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达斡尔族在长期的发展过程中,形成了自己民族的音乐,用以表达情感、歌颂美好事物、传承文化典故、描述生产生活.达斡尔族的民歌类型划分清晰,主要有萨满、山野歌曲和叙事歌,歌曲的题材十分丰富,演唱风格多样,是一个宝贵的民族文化财富,值得进行良好的保护并进行传承和发扬. 相似文献
羌族二声部民歌酒歌是一种多声部民歌口头传承的艺术。随之把演唱多声部民歌的人定为表演民俗音乐本质的传承者。通过口传过程发展下来的音乐传统的生成物说成民俗音乐时,形成羌族多声部民歌的要素可以归纳成以下三种。第一,具有连接现代与过去的传承性;第二,由个人或集体的创造性运动中生成的变异性;第三,根据人民群众对至今保留下来的音乐形态做出的选择性。 相似文献
原生态民歌是中华民族口头非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,是音乐文化传承和发展物质基础的基因。它体现了我国各个民族,在没有被进行特殊雕琢的自然环境下,各族人民生存和发展的状态,同时也展现了各族人民的智慧及各个历史时期人民生活的真实原貌。然而,当今音乐文化正在发生基因缺失突变,原汁原味、原生态的民歌歌唱形式渐行渐远,人工雕琢痕迹越演越烈。这种音乐文化的缺失,势必带来音乐功能和作用的改变,致使音乐服务于人类的宗旨发生着质变,最终将对人类的生存和发展产生重要影响。 相似文献
楚雄彝族火把节民歌是彝族文化的重要组成部分,同时也体现出了彝族音乐文化的深刻痕迹与属性.本文通过对近100首楚雄彝族火把节民歌的收集与整理,着重探讨火把节民歌的音乐形态特点,包括曲式结构、调式调性、旋法旋线、节拍节奏、唱词特点、演唱形式等.总结出火把节民歌在其音乐形态上的独特之处,展现楚雄彝族火把节民歌的珍贵艺术魅力. 相似文献
本文运用民族音乐学观点以及发展的思维,主要通过民歌的历史性、基础性和发展性的阐述,对民歌的渊源、形式、种类、结构等方面进行论述,进而揭示出,民歌是一切音乐发展创作、创新的基础,是民族音乐丰富的营养源。 相似文献
原生态民歌地保护与传承,是我国优秀文化保护中的重点内容.针对该项工作要给予更多重视与关注,能够从音乐传播角度,给出合理地保护方式与传播方式.确保原生态民歌能够经久不衰,实现自身的更好发展. 相似文献
“我国少数民族艺术有着悠久的历史”。土家族拥有着得天独厚的自然风光及种类繁多的风土人情,它的民歌艺术也颇有特色,是当地居民经过长期的社会实践过程和日常的生产生活而汇集而成的独特艺术形态。同时它也反映了人民群众的善良、质朴、热情大方、爱憎分明的性格特征。“中国文化的发展受其地域环境和文化背景等因素的影响。”土家族民歌是一本百科全书,它完整地记录了土家族的历史起源、审美内涵、优秀的淳朴民风及地域特点。 相似文献
形式多样、内容丰富的山西民歌是我国传统文化宝库中的重要财富,蕴含着深刻的历史底蕴以及浓郁的风土人情,是我国民歌文化的典型代表.随着人们精神文明需求的不断提升,民歌开始在人们的文化生活中占据一席之地.在素质教育背景下,高校的音乐教师可以尝试在教学中融入山西民歌,带领学生共同赏析具有代表性的山西本土音乐,在推动音乐教育多元... 相似文献
钢琴艺术指导是声乐活动中不可或缺的组成部分,是保证声乐艺术完整性以及艺术性的重要元素。中国早期的民族歌曲是由从事劳动、狩猎、放牧等集体劳动的人们创作的,并通过口耳相传的方式流传下来。民族歌曲改编是人们结合现代美学和现代创作手法,对原生态民族歌曲作品进行的创造性变革,创作出符合时代发展特征、具有强烈生活气息、艺术性以及装饰性的声乐作品。声乐艺术与钢琴艺术的有效融合,能够充分表现音乐作品的内涵以及外延。好的钢琴艺术指导能够充分表现音乐作品情感的丰富性,甚至可以弥补歌词与演奏者声音的不足。在新时期,受各种因素的影响,中国民族歌曲的发展正面临青黄不接的状态。为了有效应对这一问题,本文运用案例分析法,对钢琴艺术指导在中国民族歌曲中的改编和应用进行研究,旨在强化中国民族歌曲的音乐表现力,为其进一步发展奠定基础。 相似文献
凉山彝族传统民歌的文本存在形式是多样的,依据口头诗学理论,可以分为口头文本、源于口头的书面文本、以传统为导向的文本、以表演为导向的文本四大类。口头性是彝族传统民歌最突出的特点,也是其生命力所在,没有了口头,就没有了民歌。有些民歌被吸纳到彝族毕摩经籍文献中,并在仪式中进行演述,构成了源于口头的书面文本。“以传统为导向的书面文本”更多的是作为文献资料存在,而非回归传统。“以表演为导向的文本”是将民歌演唱与游戏、舞蹈、戏剧、小品等表演内容相结合,民歌为表演服务,这些不同的表演单元共同构成了统一的“融文本”。 相似文献
民歌作为中华民族音乐文化的重要组成部分,是承载各民族集体记忆、凝聚共同情感的重要媒介,对于中华民族共同体建设发挥着不可替代的重要作用。立足民歌特有属性,以多民族共同历史记忆和文化生活为基础创作的民歌具有强化国民集体记忆、激发国民集体意识、赋予国民共同情感体验的重要价值。借助民歌自身的调式、旋律和唱词的特性,国民在奏唱、演绎民歌的过程中被持续赋能,并藉此深化其归属感知、抒发民族情感和强化国民身份。基于此,以民歌助推铸牢中华民族共同体意识价值的彰显需依托学校音乐课堂,深挖各族民歌育人价值;多方式创编各族民歌,彰显各族民歌共有精神;借助新媒体科技,多途径唱响民族团结主旋律。 相似文献
河湟汉族答谢歌是一组程式化特征鲜明的婚礼仪式歌。其程式意义渗透在答谢歌的语言、句法、主题和结构等各个层面,每一层面的不同程式,对歌手的表演提供了极大的便捷。 相似文献
北川传统羌族萨朗舞是北川羌族自治县最有代表性的羌文化遗存.其舞歌以羌语演唱的古老民歌为主,其舞蹈动作与生产劳动和日常生活紧密联系,并以"顺手顺脚"为基本舞蹈形态,舞姿独特,简约舒畅,节奏感强,是羌民传统文化生活的重要内容,也是目前北川人民进行文化交流的重要载体.笔者通过对北川民间艺人的走访,并比对一些宝贵的资料,对北川传统羌族萨朗舞的舞蹈及音乐特点进行了分析,以便使文化生活日益丰富的北川人,能够不忘初衷,守住根基,将传统的萨朗舞进行生态、有序的传承和发展. 相似文献
