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刘飞 《西北人口》2014,(1):103-108
据统计,截至2007年底大约有12万香港长者赴内地养老。这一跨界养老现象迅速引起了香港特区政府以及大陆相关部门的高度关注。那么,哪些因素可能会影响这些长者的养老迁移决策呢?本文试图通过推拉理论和生命历程理论双重视角来对这一J'l题进行初步探讨,以期为未来的经验研究提供一个解释框架。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨澳门独居老人的养老来源。并分析影响因素。作为有关当局制定安老政策的参考依据。本文数据来源为澳门社工局委托澳门镜湖护理学院于2004年进行的“澳门长者长期照顾服务需求评估”研究的数据库。结果显示家人是独居老人养老资源的主要提供者,特别是女性、没有工作的独居老人对家人的依赖程度较高。但老年人对社区服务的需求则未获满足。因此政府必须协调各长者服务机构。共同完善现有的社区支援服务或按需要而开展新服务。以协助家人共同照顾独居老人,并加强对无依老人的关顾,才能延长老年人在家生活的时间。  相似文献   

刘晶 《人口学刊》2005,(1):22-27
探讨城市社区生活不能自理居家老人生活质量评估理论,针对国内缺乏生活不能自理老人生活及养老状况的研究现状,在入户调查数据的基础上研究影响生活不能自理老人生活质量的因素,建立生活不能自理居家老人生活质量评估的理论框架,构建评估城市社区生活不能自理居家老人生活质量的指标体系,对上海市两个社区生活不能自理居家老人的生活质量进行评估和比较。  相似文献   

焦开山 《西北人口》2010,31(3):32-36
根据中国老人健康长寿追踪调查2005年数据,描述和分析了我国社区安老服务的需求和供给情况。结果发现由于受健康状况和家庭功能弱化等因素的影响,老人对社区安老服务有强烈的需求;但是,受文化、制度和经济条件的限制,我国社区安老服务的供给还远远不能满足老人的需求。因此,大力发展社区安老服务是一项重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

农村高龄老人的照料需求与照料供给分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁小波 《西北人口》2007,28(6):34-37,43
本文利用2005年"中国高龄老人健康长寿调查"跟踪调查的数据,通过对照料需求和照料供给的分析,揭示出农村高龄老人的照料现状并提出解决供需矛盾的对策。研究结果表明,我国农村地区有1/3的高龄老人需要他人提供某种日常生活方面的帮助,女性的照料需求高于男性。大多数农村高龄老人能够获得较为满意的家庭照料,但是社区照料基本处于空白,同时机构照料也处于发展的低级阶段。鉴于农村特殊的经济社会环境,应继续鼓励和支持家庭照料,大力发展机构照料,而探索适合农村地区的社区照料服务也刻不容缓。  相似文献   

本文基于武汉和深圳两个城市727位流动老人的调查数据,采用实证分析方法研究了社会支持对流动老人社会融合的影响.研究发现,流动老人主要的社会支持主体是政府、社区和家庭;社会融合包括社会适应、心理融合和行为融合三个因子.实证结果表明,除家庭的经济支持外,社会支持的其他维度对流动老人的社会融合均有显著正向影响.对总体社会融合影响最大的是家庭情感支持,其次是社区提供的养老服务支持和医疗服务支持,再次是政府提供的老年福利和异地就医即时结算.基于此,本文从政府、社区和家庭三个层面提出如下政策建议:政府应增加流动老人的福利,并推动异地就医即时结算,方便流动老人就医和报销;社区支持的重点是建立和完善医养融合的养老服务体系;家庭成员须加大情感支持力度,关心流动老人的情感需求,并支持其继续学习,帮助流动老人融入社会.  相似文献   

本文利用2014年"中国计划生育家庭发展追踪调查"数据,使用多层线性模型,研究老年人居住方式、社区环境与抑郁倾向之间的关系。结果显示,独居老年人抑郁倾向得分最高,其次是夫妇同住的老年人,而与子女同住的老年人抑郁倾向得分最低,居住方式对老年人心理健康具有重要影响。社区环境直接影响所有老年人的心理状况,环境较好的社区老年人的抑郁倾向得分更低。社区环境在老年人居住方式对抑郁倾向的影响过程中也起着重要的调节作用。在开展丰富文化活动的地区,独居、夫妇同住与跟子女同住的老年人抑郁倾向得分差异小;而在文化活动少的地区,几类老年人的抑郁倾向得分差异更大,与子女居住的老年人抑郁倾向要显著低于独居和夫妇同住老人,独居老年人的状况最差。社区文化活动的开展可以减小某些居住方式对老年人心理健康的不利影响。  相似文献   

