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In this paper, we introduce a new risk measure, the so‐called conditional tail moment. It is defined as the moment of order a ≥ 0 of the loss distribution above the upper α‐quantile where α ∈ (0,1). Estimating the conditional tail moment permits us to estimate all risk measures based on conditional moments such as conditional tail expectation, conditional value at risk or conditional tail variance. Here, we focus on the estimation of these risk measures in case of extreme losses (where α ↓0 is no longer fixed). It is moreover assumed that the loss distribution is heavy tailed and depends on a covariate. The estimation method thus combines non‐parametric kernel methods with extreme‐value statistics. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators is established, and their finite‐sample behaviour is illustrated both on simulated data and on a real data set of daily rainfalls.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider non‐parametric copula inference under bivariate censoring. Based on an estimator of the joint cumulative distribution function, we define a discrete and two smooth estimators of the copula. The construction that we propose is valid for a large range of estimators of the distribution function and therefore for a large range of bivariate censoring frameworks. Under some conditions on the tails of the distributions, the weak convergence of the corresponding copula processes is obtained in l([0,1]2). We derive the uniform convergence rates of the copula density estimators deduced from our smooth copula estimators. Investigation of the practical behaviour of these estimators is performed through a simulation study and two real data applications, corresponding to different censoring settings. We use our non‐parametric estimators to define a goodness‐of‐fit procedure for parametric copula models. A new bootstrap scheme is proposed to compute the critical values.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two simple and frequently used capture–recapture estimates of the population size are compared: Chao's lower‐bound estimate and Zelterman's estimate allowing for contaminated distributions. In the Poisson case it is shown that if there are only counts of ones and twos, the estimator of Zelterman is always bounded above by Chao's estimator. If counts larger than two exist, the estimator of Zelterman is becoming larger than that of Chao's, if only the ratio of the frequencies of counts of twos and ones is small enough. A similar analysis is provided for the binomial case. For a two‐component mixture of Poisson distributions the asymptotic bias of both estimators is derived and it is shown that the Zelterman estimator can experience large overestimation bias. A modified Zelterman estimator is suggested and also the bias‐corrected version of Chao's estimator is considered. All four estimators are compared in a simulation study.  相似文献   

Abstract. Systematic sampling is frequently used in surveys, because of its ease of implementation and its design efficiency. An important drawback of systematic sampling, however, is that no direct estimator of the design variance is available. We describe a new estimator of the model‐based expectation of the design variance, under a non‐parametric model for the population. The non‐parametric model is sufficiently flexible that it can be expected to hold at least approximately in many situations with continuous auxiliary variables observed at the population level. We prove the model consistency of the estimator for both the anticipated variance and the design variance under a non‐parametric model with a univariate covariate. The broad applicability of the approach is demonstrated on a dataset from a forestry survey.  相似文献   

Consider a non‐parametric regression model Y =m (X )+ϵ , where m is an unknown regression function, Y is a real‐valued response variable, X is a real covariate, and ϵ is the error term. In this article, we extend the usual tests for homoscedasticity by developing consistent tests for independence between X and ϵ . Further, we investigate the local power of the proposed tests using Le Cam's contiguous alternatives. An asymptotic power study under local alternatives along with extensive finite sample simulation study shows that the performance of the new tests is competitive with existing ones. Furthermore, the practicality of the new tests is shown using two real data sets.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate non‐parametric estimation of a monotone baseline hazard and a decreasing baseline density within the Cox model. Two estimators of a non‐decreasing baseline hazard function are proposed. We derive the non‐parametric maximum likelihood estimator and consider a Grenander type estimator, defined as the left‐hand slope of the greatest convex minorant of the Breslow estimator. We demonstrate that the two estimators are strongly consistent and asymptotically equivalent and derive their common limit distribution at a fixed point. Both estimators of a non‐increasing baseline hazard and their asymptotic properties are obtained in a similar manner. Furthermore, we introduce a Grenander type estimator for a non‐increasing baseline density, defined as the left‐hand slope of the least concave majorant of an estimator of the baseline cumulative distribution function, derived from the Breslow estimator. We show that this estimator is strongly consistent and derive its asymptotic distribution at a fixed point.  相似文献   

