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浙江省金融发展与经济增长的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭福春 《浙江学刊》2007,14(5):171-175
浙江省经济增长与金融发展之间存在着比较显著的互为因果关系。金融效率的提高促进金融总量增加,并推动经济增长;经济增长又进一步促进金融总量的增加,形成一个互为因果关系的链条。浙江经济金融之间是一种和谐共生的关系,经济金融和谐共生成为浙江省经济增长与金融发展关系的路径选择。  相似文献   

金融发展理论是专门研究发展中国家金融发展与经济发展关系的理论。由于传统经济发展理论把经济发展等同于经济增长,传统金融发展理论受其影响,专注于研究金融发展与经济增长的关系,从而忽视了结构分析。显然,经济结构变化对发展中国家的经济发展有着重要影响,而金融部门又是现代市场经济的核心,金融发展和经济结构转换之间存在着密切联系。传统金融发展理论忽视结构分析的缺陷,使其难以揭示金融发展与经济发展之间的更深层次规律,这也是许多发展中国家金融自由化改革失败的主因。因此,在传统金融发展理论中引入结构分析就十分重要和必要了。  相似文献   

黑龙江省经济增长与区域金融发展关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过运用多元回归模型和格兰杰因果检验对黑龙江省1978-2007年经济增长与区域金融发展二者关系进行实证分析,结论显示:黑龙江省经济增长能够显著地影响到本地区金融深化水平,而金融发展水平对经济增长的促进作用并不明显,地区金融与经济之间还未形成协调发展的良性互动,黑龙江省金融发展存在滞后性.文章进而分析金融制约产生的主要成因,为确定黑龙江省金融体系自身改革的着力点以及金融促进经济发展所必需的外部制度安排提供决策依据.  相似文献   

张鹏飞  张晓岚 《浙江学刊》2008,8(2):169-173
金融结构对经济增长是否存在作用在理论上和实证上至今都尚未定论.随着中国经济的持续快速增长,金融部门的重要性日益凸现,对金融结构和经济增长之间关系的研究日渐成为关注的焦点.本文基于跨国动态面板数据,利用广义距估计(GMM)的方法,对金融结构与经济增长的关系进行实证分析.研究发现,伴随着经济的发展,金融结构也在不断深化即随着经济的增长,股票市场对经济增长的作用会越来越大,而银行对经济增长的作用会相对降低;同时,金融结构在经济增长过程中的作用会随着经济的发展而逐渐趋于弱化.本文的结论意味着选择适宜的金融结构对发展中国家经济能否实现持续快速经济增长具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

金融稳定与经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛伟 《浙江学刊》2004,116(1):155-159
金融与经济增长的关系一直是经济学研究的重要课题.金融发展理论认为金融通过动员储蓄、优化资源配置促进了经济增长.但金融危机不断爆发的事实表明金融并不总能促进经济增长.如果金融系统不稳定,金融非但不能促进经济增长还会造成经济危机.三代金融危机理论从多个角度分析了造成金融不稳定的因素.本文认为三代金融危机理论虽然刻画了金融危机的一些特点,但都不能充分地解释危机发生的原因.本文进一步指出,金融稳定与经济增长之间是相互影响的,金融发展理论和金融危机理论是内在联系的;三代金融危机理论之所以不能很好地解释金融危机,其原因是它们忽视了经济增长对金融稳定的影响.  相似文献   

金融创新与经济增长的关系极为密切,二者之间相互促进,协同发展。利用PMG估计方法,选取美国东部10个州和中国中东部处于相似纬度位置的10个省的1992—2011年面板数据,进行对比的实证研究发现:直接金融市场和间接金融市场对经济增长存在着一个长期均衡关系,而且由一个地区的金融发展水平、经济水平和储蓄率等因素决定。中国经济的发展离不开金融产业的发展,以此可以规避发展陷阱和金融危机。  相似文献   

金融发展理论可以描述为一个离散过程,分为金融扩张和金融调整两种状态.金融发展在两状态间的转化形成了金融周期.宏观经济政策是金融周期产生的重要原因,金融周期也反向影响经济增长趋势及其发展规律,而储蓄率在两者的相互关系中起到了纽带作用.马尔柯夫区制转移向量自回归模型揭示出中国金融周期与经济增长之间具有逆向关联,同时表明金融政策的内在稳健性特征为中国经济增长创造了良好的政策环境.  相似文献   