老龄化是我国人口发展的趋势。由于家庭结构小型化,经济社会的转型,大量人口的异地流动,现代老年人的人生观、价值观的改变,导致“空巢”家庭不断增多,“空巢老人”随之产生。研究表明,家庭养老功能的不断弱化,使“空巢老人”在生活中面临如经济支持、精神需求、疾病医护、生活照料、人身安全等诸多问题。现有社会条件下,多数老人愿意选择“居家养老、社区照顾”的养老模式,因此探索出一条提高社区养老服务水平的路径具有一定的现实意义。社区建立“空巢老人”档案可以为社区做好养老服务工作提供科学依据,为老人自助养老提供帮助,为政府决策提供参考。  相似文献   

根据2000年第五次人口普查数据、2010年第六次人口普查数据和相关社会经济统计数据,利用地理信息系统技术对广东省老年人口空间分布变化和特征进行分析,阐明导致该空间格局演变的主要原因,并据此提出完善养老服务的建议,主要包括:全面提高全省医疗卫生服务水平;经济落后的、老人比例较高的地区应完善公办老年公寓、托老所、老人活动中心等相关养老福利的落实;经济发达的、老人比例较低的地区除提供基本养老福利以外,还可以尝试新型老人居住模式,如旧社区适老性改造、商住—养老复合社区等。  相似文献   

广州市社区老人服务需求及现状的调查与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄少宽 《南方人口》2005,20(1):48-54
本文运用需要理论 ,从社会学和社会工作角度 ,以广州市东山区的问卷调查访问以及深入访谈资料为依据 ,分析老年人的需要及其与社区的关系 ,指出目前广州市社区老人服务建设存在的问题 ,以及在人口老龄化不断加剧 ,社会保障远未完善的情况下 ,构建一个社区老人服务体系的必要性 ,并提出相应对策  相似文献   

人口老龄化及老年女性比重较高增加了老年贫困的概率。对此,德国主要采取两项对策避免老年贫困:养老保障是第一道防线,里斯特/吕鲁普养老金、最低养老金等都是重要的政策选项;社会救助提供了最后一道有效安全网。借鉴德国经验,中国应通过完善多支柱模式并逐步扩大第二支柱比重、养老保险参量改革、建立老年低收入群体收入保护机制、建立健全老年社会救助制度等措施来有效解决人口老龄化过程中老年人特别是老年低收入群体的养老保障问题,有效规避老年贫困风险。  相似文献   

During the period 1974–1999 two contrasting trends were observed with respect to the living arrangements of older people in Greece. On the one hand the proportion of older people living with their unmarried children had been slightly rising while on the other hand the proportion of older people living with their married children declined substantially. As a result of the declining trend in the incidence of co-residence with married children the percentage of older people living with their children or other members of their extended family fell by 25% points (from a 58% in 1974 to about 33% in 1999). Our analysis suggests that the main driving force behind the decrease in co-residence between older people and their married children was the rise in the incomes of older people (which resulted from some important exogenous policy changes which increased substantially pension incomes). On the other hand, the main driving force behind the slight increase in the co-residence with unmarried children was the increase in the percentage of unmarried younger people (which is associated with the postponement in the age of marriage) and the high and in some cases increasing needs of children’s generation.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate income poverty risks of older people in Austria considering spatial aspects. By comparing rural and urban regions it should be tested whether spatial variables exert a significant effect on the income poverty risk of older people and how such an effect can be explained. Thus, specific aspects of rural poverty among older people are discussed. The empirical analysis is based on EU-SILC 2004. A binary-logistic regression model is applied in order to test the effect of local population density and local population size on the poverty risk of older people. Results show that the poverty risk of both older people and retirees increases significantly if population density decreases. The effect of local community size, however, was insignificant. For the younger population (< 60), on the contrary, poverty risk increases significantly with both decreasing population density and local community size.  相似文献   

