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杨署东  陈玲 《创新》2012,6(1):85-90,128
美国不少州的强制解散公司制定法将压制及其类似行为作为司法解散公司的根据和理由,赋予权益受侵害股东广泛的救济基础;法院在压制行为的司法认定和适用上给予宽泛的解释,并以小股东权益为中心或引入股东合理期待原则来界定压制行为,拓宽了股东寻求司法救济的空间;制定法还授权法院、法院也经常自主地适用各种替代救济,以充分保护股东权益。基于压制行为而救济股东权益的美国公司法理念和灵活适用公司解散及其替代救济措施的制定法做法与司法实践值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

高蒂尔协议而致道德的契约理论是继罗尔斯之后西方又一重要的契约理论。它以追求个人效用最大化的理性为基本指向,并将道德建立在此种理性之上,从而解释了个人间合作行为得以产生的基本逻辑和相应的制约  相似文献   

重建是关乎美国黑人获得基本公民权的一个关键时期,但最高法院的摇摆态度和对南方种族隔离的默许与肯定,使得黑人争取权利的路程更为艰难与漫长。文章以重建时期最高法院的态度为观察视角,透过其对涉及军事管制、《宪法》第14和15条修正案、黑人选举与陪审权及种族隔离等一系列司法案件的审理与判决,揭示出其所持有的政治立场及形成原由,并最终揭示出美国历史上阻碍黑人获得基本公民权的司法渊源。  相似文献   

任何社会中司法权威的确立,总是要以良好的司法公信力为前提。司法公信力是民众对公正司法的一种内心确信和普遍感知,判决的可预测性是树立司法公信力的社会基础。在现代开放社会中,司法尤其是法院在应对充满太多不确定性的社会情境当中,努力通过增强判决的可预测性来提升司法的公信力,无疑是从社会的"可感知"层面来建构司法公信力的重要途径。在判决可预测性要求的背后,意味着社会在"可感知"层面对公正司法的信任,以及社会在"行为可预测"层面对法治秩序的信仰。  相似文献   

20世纪50-60年代民权运动以来,随着非洲裔等有色人种在政治、经济、教育和住房等方面条件的改善,一些白人和保守主义学者开始对美国的种族关系持乐观的态度,认为美国已经进入"后种族时代"(post-racial era)。与该论调持相反的观点,系统性种族主义理论认为今天的美国与过去一样仍然是一个白人支配的压迫社会,白人对非洲裔等有色人种的支配是种族不平等的根源。该理论为美国种族研究提供了一个新范式,有助于理解美国种族主义的本质和种族关系的发展脉络。但是,该理论也受到一些质疑和批判,如陷入"黑白二元论"的窠臼,忽视了有色人种的作用,对种族关系持悲观的态度等。  相似文献   

张自合 《探求》2013,(1):70-78
在国际民事司法协助方面,对外国法院判决的不同承认模式决定了承认的效力对象与效力基准的差异。在形式审查模式下,承认外国法院的判决,承认的对象是该判决的形成力、既判力、执行力等实质效力,效力基准一般采用折衷说。在各国法院裁判效力差异较大的背景下,承认国说的观点并不适合作为经承认的外国法院判决在我国的效力基准,我国应当用折衷说的理论来完善经承认的外国法院判决效力基准的制度设计。  相似文献   

澳大利亚各州法院通过对联邦宪法针对各州立法权限规定的不同解释以限制各州的立法权,导致了在案件审理中法律适用的分歧,而且,使州政府和议会难以自信地执行有效的法律,并产生了亟需处理无效法律的后续问题,本文通过四个案例来阐明这一现状。  相似文献   

美国民权运动是指第二次世界大战后美国黑人反对种族隔离与歧视、争取民主权利的群众运动,分析西方冲突理论对民权运动起因的解释,对我们今天正确认识和处理社会矛盾和社会冲突具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

王国龙 《求是学刊》2016,(5):94-101
解决纠纷是法院所承担的基本司法职能,"严格司法"和"对权利有效救济"是建构司法公信力的两条基本实践路径。在转型时期,两者各自面对的相关困境和两者之间存在着的内在张力,恰恰构成了当下中国司法公信力建构的"内在困境"和"内在张力"。无论是主张法院应该"严格司法",还是主张法院应该"对权利有效救济",就努力克服当前"判决易变性"和"司法非终局性"这一制约司法公信力建构的关键性要素而言,无疑是法院需要努力的变革方向。  相似文献   

谢国荣 《求是学刊》2007,34(2):125-132
19世纪末20世纪初,黑人问题在美国社会相当严重,但进步运动却并没有将黑人包括在社会改进计划之中。联邦政府不仅不给黑人“公平施政”和“新自由”,而且把种族隔离制度引入政府部门。进步运动是白人社会主导的改革运动,关注的只是白人在工业化中面临的问题。同时,种族优越论在美国社会占据主导,白人社会把黑人的不幸看作是自然选择的结果。而黑人内部斗争路线分歧严重,尚不能形成有效的斗争力量。这些都导致了黑人在进步运动中日益被边缘化。  相似文献   