Recently Beh and Farver investigated and evaluated three non‐iterative procedures for estimating the linear‐by‐linear parameter of an ordinal log‐linear model. The study demonstrated that these non‐iterative techniques provide estimates that are, for most types of contingency tables, statistically indistinguishable from estimates from Newton's unidimensional algorithm. Here we show how two of these techniques are related using the Box–Cox transformation. We also show that by using this transformation, accurate non‐iterative estimates are achievable even when a contingency table contains sampling zeros.  相似文献   

Regression with a circular response is a topic of current interest. We introduce non‐parametric smoothing for this problem. Simple adaptations of a weight function enable a unified formulation for both real‐line and circular predictors, whereas these cases have been tackled by quite distinct parametric methods. Additionally, we discuss various methodological extensions, obtaining a number of promising techniques – totally new in circular statistics – such as confidence intervals for the value of a circular regression and non‐parametric autoregression in circular time series. The findings are also illustrated through real data examples.  相似文献   

On the basis of the idea of the Nadaraya–Watson (NW) kernel smoother and the technique of the local linear (LL) smoother, we construct the NW and LL estimators of conditional mean functions and their derivatives for a left‐truncated and right‐censored model. The target function includes the regression function, the conditional moment and the conditional distribution function as special cases. It is assumed that the lifetime observations with covariates form a stationary α‐mixing sequence. Asymptotic normality of the estimators is established. Finite sample behaviour of the estimators is investigated via simulations. A real data illustration is included too.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider a stochastic process driven by diffusions and jumps. Given a discrete record of observations, we devise a technique for identifying the times when jumps larger than a suitably defined threshold occurred. This allows us to determine a consistent non‐parametric estimator of the integrated volatility when the infinite activity jump component is Lévy. Jump size estimation and central limit results are proved in the case of finite activity jumps. Some simulations illustrate the applicability of the methodology in finite samples and its superiority on the multipower variations especially when it is not possible to use high frequency data.  相似文献   

Abstract. We study the Jeffreys prior and its properties for the shape parameter of univariate skew‐t distributions with linear and nonlinear Student's t skewing functions. In both cases, we show that the resulting priors for the shape parameter are symmetric around zero and proper. Moreover, we propose a Student's t approximation of the Jeffreys prior that makes an objective Bayesian analysis easy to perform. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study that demonstrates an overall better behaviour of the maximum a posteriori estimator compared with the maximum likelihood estimator. We also compare the frequentist coverage of the credible intervals based on the Jeffreys prior and its approximation and show that they are similar. We further discuss location‐scale models under scale mixtures of skew‐normal distributions and show some conditions for the existence of the posterior distribution and its moments. Finally, we present three numerical examples to illustrate the implications of our results on inference for skew‐t distributions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a non‐parametric method for estimating the conditional density associated to the jump rate of a piecewise‐deterministic Markov process. In our framework, the estimation needs only one observation of the process within a long time interval. Our method relies on a generalization of Aalen's multiplicative intensity model. We prove the uniform consistency of our estimator, under some reasonable assumptions related to the primitive characteristics of the process. A simulation study illustrates the behaviour of our estimator.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although generalized cross‐validation (GCV) has been frequently applied to select bandwidth when kernel methods are used to estimate non‐parametric mixed‐effect models in which non‐parametric mean functions are used to model covariate effects, and additive random effects are applied to account for overdispersion and correlation, the optimality of the GCV has not yet been explored. In this article, we construct a kernel estimator of the non‐parametric mean function. An equivalence between the kernel estimator and a weighted least square type estimator is provided, and the optimality of the GCV‐based bandwidth is investigated. The theoretical derivations also show that kernel‐based and spline‐based GCV give very similar asymptotic results. This provides us with a solid base to use kernel estimation for mixed‐effect models. Simulation studies are undertaken to investigate the empirical performance of the GCV. A real data example is analysed for illustration.  相似文献   


Nonparametric estimation of population size is a long standing and difficult problem. It is difficult because, particularly from a likelihood perspective, the underlying distribution could vary greatly and many small probability events may not be observed in a sample. However if approached from an entropic standpoint, certain trends can be exploited. This article proposes several estimators based on an entropic representation of population size, and establishes their consistency. Simulation results of the proposed estimators are also reported in comparison with a well-known estimator, and the advantages are noted. Two examples with real data are also included.  相似文献   

