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By using the method of literature studies, the author analyzes the causes for the love tragedy in Romeo and Juliet finding that the direct causes lie in the psychology of Romeo and Juliet dominating their behavior. Therefore, the author intends to analyze the causes in the psychological light,and summarizes experiences and lessons in order to provide guidance formodern people dealing with romantic relationship.  相似文献   

How do men and women experience love? As no one person is entirely qualified to speak for both sexes, this love letter considers the dilemmas in assuming that love is in itself gendered. A light hearted look at desire, through the prism of Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, offers some ideas on the nature of love.  相似文献   

This paper examines the intertextual dialog between Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet (1595) and the Swedish film Wellkåmm to Verona (2006) by Suzanne Osten. In the film adaptation, Verona no longer refers to an ancient town in Northern Italy that tries to control its passionate youth. Instead, it is the name of a residential home for older people where the dementia-afflicted Walter, former director of the Swedish Royal Theatre, stages Romeo and Juliet with his co-residents. The article explores the question what the film can do to its viewers in terms of overcoming the stigma attached to dementia. It focuses on the formal strategies that the film adaptation makes use of to imagine people with dementia other than lost selves during the staging of the canonical love story, ultimately entwining Eros and Thanatos.  相似文献   


This article takes up Agozino's call for love. Yet this call is not a straightforward one. In response, I press for an appreciation of love which avoids collapsing love into 'protection', engaging instead with the Aboriginal World View described by Kombumerri and Wakka Wakka woman and scholar, Mary Graham, as a form of conduct, reflection and a practice in listening. Through two quite distinct stories offered by young people in their encounters with Australia's criminal justice system, I explore the ethics of listening and respectful relations in social and institutional settings. While the first story reveals the denial of colonial violence accompanying protectionist policies for the ‘care' of Indigenous communities, the second story shows how such patterns of denial underpin western ‘justice' systems, including for settler peoples. Responding to Agozino’s call requires that we examine the ethical act of listening and reflect on the repercussions of the failure to listen.  相似文献   

Moll Flanders is one of the the most engaging figures that are shaped by Defoe. The legendary story of this female criminal reflects the real social and cultural status in the early 18th century in British. Particularly people's twisted view of marriage and love, and provoke people to ponder deeply.  相似文献   

Pride and Prejudice is a vivid reflection of Britain's middle and upper class morality, values and attitudes of love and marriage in the early 19th century, the novel revolves around the Bennets, describes the four different marriages, on the surface, this is a love story, in fact, through the use of irony, Austen criticizes the notion of marriage which is blind pursuit of money and status. The clever use of irony is one of the artistic features of this book. Through analysis of the irony art in the story, we can see the author's marriage view.  相似文献   


Both Palestine and the Indian held Kashmir have become hallmarks of a postcolonial siege manifest in heavy militarisation, illegal occupation, human rights violations, and an excruciating love born from and for people’s resistance and solidarity. While different, strong overlaps exist between the two conflicts in having been?midwifed?by the waning British Empire in 1947; subsequent internationalisation and fighting against a type of contemporary international politics that subsumes them under so-called ‘Islamic terrorism.’ Also noticeable is the motif of ‘suffering’ that makes the tragedy of Kashmir resonate with the pathos of Palestine. This paper focuses on the vantage from Kashmir, where people herald the Palestinian struggle as pioneering and a beacon of just struggle. I illustrate how Kashmiris, have come to?harbour?for the Palestinians an ‘affective solidarity’ which is evident in their modes of resistance to lend support for the liberation of Palestine and credibility to the Kashmir’s own resistance movement.  相似文献   


