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Genetic data are frequently categorical and have complex dependence structures that are not always well understood. For this reason, clustering and classification based on genetic data, while highly relevant, are challenging statistical problems. Here we consider a versatile U-statistics-based approach for non-parametric clustering that allows for an unconventional way of solving these problems. In this paper we propose a statistical test to assess group homogeneity taking into account multiple testing issues and a clustering algorithm based on dissimilarities within and between groups that highly speeds up the homogeneity test. We also propose a test to verify classification significance of a sample in one of two groups. We present Monte Carlo simulations that evaluate size and power of the proposed tests under different scenarios. Finally, the methodology is applied to three different genetic data sets: global human genetic diversity, breast tumour gene expression and Dengue virus serotypes. These applications showcase this statistical framework's ability to answer diverse biological questions in the high dimension low sample size scenario while adapting to the specificities of the different datatypes.  相似文献   

Selecting a small subset out of the thousands of genes in microarray data is important for accurate classification of phenotypes. In this paper, we propose a flexible rank-based nonparametric procedure for gene selection from microarray data. In the method we propose a statistic for testing whether area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for each gene is equal to 0.5 allowing different variance for each gene. The contribution to this “single gene” statistic is the studentization of the empirical AUC, which takes into account the variances associated with each gene in the experiment. Delong et al. proposed a nonparametric procedure for calculating a consistent variance estimator of the AUC. We use their variance estimation technique to get a test statistic, and we focus on the primary step in the gene selection process, namely, the ranking of genes with respect to a statistical measure of differential expression. Two real datasets are analyzed to illustrate the methods and a simulation study is carried out to assess the relative performance of different statistical gene ranking measures. The work includes how to use the variance information to produce a list of significant targets and assess differential gene expressions under two conditions. The proposed method does not involve complicated formulas and does not require advanced programming skills. We conclude that the proposed methods offer useful analytical tools for identifying differentially expressed genes for further biological and clinical analysis.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new approach to interrelated two-way clustering of gene expression data. Clustering of genes has been effected using entropy and a correlation measure, whereas the samples have been clustered using the fuzzy C-means. The efficiency of this approach has been tested on two well known data sets: the colon cancer data set and the leukemia data set. Using this approach, we were able to identify the important co-regulated genes and group the samples efficiently at the same time.  相似文献   

孙怡帆等 《统计研究》2019,36(3):124-128
从大量基因中识别出致病基因是大数据下的一个十分重要的高维统计问题。基因间网络结构的存在使得对于致病基因的识别已从单个基因识别扩展到基因模块识别。从基因网络中挖掘出基因模块就是所谓的社区发现(或节点聚类)问题。绝大多数社区发现方法仅利用网络结构信息,而忽略节点本身的信息。Newman和Clauset于2016年提出了一个将二者有机结合的基于统计推断的社区发现方法(简称为NC方法)。本文以NC方法为案例,介绍统计方法在实际基因网络中的应用和取得的成果,并从统计学角度提出了改进措施。通过对NC方法的分析可以看出对于以基因网络为代表的非结构化数据,统计思想和原理在数据分析中仍然处于核心地位。而相应的统计方法则需要针对数据的特点及关心的问题进行相应的调整和优化。  相似文献   

In a previous article, we investigated the performance of several classification methods for cDNA-microarrays. Via simulations, various experimental settings could be explored without having to conduct expensive microarray studies. For the selection of genes, on which classification was based, one particular method was applied. Gene selection is, however, a very important aspect of classification. We extend the previous study by considering several gene selection methods. Furthermore, the stability of the methods with respect to distributional assumptions is examined by also considering data simulated from a symmetric and asymmetric Laplace distribution, in addition to normally distributed microarray data.  相似文献   

In familial data, ascertainment correction is often necessary to decipher genetic bases of complex human diseases. This is because families usually are not drawn at random or are not selected according to well-defined rules. While there has been much progress in identifying genes associated with a certain phenotype, little attention has been paid so far for familial studies on exploring common genetic influences on different phenotypes of interest. In this study, we develop a powerful bivariate analytical approach that can be used for a complex situation with paired binary traits. In addition, our model has been framed to accommodate the possibility of imperfect diagnosis as traits may be wrongly observed. Thus, the primary focus is to see whether a particular gene jointly influences both phenotypes. We examine the plausibility of this theory in a sample of families ascertained on the basis of at least one affected individual. We propose a bivariate binary mixed model that provides a novel and flexible way to account for wrong ascertainment in families collected with multiple cases. A hierarchical Bayesian analysis using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method has been carried out to investigate the effect of covariates on the disease status. Results based on simulated data indicate that estimates of the parameters are biased when classification errors and/or ascertainment are ignored.  相似文献   

We propose a hierarchical Bayesian model for analyzing gene expression data to identify pathways differentiating between two biological states (e.g., cancer vs. non-cancer and mutant vs. normal). Finding significant pathways can improve our understanding of biological processes. When the biological process of interest is related to a specific disease, eliciting a better understanding of the underlying pathways can lead to designing a more effective treatment. We apply our method to data obtained by interrogating the mutational status of p53 in 50 cancer cell lines (33 mutated and 17 normal). We identify several significant pathways with strong biological connections. We show that our approach provides a natural framework for incorporating prior biological information, and it has the best overall performance in terms of correctly identifying significant pathways compared to several alternative methods.  相似文献   