Dead recoveries of marked animals are commonly used to estimate survival probabilities. Band‐recovery models can be parameterized either by r (the probability of recovering a band conditional on death of the animal) or by f (the probability that an animal will be killed, retrieved, and have its band reported). The T parametrization can be implemented in a capture‐recapture framework with two states (alive and newly dead), mortality being the transition probability between the two states. The authors show here that the f parametrization can also be implemented in a multistate framework by imposing simple constraints on some parameters. They illustrate it using data on the mallard and the snow goose. However, they mention that because it does not entirely separate the individual survival and encounter processes, the f parametrization must be used with care on reduced models, or in the presence of estimates at the boundary of the parameter space. As they show, a multistate framework allows the use of powerful software for model fitting or testing the goodness‐of‐fit of models; it also affords the implementation of complex models such as those based on mixture of information or uncertain states  相似文献   

We update a previous approach to the estimation of the size of an open population when there are multiple lists at each time point. Our motivation is 35 years of longitudinal data on the detection of drug users by the Central Registry of Drug Abuse in Hong Kong. We develop a two‐stage smoothing spline approach. This gives a flexible and easily implemented alternative to the previous method which was based on kernel smoothing. The new method retains the property of reducing the variability of the individual estimates at each time point. We evaluate the new method by means of a simulation study that includes an examination of the effects of variable selection. The new method is then applied to data collected by the Central Registry of Drug Abuse. The parameter estimates obtained are compared with the well known Jolly–Seber estimates based on single capture methods.  相似文献   

Quantile regression methods have been widely used in many research areas in recent years. However conventional estimation methods for quantile regression models do not guarantee that the estimated quantile curves will be non‐crossing. While there are various methods in the literature to deal with this problem, many of these methods force the model parameters to lie within a subset of the parameter space in order for the required monotonicity to be satisfied. Note that different methods may use different subspaces of the space of model parameters. This paper establishes a relationship between the monotonicity of the estimated conditional quantiles and the comonotonicity of the model parameters. We develope a novel quasi‐Bayesian method for parameter estimation which can be used to deal with both time series and independent statistical data. Simulation studies and an application to real financial returns show that the proposed method has the potential to be very useful in practice.  相似文献   

The Quermass‐interaction model allows to generalize the classical germ‐grain Boolean model in adding a morphological interaction between the grains. It enables to model random structures with specific morphologies, which are unlikely to be generated from a Boolean model. The Quermass‐interaction model depends in particular on an intensity parameter, which is impossible to estimate from classical likelihood or pseudo‐likelihood approaches because the number of points is not observable from a germ‐grain set. In this paper, we present a procedure based on the Takacs–Fiksel method, which is able to estimate all parameters of the Quermass‐interaction model, including the intensity. An intensive simulation study is conducted to assess the efficiency of the procedure and to provide practical recommendations. It also illustrates that the estimation of the intensity parameter is crucial in order to identify the model. The Quermass‐interaction model is finally fitted by our method to P. Diggle's heather data set.  相似文献   

We propose a semiparametric estimator for single‐index models with censored responses due to detection limits. In the presence of left censoring, the mean function cannot be identified without any parametric distributional assumptions, but the quantile function is still identifiable at upper quantile levels. To avoid parametric distributional assumption, we propose to fit censored quantile regression and combine information across quantile levels to estimate the unknown smooth link function and the index parameter. Under some regularity conditions, we show that the estimated link function achieves the non‐parametric optimal convergence rate, and the estimated index parameter is asymptotically normal. The simulation study shows that the proposed estimator is competitive with the omniscient least squares estimator based on the latent uncensored responses for data with normal errors but much more efficient for heavy‐tailed data under light and moderate censoring. The practical value of the proposed method is demonstrated through the analysis of a human immunodeficiency virus antibody data set.  相似文献   

In monomorphic species, determination of sex from behavior is prone to errors. The authors develop capture‐recapture survival models that account for uncertainty in the assessment of sex. They examine parameter redundancy for four basic models with constant or time‐dependent survival and encounter probabilities. They further develop a more refined and more appropriate model for an Audouin's gull data set where four distinct behavioral clues have been used. They examine how useful it is to incorporate the least reliable of the clues and the genetic determination of sex available for only a handful of individuals. They finally discuss the implications of their findings for the design of field studies.  相似文献   

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