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Unemployed young people in six Swedish municipalities were studied in respect of the degree of shaming elements experienced by them in their social environment and in respect of mental ill health. The nature of the investigation was exploratory. The study shows that experience of shaming elements in the environment owing to unemployment is relatively frequent. A larger proportion of the long-term unemployed and men account for more shaming elements than do the short-term unemployed and women. It seems as if the factor of shaming elements in the environment is important in order to understand the adverse health-related consequences of unemployment. A greater proportion of those who live in a more shaming environment show mental disorders, deteriorated health, changes in living habits, activities and social relations, than do those living in a less shaming environment. This report discusses possible explanations of the results in the light of existing moral concepts of work and unemployment, as well as of shaming attitudes towards the unemployed.  相似文献   

对品牌资产评估方法的理论基础分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周晓冬 《学术交流》2004,43(6):87-90
要使品牌评估准确、客观,离不开正确的理论作为指导。根据其内涵,品牌资产的价值源于其能为企业带来超额利润的能力,具体体现在能提高产品附加值,产生产品溢价,并因此使企业产品的市场份额得到扩大。因此,要使品牌评估能真正反映出品牌资产的客观价值,就要使品牌评估方法兼顾到品牌资产在超额利润、产品溢价和市场份额三方面的作用。  相似文献   

风险社会理论相关研究文献概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张恩明 《探求》2008,(1):25-28
贝克的风险社会理论引发学术界广泛的研究兴趣。国内学者就西方风险社会理论核心问题及风险社会理论,对中国社会管理实践的指导作用和理论意义等相关方向进行研究,重点运用风险社会理论指导研究我国转型期社会风险问题;并基于风险社会理论提出解决我国当前改革转型期的社会风险问题的相应策略。  相似文献   

Cuts in public spending and financial constraints faced by Swedish municipalities have led to an increased interest in issues concerning priorities. This interest reflects a practical need to meet current rationing with accurate allocative decisions, where the interests of different areas and categories of users are dealt with in a well-considered way. In social work, these needs today are obvious. The article raises issues concerning priorities with relevance for social work in the Swedish social services. The purpose is to develop a conceptual and theoretical framework regarding how priorities on different levels of decision-making are made, where the main focus is on different principles as grounds for and forms of prioritizing. Central are the following questions: What actors can be identified in the process of shaping priorities in social work? What are the principles behind allocative decisions made on different levels of the municipal organization? Which categories of potential and actual users gain advantages or suffer disadvantages from different allocative principles? A theoretical division into first- and second-order decisions and of allocations from notions of efficiency, justice and self-interest offer the main structure for the article. First-order decisions are political decision-making concerning the total amount of resources distributed to various sectors or programs. Second-order decisions deal with the issue of how to allocate given resources among claimants or possible users. Efficiency is discussed from the aspects of productivity, marginal utility and longterm effects. Material principles of justice dealt with are the principles of need, increment, contribution and merit. Self-interest is discussed in terms of self-serving bias, group-oriented interests and professional gain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to offer a working definition of social exclusion and to operationalize it in such a way that an initial empirical analysis of social exclusion in Britain today can be undertaken. After a brief review of conceptions of social exclusion and some of the key controversies, we operationalize one definition based on the notion of participation in five types of activity—consumption, savings, production, political and social. Using the British Household Panel Survey, indicators for participation on these dimensions are developed and analysed both cross-sectionally and longitudinally for the period 1991–5. We find strong associations between an individual's participation (or lack of it) on the five different dimensions, and on each dimension over time. However, there is no distinct group of socially excluded individuals: few are excluded on all dimensions in any one year and even fewer experience multiple exclusion for the whole period. The results support the view that treating different dimensions of exclusion separately is preferable to thinking about social exclusion in terms of one homogeneous group.  相似文献   

美国国际合作理论研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国的国际合作理论研究起步较早,并取得了如下成绩:第一,出现了新现实主义、新自由制度主义和建构主义的不同解读,其中新自由制度主义的理论影响最大;第二,先后出现了海伦·米尔纳与罗伯特·阿克塞尔罗德的两次学术总结。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mother–child warmth and responsiveness would moderate the link between young children's theory of mind skills and self‐worth. Participants included 125 same‐sex pairs of 3.5 year‐old twins and their mothers. A battery of tests was individually administered to measure the children's theory of mind skills and verbal intelligence, and their self‐reported self‐worth was assessed using a puppet interview. Following visits to the families' homes, the observers completed ratings of warm responsive mother–child behavior based on videotaped unstructured and structured observations. As expected, warm responsive behavior moderated the relation between their theory of mind and the child's self‐worth. Their theory of mind was positively associated with self‐worth in warm responsive mother–child dyads, and there was weaker evidence that their theory of mind may be negatively associated with self‐worth in less warm, unresponsive mother–child dyads.  相似文献   

李代 《社会》2017,37(3):103-130
近年来,关于同型婚配的研究在社会学界得到越来越多的关注。本文采用LHSC1996与CGSS2012两个截面数据,首先用对数线性模型测量调查数据中夫妻教育匹配的同型程度,用相关系数测量工资收入上的相似程度。然后使用模糊置换检验估量在控制年龄、城乡和地域之后,夫妻受教育程度的匹配对家庭工资收入不平等指数泰尔指数(Theil Index)的影响,并通过比较两个截面数据考察其变化趋势。在研究方法上本文有所贡献,本文所使用的改进的置换检验方法可以更好地控制年龄等定距变量。  相似文献   

正如四季流转,总是春夏秋冬,2009年娱乐圈的四季,一如既往地分明且热闹非凡。  相似文献   

黄刚 《创新》2014,(1):18-24
科学方法是理论创新的基础,方法创新是中国特色社会主义理论创新的重要组成部分。中国特色社会主义理论创新方法是一个完整体系,其中的四个方面具有方法论创新的特别意义:一是在"坚持"中发展;二是在"问题"中突破;三是在"结合"中创造;四是在"总体"中建构。这些理论创新方法对于深刻揭示中国特色社会主义发展规律并继续开辟中国特色社会主义实践基础上的理论新境界具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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