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李宝红 《现代交际》2014,(6):222-223
通过对国内外高校外语教育政策现状的研究发现,目前,国内外高校外语教育评价大多倾向于形成性评价,并取得了显著的成就。本文从吉林省高校外语教育评价现状出发,结合国内外高校在此领域所取得的经验,探索性的提出了吉林省高校外语教育评价应打破以往的平时成绩+期末成绩这种以终结性评价为主的评价模式,适当地在平时成绩部分增加其形成性评价的比重,改革创新以期末考试卷为主的终结性评价。  相似文献   

文娟  刘向勇 《职业时空》2012,(8):168-170
以楼宇自动化设备安装与维护专业的1 5位教师所授的1 5门不同课程成绩进行统计,分析平时成绩和期末成绩的正态分布情况及二者之间的相关性。由结果可知,平时成绩和期末成绩相关性并不显著,需要加以改进,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

现今,大学英语的总评成绩大多由期末卷面成绩与平时成绩两方面构成。比例的分配有七比三,或是六比四,具体的情况不同的学校有不同的规定。然而这种方法及比例的分配是否合理科学?能否最大程度地激发学生的学习潜力?本文将对现今的总评成绩的评定方式的优缺点进行分析,期望能对大学英语的教学效果的提高有所帮助。  相似文献   

徐敏  王浩 《职业》2012,(5):20-22
一、现有中职英语教学评价体系的缺陷中职学校对学生英语评价的方式大多是考试、考查两种形式。除了专业技能操作课程,这两种考试多采用笔试的形式,其评定方法为"期中考试20%+期末考试70%+平时成绩10%=总评成绩"。此评价体系存在诸多缺陷。1.评价标准单一  相似文献   

无机化学的教学质量与教学效果会影响学生对专业的认知态度,进而在一定程度上影响学生对后续课程的学习。根据应用型本科院校无机化学教学考核中存在的问题,提出"平时成绩+期末考试成绩"相结合的综合评定方式,"出勤率10%+课堂参与率10%+课后作业10%+随堂测验20%(两次测验个占10%)+课程小论文10%+课堂演讲10%+期末成绩30%",激发了低年级学生的学习主动性,为其以后学习相关的专业课程打下了基础,提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

平时成绩考核、期中考试、期末考试、技能鉴定等综合起来,就是当前大多数职业院校考量教师教学质量和学生学习效果的主要方式。然而,职业教育是知识教学和行动训练相结合的教育类型,所以对教学质量的考核与评价不能单纯以"成绩论英雄",这不符合职业教育规律。  相似文献   

目的:探讨推理竞赛式教学法在《中医诊断学》实践教学中的运用效果。方法:随机选择3年制医疗美容技术专业3班(对照组67人)、4班(实验组66人)护生133人为研究对象,对照组采用传统教学方法,以课堂讲授为主,结合实验室练习(由老师进行课堂讲授,课后利用辅助教学用具进行实验室练习)。实验组采取推理竞赛式教学法(将每章节知识点做成片段式病案,并引入积分机制,推理出一个病案可积5分,由老师评分,积分按比例计入期末总成绩的平时成绩部分)。结果:实验组教学结束后考核成绩明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:将推理竞赛制教学法运用到《中医诊断学》实践教学中,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,对于中医诊断学中的重难点内容有了明显的突破,有利于培养学生的辩证分析能力。整体上提高教学效果。  相似文献   

杜娇 《职业》2016,(11)
期末考试是学生最紧张的时候,因为学生怕复习不好导致挂科,想好好复习又不知道从何下手.本文以教学实例,从期末复习的重要性和教师如何引导学生进行期末复习两方面进行分析阐述,以期对学生的英语期末复习提供帮助.  相似文献   

翻转课堂是以学生为中心的一种教学模式,学生在课后进行自主学习,在这种新的教学模式下,教师要对课堂进行有效的监管,提升学生的课堂参与度,运用平时成绩对学生进行细化考核。  相似文献   

张峰源 《职业》2017,(18):86-87
课前提问是课前复习的一种形式.本文介绍了如何将课前提问纳入期末考核,与其他课前复习方法进行对比,将课前提问纳入期末考核,对五年连贯制护理专业学生来说,可显著提高期末理论考试成绩,提高学生的学习积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

