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付艳萍 《生存》2020,(12):0169-0169
文章先分析了小学语文识字教学中趣味识字法的应用原则,随后提出了小学语文识字教学中趣味识字法的应用方法,包括融入趣味游戏、联想识字法、儿歌童谣识字法,希望能给相关教师提供有效参考。  相似文献   

何艳利 《生存》2020,(4):0125-0125
统编教材在教学内容方面更加注重对学生识字、写字方法的教学,识字、写字是小学阶段学习语文知识重要的内容,只有在识字、写字的基础上,才能开展课文的阅读教学,要上好小学语文统编教材识字、写字课教学,首先我们要认真解读、学习统编教材,知道了新教材安排了“多元认字”内容,进行识字教学的方式更为多样化,将很多活动与识字、写字教学相结合。这就要求我们老师要花更多的时间去提高学生的识字、写字能力。  相似文献   

李菲菲 《生存》2020,(4):0098-0098
小学阶段,正是学习生字的黄金时段,如何抓好这项既简单又复杂的识字教学工作?我觉得,要想做到事半功倍,就要引导学生在语言环境中进行识字,也就是所谓的“随文识字”。一、利用生字的特点,结合课文,进行识字教学。二、借助文中的插图,随文识字。三、课后巩固,随文扩展。总之,识字是低年级学生最重要的学习任务之一,而随文识字教学不但能激发学生的识字兴趣,而且又能提高识字的效率,只要我们在教学实践中,不断地总结、积累和探索,灵活多样地引导学生识字,激发学生对识字的浓厚兴趣,学生就一定会牢固地掌握并运用祖国的语言文字。  相似文献   

邓敏 《生存》2020,(8):0125-0125
识字是小学语文教学中的重要组成部分,教师在进行识字教学时,要想调动学生学习的主动性,应转变传统的教学方式,并有效运用趣味识字教学法。开展识字游戏、进行猜字谜比赛、播放识字教学视频、引导学生抢答、结合文中生字提问、展示生字卡片等,都能够构建趣味识字课堂,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,积极主动识字,进一步提高识字教学效果。可见,在语文教学中应用趣味识字教学法非常重要。  相似文献   

班熙胜 《生存》2020,(4):0067-0067
汉字是语文学习的重要基础,而识字教学又是低年段小学语文教学的重要内容,因此,小学语文教师要善于发现低年段学生识字学习中的各种问题,并积极改善教学,促进识字教学工作效率的提升。本文主要针对“低年段小学语文识字教学”进行讨论,首先分析了低年段小学语文识字教学中的问题,然后详细阐述了低年段小学语文教学中的识字教学策略。希望能为广大的低年级语文识字教学工作,提供一些有益参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

简学竹 《生存》2020,(8):0064-0064
识字教学,是小学低年级语文教学的重要部分,而汉字遍满于我们生活中的方方面面,因此可以从生活化教学着手,促进小学识字教学工作的有序开展。本文主要针对“小学低年级识字教学”进行探讨,首先分析了小学低年级识字教学的现状及问题,并进一步探讨了小学低年级识字生活化教学策略。  相似文献   

识字教学是低年级语文教学的重要内容,也是教学的难点."让学生喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望,逐步形成识字能力,为自主识字、大量阅读打好基础."这是《语文新课程标准》对识字提出的要求.在识字教学中,要培养学生喜欢学习汉字的情感和主动识字的愿望,在趣味识字中培养学生的创新能力,发展智力,形成识字能力.  相似文献   

识字是阅读和写作的基础,是低年级教学的一个重点。识字的多少、快慢,将直接影响到读和写,所以小学低年级的识字教学十分关键。笔者多年从事语文教学工作,笔者认为,语文教学需要缩小课堂与生活的距离,让生活中的活水流进课堂,再充分运用生活化资源识字,可以使学生的识字效率大大提高。生活化识字教学活动是学生学习语言文字、感受语言文字、实践语言文字的一种有效途径。教师应从小学低年级学生的生活兴趣出发选择识字内容,把主动权交给学生,唤起学生对生活的亲切感、好奇感,从而培养学生主动识字的能力。  相似文献   

