰富了城市民生评价体系的构建方案,为揭示我国城市民生发展差异状况、探索协同提升对策提供了重要借鉴经验。  相似文献   

Many studies have provided evidence that, in birds, inexperienced breeders have a lower probability of breeding successfully. This is often explained by lack of skills and knowledge, and sometimes late laying dates in the first breeding attempt. There is growing evidence that in many species with deferred reproduction, some prebreeders attend breeding places, acquire territories and form pairs. Several behavioural tactics assumed to be associated with territory acquisition have been described in different species. These tactics may influence the probability of recruiting in the breeding segment of the population, age of first breeding, and reproductive success in the first breeding attempt. Here we addressed the influence of behaviour ('squatting') during the prebreeding period on demographic parameters (survival and recruitment probability) in a long-lived colonial seabird species: the kittiwake. We also investigated the influence of behaviour on reproductive trajectory. Squatters have a higher survival and recruitment probability, and a higher probability of breeding successfully in the first breeding attempt in all age-classes where this category is represented. The influence of behaviour is mainly expressed in the first reproduction. However, there is a relationship between breeding success in the first occasion and subsequent occasions. The influence of breeding success in the first breeding attempt on the rest of the trajectory may indirectly reflect the influence of behaviour on breeding success in the first occasion. The shape of the reproductive trajectory is influenced by behaviour and age of first breeding. There is substantial individual variation from the mean reproductive trajectory, which is accounted for by heterogeneity in performance among individuals in the first attempt, but there is no evidence of individual heterogeneity in the rate of change over time in performance in subsequent breeding occasions  相似文献   

Many studies have provided evidence that, in birds, inexperienced breeders have a lower probability of breeding successfully. This is often explained by lack of skills and knowledge, and sometimes late laying dates in the first breeding attempt. There is growing evidence that in many species with deferred reproduction, some prebreeders attend breeding places, acquire territories and form pairs. Several behavioural tactics assumed to be associated with territory acquisition have been described in different species. These tactics may influence the probability of recruiting in the breeding segment of the population, age of first breeding, and reproductive success in the first breeding attempt. Here we addressed the influence of behaviour ('squatting') during the prebreeding period on demographic parameters (survival and recruitment probability) in a long-lived colonial seabird species: the kittiwake. We also investigated the influence of behaviour on reproductive trajectory. Squatters have a higher survival and recruitment probability, and a higher probability of breeding successfully in the first breeding attempt in all age-classes where this category is represented. The influence of behaviour is mainly expressed in the first reproduction. However, there is a relationship between breeding success in the first occasion and subsequent occasions. The influence of breeding success in the first breeding attempt on the rest of the trajectory may indirectly reflect the influence of behaviour on breeding success in the first occasion. The shape of the reproductive trajectory is influenced by behaviour and age of first breeding. There is substantial individual variation from the mean reproductive trajectory, which is accounted for by heterogeneity in performance among individuals in the first attempt, but there is no evidence of individual heterogeneity in the rate of change over time in performance in subsequent breeding occasions  相似文献   

Developments in population policy in the USSR are outlined in this editorial. Mention is made of achievements in lowering mortality, particularly in the 1950s and 1970s. Recently adopted pro-natalist measures are described, and the results are stated to ba a rise in the birth rate in 1983 that was sustained in 1984 and 1985. Attention is also given to policies designed to encourage labor migration in response to labor shortages in some regions.  相似文献   

Over the years, crop insurance programs became the focus of agricultural policy in the USA, Spain, Mexico, and more recently in Brazil. Given the increasing interest in insurance, accurate calculation of the premium rate is of great importance. We address the crop-yield distribution issue and its implications in pricing an insurance contract considering the dynamic structure of the data and incorporating the spatial correlation in the Hierarchical Bayesian framework. Results show that empirical (insurers) rates are higher in low risk areas and lower in high risk areas. Such methodological improvement is primarily important in situations of limited data.  相似文献   

本文利用2002-2011年的制造业数据核算比较了中国与主要竞争国家的制造业单位劳动力成本,发现我国单位劳动力成本已经高于印尼、泰国和马来西亚等东南亚国家。具体地,东部地区单位劳动力成本2002年以后高于印尼,2007年超过我国中西部地区和泰国,2011年超过马来西亚;中西部地区单位劳动力成本2002年以后高于印尼,2009年超过泰国,2011年超过马来西亚,主要原因在于我国小时劳动力成本上升过快。因而,与印尼、泰国、马来西亚等东南亚国家相比,我国已不具有劳动力成本优势,再加上近年来我国人口红利的消失,中西部地区劳动力成本也已高于东南亚国家,因而,可以解释我国中西部地区为何没能及时接收东部地区的产业转移。  相似文献   