This study has two central aims. Both are associated with self-expression, which is defined as the ability to fully utilize one’s own talents and abilities. The first goal is to see if self-expression reduces depressive symptoms over time whereas the second aim is to see whether close companion friends help older people more fully utilize their talents and abilities. Data from a nationwide longitudinal survey of older people in the United States suggest that older people who are able to find an outlet for their talents and abilities experience fewer symptoms of depression over time than older adults who do not feel they have been able to use their talents and abilities. The findings further reveal that older people who have a good relationship with a close companion friend are more likely to experience higher levels of self-expression.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its central thesis Martha Nussbaum’s normative proposition that social arrangements should be evaluated primarily according to the extent of freedom people have to promote or achieve functionings they value. Using this as a lens the paper explores the housing circumstances of older people in the UK. The paper makes three points. Firstly, given that people use their homes to structure and manage their lives, the design, quality and standard of their home is therefore a critical factor in determining their “doings and beings” [Sen: 1992, Inequality Re-examined (Clarendon Press, Oxford) p. 40]. Since older people are more likely to spend greater time within the home through lower income, lessening mobility or loss of companions, this may be of greater significance to them than other age groups. Secondly the paper argues that the design of “specialist” dwellings for older people where there is a shifting balance between housing and care has played a part in shaping the thinking about the position and status of older people as well as providing a material context in which older people live [Laws: 1994, Environment and Planning A 26: pp. 1787–1802]. This paper suggests that this context may alter or deny many aspects of life that may be meaningful to individuals and therefore may inhibit rather than promote human flourishing. The paper draws mainly on a small qualitative study in which older people spoke of their home and its meaning. Quotations from this work are given in italics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to see if older people who are able to forgive themselves have a lower mortality risk than older adults who are not able to forgive themselves. In addition, it is hypothesized that the relationship between self-forgiveness and mortality will be contingent upon the level of an older individual’s education. More specifically, it is predicted that the potentially beneficial effects of self-forgiveness will be more evident among older people with more years of schooling. Data from a nationwide survey of older people provide support for this view. Self-forgiveness does not provide a mortality benefit for less educated elders. But as the level of educational attainment rises, self-forgiveness is associated with a progressively smaller mortality risk.  相似文献   

艾滋病在中国的迅速流行已是不争的事实,但是人们普遍认为“艾滋病是年轻人的病”。调查资料显示,50岁及以上的老年艾滋病病毒感染者报告人数已达到全国感染者的1/10,并呈快速增长趋势。老年感染人群的主要感染渠道以既往有偿献血感染为主。老年艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)病人增多无论对家庭还是对社会均产生严重的后果,在艾滋病预防和控制战役中,老年是一个不可忽略的人群,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

Older immigrants are more likely to share residence with their adult children and other family members than are U.S.-born older adults. Because socioeconomic factors only partially explain these differences and direct measures of cultural preferences are seldom available, the persistently high rates of intergenerational coresidence among the older foreign-born are often interpreted as driven by cultural preferences and/or a lack of assimilation. To challenge this interpretation, this study investigates the extent to which older immigrants’ living arrangements deviate from those of older adults in their home countries. The analysis combines data on immigrants from the 2008–2012 American Community Survey (ACS) with census data from three major immigrant-sending countries: Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Vietnam. Despite persistent differences from U.S.-born whites, coresidence in later life is significantly less common than in the sending countries among the older foreign-born who migrated as young adults, and especially among those who migrated as children. The older foreign-born who migrated after age 50, however, are more likely to coreside and less likely to live independently than the older adults in their home countries. The similarity of these patterns across the three immigrant subgroups suggests that the unusually high coresidence among late-life immigrants is driven by U.S. family reunification policy and not simply by cultural influences.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relation between leisure activities and the social status of the elderly based on a heterogeneous sample of the Dutch population. Close relationships are also analyzed to identify which people could serve as successful stimulators of leisure participation. The social profile confirms that older people have fewer social contacts and often feel lonely. This study shows that leisure activities explain a significant part of older people’s social connectedness. Voluntary work, cultural activities, holiday, sports, reading books, hobbies and shopping are found to be successful predictors for social connectedness of older people. Watching TV, listening to the radio, and spending time behind the computer (passive activities) were not associated with social connectedness. Friends correlate positively to participation in leisure activities. Partners play a role in participation in cultural activities and sports; parents play a role in participation in voluntary work and holidays; siblings play a role in voluntary work and sports; and children play a role in cultural activities, reading books, and shopping. Local communities can use these close relationships and develop special programs to increase social connectedness and hence improve quality of life for older adults.  相似文献   

Housing is an important aspect of living standards and quality of life for older persons, but the housing-related problems they may face encompass rather different circumstances, relating to the condition of the dwelling, how well equipped it is, whether housing costs represent a serious burden, and whether the neighbourhood environment is problematic. This paper brings out the importance of distinguishing these different dimensions of housing problems for older people, illustrated empirically using data for Ireland from an important new European dataset. Controlling for other factors, being older is associated with more housing quality problems but fewer housing cost and neighbourhood problems than for those of working age. The variables predicting deprivation among older people differ across the dimensions and the correlations between the dimensions are low. Over half the older people in the sample experience some form of housing-related deprivation, but a majority of these are reporting only one. Scores on a summary index for older persons are much less strongly associated with factors such as household income and poverty, marital status, and location and type of dwelling than for all households, bringing out the importance of distinguishing and studying the different dimensions and framing appropriate policy responses to each.  相似文献   

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