We propose a hybrid two-group classification method that integrates linear discriminant analysis, a polynomial expansion of the basis (or variable space), and a genetic algorithm with multiple crossover operations to select variables from the expanded basis. Using new product launch data from the biochemical industry, we found that the proposed algorithm offers mean percentage decreases in the misclassification error rate of 50%, 56%, 59%, 77%, and 78% in comparison to a support vector machine, artificial neural network, quadratic discriminant analysis, linear discriminant analysis, and logistic regression, respectively. These improvements correspond to annual cost savings of $4.40–$25.73 million.  相似文献   

Recent advances in technology have allowed researchers to collect large scale complex biological data, simultaneously, often in matrix format. In genomic studies, for instance, measurements from tens to hundreds of thousands of genes are taken from individuals across several experimental groups. In time course microarray experiments, gene expression is measured at several time points for each individual across the whole genome resulting in a high-dimensional matrix for each gene. In such experiments, researchers are faced with high-dimensional longitudinal data. Unfortunately, traditional methods for longitudinal data are not appropriate for high-dimensional situations. In this paper, we use the growth curve model and introduce test useful for high-dimensional longitudinal data and evaluate its performance using simulations. We also show how our approach can be used to filter genes in time course genomic experiments. We illustrate this using publicly available genomic data, involving experiments comparing normal human lung tissue with vanadium pentoxide treated human lung tissue, designed with the aim of understanding the susceptibility of individuals working in petro-chemical factories to airway re-modelling. Using our method, we were able to filter out 1053 (about 5 %) genes as non-noise genes from a pool of  22,277. Although our focus is on hypothesis testing, we also provided modified maximum likelihood estimator for the mean parameter of the growth curve model and assessed its performance through bias and mean squared error.  相似文献   

Datasets that are subjectively labeled by a number of experts are becoming more common in tasks such as biological text annotation where class definitions are necessarily somewhat subjective. Standard classification and regression models are not suited to multiple labels and typically a pre-processing step (normally assigning the majority class) is performed. We propose Bayesian models for classification and ordinal regression that naturally incorporate multiple expert opinions in defining predictive distributions. The models make use of Gaussian process priors, resulting in great flexibility and particular suitability to text based problems where the number of covariates can be far greater than the number of data instances. We show that using all labels rather than just the majority improves performance on a recent biological dataset.  相似文献   

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) using a sequential Monte Carlo method provides a comprehensive platform for parameter estimation, model selection and sensitivity analysis in differential equations. However, this method, like other Monte Carlo methods, incurs a significant computational cost as it requires explicit numerical integration of differential equations to carry out inference. In this paper we propose a novel method for circumventing the requirement of explicit integration by using derivatives of Gaussian processes to smooth the observations from which parameters are estimated. We evaluate our methods using synthetic data generated from model biological systems described by ordinary and delay differential equations. Upon comparing the performance of our method to existing ABC techniques, we demonstrate that it produces comparably reliable parameter estimates at a significantly reduced execution time.  相似文献   

This article explores an ‘Edge Selection’ procedure to fit an undirected graph to a given data set. Undirected graphs are routinely used to represent, model and analyse associative relationships among the entities on a social, biological or genetic network. Our proposed method combines the computational efficiency of least angle regression and at the same time ensures symmetry of the selected adjacency matrix. Various local and global properties of the edge selection path are explored analytically. In particular, a suitable parameter that controls the amount of shrinkage is identified and we consider several cross-validation techniques to choose an accurate predictive model on the path. The proposed method is illustrated with a detailed simulation study involving models with various levels of sparsity and variability in the nodal degree distributions. Finally, our method is used to select undirected graphs from various real data sets. We employ it for identifying the regulatory network of isoprenoid pathways from a gene-expression data and also to identify genetic network from a high-dimensional breast cancer study data.  相似文献   

Feature selection arises in many areas of modern science. For example, in genomic research, we want to find the genes that can be used to separate tissues of different classes (e.g. cancer and normal). One approach is to fit regression/classification models with certain penalization. In the past decade, hyper-LASSO penalization (priors) have received increasing attention in the literature. However, fully Bayesian methods that use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for regression/classification with hyper-LASSO priors are still in lack of development. In this paper, we introduce an MCMC method for learning multinomial logistic regression with hyper-LASSO priors. Our MCMC algorithm uses Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in a restricted Gibbs sampling framework. We have used simulation studies and real data to demonstrate the superior performance of hyper-LASSO priors compared to LASSO, and to investigate the issues of choosing heaviness and scale of hyper-LASSO priors.  相似文献   

