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穆勒提出的逻辑方法,以自然科学发展为基础,与其幸福观、自由观相关联,体现了科学精神与人文关怀的相容性、逻辑方法与社会生活的会通性.穆勒逻辑思想所具有的科学性、实用性与严复开启民智的文化启蒙思想相契合,对中国近现代逻辑观生成、文化革新乃至社会转型产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

近代启蒙思想家严复,是自觉引进和传播西方逻辑方法、在中国确立逻辑观念的第一人.他的逻辑观是近代西方逻辑方法与近代中国社会变革相契合的产物,集中反映在<穆勒名学>和<名学浅说>两部译著中.严复逻辑思想凸显对传统思维方式的自觉反思、自我批判以及主动创新意识,表现出借原著译介开启民智、以案语独白言说意愿、用逻辑话语融通中西等托译言志的语用特征.其价值指向是为思维变革提供有效方法、为文化革新寻求基本方略、为促进哲学变革锻造有力工具、为强国富民导入科学精神.严复将西方逻辑方法带入国人视野,并与中国现实的社会境遇相关照,这对当下中国逻辑发展走向具有重要启示.  相似文献   

张洪江 《社科纵横》2010,25(3):68-70
伦理精神是时代道德精神的精华。当前中国正处于从计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,计划经济时代的道德政治化的伦理精神无法满足当前的需要。在社会转型时期,需要构建与社会主义市场经济相适应的新时代的伦理精神":扎根历史":实现儒家伦理精神的现代转换";兼容并收":吸收西方资本主义市场经济的伦理精神;汲取现实":发扬原有的社会主义伦理精神。  相似文献   

社会转型期信任危机与善恶观的变迁有内在的、必然的联系,它从一个侧面反映了善恶观变迁所导致的社会效果。本文通过阐述转型期善恶观变迁、特点以及信任危机的种种表征,指出转型期信任危机的直接原因是由人们善恶判断发生错位和混乱所致,并对如何建立适应市场经济需求的新的善恶观重建信任关系进行了有益的思考。  相似文献   

陈慧 《探求》2013,(3):59-63,90
倡导社会主义公平正义观,是我国物质文明发展到一定阶段的精神要求,更是全面走向现代文明的精神标准。本文研究了社会主义公平正义观发生的现实逻辑、历史逻辑和理论逻辑,并提出了社会主义公平正义观的时代浸润措施。研究社会主义公平正义观的发生逻辑及其时代浸润,对于建设和谐社会具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

本文认为 ,在社会转型期 ,社区成为各种人民内部矛盾交织的集合体。这些矛盾能否正确解决 ,关系到能否保持社会稳定和改革深入发展。本文以毛泽东两类矛盾学说和邓小平理论为指导 ,分析了社区人民内部矛盾的产生原因和特点 ,为正确处理这些矛盾 ,提供了有价值的思路  相似文献   

本文分析了社会转型期财务腐败的内涵及其发生的根源 ,并根据我国的实际情况 ,提出治理和减少财务腐败问题应采取的对策和办法。  相似文献   

习近平青年成才观是党的十八大以来以习近平同志为核心的党中央高瞻远瞩,根据青年成长成才的基本规律和新时代特征,研判国际和国内长远发展趋势而提出的科学理论体系。习近平青年成才观具有深厚的理论基础、独特的历史来源和鲜明的文化基因,内涵丰富、思想深邃,阐释了青年成才的目标、重点和要素构成等,体现了鲜明的政治性、时代性、指导性和国际性等特征。习近平青年成才观为促进新时代青年成长成才提供了科学的方法论和实现路径,是新时代中国青年成长成才的遵循和指南。  相似文献   

社会转型期,完善社会主义市场经济体制,对城市规划工作带来的影响表现为:无偿使用城市土地的传统观念逐步改变;第三产业的发展,对原有规划布局产生较大冲击;随着土地需求量的剧增,对城市规划与管理提出了更高的要求。建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的城市规划运行机制,建设生态城市,应提高公众参与规划的意识,处理人与自然的关系,加强规划的科学性、合理性和长远性;加强法律的强制作用,依法监督,依法行政。  相似文献   

The development of order in transitional China is not merely a matter of institutional supply, but also a matter of defining the state’s special roles and functions in the transition period. Since reform and opening up, China has sought to realize the twin governance aims of high speed development of the socialist economy and maintenance of stability, which require that the state simultaneously undertake the dual roles of modern government and national capital. The consequent adjustments to the governance structure are expressed in the state’s devolution of power to the market while reserving government pricing power; devolution of power to local governments while reserving power over central tasks; and affirming social rights while reserving the power to approve social organizations. At the institutional level, the externalities produced by this “quasi-decentralized governance structure” are marked by the shrinkage of arrangements for collective welfare, the absence of mechanisms for routine security in ordinary life, and the development of mechanisms that allow the government to profit from the market. This may result in the instrumentalization of government functions and the capitalization of public power, producing imbalances in the distribution of social rights, wealth and risk, or in other words, social instability.  相似文献   

