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创新是文化发展和繁荣的本质特征。建立在文化创新驱动之上的北京创意城市战略,必将带来首都文化大发展大繁荣的巨大飞跃。北京申请加入联合国创意城市网络,正是这一飞跃的里程碑。北京创意之都建设需要逐步培育城市创新精神,形成创意城市的文化特质,壮大创意群体,建立以文化创新为核心的创意城市文化生态系统。  相似文献   

北京是全国网络最发达的城市之一。推动北京文化大发展大繁荣,应充分发挥首都网络的技术优势和文化优势,进一步提高管理理念,转变和创新首都网络文化的发展方式,提高网络建设的文化自觉、文化创新和科技创新。  相似文献   

作为全球城市网络中的枢纽性城市,北京“四个中心”建设迎来新机遇和新挑战:大国首都政务服务保障要求有所提高,首都安全的重要性进一步凸显;新技术的广泛运用为文化传承和创新带来新手段,但北京缺乏具有全球竞争力的知名文化品牌;大国首都外交外事活动日益活跃,重量级国际组织及其总部数量少仍是国际交往中心建设的短板;科技革命与首都高质量发展同频共振,但科技创新活动的国际性和开放性仍然不足。为此,在全球化语境下,北京“四个中心”建设当以首善标准提供大国首都政务保障,围绕品牌建设促进文化发展提质升级,发挥“双奥之城”优势服务大国外交,瞄准国际前沿强化战略科技力量。  相似文献   

以习近平总书记视察北京为标志,北京的城市功能定位和发展战略方向得到了明确,北京整个城市正在重新出发.作为北京第一大支柱产业,金融业的重新出发已刻不容缓.通过对北京金融业的雄厚基础、 得天独厚的发展优势、 北京金融业实现转型发展存在的短板进行梳理和分析,提出建设"首都型金融"的新目标和近期推动"首都型金融"发展的重点任务.  相似文献   

新中国成立60年来,北京的经济发展战略经历了一个艰难探索的过程。从首都经济战略的提出,到以生产性服务业、文化创意产业、高技术产业和现代制造业为核心的首都经济产业体系基本形成,再到人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京理念的产生,北京经济发展思路更加清晰,即按照科学发展观的要求,把以人为本、自主创新、生态文明摆在更加重要的位置,促进北京经济向高端化、知识化、总部化、绿色化方向发展,努力将北京建设成为经济发达、文化繁荣、社会和谐、生态良好的宜居城市和现代化的国际城市。  相似文献   

首都文化与首都文化建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首都文化是立足于首都价值所提出的国家文化代表性概念 ,是对北京文化含义的拓展和清晰化。它源于首都的城市地位 ,具有独特的性质和功能。建设首都文化是首都文化人的神圣使命 ,必须在加强硬件建设的同时 ,重视软件建设 ,以观念、纽带、环境、结构建设为切入点 ,充分抓住重大国际文化活动的发展机遇  相似文献   

论“首都经济圈”建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"首都经济圈"战略是"十二五"时期国家区域发展总体战略的重要组成部分。本文借鉴东京都市圈、巴黎都市圈等国际知名"首都圈"发展战略,分析"首都经济圈"建设对于北京和周边区域及我国发展的战略意义,明确"首都经济圈"范围界定的原则、具体范围、圈层划分及各个城市的职能分工,提出打造"首都经济圈"应以保障首都功能实现、提升区域创新能力为核心和统领,抓住四大战略重点,即明确经济圈的核心功能、创新区域合作的体制机制、推动基础设施一体化建设、强化生态环境建设和绿色发展。  相似文献   

建设世界城市:北京面临的挑战和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京提出的建设世界城市发展目标,既是北京城市发展迈入新的历史阶段的要求,也是中国发展的必然结果和中国今后参与全球化的需要。北京要建设世界城市,将面临诸多困难与挑战。针对存在的问题,文章提出了应对之策,即制定国家发展战略,构建首都大都市圈管理新体制,建设国际金融之都,打造各具特色的功能区、重点打造CBD功能区,加强公共服务型政府建设,提升首都软实力等。  相似文献   

首都文化建设现状考察与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首都文化建设现状考察与建议北京市社会科学院首都文化发展战略研究中心各位领导、各位专家,同志们、朋友们:在中央六中全会即将召开的前夕,直接由北京市委、市政府出面主持召开首都文化发展战略研讨会,以集思广议,共商首都文化发展大事,这一举措的本身已昭示了首...  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记在北京市考察工作时明确提出,要立足首都城市战略定位,思考“建设一个什么样的首都,怎样建设首都”这一重大时代课题。在这里,笔者结合自己的工作实践和思考,围绕北京高质量发展重点要解决什么问题,高质量发展还需要关注哪些方面,谈谈自己的理解和认识。一、北京高质量发展需要重点解决的问题对于北京如何高质量地发展,北京市政府及相关部门也在研究相应的指标体系和监测体系来评价和指导北京的经济社会发展。  相似文献   


This paper mainly focuses on the development of disaster social work in Mainland China and the intervention of social work in disaster relief. Before the Wenchuan earthquake and in the initial stage of post-earthquake, disaster social work was mainly based on individual psychotherapy; from the earthquake to the year of 2012 in which post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction was completed, the disaster relief began to emphasise community building and integration, while the basic framework for disaster social work was also established. Social workers begin to explore the new mode of developmental and localised disaster social work. By combining with the practical experiences from disaster social work, this paper tries to highlight the dilemmas confronting disaster relief in Mainland China and put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, which could improve the future disaster relief system in Mainland China.  相似文献   