Summary.  Social data often contain missing information. The problem is inevitably severe when analysing historical data. Conventionally, researchers analyse complete records only. Listwise deletion not only reduces the effective sample size but also may result in biased estimation, depending on the missingness mechanism. We analyse household types by using population registers from ancient China (618–907 AD) by comparing a simple classification, a latent class model of the complete data and a latent class model of the complete and partially missing data assuming four types of ignorable and non-ignorable missingness mechanisms. The findings show that either a frequency classification or a latent class analysis using the complete records only yielded biased estimates and incorrect conclusions in the presence of partially missing data of a non-ignorable mechanism. Although simply assuming ignorable or non-ignorable missing data produced consistently similarly higher estimates of the proportion of complex households, a specification of the relationship between the latent variable and the degree of missingness by a row effect uniform association model helped to capture the missingness mechanism better and improved the model fit.  相似文献   

We propose new multivariate control charts that can effectively deal with massive amounts of complex data through their integration with classification algorithms. We call the proposed control chart the ‘Probability of Class (PoC) chart’ because the values of PoC, obtained from classification algorithms, are used as monitoring statistics. The control limits of PoC charts are established and adjusted by the bootstrap method. Experimental results with simulated and real data showed that PoC charts outperform Hotelling's T 2 control charts. Further, a simulation study revealed that a small proportion of out-of-control observations are sufficient for PoC charts to achieve the desired performance.  相似文献   

Clustering algorithms are used in the analysis of gene expression data to identify groups of genes with similar expression patterns. These algorithms group genes with respect to a predefined dissimilarity measure without using any prior classification of the data. Most of the clustering algorithms require the number of clusters as input, and all the objects in the dataset are usually assigned to one of the clusters. We propose a clustering algorithm that finds clusters sequentially, and allows for sporadic objects, so there are objects that are not assigned to any cluster. The proposed sequential clustering algorithm has two steps. First it finds candidates for centers of clusters. Multiple candidates are used to make the search for clusters more efficient. Secondly, it conducts a local search around the candidate centers to find the set of objects that defines a cluster. The candidate clusters are compared using a predefined score, the best cluster is removed from data, and the procedure is repeated. We investigate the performance of this algorithm using simulated data and we apply this method to analyze gene expression profiles in a study on the plasticity of the dendritic cells.  相似文献   

Summary. An advantage of randomization tests for small samples is that an exact P -value can be computed under an additive model. A disadvantage with very small sample sizes is that the resulting discrete distribution for P -values can make it mathematically impossible for a P -value to attain a particular degree of significance. We investigate a distribution of P -values that arises when several thousand randomization tests are conducted simultaneously using small samples, a situation that arises with microarray gene expression data. We show that the distribution yields valuable information regarding groups of genes that are differentially expressed between two groups: a treatment group and a control group. This distribution helps to categorize genes with varying degrees of overlap of genetic expression values between the two groups, and it helps to quantify the degree of overlap by using the P -value from a randomization test. Moreover, a statistical test is available that compares the actual distribution of P -values with an expected distribution if there are no genes that are differentially expressed. We demonstrate the method and illustrate the results by using a microarray data set involving a cell line for rheumatoid arthritis. A small simulation study evaluates the effect that correlated gene expression levels could have on results from the analysis.  相似文献   

We have developed a new approach to determine the threshold of a biomarker that maximizes the classification accuracy of a disease. We consider a Bayesian estimation procedure for this purpose and illustrate the method using a real data set. In particular, we determine the threshold for Apolipoprotein B (ApoB), Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) and the ratio for the classification of myocardial infarction (MI). We first conduct a literature review and construct prior distributions. We then develop classification rules based on the posterior distribution of the location and scale parameters for these biomarkers. We identify the threshold for ApoB and ApoA1, and the ratio as 0.908 (gram/liter), 1.138 (gram/liter) and 0.808, respectively. We also observe that the threshold for disease classification varies substantially across different age and ethnic groups. Next, we identify the most informative predictor for MI among the three biomarkers. Based on this analysis, ApoA1 appeared to be a stronger predictor than ApoB for MI classification. Given that we have used this data set for illustration only, the results will require further investigation for use in clinical applications. However, the approach developed in this article can be used to determine the threshold of any continuous biomarker for a binary disease classification.  相似文献   

Summary.  Many contemporary classifiers are constructed to provide good performance for very high dimensional data. However, an issue that is at least as important as good classification is determining which of the many potential variables provide key information for good decisions. Responding to this issue can help us to determine which aspects of the datagenerating mechanism (e.g. which genes in a genomic study) are of greatest importance in terms of distinguishing between populations. We introduce tilting methods for addressing this problem. We apply weights to the components of data vectors, rather than to the data vectors themselves (as is commonly the case in related work). In addition we tilt in a way that is governed by L 2-distance between weight vectors, rather than by the more commonly used Kullback–Leibler distance. It is shown that this approach, together with the added constraint that the weights should be non-negative, produces an algorithm which eliminates vector components that have little influence on the classification decision. In particular, use of the L 2-distance in this problem produces properties that are reminiscent of those that arise when L 1-penalties are employed to eliminate explanatory variables in very high dimensional prediction problems, e.g. those involving the lasso. We introduce techniques that can be implemented very rapidly, and we show how to use bootstrap methods to assess the accuracy of our variable ranking and variable elimination procedures.  相似文献   

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