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Methods for analysing unbalanced factorial designs can be traced back to the work of Frank Yates in the 1930s . Yet, still today the question on how his methods of fitting constants (Type II) and weighted squares of means (Type III) behave when negligible or insignificant interactions exist, is still unanswered. In this paper, by means of a simulation study, Type II and Type III ANOVA results are examined for all unbalanced structures originating from a 2x3 balanced factorial design within homogeneous groups (design types) accounting for structure, number of observations lost and which cells contained the missing observations. The two level factor is further analysed to test the null hypothesis, for both Type II and Type III analyses, that the unbalanced structures within each design type provide comparable F values. These results are summarised and the conclusion shows that this work agrees with statements made by Yates Burdick and Herr and Shaw and Mitchell-Olds, but there are some results which require further investigation.  相似文献   

Various computational methods exist for generating sums of squares in an analysis of variance table. When the ANOVA design is balanced, most of these computational methods will produce equivalent sums of squares for testing the significance of the ANOVA model parameters. However, when the design is unbalanced, as is frequently the case in practice, these sums of squares depend on the computational method used.- The basic reason for the difference in these sums of squares is that different hypotheses are being tested. The purpose of this paper is to describe these hypotheses in terms of population or cell means. A numerical example is given for the two factor model with interaction. The hypotheses that are tested by the four computational methods of the SAS general linear model procedure are specified.

Although the ultimate choice of hypotheses should be made by the researcher before conducting the experiment, this paper


presents the following guidelines in selecting these hypotheses:

When the design is balanced, all of the SAS procedures will agree.

In unbalanced ANOVA designs when there are no missing cells. SAS Type III should be used. SAS Type III tests an unweighted hypothesis about cell means. SAS Types I and II test hypotheses that are functions of the ceil frequencies. These frequencies are often merely arti¬facts of the experimental process and not reflective of any underlying frequencies in the population.

When there are missing cells, i.e. no observations for some factor level combinations. Type IV should be used with caution. SAS Type IV tests hypotheses which depend  相似文献   

Supersaturated designs (SSDs) are factorial designs in which the number of experimental runs is smaller than the number of parameters to be estimated in the model. While most of the literature on SSDs has focused on balanced designs, the construction and analysis of unbalanced designs has not been developed to a great extent. Recent studies discuss the possible advantages of relaxing the balance requirement in construction or data analysis of SSDs, and that unbalanced designs compare favorably to balanced designs for several optimality criteria and for the way in which the data are analyzed. Moreover, the effect analysis framework of unbalanced SSDs until now is restricted to the central assumption that experimental data come from a linear model. In this article, we consider unbalanced SSDs for data analysis under the assumption of generalized linear models (GLMs), revealing that unbalanced SSDs perform well despite the unbalance property. The examination of Type I and Type II error rates through an extensive simulation study indicates that the proposed method works satisfactorily.  相似文献   


Type III methods were introduced by SAS to address difficulties in dummy-variable models for effects of multiple factors and covariates. They are widely used in practice; they are the default method in several statistical computing packages. Type III sums of squares (SSs) are defined by a set of instructions; an explicit mathematical formulation does not seem to exist.

An explicit formulation is derived in this paper. It is used to illustrate Type III SSs and to establish their properties in the two-factor ANOVA model.  相似文献   

Testing of hypotheses under balanced ANOVA models is fairly simple and generally based on the usual ANOVA sums of squares. Difficulties may arise in special cases when these sums of squares do not form a complete sufficient statistic. There is a huge literature on this subject which was recently surveyed in Seifert's contribution to the book of Mumak (1904). But there are only a few results about unbalanced models. In such models the consideration of likelihood ratios leads to more complex sums of squares known from MINQUE theory.

Uniform optimality of testsusually reduces to local optimality. Here we prespnt a small review of methods proposed for testing of hypotheses in unbalanced models. where MINQUEI playb a major role. We discuss the use of iterated MINQUE for the construction of asymptotically optimal tests described in Humak (1984) and approximate tests based on locally uncorrelated linear combinations of MINQUE estimators by Seifert (1985), We show that the latter tests coincide with robust locally optimal invariant tests proposeci by Kariya and Sinha and Das and Sinha, if the number of variance components is two. Explicit expressions for corresponding tests are given for the unbalanced two-way cross classification random model, which covers some other models as special cases. A simulation study under lines the relevance of MINQUE for testing of hypotheses problems.  相似文献   

