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心理资本是个体发展的积极心理状态,相比企业员工心理资本开发研究而言,青少年心理资本开发研究是一个崭新的领域。但青少年的心理成熟需要心理资本的积累,青少年发展的危机应对与潜能开发需要心理资本的支撑,一方面,学校教育改革呼唤青少年心理资本开发,另一方面,教育向本体价值转型为青少年心理资本开发提供了条件。学校教育要重点开发青少年的自我效能、希望、乐观、韧性这四种核心的积极心理资本。  相似文献   

This article examines how developing countries can use, and enlarge, existing policy space, without opting out of international commitments. It argues that: (i) a meaningful context for policy space must extend beyond trade policy and include macroeconomic and exchange‐rate policies that will achieve developmental goals more effectively; (ii) policy space depends not only on international rules but also on the impact of international market conditions and policy decisions taken in other countries on the effectiveness of national policy instruments; and (iii) international integration affects policy space through several factors that pull in opposite directions; whether it increases or reduces policy space differs by country and type of integration.  相似文献   

Although Canadian universities have made internationalization a strategic priority, only few Canadian students currently participate in any international study opportunities. Drawing on interviews with Canadian students who were about to spend some of their undergraduate education abroad as exchange students, or had recently returned from a study exchange, we argue that despite the importance of relatively high costs associated with international study experiences, cultural factors play a more important role in enabling the decision to study abroad. Being habitually exposed to travel in one's family, and having been encouraged to travel independently as a teenager or young adult emerge as important precursors to our participants’ decision to take part in study exchanges. Although one needs to engage critically with university administrators’ current preoccupation with internationalization, being exposed to an extended time abroad has shown to have positive effects, especially for otherwise underprivileged students. Given the exploratory nature of this study, we conclude with suggestions for further research aimed at confirming our findings and developing policy.  相似文献   

The essential variables of contracts and their values in terms of the relevant network, the setting, and the goals and plans of treatment are briefly explored. The limitations of overt contracts in relation to system directed changes are described.  相似文献   

Faculty members are frequently asked by students and parents, “what can I do with a Sociology degree?” This paper suggests ways to address the question and take action to insure that majors have the knowledge and skills to be successful in the job search and the work world. In addition, the paper indicates ways that combining service learning and applied sociology serves goals of students, faculty, universities, and communities. Approaches to teaching applied (practice) sociology in departments and to integrating service learning and course content show the “natural synergy” between the two types of learning. Finally, the article discusses practical issues related to service learning in applied settings: getting the support of faculty and administrators; convincing students of the benefits of service learning; revising curricula; and setting up the service learning experiences. The conclusion is that combining service learning and applied sociology courses has positive results for all involved.  相似文献   

电话采访中给我的第一感觉是马潇臻沉稳干练,当记者来到济南和平路36-1号大成特训见到他时,没想到他只有34岁,如此年轻!一直深谈到深夜,得知他从1996年就开始专业的直销培训、国内、外直销公司对比,各公司制度对比.各公司产品优劣对比……头头是道!又系统地观看了其直销培训的系统教材,从直销员入门、直销员百日创绩,直销主持人训练、直销讲师训练、直销高层目标管理、直销高层团队管理、直销高层论坛……这些对于即将开放的中国直销市场、对即将从事直销的7000万中国直销员,会很有帮助,会减少直销员人力,物力,财力,精力的损失,在此毫无保留地把其培训精华贡献给直销人员——希望直销人员从中受益。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s,it has been hard to identify a single trend in the way Chinese women choose their spouses.Coinciding with the country's fast-growing economy and the large number of highly educated women,Chinese women are becoming increasingly  相似文献   

This article contributes to the understanding of skilled labor migration by exploring some of the differences in the economic behavior of three contrasting groups of returned skilled labor migrants from Slovakia to the United Kingdom: professionals and managers; students; and au pairs. Formal professional experiences and training provide only limited understanding of the value of working/studying abroad. Instead, there is a need to look at particular competences, such as interpersonal skills and self‐confidence, as well as the role of social recognition. The empirical results also emphasize the importance of spatiality and temporality when analyzing skilled labor migration.  相似文献   

The number of suicides reported for New York City by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) fell precipitously in 1985 and remained extremely low until 1989, when it returned to pre‐1985 levels. The downturn in reported suicides from 1985 to 1988 occurred in all five of the city's boroughs but did not extend to the suburbs. The apparent drop in suicide rates was largely and perhaps completely an artifact of personnel and policy changes in the New York City Chief Medical Examiner's Office during a period in which the office engaged in defensive structuring in the face of severe political, economic, and journalistic pressures. During the downturn, suicides were “hidden” in reported deaths attributable to non‐motor‐vehicle accidents and, to a lesser extent, undeter‐mined external causes. The socially constructed trough in suicide rates between 1985 and 1988 affects the outcome of tests of theories of suicidal behavior using county‐level data for New York State.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the epistemic barriers to sustainable agriculture, which are those aspects of food production that are not readily revealed by direct perception: such as decreases in rates of soil and nutrient loss, increases in levels of beneficial soil micro‐organisms, and reductions in the amount of chemicals leaching into the water table. While many of sustainable agriculture's most touted benefits cannot easily or immediately be seen by producers, the opposite can be said of the benefits of conventional agriculture: from, for example, weed‐free rows and pest‐free fields to tall stalks, large yields, and commodity uniformity. Yet, while its benefits are readily apparent to many operators, the costs of conventional agricultural production often are not because conventional agriculture partly externalizes those costs to society at large. This paper investigates how the tension between the “visible” and the “nonvisible” plays out in the debate between sustainable and conventional agriculture. It concludes by suggesting potential solutions to overcoming these epistemic barriers, so as to make the epistemologically distant aspects of sustainable (namely, the benefits of) and conventional (namely, the costs of) agriculture more visible to all.  相似文献   

A much neglected aspect in the comparative literature on labour market flexibility has ignored how employers' use of flexibility is affected by national differences in labour market characteristics. In this paper the case of part-time work, in the retail banking sector in Britain and France, is taken to show how the preferences of available female workers, together with differences in educational attainment, childcare provision, legal regulation, personnel policy and organizational culture affect employers' use of this type of flexibility. The main argument of this paper is that the type of flexibility employers can obtain from female workers varies between countries. Thus employers design jobs, consciously or not, in response to these differences. This paper supports the approach which emphasizes the need to integrate an analysis of economic production with social reproduction so as to enrich our understanding, from a comparative perspective, of the nature of contemporary work organization.  相似文献   

In this reply to the commentaries, we note several points of disagreement with Johnson and Greenman on theoretical and empirical grounds. We are particularly surprised by their assumption that attachment has already been established as the key mechanism of change in couple therapy, as our present findings do not support this idea. We also elaborate on Gurman's functional contextualist views and describe why IBCT may be a particularly helpful model for training new couple therapists in a contextualist way.  相似文献   

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