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任鸽 《决策探索》2011,(17):82-83
60岁的王石,神采奕奕,皮肤被晒成古铜色。这位看上去比实际年龄年轻很多的董事长,被称为中国房地产行业的“教父”。2010年“万科”销售过干亿,并没有改变王石的倔强与争胜的雄心。虽然他似乎已经“放手”万科的日常经营,但一种无形的向心力却引领这家中国住宅地产开发龙头在过去10年,  相似文献   

有一个公司的重要部门的经理要离职了,董事长决定找一位才德兼备的人来接替这个位置,但连续来应征的几个人都没有通过董事长的“考试”。这天,一个30多岁的留美博士前来应征,董事长却是通知他凌晨3点去他家考试。这位青年于是在约定时间去按董事长家的铃,却未见人来应门,一直到8点钟,董事长才让他进门。考的题目是由董事长口述,董事长问他:“你会写字吗?”年轻人说:“会。”  相似文献   

<正>有一个公司的重要部门的经理要离职了,董事长决定找一位才德兼备的人来接替这个位置,但连续来应征的几个人都没有通过董事长的“考试”。这天,一个30多岁的留美博士前来应征,董事长却是通知他凌晨3点去他家考试。这位青年于是在约定时间去按董事长家的铃,却未见人来应门,一直到8点钟,董事长才让他进门。考的题目是由董事长口述,董事长问他:“你会写字吗?”年轻人说:“会。”董事长拿出一张白纸说:“请你写一个白饭的白字。”他写完了,却等不到下一题,疑惑地问:“就这样吗?”董事长静静地看着他,回答:“对!考完了!”年轻人觉得很奇怪,这是哪门子的考试啊?  相似文献   

一头浓密的头发,一丝不苟地向后整齐地排列,永远是一身深色西服的四川省旌晶食品有限责任公司董事长陈德长出现在旌晶食品董事长办公室。明年旌晶食品将迎来30周年的纪念,今年60岁的陈德长脸上的笑容似春目的阳光般灿烂。他正在谋划着明年如何庆祝30周年的大庆。在他心目中,他想的是将旌晶食品建成一个百年老店,永远致力于人类营养健康事业。  相似文献   

魏薇 《经理人》2012,(5):57-61,56,20
今年春天,七匹狼董事长周少雄频频出现在T台,以及各种影视圈名流们出入的活动和秀场,像一个真正的娱乐明星。他管华谊兄弟董事长王中军叫“中军”,语气中透着亲切。在接受采访的间隙,又忙不迭打电话过问给导演协会提供服装的事。  相似文献   

帕米尔天泉有限公司董事长张键在经营上最让人羡慕的是他对资源开发利用独具慧眼。他开发的特立尼达沥青和冰川矿泉水被人们称之为“黑金”与“白金”,他铸下“双金”的胆略,令人钦敬。  相似文献   

阳春三月,春光明媚,正值春耕时节。记者见到高书记时,他刚从田间回到村委办公室,看上去他和普通农民没什么两样,甚至衣服上还带有些泥土.卷起裤管。这是村书记吗……?很快,他的言谈举止让记者除去了疑虑。该村“两委”存上级部门领导下,本着实心、实干、实效的作风.结合该村实际,各项工作逐年  相似文献   

与所有充满自信的智者一样,丘吉尔成为隽语和警句的发源地,包括他自己原创的、"借用他人"的以及改编过的名句。 丘吉尔创作的最著名的隽语中,有下面这段话 “缄默不语的强硬人士之所以不出声,往往是因为他不知道该说什么,之所以看上去强硬,又恰恰是因为他保持沉默。”  相似文献   

星期日的晚上,谢明匆忙地赶往北京首都机场。连续4天集中精力听课让他觉得浑身疲乏,但他必须在当晚赶回重庆,再乘车回到泸州。第二天就是星期一,作为泸州老窖集团董事长,有很多事情在等着他处理呢。每月都有一次这样的奔波,但身体上的劳累一点儿也没有影响谢明的心境,恰恰相反,他从劳顿中感到的更多是快乐。  相似文献   

罗龙 《经理人》2002,(4):44-45
麦伯良似乎有点独裁的味道。因为中集集团已连换了五任董事长,可坐总经理位置的他,却铁打不动,是中集的机制惯坏了他吗?按常规,中国的企业一般换了第三任董事长的时候,总经理一定要走人。如果这样,麦伯良未免有点冤枉。其实,麦伯良是个很不简单的人物,就是他,硬是将中集从死亡边缘给拉了回来,又把中集做到了全球同行业的第一,而且是连续六年的世界第一。看来,麦伯良倒像一个神奇的英雄了。 似乎没有麦伯良,中集就活不下去。  相似文献   

As Dennis S. O'Leary, MD, FACPE, reaches the 18-month mark in his tenure as president of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, Chicago, the organization's future is a foremost concern. In this concluding article of a two-part series, he discusses his vision of where the Commission is going, and how and why. Among key issues that will affect the Joint Commission's future, he says, are changing determinants of quality, evaluation of nonhospital organizations, the interplay of the increasingly diverse individuals and groups that participate in Joint Commission activities, and Joint Commission relations with key health professions and other interest groups, including consumers. The first article, which focused on the Joint Commission's "clinical indicators" project, was published in the July-August issue of Physician Executive.  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(7):76-81,16
打出"品牌矩阵、渠道挖潜、电商探索"组合拳2012年,众多家纺企业和其他零售行业一样,正直面消费者信心不足的困境。根据全国商业信息中心截至2月份的统计,全国50家重点大型零售企业零售额同比下降2.78%,自2011年1月以来首次出现同比负增长。"这轮危机带来的压力,超过2008年。"罗莱家纺股份有限公司董事长薛伟成并没有掩饰自己的忧虑。不过,他认为这也是行业竞跑或者洗牌的最好时机。根据2011年财报,罗莱家纺以23.8亿元的营业收入和24.18%的净资产收益率,继续保持其2005年以来的行业老大地位。为此,薛伟成提出,要带领罗莱在2016年进入百亿俱乐部。  相似文献   