Recently, progressively Type II censored samples have attracted attention in the study and analysis of life-testing data. Here we propose an indirect approach for computing the Fisher information (FI) in progressively Type II censored samples that simplifies the calculations. Some recurrence relations for the FI in progressively Type II censored samples are derived that facilitate the FI computation using the proposed decomposition. This paper presents a standard recurrence relation that simplifies computation of the FI in progressively Type II censored samples to a sum; FI in collections order statistics (OS). We compute the FI in a collections of progressively Type II censored samples for some known distributions.  相似文献   

This paper is an overview of a unified framework for analyzing designed experiments with univariate or multivariate responses. Both categorical and continuous design variables are considered. To handle unbalanced data, we introduce the so-called Type II* sums of squares. This means that the results are independent of the scale chosen for continuous design variables. Furthermore, it does not matter whether two-level variables are coded as categorical or continuous. Overall testing of all responses is done by 50-50 MANOVA, which handles several highly correlated responses. Univariate p-values for each response are adjusted by using rotation testing. To illustrate multivariate effects, mean values and mean predictions are illustrated in a principal component score plot or directly as curves. For the unbalanced cases, we introduce a new variant of adjusted means, which are independent to the coding of two-level variables. The methodology is exemplified by case studies from cheese and fish pudding production.  相似文献   

Construction of closed-form confidence intervals on linear combinations of variance components were developed generically for balanced data and studied mainly for one-way and two-way random effects analysis of variance models. The Satterthwaite approach is easily generalized to unbalanced data and modified to increase its coverage probability. They are applied on measures of assay precision in combination with (restricted) maximum likelihood and Henderson III Type 1 and 3 estimation. Simulations of interlaboratory studies with unbalanced data and with small sample sizes do not show superiority of any of the possible combinations of estimation methods and Satterthwaite approaches on three measures of assay precision. However, the modified Satterthwaite approach with Henderson III Type 3 estimation is often preferred above the other combinations.  相似文献   

In the social science disciplines, the assumption that the data stem from a single homogeneous population is often unrealistic in respect of empirical research. When applying a causal modeling approach, such as partial least squares path modeling, segmentation is a key issue in coping with the problem of heterogeneity in the estimated cause–effect relationships. This article uses the novel finite-mixture partial least squares (FIMIX-PLS) method to uncover unobserved heterogeneity in a complex path modeling example in the field of marketing. An evaluation of the results includes a comparison with the outcomes of several data analysis strategies based on a priori information or k-means cluster analysis. The results of this article underpin the effectiveness and the advantageous capabilities of FIMIX-PLS in general PLS path model set-ups by means of empirical data and formative as well as reflective measurement models. Consequently, this research substantiates the general applicability of FIMIX-PLS to path modeling as a standard means of evaluating PLS results by addressing the problem of unobserved heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Much research has been conducted to develop confidence Intervals on linear combinations and ratios of variance components in balanced and unbalanced random models.This paper first presents confidence intervals on functions of variance components in balanced designs.These results assume that classical analysis of variance sums of squares are independent and have exact scaled chi-squared distributions.In unbalanced designs, either one or both of these assumptions are violated, and modifications to the balanced model intervals are required.We report results of some recent work that examines various modifications for some particular unbalanced designs.  相似文献   

This article presents a new goodness-of-fit (GOF) test statistic for multiply Type II censored Exponential data. The new test also applies to ordinary Type II censored samples and complete samples, since those cases are special cases of multiply Type II censoring. This test statistic is based on a ratio of linear functions of order statistics. Empirical power studies confirm that this ratio test compares favorably to currently available GOF tests for ordinary Type II censored data. Three data analysis examples are provided that demonstrate the usefulness of this new test statistic.  相似文献   

Lynn R. LaMotte 《Statistics》2018,52(1):228-238
The between-within split of total sum of squares in one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is intuitively appealing and computationally simple, whether balanced or not. In the balanced two-factor setting, the same heuristic and computations apply to analyse treatment sum of squares into main effects and interaction effects sums of squares. Accomplishing the same in unbalanced settings is more difficult, requiring development of tests of general linear hypotheses. However, textbooks treat unbalanced settings with proportional subclasss numbers (psn) as essentially equivalent to balanced settings. It is shown here that, while psn permit an ANOVA-like partition of sums of squares, test statistics for main effects of the two factors generally test the wrong hypotheses when the model includes interaction effects.  相似文献   