方琴 《生存》2020,(4):0031-0031
互联网时代,学生利用手机或电脑打开微课进行学习,教师运用微课进行教学,已成为新常态。运用微课进行识字教学,能提高汉字的掌握能力和识字数量,有效提升学生的识字能力,提高识字教学质量。利用微课能增添识字教学的趣味性,激发学生兴趣,吸引学生注意力,发挥学生主动性,促进学生合作学习,解决重难点,互动交流等。小学语文教师在低段识字教学中可以应用微课做好学生预习、课前导入,为课堂教学打好基础;可以运用微课在课中解决重难点,提高学生的识字效率;还可以在课后拓宽学生识字的广度和深度。  相似文献   

罗婧婕 《生存》2020,(7):0204-0205
识字是小学语文学习的基础,识字教育是今后一切教育开展的基础。教师应格外注意学生对于汉字的学习,也应认真钻研识字教学的方法,激发学生对于识字这一枯燥内容的学习。教师可以根据学生的身心发展特点,制定与其年龄相匹配的教学方案,创造生动有趣的课堂,营造人人爱识字的学习氛围。学生只有打好了识字的基础,才能顺利进行下一阶段的语文学习。  相似文献   

1928年北平特别市成立时,小学教育百废待兴。为普及义务教育,北平市政府在整顿公私立小学的同时,大力兴办短期小学及简易小学,实行二部制教学,以救济失学儿童;改善小学教职员的待遇,加强教职员的检定和培训,以提高师资水平。从小学课程设置上来看,最为显著的是在各小学校全面设置党义课,并十分注重学生的训育管理。通过以上实践,北平市小学教育有所发展,但总体来说,仍处于一个较低的水准。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to determine how hard-of-hearing (defined as seriously impaired hearing) adults view society. Hard-of-hearing people were asked what they know about Finnish society and how active and satisfied they are as members of society. Sixty-eight adult hard-of-hearing volunteers participated by answering questionnaires mailed to them. Elements of the study were taken from the curriculum of social studies for the last year of compulsory school. The subjects had good general knowledge. They were fairly satisfied with Finnish society, except for its services for hard-of-hearing people. They were active in various association and in the life of the religious community, but not in politics. They reserved their most positive ratings for hearing-impaired people. Although their hearing loss was irritating, they had not developed their own distinct culture: they wanted to be part of the broader Finnish society, with the help of some extra services (such as the induction loop system).  相似文献   

作者采用问卷调查的方法对哈尔滨金太阳·索菲亚商城的258位个体户的生活方式进行了调查.调查结果表明从事服装经营的个体户以已婚女性为主,中专、高中学历者居多.他们关心社会、关心政治;由于工作时间长,业务繁忙,闲暇时间明显不足;以至于虽有较强烈的学习愿望,但很少付诸实践;他们的阅读兴趣与其业务紧密相连.调查还反映出经营时间短的个体户有着炫耀性消费的问题.服装个体户是个体业户中最庞大的组成部分之一,对社会生活有较大的影响,满足他们的需求并进行合理的引导是全社会的共同责任.  相似文献   

近代以来的外力入侵使北京与上海分别走上了不同的发展道路。作为近代中国最具代表性的两座城市 ,北京和上海在戊戌维新运动中分别扮演了不同的角色。戊戌维新运动的政治性、思想性特征使两城市在政治、思想文化等方面发生了连续不断的互动。城市间的互动不仅对维新运动产生影响 ,而且也推动了北京与上海的城市早期现代化进程。  相似文献   

随着改革开放以来我国社会变迁速度的加快,传统的高校思想政治教育工作越来越暴露出不合时宜的缺陷,这为学校社会工作介入高校学生工作提供了良好的契机。高校导入学校社会工作,可有效整合各方面资源,从整体上构建高校育人平台,极大程度地保证大学生获得优质服务和良好的育人环境。  相似文献   

丁芮 《社会工作》2012,(8):34-36
北洋政府时期,贫困是北京最为严重的社会问题之一。京师警察厅是负责北京治安的官方机构,为维护北京城市的社会秩序,保障普通民众的正常生活,其采取了多种方式,其中贫儿半日学校是警察厅立足于贫困民众的长远生活,自己筹办的纯粹以教育为目的的贫民救助机构。贫儿半日学校取得了一定的成绩,其不同于传统的社会救助机构,也有别于同时期的其他救助机构,是救助方式转变过程中教育救助的典型代表。  相似文献   