Recently, some papers have been appearing that have noticed some mistakes in the calculations in the statistical software in simple and classical tests (Wilcoxon–Mann-Whitney and Log-Rank). This article examines the variance formulas for the Kendall test, the Jonckheere test, and the Terpstra test. We show in this article that these variances (in spite of what is said in the literature and in the statistical software), in the presence of ties and r ≥ 3 groups, are only equal approximately and are exactly equal for two groups and ties as we prove in the Appendix.  相似文献   

潘文卿 《统计研究》2018,35(6):18-30
本研究通过1997、2002、2007、2012年中国区域间投入产出表,从中间品关联、增加值关联、投入产出关联三方面的视角度考察了中国8大区域间的国家价值链(NVC)现状及其演变趋势,并测算了不同地区参与NVC的增加值收益变化。研究发现,无论是中间品关联,还是增加值关联,中国8大区域间的关联程度总体呈现上升趋势,当然,不同地区也呈现分化现象:西北、京津、中部地区的国内中间品关联指数更高一些,而东北与东南沿海地区的该指数更低一些;京津、西北地区的增加值后向关联指数较大,而中部地区与北部沿海地区的增加值前向关联指数较大。从投入产出关联视角看,中国8大区域的上游度指数与下游度指数在1997年时均超过2,而且1997-2012年间,更多地区的上、下游度指数呈现上升态势。当然,从区域的角度考察,中国国内价值链不具有明显的“微笑曲线”特征。从参与NVC的增加值获益率上看,则是内陆地区普遍高于沿海地区,但随着参与GVC程度的增加,各地区从参与NVC的增加值获益率有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

We analyse the patterns of 6564 suicides in Hong Kong and 23671 suicides in Australia for the period 1981–1993. Within the unifying framework of logistic regression we investigate how suicide rates vary with marital status and age and how these patterns vary over time and between the two cultures. The main significant differences between the two cultures are that rates are higher in Australia, rates for males are much higher than for females in Australia but only slightly higher in Hong Kong, in Hong Kong the oldest age group has the highest suicide rate unlike in Australia and the protective effects of marriage are larger in Australia.  相似文献   

高帆 《统计研究》2014,31(12):41-46
本文利用1992-2012年我国29个省区的面板数据,采用固定效应模型实证研究了城市化对城乡消费差距的影响、以及城乡消费差距对经济增长的作用。结果显示:城市化是引致城乡消费差距变动的核心变量,且城市化导致中国的城乡消费差距呈现出先增后减的“倒U型”趋势,“倒U型”拐点大致发生在2003年,东部地区城乡消费差距的“倒U型”趋势显著于中西部地区。上世纪90年代初期以来,我国的城乡消费差距与经济增长之间存在着长期稳定关系,城乡消费差距拉大对经济增长产生了负面效应,且这种负面效应在东部要比中西部表现得更为显著。可见,我国的城市化、城乡消费差距和经济增长之间存在着依次影响的关系,且这种影响关系具有时段差异性和区域异质性。  相似文献   

Edwin Pitman was born on 29th October, 1897, in Melbourne, Victoria. He was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Tasmania from 1926 until his retirement in 1962. His publications on distribution-free methods in Statistics established a sound basis for the development of these methods. His theoretical papers gave a sound mathematical treatment of the concepts of intrinsic accuracy and sufficiency, and a definitive treatment of estimation problems for location and scale parameters. The concept of asymptotic relative efficiency is due to him. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (FAA) in 1954, a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 1948, President of the Australian Mathematical Society in 1958 and 1959, and Vice-President of the International Statistical Institute in 1960. He was elected an Honorary Life Member of the Statistical Society of Australia in 1966, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society in 1965, and an Honorary Life Member of the Australian Mathematical Society in 1968.
In 1977, in honour of his eightieth birthday, the University of Tasmania conferred on him an Honorary Doctorate of Science, and the Statistical Society of Australia instituted the Pitman Medal (1979), to be awarded to a member of the Society for high distinction in Statistics.
The conversations recorded here took place in May, 1991, at Pitman's home in Hobart, Tasmania.  相似文献   