国际资本的流动不仅受到东道国经济增长势头的吸引,东道国金融体系、市场的健全性和稳定性同样至关重要.中国金融部门无论在长期还是短期均通过传导FDI资金流蕴含的积极影响,在FDI和经济增长之间充当了一个正面中介机制,从而为FDI最终促进中国经济增长发挥了正向作用,这一作用也可以视为中国金融发展的经济增长推动效应.在金融系统的特定发展水平下,存在一个门限值,当金融发展程度大于这一水平时,FDI开始正向作用于经济增长.以私人部门贷款占GDP比重这一指标作为衡量中国金融发展水平的代理变量时,就短期和长期来看,当私人部门贷款占GDP比重分别超过4.710%和8.375%时,中国金融发展才能发挥促进FDI推动国内经济增长的作用.  相似文献   

本文将中印两国实体经济部门与金融业的相关变量融入经济增长进程中进行比较分析,找出相互之间存在的内在联系。从中得出的结论是,不同的金融变量在两国的经济增长进程中所发挥的作用也各不相同。其中,固定资本构成率在中国发挥的作用比印度要大,且中国的经济增长领先于金融发展;而印度的金融发展却对经济增长起到了更加积极的促进作用,并在金融体系的有效性上优于中国。  相似文献   

人口数量以及增长情况会对区域的经济发展产生重大的影响,研究基于人口约束下的固定资产投资对区域未来调整投资结构、制定适当投资政策具有重要意义.本文在分析北京市人口发展现状和存在问题基础上,选取1992-2011年北京市人口和固定资产投资额的相关数据,研究人口与固定资产投资之间的关系模型,预测了基于人口约束的北京市固定资产未来投资规模.本文认为北京市严峻的人口问题决定了固定资产投资不能依赖人口拉动的粗放型增长方式,提出了相应的解决对策和建议.  相似文献   

The causal relationship between financial development and economic growth is examined, utilizing the superexogeneity methodology. We use annual data for Korea during 1971–2002, during which Korea has experienced both phenomenal economic growth and a variety of financial liberalization and reforms. In our tests for superexogeneity, we find that financial development control causes economic growth, but the reverse is not true. Our empirical results provide evidence in favor of the ‘finance causes growth’ view for the case of Korea while rejecting the ‘growth causes finance’ view. The policy implication is that Korea should give policy priority to financial reform rather than economic growth, because only a decisive and accelerated pace of financial restructuring can ensure a sustainable growth in the medium or long term.  相似文献   

This paper examined an empirical investigation of whether financial development can boost economic growth in Tunisia. We used an Autoregressive Distributed Lag method to assess the finance-growth relation taking private credit, value traded and issuing bank's securities on the financial market as financial development indicators.The empirical results showed that the domestic credit to private sector has a positive effect on the economic growth suggesting that the financial development is a driver of a long term economic growth, but subject to a financial fragility at the short run. Moreover, this study confirmed the view of bidirectional relationship between credit and economic growth. However, we found that neither the stock market development nor the intervention of banks in the stock market had robust and positive effects on the economic growth. Thus, Tunisia is recommended to accelerate in priority the financial reforms of the Tunisian stock market in order to contribute to mobilize savings and promote long run economic growth.  相似文献   

Financial development and economic growth: The Egyptian experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Egypt during the period 1960–2001 within a trivariate vector autoregressive (VAR) framework (investment being the additional variable). We employ four different measures of financial development and apply Granger causality tests using the cointegration and vector error-correction (VEC) methodology. Our results strongly support the view that financial development and economic growth are mutually causal, that is, causality is bi-directional. Furthermore, we find that financial development causes economic growth through both increasing resources for investment and enhancing efficiency. These findings suggest the need to accelerate the financial reforms that the Egyptian government launched in 1991 and to improve the efficiency of the financial system to stimulate saving/investment and, consequently, long-term economic growth.  相似文献   

This study uses and proposes a new methodological approach to construct a financial liberalization index on the basis of the dynamic factor model technique. The resulting index is used to investigate the impact of the financial sector reforms in Pakistan on economic growth. Using the Markov regime-switching model over the period 1972–2015, the empirical results showed that the examined relationship is nonlinear, nonmonotonic, state-dependent, and better described by the two-state Markov switching model characterized by the high growth regime and low growth regime. Despite the positive impact of financial liberalization on economic growth in both the high and low growth regimes, financial liberalization relatively strongly affects real GDP growth in the high growth regime. The results further demonstrate that transition probabilities establish an inordinate episode of the low growth regime. Furthermore, the high growth regime is relatively short-lived than the low growth regime. Among the other variables, trade openness and physical capital stock have a positive impact on economic growth, while labor force and government expenditure exert a negative effect on economic growth. Several economic policies are proposed and discussed for better functioning of financial sector development in Pakistan.  相似文献   