Privatizing the administration of American prisons represents a popular tool of correctional governance. In turn, policy and public administration researchers are routinely studying the consequences of prison privatization on criminal justice outcomes such as recidivism rates and prisoner complaints. However, much less attention has been paid to the antecedents of privatization decisions occurring across states, in particular how racial determinants might be influencing privatization outcomes. Building upon existing policy research with theories of social construction and negative racial classification, we argue that privatization debates over corrections management become more racialized when Black prisoners comprise a larger share of the state prison population, predicting higher overall levels of privatization usage. We further argue that this Black prisoner presence-privatization relationship is context-specific and conditioned by two additional variables: (1) levels of mass racial stereotyping and (2) partisan composition of state government. The statistical analysis demonstrates that racial determinants do significantly influence state prison privatization decisions and in complex ways as theorized. In states where Blacks make up a larger share of the prison population, privatization usage is found to be higher. Additionally, in line with theoretical expectations, Black prisoner presence is associated with increased privatization levels most strongly in states where citizenries hold heightened levels of racial fear and Republicans have increased legislative presence. This research is of keen interest to scholars of public policy and management, who could pay more heed to the ways in which race influences decisions around administrative structuring and outcomes for taxpayers and clients.  相似文献   

Wrestling burst into the mainstream of television entertainment and sports in recent years. A distinctive feature is the obstrusive use of racial and ethnic stereotypes. Synthesizing insights from cultural anthropology, phenomenological sociology, and Marxist theory, the psychoanalytic tradition, this article proposes a theoretical explanation of why the stereotypes are so marketable.  相似文献   

胡仪元 《唐都学刊》2001,17(2):12-14
国有企业是国家所有制企业而不是全民所有制企业,从这一性质出发,对国有企业的改革应从加强政府对企业的管理入手,全方位地改革国有企业的各个权利主体、并形成一种相互激励的社会制约机制.  相似文献   

Objective. To test the influence of local (county) politics on minority incarceration rates. Methods. Data are collected at the county level in California to create a pooled cross‐sectional data set. OLS regression models predicting black, Hispanic, and white incarceration rates (in state prison) are used in the analysis. Results. Counties' ideological orientations and racial and ethnic contextual characteristics significantly impact minority incarceration rates. Greater ideological conservatism within counties is associated with higher rates (as a proportion of their population) of both black and Hispanic incarceration. Consistent with racial threat theory, results show counties with greater racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to incarcerate blacks and Hispanics. Tests for interaction effects indicate that greater county diversity decreases the punitive effects of ideological conservatism on minority incarceration. Conclusion. Political forces nested within states systematically shape how state government incarceration power is distributed across different racial and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

单一结构城市为何存在?如何实现单一结构城市的可持续发展?这是经济新常态背景下东北地区亟待解决的重大现实问题之一。目前,学术界对单一结构城市暂无明确界定。文章试图对此加以阐释,并分析其数量众多的存在于东北地区的一般性及特殊性规律。面对东北地区单一结构城市经济创造力不强、社会支撑力薄弱、环境承载力脆弱等现实问题,政府应以科学发展观为统领,积极推进改革开放创新,将宏观区域政策设计的共性指导与"一市一策"的个性化探索有机结合、一般性政策指引与精细化政策工具有机结合、政府的政策支持与市场化项目运作相结合,积极打造"经济创造力、社会承载力、环境承载力"三位一体的城市发展新模式,实现单一结构城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

Focusing on the results of one hypothesis in a larger study, this article examines level of social work education and color-blind racial attitudes in White social workers. Participants (n = 179) who were members of the National Association of Social Workers and self-identified as White, responded to an online survey and completed the Color-Blind Racial Attitudes Scale (CoBRAS). Color-blind racial attitudes have been linked to prejudice in other studies. BSW-level practitioners were found to be less aware of racial privilege and blatant racial issues. The article addresses the findings and explores the implications for social work educators and social work practitioners.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of why racial inequality persists in the United States after over four centuries, while South Africa has extricated itself from racial Apartheid and launched a vigorous campaign for racial justice that appears to exceed the will and capacity of the United States. It discusses the legacy of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision and its role in reducing racial inequality and fueling both defense of and attacks on racial segregation. Social justice, it is argued, is a point of view that depends on the interpretative schemas and personal positions of its advocates for its definition. Several psychological and social-structural mechanisms are presented and their roles in continuing racial inequality are proposed. Key provisions of the new South African Constitution and the Truth and Reconciliation process for adjudicating atrocities of Apartheid argue for the critical role of forgiveness and the cultural concept of Ubuntu . A brief discussion of current research in the United States suggests some ways in which this principle promises to reduce intergroup conflict and racial inequality.  相似文献   

陶庆 《社会》2008,28(4):107-125
合法性理论涉及民间社会合法律性和政府权威合法性两方面。在“依法治国”的法治时代,地方政府愿意并能认同“非法”状态的福街草根民间商会的原因值得探讨。一方面正义原则是福街草根民间商会的合法基础,另一方面地方政府业已认识到自身权威的合法性危机并试图走出危机。地方政府与民间社会暂时悬置相关法规,在互动中互补自身的合法性不足,使“非法”与合法语境在法治框架中有效自如地进行时空转换,地方政府权威与民间社会权利在重建社会秩序中因此能够相得益彰、和谐共处。  相似文献   

Objectives. This research note explores whether the system of assigning each state equal representation in the U.S. Senate adversely affects racial minorities, groups that often have common political interests. We also project changes in minority representation over the next 20 years using Census data. Methods. We develop a new method of assessing racial bias due to apportionment, which calculates the number of seats lost by groups due to equal representation, a more substantively meaningful statistic than correlational measures. Results. We find that both African Americans and Hispanics are substantially underrepresented due to their greater presence in high‐population states as compared to in low‐population states. Whereas bias against African Americans appears to be falling, the demographic patterns of Hispanics will make them even more underrepresented in coming years. Conclusions. These findings are especially consequential considering that malapportionment has important public policy implications, including greater per‐capita distributive benefits for smaller states. Further, given that the Senate serves as a major veto point in U.S. politics, racial bias due to equal apportionment may have a significant impact on current and future political debates relevant to minority groups.  相似文献   

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