This article offers a comparative reading of H.D.’s 1927 kunstlerroman à clef, HERmione and Freud’s Dora alongside an intertextual close reading of its dense web of literary allusions in order to argue that it offers a sustained critique of Freudian psychoanalysis and an alternative origin story for the condition of hysteria. Drawing on the notion of prophecy as it is thematised in the novel, the article demonstrates H.D.’s prefiguring of Juliet Mitchell’s recent reconfiguration of hysteria as a response to, replacement by, or failure of identification with a sibling.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(3):269-283
This article investigates the representation of the domestic interior on the pre-Restoration English stage. It argues for the very specific nature of theatrical representations of the interior, and for a strong and meaningful connection between the household on and off the stage. Contrasting early modern representations with medieval and post-Restoration ones, it defines this period as uniquely interested in personal domestic space whilst employing no scenery with which to produce a sense of its enclosed nature. Within these constraints and possibilities, it is argued that the household is employed differently on stage within the genres of city comedy and domestic tragedy.  相似文献   

Ernest Hemingway helped create the image of the Lost Generation,with the characters and symbols in"A Farewell to Arms",but he also exposed the tragedy of the Lost Generation that were as much a part of the era as were the lost of love,peace and freedom.This paper is a book report of A Farewell to Arms,discussing the tragedy of the lost generation.  相似文献   

This ethnographic account of a love story of two elite-level bodybuilders addresses the ways in which broad cultural histories are relevant to understanding contemporarily situated problematics of sex and sexual identity. Specifically I argue that strategically placed historical and cross-cultural studies are useful in understanding in this context how: (1) subjects are configured as gendered, sexed, and sexually-oriented; (2) subjects make love; and (3) attempts to remake love outside the episteme of sexuality are confined. The love story, configured as a ‘paradise lost’ narrative, provides evidence suggesting that the occularcentric and muscularcentric practices of bodybuilding within this specific setting combined to offer the featured couple the material grounds upon which to venture temporarily beyond the pleasures circumscribed by the historical shift in subjectivity associated with Modernity. I conclude the piece by looking to the 1960's European revolutionary aesthetic movement of the Situationists to suggest how a ‘situationist ethnography’ might be used to create conditions of possibility for progressive work in the area of sexuality.  相似文献   

This essay engages Luce Irigaray's view of love as carnal and relational labor, and her ethics of that love, as they emerge in her book I Love to You: Sketch of a Possible Felicity in History. Of particular interest is the 'to' in her formulation 'I love to you'. This 'to', the author argues, is deployed by, or reverberates between, dancing, observing and writing bodies. It is a technology of corporeal intimacy, a protocol for reading and re-imagining the love story of dance criticism. Two sites offer illustrations of opposing views of Irigaray's 'to'. The first, the Pilates studio, links 'to' to the metaphoric, sometimes proprietary intimacy of working with a practitioner body to body. The second, a decidedly 'anti-Irigaraian' love story, explores virtuosity as a romance between dancer and critic, one in which the latter is seduced by, and envelopes the former as 'you who will never be, yet must be mine'.  相似文献   

We tell here our all-too-unusual story of living and working together, reflecting on both the obstacles and the forces that made it possible for us to find each other, stay together, and develop a collaborative working relationship. Despite experiencing various forms of discrimination, we have been able over the years to contribute to the creation of a queer community through hiring lesbian colleagues, attracting lesbian and gay students, participating in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender movement, and advocating social justice for women and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in our respective professional associations. This is the story of becoming the "professors of lesbian love," a title bestowed upon us by the drag queens we studied in our most recent joint project.  相似文献   

不平凡的日子,你我一起携手走过。这一路,冲锋向前,披荆斩棘。面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,党和国家坚持人民至上、生命至上。一个个义无反顾的身影,一次次心手相连的接力,一幕幕感人至深的场景,共筑起属于中国的“高光时刻”。这一路,万众一心加油干,越是艰难越向前。历经8年,832个贫困县,近1亿贫困人口全部脱贫“摘帽”。干百年来,困扰中华民族的绝对贫困问题历史性地得到了解决!  相似文献   