罗楚亮 《统计研究》2012,29(2):34-41
本文根据1995年和2002年住户调查数据,讨论了居民收入增长、收入波动以及住户特征对于城镇居民财产积累的影响。本文发现在1995年的家庭财产持有行为中已经具有明显的预防性动机,收入波动对于家庭的财产积累行为具有重要影响,而2002年中这种效应则有所下降。城镇居民在这一期间持有财产数量的增长主要是由收入增长所解释。此外,预防性动机在整个财产分布中的变化趋势在两个年份中是相反的,1995年财产分布低分位点钟具有更强的预防性动机,而2002年则相反,预防性动机随着财产分布分位点的上升而增强。如果控制收入、收入波动以及生命周期等储蓄性因素,户主特征对于财产积累的解释作用非常有限。  相似文献   

In this work we present a flexible class of linear models to treat observations made in discrete time and continuous space, where the regression coefficients vary smoothly in time and space. This kind of model is particularly appealing in situations where the effect of one or more explanatory processes on the response present substantial heterogeneity in both dimensions. We describe how to perform inference for this class of models and also how to perform forecasting in time and interpolation in space, using simulation techniques. The performance of the algorithm to estimate the parameters of the model and to perform prediction in time is investigated with simulated data sets. The proposed methodology is used to model pollution levels in the Northeast of the United States.  相似文献   

Dengue Hemmorage Fever (DHF) cases have become a serious problem every year in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Understanding the dynamic spread of the disease is essential in order to find an effective strategy in controlling its spread. In this study, a convolution (Poisson-lognormal) model that integrates both uncorrelated and correlated random effects was developed. A spatial–temporal convolution model to accomodate both spatial and temporal variations of the disease spread dynamics was considered. The model was applied to the DHF cases in the city of Kendari, Indonesia. DHF data for 10 districts during the period 2007–2010 were collected from the health services. The data of rainfall and population density were obtained from the local offices in Kendari. The numerical experiments indicated that both the rainfall and the population density played an important role in the increasing DHF cases in the city of Kendari. The result suggested that DHF cases mostly occured in January, the wet session with high rainfall, and in Kadia, the densest district in the city. As people in the city have high mobility while dengue mosquitoes tend to stay localized in their area, the best intervention is in January and in the district of Kadia.  相似文献   

运用中国某大型财产保险公司山东、湖北、四川三省机动车保险的承保和理赔数据,通过建立probit模型和bivariate probit模型实证检验了中国机动车保险市场信息不对称。研究发现,中国机动车保险市场存在显著的信息不对称,且在险种和地区分布上不平衡。随着索赔次数的增加,信息不对称的险种差异仍然存在,但地区差异渐趋消失。同时,投保人在商业第三者责任保险赔偿限额的选择上存在显著的正向选择。最后,对保险公司如何应对信息不对称提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

William Stanley Jevons published his statistical analysis of the climate of Australia and New Zealand, in 1858. Florence Nightingale advised Sir George Grey to collect statistics on M a ori health. Frederick William Frankland published a significant study of mortality in New Zealand, in 1882; and in 1890 George Hogben pioneered the application of statistics to seismology. These people all contributed to statistical knowledge in New Zealand, but were not New Zealanders. Earnest Rutherford, Leslie John Comrie and Alexander Craig Aitken were born and educated in New Zealand, but they worked mainly in the UK. In 1911 Rutherford made very effective use of statistics in discovering the nuclear structure of atoms; in 1937 Comrie pioneered the use of punched-card machinery for large-scale statistical analysis; and Aitken did very important work in mathematical statistics.  相似文献   

The main aim of the study was to estimate separately the effects of the variations in the components of population change and the effects of their mutual interactions on the size and age structure and other characteristics of the Australian population during 1911-66. The method proposed, called here the factorial projection method, is to project the population over the period under consideration, under different assumptions according to a 2×2×2 factorial design, utilizing the observed variations in fertility, mortality and migration. It was found that, apart from the effects of variations in the components occurring individually, the two factor interaction effects– the interaction effects of the changes occurring simultaneously in two of the components (viz. fertility and mortality or mortality and migration or fertility and migration)–on the population size, were considerable. The contribution of migration to the working age group was greater than its effect on the total size, and mortality improvement played a more prominent role in increasing the size of the old age population, while the reduction in fertility caused a higher proportion in the old age group and thus increased the mean age of the population both in the case of males and females. The two factor interaction effects were not negligible in changing the size of the school age population, population in the working age group and also in the old age group. But the interaction of migration and the decline in fertility was the only interaction effect which was important in changing the percentage age distribution and the mean age of the male and female population.  相似文献   

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