陈振烨 《经理人》2012,(6):89-93,88,22
他为小米设定了一个伟大目标:成为世界500强一家刚满两年的公司,靠一款上市不到一年的手机,月销售额过10亿人民币,很像美国式创业故事,速度之快,令人惊奇。这一点,小米公司董事长、创始人雷军也没想到,他最初计划一年卖30万台,还不到现在一个月的销量。2012年4月6日,小米成立两周年,周年庆被叫做"米粉节",从各地赶来的上千米粉们,就像过自己的节日,很疯狂,很high,雷军在台上  相似文献   

This article describes the first serious effort on the part of an American president to enact national health insurance (NHI). President Truman considered his inability to enact NHI the single most important defeat during his presidency. While a variety of factors led to the demise of NHI, three are most notable. The dynamic interplay of these factors, integrated with references to the current accelerating debate over national health reform, will serve as the focus for this seventh article in a series on historical efforts to enact national health reform in the United States.  相似文献   

蒙戎 《经理人》2009,(4):116-120
如果没有人们的后见之明,一些可震烁古今的大事件,原本都平淡无奇。在古代中原与边关的种群冲突中,为什么只要是农耕种群总是负多胜少?历史是势利的,甚至只敬重成则为王的那个人。当努尔哈赤以他坚强的女真族后裔一满族甲士的铁骑,让无数民族在苦难中改变了自己的走向后,后人总是试图从这段历史寻找出种群血性的真相。  相似文献   

This article describes how the arrival of CEO J. Richard Gaintner, MD, at Shands HealthCare signaled a time for refocusing the organization's direction and helping physicians to cope with the changes buffeting the industry. He saw angst and disenfranchisement, sentiments that characterized not only Shands and the University of Florida Health Science Center, but also the entire establishment of American scientific medicine. Gaintner believes--and continually preaches--that practicing medicine in a cost-effective manner will improve, not harm, the quality of care. His willingness to face reality objectively is perhaps his greatest asset in helping physicians deal with managed care. He conveys heartfelt empathy with the day-to-day conflicts they face. But he does not allow himself the temporary luxury of cynicism, and he refuses to accept negativity and pessimism in others. Rather, he asks that physicians and managers understand the system and develop the capacity to work within it and take responsibility for improving it. Beyond exhorting physicians to be accountable for the success of the enterprise, Gaintner creates mechanisms for meaningful physician participation in enterprise management.  相似文献   

Almost since the federal government took its giant step into health care delivery and financing in 1965 with Medicare and Medicaid, the emphasis in Washington has been on reducing the costs of health care. Almost all federal health law subsequent to those two programs has been aimed at cost control, even when the titles of the bills promised a more noble purpose. The most notable exception is the law establishing end-stage renal disease coverage, but it has become a prime exacerbator of rising costs. Not even the designers of the federal programs envisioned how quickly health care costs would rise and how substantial the increases would be. The federal tab in 1993 was $280.6 billion. In 1960, it was $3 billion and in 1970 it was $17.8 billion. And overall health care costs have followed a similar curve, growing from 5.3 percent of the U.S. GDP in 1960 and 7.4 percent in 1970 to 13.8 percent in 1993. The end is not in sight. Economists are predicting growth to 18 percent of GDP by the next century. Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD, James Madison Professor of Political Economics in the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, does not believe that the "bite" will become that large, but he does expect increases to continue into the near future. In the interview recorded in this article, Professor Reinhardt assesses both the current and his predicted financial scenario for the health care field.  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(1):116-120,17
砸了奔驰的陈光标,应该改成骑马陈光标砸完自己的奔驰车后,宣布从此乘坐公车上班。这一绿色行动,并没有赢得满堂喝彩,在宁波慈溪一家塑料公司的老板费杰看来,如果有机会认识陈光标,建议后者骑马上班,这样既可以继续维系其绿色环保卫士的形象,又可以节约上班的路途时间。  相似文献   

More than 9,000 home health agencies provide services to Medicare beneficiaries. In 1996, 10 percent of Medicare beneficiaries received home health services at a total cost of +18 billion. Rapid growth has forced changes in the structure of the benefit payment system and has made home health an attractive area for fraudulent activities which are now being targeted. Collectively, this important benefit and relatively new industry will face changes in the way they do business and deliver services.  相似文献   

马建勋 《经理人》2009,(7):108-110
“你可以在对金融缺乏了解的情况下有所成就,但是,如果你彻头彻尾一无所知,那么你的命运就掌握在他人手里了。记住这句古训:‘愚人同其金钱会迅速分道扬镳。’”这是诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特.莫顿在其著作《金融学》一书中的开场白,所描述的场景已经投射进中国富豪们的现实。KODA投资者不但蚀掉了本金,还要被银行追讨。  相似文献   

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