谢巧燕  王昱崴 《创新》2010,4(3):79-82
健全、高效的金融体系对经济发展巨大的促进作用已经是毋庸置疑,但健全、高效的金融体系并不简单是金融机构的齐备,还包括金融运行的高效率。目前,广西北部湾经济区金融机构的运行效率不尽如人意,存在诸多问题。应各方通力合作,大力提高金融机构运行效率,即政府部门发挥主导作用,营造良好的金融生态环境;金融机构大力发展表外业务创新,降低收入结构单一的潜在风险,着力提高区域资金配置效率,加强粤桂之间科技、信息和人才的交流等等。  相似文献   

In this contribution, we offer an analysis that evaluates the impact of the recent financial and economic crisis on social capital. An economic crisis offers a unique chance to study people's associational lives, volunteering, network-making, and trust-building under duress. Theoretical perspectives on the relationship between social capital and economic development emphasize a reciprocal relationship between the two. Therefore, we hypothesize that if economic performance is compromised, this might lead to an erosion of social capital. More importantly, however, we also argue that states can actively intervene by means of fiscal policy measures. We will illustrate our approach by comparing 29 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries before and after the crisis. Using qualitative comparative analysis, we demonstrate that imperatives related to fiscal policy stimuli provide leverage on social capital development.  相似文献   

Empirical literature on debt–growth nexus and deficit-growth nexus indicate that government debt and fiscal deficit could have negative effects on economic growth after a certain threshold level. However, the impacts of debt and deficit on economic growth via the financial sector have not been thoroughly explored. Thus, this study examines the effects of debt and deficit on finance–growth nexus in West African region. It employs empirical strategies that account for various economic and econometrics issues. Evidence from the study reveals that the impact of financial development on growth varies with the levels of debt and deficit. Specifically, the marginal effects of financial development on growth turn negative when debt and deficit exceed the threshold levels of 48.6% and −13.5% of GDP, respectively. The implication of this study is that the financial sector is one of the channels through which debt and deficit exert their influences on economic growth. Thus, an increase in financial development would not produce the desirable long-run economic benefits unless it is accompanied by a reduction in government debt and fiscal deficit. Based on the findings, the study makes some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Financial systems are complex and may support economic growth differently at various stages of economic development. This study of 90 countries extends the financial development-economic growth literature by using four proxies of financial development (banking, stock market, bond market and insurance), and considering a country’s level of economic development, on both a full and pre-global crisis sample. As expected financial markets have different effects on growth where the level of economic development vary. Policy makers should find that the insurance sector offers the most benefit for economic growth at all levels of development. Stock markets promote growth for middle income countries. Similarly bond markets promote growth with middle and high income countries. Some bond market and stock market results differed in the pre-crisis sample. Policies which promote trade but limit other areas such as inflation, government consumption and crises, should also support growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the overall economic growth effect when the growth in finance and real sector is disproportionate relying on panel data for 29 sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980–2014. Results from the system generalized methods of moments (GMM) reveal that, while financial development supports economic growth, the extent to which finance helps growth depends crucially on the simultaneous growth of real and financial sectors. The elasticity of growth to changes in either size of the real or financial sector is higher under balanced sectoral growth. We also show that rapid and unbridled credit growth comes at a huge cost to economic growth with consequences stemming from financing of risky and unsustainable investments coupled with superfluous consumption fueling inflation. However, the pass-through excess finance–economic growth effect via the investment channel is stronger.  相似文献   

王水莲  罗美英 《创新》2009,3(9):90-93
金融危机正在对全球实体经济产生严重损害,世界经济增长动力减弱、复苏乏力。在经济全球化的背景下,中国经济虽然在短期内所受影响较小,但在未来中长期内其发展形势依然严峻。作为中国宏观经济的一部分,在金融危机的挑战下,积极深化改革,尽快实现经济增长方式的转变将是南宁市应对危机、实现经济稳定快速发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

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