ONS: Tat'iana Ivanovna, your most recent projects have addressed problems connected with the transformation of the social structure of Russian society. Now, in this fifth year of radical reform, we all have a clear sense of major changes, but these changes fall far short of the expectations that were typical at the dawn of perestroika. For instance, your article in the book There Is No Other Way [Inogo ne dano], which caused a huge stir in 1988, analyzed which strata and groups of what was then still Soviet society theoretically stood to gain or lose from the impending changes and, accordingly, could be expected to support or to obstruct them. That prognosis included predictions that in some respects have not yet come true, although, of course, at the time we were discussing the final stages of change, and not the process of transition to a new society.  相似文献   

郑丹丹 《浙江学刊》2006,(5):196-201
本文通过第二期中国妇女地位调查数据所展示的家务劳动分工中的性别不平等现象,导入对一个问题的关注:为什么性别不平等的基础早已改变,但这种不平等的意识形态却能够长期存在?尝试用现象学社会学关于个体行动逻辑的阐述来剖析社会意识与其存在基础(社会结构)的关系,揭示社会意识独立于社会结构的存在方式与行动逻辑,以及对社会意识进行解构的机理与具体策略。最后,从对知识分子群体的分析透视女权主义运动的实质与未来之路。  相似文献   

某些共同体主义者批判罗尔斯的正义理论将个人预设为“无牵无挂的自我”,这在很大程度上导致学界普遍忽视了罗尔斯的社会观及其后期的理论重心:“社会统一”问题.然而,罗尔斯不仅将现代民主社会理解为其成员具有合作需求的“社会联合”社会,而且也将其理解为社会形式和历史传统对其成员的身份具有巨大型构作用的“社会内嵌式”社会.在这种社会观的参照下,罗尔斯后期提出的“社会统一”的深层根源就来自于作为世世代代的社会成员集体政治-社会实践结果的社会生活形式和社会生活传统.  相似文献   

王强 《社会工作》2011,(14):44-47
转型期的中国正处于矛盾多发期,对稳定社会秩序的追求已成为人们最大的利益。社会资本所蕴涵的诚信、规范有序和公民密集的参与网络,直接影响着社会稳定与和谐。当前,我国社会资本还存在着严重缺失和不均衡现象,制约着社会的良性运行和协调发展,对我国社会稳定的维护产生了极大地影响。因此,培育社会资本应当成为维护、增进社会稳定的一个重要视角。  相似文献   

I.SurveysofOccupationalPrestigeandtheInternationalComparison  Insociology ,people ssocialstatusismeasuredinthreedimensions:wealth(economicposition ) ,authorityandpower ,andprestige .Comparativelyspeaking,theidentificationofthefirsttwoisrelativelyeasyasthere…  相似文献   

In this transitional period, the concept of legally protected interests in Chinese criminal legislation is changing with the imposition of new control measures that endow criminal law with new functions, including taking an active part in social governance. Active legislation will not entail the systemic risk of excessive interference by criminal law. Criminalization does not conflict with criminal law’s concept of modest restraint. In terms of overall approach, we need to establish dynamic, rational and diversified legislative mechanisms for the future. In terms of specifi methods, legislation must maintain an approach of actively intervention in the life of society, changing the current centralized legislative model. However, decentralized legislation should not necessarily adopt the tripartite model of the criminal code plus special enactments and auxiliary criminal law. Rather, it should construct a written criminal law system centered on the criminal code and supplemented by the law on minor offences, in parallel with criminal penalties and public security measures. This will produce a mechanism for the seamless incremental convergence of public security administrative punishment law, minor offences law, and criminal law. The net of justice is fine-meshed but its penalties are light. The addition of new crimes must uphold the rule of law, correspond to specifi social situations, maintain an attitude of sensitivity and clarity toward lawlessness and regard criminal law as a last resort, in order to alleviate the pressures legislators currently face from the growing body of criminal law.  相似文献   

转型期社会群体的价值取向有以下几个变化:从崇尚集体价值观向张扬个人价值追求的变化,从价值取向的趋同性向多元化转变;从制度决定选择到主客双向选择转变;从单一的服从权力向尊重法律的转变;从审美趣味简单、整齐划一到百花齐放、丰富多彩的转变;从提倡节俭到鼓励消费的转变。传媒的文化价值取向,就是传播者在进行传播活动中,通过传播内容、传播方式、传播效果所呈现出来的价值取向。  相似文献   

赵民 《社科纵横》2005,20(6):15-16
对《莱茵报》时期马克思的利益观不应有所忽略。在该时期,马克思以一个革命民主主义者的身份揭露、抨击和谴责了普鲁士国家特别是普鲁士莱茵省议会在利益问题上的言行,从而促使他向唯物主义和共产主义转变,至今仍然闪耀着真理的光芒,具有重大的现实意义,当然也有其特有的局限性。  相似文献   

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