There is scant literature addressing Appalachian women, their resiliency, and their cultural values. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore what constitutes resiliency for Appalachian women. The following research questions were explored: (a) Are Appalachian values reflected in Appalachian women's perceived resiliency during their school-age years, ages 5–18; and (b) if so, which Appalachian values emerged in these women's external and internal developmental assets? Ten Appalachian women were interviewed and asked to reflect on developmental assets during their school-age years. The study results indicated a relationship between developmental resiliency assets during youth as they corresponded with nine Appalachian values. The results indicate that Appalachian women's cultural values foster their strengths and resilience. This study supports the significance of practitioners acknowledging the importance of cultural values in counseling strategy. Implications and suggestions for future research are suggested  相似文献   

人口老龄化是2l世纪人类发展的主要特征,成为世界各国政府和社会关注的热点问题。本文通过对我国人口老龄化的基本现状、发展趋势、基本特征进行总结,分析从国家制度、社区建设、家庭养老到专业社工在老龄化趋势中的责任,探索我国社会老龄化趋势的对策。  相似文献   

本文在调查上海市第一社会福利院老人需求状况基础上,发现了老人各项发展性需求,机构中的社会工作部在老人各项发展性需求上,做出针对性的工作。调查结果发现,社会工作介入老人发展性需求有一定的成效,上海市第一社会福利院老人的需求获得较好的满足,最后提出机构社会工作在老人需求满足方面的若干建议。  相似文献   

本文在调查上海市第一社会福利院老人需求状况基础上,发现了老人各项发展性需求,机构中的社会工作部在老人各项发展性需求上,做出针对性的工作。调查结果发现,社会工作介入老人发展性需求有一定的成效,上海市第一社会福利院老人的需求获得较好的满足,最后提出机构社会工作在老人需求满足方面的若干建议。  相似文献   

Personal identity formation constitutes a crucial developmental task during the teens and 20s. Using a recently developed five‐dimensional identity model, this cross‐sectional study (N = 5834) investigated age trends from ages 14 to 30 for different commitment and exploration processes. As expected, results indicated that, despite some fluctuations over time, commitment processes tended to increase in a linear fashion. Exploration in breadth and exploration in depth were characterized by quadratic trends, with the highest levels occurring in emerging adulthood. Further, the functionality of these identity processes, and especially of exploration, changed over time. Exploration in breadth and exploration in depth were strongly related to commitment processes especially in adolescence and emerging adulthood, but these exploration processes became increasingly associated with ruminative exploration and depressive symptoms in the late 20s. Theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

The Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System (MLSGS) forms the core of China's current social assistance policy, and special assistance programmes are used to supplement this policy. This paper scrutinizes the evolution and achievements of the social assistance policy, and analyses the challenges and problems that the policy faces. In this paper, we argue that the international trend of social assistance reforms, institutional background changes and the problems of social assistance in China require a developmental model to guide the future development of the social assistance policy. Therefore, social assistance policy should not only fulfil the basic living requirements of the underprivileged and enable underprivileged people to share the outcomes of economic and social development, but also should enable the underprivileged to develop human capital and participate in the labour market. To move towards developmental social assistance, this article proposes several relevant policy suggestions.  相似文献   

Social cognitive mapping (SCM) is a common approach to identifying peer groups in developmental research. However, this approach involves three stages that each implies a unique conception of peer group. This article aims to bring conceptual clarity to the identification of peer groups using SCM by demonstrating how the meaning of peer groups differs at each stage of SCM. First, in the data collecting stage, interaction groups identify sets of children that hang out together. Second, in the data aggregating stage, co‐membership groups identify sets of children who are members of many of the same interaction groups. Third, in the data analyzing stage, similarity groups identify sets of children with similar patterns of relationships with their peers. After reviewing these three conceptions of peer groups, we briefly discuss some potential problems with using SCM as a tool to measure children's social networks and peer groups. Finally, we conclude by arguing that despite these issues, SCM remains a valuable methodology, and indeed one with untapped potential. Thus, we offer suggestions for the appropriate application of these theoretically and empirically distinct conceptions of peer group, noting that developmental researchers using SCM must identify which conception of peer group is used and justify why this conception is the appropriate one.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that examined the impact of computer presentation of suggested solutions during negotiation, in bargaining situations that can be characterized as integrative or distributive. It was found that in the integrative task, the bargainers achieved higher joint outcomes when presented with suggestions. They had a more negative perception of the negotiation atmosphere, however. In the distributive task, the suggestions did not help achieve joint gains, but it lessened negative attitudes of the bargainers. Bargainers who received suggestions felt both they and their partner had been somewhat more flexible, cooperative, considerate, and less suspicious. Thus, regardless of negotiation situation, the suggestions resulted in some benefit to the negotiators.  相似文献   

总结了关于创业教育课程开发和就业创业学习资源库项目建设的意义、目标和主要任务、实施过程、取得的主要成果、重要贡献及项目进一步建设和推广的几点建议。  相似文献   

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