Propensity score analysis (PSA) is a technique to correct for potential confounding in observational studies. Covariate adjustment, matching, stratification, and inverse weighting are the four most commonly used methods involving propensity scores. The main goal of this research is to determine which PSA method performs the best in terms of protecting against spurious association detection, as measured by Type I error rate, while maintaining sufficient power to detect a true association, if one exists. An examination of these PSA methods along with ordinary least squares regression was conducted under two cases: correct PSA model specification and incorrect PSA model specification. PSA covariate adjustment and PSA matching maintain the nominal Type I error rate, when the PSA model is correctly specified, but only PSA covariate adjustment achieves adequate power levels. Other methods produced conservative Type I Errors in some scenarios, while liberal Type I error rates were observed in other scenarios.  相似文献   

For the complete sample and the right Type II censored sample, Chen [Joint confidence region for the parameters of Pareto distribution. Metrika 44 (1996), pp. 191–197] proposed the interval estimation of the parameter θ and the joint confidence region of the two parameters of Pareto distribution. This paper proposed two methods to construct the confidence region of the two parameters of the Pareto distribution for the progressive Type II censored sample. A simulation study comparing the performance of the two methods is done and concludes that Method 1 is superior to Method 2 by obtaining a smaller confidence area. The interval estimation of parameter ν is also given under progressive Type II censoring. In addition, the predictive intervals of the future observation and the ratio of the two future consecutive failure times based on the progressive Type II censored sample are also proposed. Finally, one example is given to illustrate all interval estimations in this paper.  相似文献   

In the complete balanced model for the analysis of variance, the equivalence of sums of squares and quadratic forms is seen to imply well-fitting patterns involving Kronecker products of identity matrices and scalar multiples of matrices with all elements equal to 1. The questions of symmetry, idempotency, and orthogonality so central to this topic are answered by simple multiplications; ranks are determined from simple traces. The associations between the forms of the two-factor model are presented here in a way that is accessible to first-year students and makes generalizations to higher order models transparent. The lack of patterns in incomplete or unbalanced models is noted. Additional steps in design and analysis are suggested in the references.  相似文献   

For general linear models with normally distributed random errors, the probability of a Type II error decreases exponentially as a function of sample size. This potentially rapid decline reemphasizes the importance of performing power calculations.  相似文献   

In this article, the general test statistic introduced by Alizadeh Noughabi and Balakrishnan [Goodness of fit using a new estimate of Kullback-Leibler information based on Type II censored data. IEEE Trans Reliab. 2015;64:627–635.] is applied for testing goodness of fit of lifetime distributions based on Type II censored data. The test statistic is constructed based on an estimate of Kullback–Leibler (KL) information. We investigate the properties of the proposed test statistic such as the test statistic is nonnegative, just like KL information. We apply this test statistic to following distributions: Exponential, Weibull, Log-normal and Pareto. The critical values and Type I error of the proposed tests are obtained. It is shown that the proposed tests have an excellent Type I error and hence can be used confidently in practice. Then, by Monte Carlo simulations, the power values of the proposed tests are computed against several alternatives and compared with those of the existing tests. Finally, some real-world reliability data are used for illustrative purpose.  相似文献   

Planning and conducting interim analysis are important steps for long-term clinical trials. In this article, the concept of conditional power is combined with the classic analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a study of two-stage sample size re-estimation based on interim analysis. The overall Type I and Type II errors would be inflated by interim analysis. We compared the effects on re-estimating sample sizes with and without the adjustment of Type I and Type II error rates due to interim analysis.  相似文献   

We consider various robust estimators for the extended Burr Type III (EBIII) distribution for complete data with outliers. The considered robust estimators are M-estimators, least absolute deviations, Theil, Siegel's repeated median, least trimmed squares, and least median of squares. Before we perform the aforementioned estimators for the EBIII, we adapt the quantiles method to the estimation of the shape parameter k of the EBIII. The simulation results show that the considered robust estimators generally outperform the existing estimation approaches for data with upper outliers, with certain of them retaining a relatively high degree of efficiency for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

The design and analysis of experiments to estimate heritability when data are available on both parents and progeny and the offspring have a hierarchical structure is considered. The method of analysis is related to a multivariate analysis of variance and to weighted least squares. It is shown that genetical theory gives a simple interpretation of both maximum likelihood (ML) and Rao's minimum norm quadratic unbiased (MINQUE) methods of estimation of variance components in unbalanced designs.  相似文献   

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