"歌圩"是什么--文人学者视野中的"歌圩"概念与民间表述 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
“歌圩”是历代汉族文人用以标识岭南相关民间习俗的一个符码,具有先在的遮蔽性,但以往的研究多把其作为研究原点,导致了“歌圩”之名与实际存在的民间传统之间互相疏离的现象。强调民间表述和地方性知识体系,是我们深入理解民间文化传统的有效途径。 相似文献
An Investigation and Report on the Present Status and Development of Cultural Industries in the Qiang Region 下载免费PDF全文
“Cultural industries”, as an e-merging industry with high added value , has be-come a pillar industry in many developed countries and regions .In recent years , China has been ac-tively promoting cultu... 相似文献
就文化十大产业来看,羌族地区仅有演艺业、文化娱乐业、文化旅游业等传统产业,而新兴的动漫产业、游戏业、文化会展业、网络文化、艺术创意和设计、文化产品与数字相关服务等新兴产业基本上还未起步。即使已有的产业,也发育不全。羌族地区文化产业发展的基本特点是起步低、规模小、效益差、同质性高。虽然存在自然生态环境较差、社会发育程度低、对发展文化产业的认识不足、缺少文化产业人才等制约因素;也有基础设施相对完善、县乡(镇)村三级公共文化基础设施网络体系基本覆盖、区位优势明显、良好的机遇、文化资源丰富文化资源丰富等有利条件。发展羌族地区文化产业应该创新管理机制,健全文化产业市场;融合文化科技,发展创意农业产业;壮大市场主体,培育龙头企业;突出特色,塑造品牌。 相似文献
The ethnic regions of Western Chi ̄na are rich in ecological and cultural tourism re ̄sources. At the same time, the regions are also ec ̄ologically vulnerable areas with large populations of ethnic groups who have lived for a long time in poverty. Based on years’ investigation, it is obvi ̄ous that tourism development, even though it can promote local economic development, has had a significant negative impact on the ecology, envi ̄ronment and local communities. During the 18 th and 17 th National Congresses of the Communist Pary of China, a policy was announced to improve ecological compensation and accelerate the estab ̄lishment of an ecological compensation mecha ̄nism. So far, both government and academia have mainly focused on the effects and necessities of building a mechanism for ecological compensation. Of special concern, even if governments at all lev ̄els sequentially enacted a series of policie with cer ̄tain characteristics of ecological compensation, the public is still questioning the impartiality and legit ̄imacy of the charges of such policy of ecological compensation. Thus, the task of implementing the ecological compensation policy faces many obsta ̄cles. At present, the core research issue on eco ̄logical compensation is no longer just the question of why it should be charged. This question was al ̄ready clearly stated in official documents from cen ̄tral government. Up to now, the core issues that need clarification are:in practice, how the charge be made; what amount of money should be charged;how will the revenue from the charge be used;how will the revenue derived from the charge be audited; and whether or not this charge can help to achieve government objectives in such a way.