L'apparition de l'amour romantique en chrétienté du douzième siècle et sa légitimation éventuelle comme base pour la sélection du conjoint sont expliquées en terme du contraste idéologique entre l'amour romantique (mania), l'amour chretien (agape-caritas), et le mariage féodal de convenance (amour pragmatique). Les institutions sociales supportant chaque légitimation sont analysées. L'amour romantique était particulièrement approprié aux aspirations de mobilité des chevaliers sans terre, vu qu'il mettait en question l'emphase sur le devoir dans l'amour chretien et le mariage féodal, sans proposer un renversement marcusien complet du Principe de réalité pour le Principe du plaisir.
The emergence of romantic love in twelfth-century Christendom and its eventual legitimation as a basis of mate selection are explained in terms of the ideological contrast of romantic love (mania) with Christian love (agape-caritas) and feudal arranged marriage (pragmatic love). The social institutions supporting each legitimation are analysed. Romantic love is found particularly suited to the status striving of the landless knights, as it challenged the emphasis on duty in Christian love and feudal marriage, without proposing a complete Marcusian overthrow of the reality principle in favour of the pleasure principle.  相似文献   

民族问题已成为二战后政治秩序中的重要问题之一。宗教与民族存在着密切的关系,宗教不仅对民族的形成、发展和演变产生了巨大推动作用,还对民族间的交往产生了重要影响。中世纪早期的西班牙是伊斯兰教、基督教和犹太教三个一神教的共存之地,也是阿拉伯、柏柏尔、西哥特罗马和犹太各民族的大融合时期。以这一时期民族关系的宗教因素为研究目标,有助于我们更好地探索二者之间的关系,为现代阿拉伯国家民族关系的发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

"The Magic Barrel" is a short story written by Bernard Malamud.The same titled collection of short stories was published in 1958,and won the National Book Award next year.The cultural motif of "father and son" runs through the whole Jewish cultural history,and is well embodied in the story.This thesis mainly talks about how "father" guides "son" to complete their self-salvation and how the father's love runs through the whole story.  相似文献   

the ancient people love building pillow Hill building, along the waterfront, the mountain building not only carry forward Chinese traditional landscape culture, but also make full use of the natural environment of mountains. 2/3 of the land area of China is mountainous, especially in Sicilian, Yunnan, Chongqing, Guangzhou and other southwest of many buildings built in the mountains. Therefore, the mountain building is the only way to realize the sustainable development of the city. The earthquake in the life brought great damage, so far we still have not found a precise method to predict earthquakes, but to take some measures to reduce the harm to the people of the earthquake. From these aspects, we can see that it is very important to study the influence of earthquake on the mountain frame structure. In this paper, the influence of the number of spans on the seismic performance of the frame structure is analyzed from four aspects: the peak value of the inter story displacement, the peak value of the displacement between layers, the amplification coefficient of acceleration and the shear layer.  相似文献   

By the late fifteenth century, the debate over the role of reason and the constitution of the human subject freed public discourse from its reliance on God and placed the rational individual at the centre of social and political thought. The emphasis on rationality necessitated a parallel discourse on its opposite—‘reason’s Other'. In this period, representations of disabled people change in response to this new paradigm. Late medieval cultural documents, such as those of Brant and Bosch, employ folly as a metaphorical device, associated with the qualities of Everyman. However, with the rise of renaissance humanism, the benign metaphors of folly associated with the abstract everyman quickly become inscribed on the bodies of those people who would be constructed as reason's ‘Other’—people with intellectual and physical disabilities—and the abstract discourse of folly is transformed into a much more direct representational association of disability with depravity.
What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! … the paragon of animals! Hamlet II.ii  相似文献   

Schachter's (1964) cognitive labeling model of emotions was used to make predictions about the impact of presentation order of explicit sexual stimuli and order of reporting reactions to these stimuli on sexual and affective responses. Subjects (27 males, 23 females) viewed a series of sexually explicit slides in story‐line sequence, in reversed story‐line sequence, or in a random sequence. In counterbalanced order subjects rated how sexually arousing and disgusting the slides were to themselves. Males, but not females, reported being more disgusted when they rated disgust first than when they rated sexual arousal first. Additionally, males and females who saw the random presentation sequence reported more sexual arousal than those who saw the reversed story‐line sequence. Females also were more aroused by the random sequence them by the story‐line sequence, while males in these conditions did not differ in arousal. These results indicated that Schachter's model of emotions may be useful in explaining how people respond to sexual stimuli.  相似文献   

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