Vlassoff C 《Social action》1982,32(4):380-407
This paper examines the status of rural Indian women and how their status has been affected by progressive legislation designed to remove previous inequalities. A socio-demographic survey of women and adolescent girls was conducted in a Maharashtrian village of 2100 people in 1975-76. The village economy was based on subsistence agriculture with 94% of females and 84% of males engaged in farming. Data were collected by means of participant observation and questionnaire interviews. Overall levels of education were low, with only 5% of females and 15% of males having any high school education. Over 50% of females had received no education, 28% of males. Inequalities between males and females persisted throughout all age groups but were less obvious at younger ages. 97% of women felt that boys should attend school beyond the primary level, 75% said that girls should. Many adolescent girls said they would like to continue their education but admitted that they would soon marry and advanced education was unnecessary. 62% of women favored modern medicine but 57% still felt that smallpox was a punishment from the gods; fewer educated women than illiterate women answered this way. Average age of marriage was 14.1 years; 69% of the women felt that girls should be married by age 16, but 70% believed that boys should not marry until age 18 so that they can complete their studies. 62% of women who had discussed family size with their husbands also approved of eating together and 55% felt that joint discussion was preferable. Only 25% felt that large families meant greater happiness and on the average 3.4 children (2 sons, 1.4 daughters) were preferred; over 75% said that they would exceed their ideal family size if they had borne only daughters. The local family planning program was approved by 90% of the women and use has increased from 13-43% from 1966-76. Low caste was related to low levels of education for women, but there is little difference in the number of children ever born; the disparity is mainly in regard to living children with mortality highest among lower castes. Age differences existed such as: 52% of the youngest group can read and write compared to only 14% of older women, age at marriage is rising, and older women had more communication with their husbands, but also had larger families. It was found in this study that: 1) attitudes were more modern than behavior, and 2) modern practices most practical to apply to their daily lives were more easily accepted. What is needed is a broad-based educational program to demonstrate current failures to observe the legislation favoring greater equality for women. Rural schools should help to transmit modern concepts by way of organizing school trips to outside areas. For these women, modern ideas must be proven relevant and acceptable within the village milieu. Also included is a list of social reforms and legislation affecting women's status in India from 1795-present.  相似文献   

Workforce participation has many positive effects on quality of life. However, as young people in care have generally below‐average levels of educational participation and attainment, they may be ill‐equipped for the transition to further education and work. A mixed‐method study conducted in Australia about career development for young people in care investigated how this population develops ideas about future work: the social and cognitive variables that influence career decision‐making; practices for preparing young people in care for the transition to work or further education; and factors that support or impede the transition. Findings from the qualitative study are reported in this paper. Interview data were obtained from the multiple perspectives of young people in care, foster carers, caseworkers and school personnel. The overall picture was one of young people in care lacking the encouragement, resources and capacity to realistically plan for the job they want. Specific interventions are required to enhance career development and employment outcomes for this population.  相似文献   

国家的现代化建设所引导的是科技的创新与产业的升级,城市化的进程得以加速推进,人们的生活水平也进一步提高。在社会取得卓越发展的同时,现代化、工业化的到来也促使了社会风险的集聚,这类风险的出现是现代文明的直接后果,由此风险社会的存在形式成为了一种特殊的社会形态。城市化进程催生了新生代农民工群体的产生,他们基于自身发展和理想目标的实现,大量涌入城市之中,成为了游离于城市与农村之间的边缘群体,新生代农民工是社会风险形成的间接缔造者,同时他们又不得不面对社会风险对自身所造成的影响,涉及了生活、学习、教育、就业等诸多方面。国家现有的社会保障体系,实现了新生代农民工多种权利的保障。其中,作为公民基本权利获取路径的社会福利制度,对于处在风险社会中心的新生代农民工而言显得尤为重要。针对于这类群体的社会福利制度构建,所需要凸显的是主体现实需求的满足,诸如:福利服务制度、职业福利制度、社区福利联合体,一系列制度的建立与完善有利于增强新生代农民工抵御社会风险的能力,对于新生代农民工最终实现市民化有着重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

随着农村经济的发展和国家对农村义务教育的大力投入,贫困已经不再是农村青少年辍学的主要因素,但农村青少年辍学打工现象却越来越严重。青少年时期是个体社会化的重要阶段,农村各种社会化机构的变迁对农村青少年社会化的影响促发了其辍学打工的行为选择。  相似文献   

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