Based on the unique background of the ethnic regions of Western China, this paper deeply analy ̄ses issues of implementing policies such as ecologi ̄cal compensation for tourism, including the illegi ̄bility and legitimacy of who should pay, how much should be paid, and how to manage the funds im ̄partially; and providing scientific and reasonable countermeasures to solve these practical problems. Compared with other industries, the tourism indus ̄try became the pioneer for the practice of ecologi ̄cal compensation as well as the research objective of ecological compensation studies. Some research ̄ers defined ecological compensation for tourism as a system of regulating related ecological interests to protect the ecosystems of tourism destinations and promote sustainable development of the tourism in ̄dustry ( Zhang Yiqun, Yang Guihua, 2012 ) . Al ̄though such a definition is still fuzzy, at least it in ̄dicates that the research of ecological compensation for tourism involves interdisciplinary fields inclu ̄ding Economics, Sociology, Ecology and Tourism, etc. Currently, the research of ecological compen ̄sation for tourism has insufficient first hand empiri ̄cal research data. At the same time it has not yet had nationwide impact, either domestically or over ̄seas. The research on implementing policies for the ecological compensation of tourism is at an early stage in China.
Obviously, it is hard to find sufficient re ̄search results or research methods for reference, which brings certain limitations to this paper. To demonstrate the scope of this study, this paper de ̄fined tourism ecological compensation as exploring the feasibility of spending fiscal revenue ( paid by tourism enterprises, tourists or other stakeholders) on protecting natural ecological environment. Based on this definition, this paper generated three actual issues with regard to implementing policies of ecological compensation for tourism, including the vagueness of the charge, the lack of unified, standard levies, and the non-tranparency of fund management. Combined with analyzing the current special background of implementing policies of ec ̄ological compensation for tourism in the ethnic re ̄gions of Western China, and by especially empha ̄sizing the local communities of the ethnic groups who should be compensated, this paper tries to provide scientific and reasonable countermeasures consisting of implementing corresponding national policy, formulating correlated policy in accordance with local conditions and standardizing and institu ̄tionalizing fund management. This paper not only attempts to support strongly implementing policies of ecological compensation for tourism at the insti ̄tutional level, but also to coordinate the contradic ̄tions between tourism development and ecological protection, and local community self - develop ̄ment, hoping to achieve the win-win objectives of promoting an ecological compensation policy for tourism, tourism poverty alleviation and ecological civilization. 相似文献
Based on the unique background of the ethnic regions of Western China, this paper deeply analy ̄ses issues of implementing policies such as ecologi ̄cal compensation for tourism, including the illegi ̄bility and legitimacy of who should pay, how much should be paid, and how to manage the funds im ̄partially; and providing scientific and reasonable countermeasures to solve these practical problems. Compared with other industries, the tourism indus ̄try became the pioneer for the practice of ecologi ̄cal compensation as well as the research objective of ecological compensation studies. Some research ̄ers defined ecological compensation for tourism as a system of regulating related ecological interests to protect the ecosystems of tourism destinations and promote sustainable development of the tourism in ̄dustry ( Zhang Yiqun, Yang Guihua, 2012 ) . Al ̄though such a definition is still fuzzy, at least it in ̄dicates that the research of ecological compensation for tourism involves interdisciplinary fields inclu ̄ding Economics, Sociology, Ecology and Tourism, etc. Currently, the research of ecological compen ̄sation for tourism has insufficient first hand empiri ̄cal research data. At the same time it has not yet had nationwide impact, either domestically or over ̄seas. The research on implementing policies for the ecological compensation of tourism is at an early stage in China.
Obviously, it is hard to find sufficient re ̄search results or research methods for reference, which brings certain limitations to this paper. To demonstrate the scope of this study, this paper de ̄fined tourism ecological compensation as exploring the feasibility of spending fiscal revenue ( paid by tourism enterprises, tourists or other stakeholders) on protecting natural ecological environment. Based on this definition, this paper generated three actual issues with regard to implementing policies of ecological compensation for tourism, including the vagueness of the charge, the lack of unified, standard levies, and the non-tranparency of fund management. Combined with analyzing the current special background of implementing policies of ec ̄ological compensation for tourism in the ethnic re ̄gions of Western China, and by especially empha ̄sizing the local communities of the ethnic groups who should be compensated, this paper tries to provide scientific and reasonable countermeasures consisting of implementing corresponding national policy, formulating correlated policy in accordance with local conditions and standardizing and institu ̄tionalizing fund management. This paper not only attempts to support strongly implementing policies of ecological compensation for tourism at the insti ̄tutional level, but also to coordinate the contradic ̄tions between tourism development and ecological protection, and local community self - develop ̄ment, hoping to achieve the win-win objectives of promoting an ecological compensation policy for tourism, tourism poverty alleviation and ecological civilization. 相似文献