Despite the increased importance of producing social workers who are prepared to evaluate practice, there is a paucity of literature addressing the pedagogical challenges of program evaluation courses. The present study evaluates the structure and pedagogical approach of a newly implemented program evaluation course. The course took a team-based, experiential learning approach to designing a program evaluation plan for students’ field placement agencies. Five student-led focus groups (N = 44) were conducted at the conclusion of the course to address two aims: to assess student perceptions of the content, structure, and delivery of the course; and to assess student attitudes toward applied research. Data were collected between November and December 2014 in a public university’s graduate social work program in the northeastern United States. The steps of grounded theory data analysis were implemented to elicit major themes from student feedback. Results suggest that perceptions of applicability play a central role in shaping student attitudes toward program evaluation. Experiential and team-based pedagogical approaches appear to increase accessibility of course content for students. Suggestions for enhancing student learning in program evaluation courses are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new student/teacher evaluation system that helps students monitor and evaluate their progress in each course or unit of instruction. Because it produces a learning curve for each student and for the class as a whole, it is useful to both students and teachers in the assessment and evaluation of joint learning-teaching activities and achievements. Its major purpose is to help maximize learning gains.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess students' confidence in their ability to diagnose mental illness in a second year Masters-level Psychosocial Pathology course. Overall final grade was also evaluated as an outcome measure. One hundred and ten (98 completed both the pre- and post-tests) Master in Social Work students were enrolled in one of three sections of the course Psychosocial Pathology. Two sections were delivered in a fully face-to-face mode and one section was delivered in a fully web-based mode. Statistically significant differences were found in change scores between the ‘online’ and ‘face-to-face’ groups. Statistically significant differences were also found in class composition and student characteristics suggesting that student characteristics, as well as teaching/learning modes, may moderate classroom outcomes. Recommendations for developing ‘best practices’ for advising students deciding between face-to-face and web-based courses are delineated.  相似文献   

WellnessRx is a health initiative focusing on healthy living through education, knowledge translation, and community engagement. Stakeholders of WellnessRx identified web-based education learning modules on nutrition and physical education as a priority to be integrated into existing health sciences curricula, as well as adapted for use by health professionals. Five learning modules were created with essential knowledge, skills, attitudes and resources or tools for health professional students and practitioners. As part of the ‘developmental evaluation framework’ for WellnessRx, two of these modules were piloted within two health professional student programs. This paper describes the pilot-evaluation experience involving student surveys, focus groups and interviews, and faculty perspectives. For both modules, student pre-post knowledge assessments indicated some improvements in post-module knowledge. Post module evaluations by students indicated benefits with the online delivery being flexible for access, self-health, case-based assessments and useful nutrition and physical activity guides. Challenges for students included their time to do the modules and the activity expectations. Instructors felt each module could be better targeted to different years within an undergraduate program. Through developmental evaluation, the pilot results along with recommendations and lessons learned provided the direction needed to further develop the WellnessRx logic model and proposed learning modules.  相似文献   

Critical pedagogy is congruent with the social work discipline, which is engaged, people-focused, and centers on social justice, liberation and human rights. While there is growing recognition of the importance of better preparing social work students to engage in critical, anti-oppressive practice, students have limited opportunities for transformative learning experiences within community settings, outside of official practicums. Masters of Social Work students pursuing a specialization in international and community development (ICD) at a Canadian university were matched with community Journey Guides who provided mentorship and opportunities for students to become involved in community-based social justice initiatives. This article presents the eight-step experiential framework that was used as a pedagogical tool to support student learning, and the results from the program’s evaluation with the first student cohort. Using surveys and focus groups, the study found the guiding relationship was characterized by acceptance, friendliness, encouragement, and motivation. Students engaged in critical dialogues with Guides, gained community development experience and skills and enhanced their social justice knowledge.  相似文献   

Research on learning patterns of social work students is scare. This longitudinal study addresses this issue by employing mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative study design to understand the learning pattern of students throughout their undergraduate social work studies. Six rounds of quantitative data collected by structured questionnaires and four rounds of qualitative data collected by focus group interviews have been conducted at an interval of every 6 months to track the learning pattern and to evaluate the continuous impacts of social work education on students. Results indicate that although students’ evaluation on the curriculum was positive and with significant difference in mean scores, paired sample t-tests found no significant difference between time 1 and 6 of all outcome variables. With regard to students’ change in attitude, acquisition of knowledge and skills, results indicate a ‘U-shape’ trend and a fluctuating learning pattern with a rebound in different outcome variables toward the end of the three-year study. Qualitative data echoes the findings and reveals that students go through the confused freshman stage, to disillusioned in practicum and finally with enriching experience upon graduation. The paper discusses meanings and implications of student learning pattern to social work education.  相似文献   

In an era of global awareness of the impact of social, political and environmental impact, the international field placement has become a feature of many social work programmes throughout Australia. A theoretical framework of international social work principles allows for a guiding platform for teaching and learning; however, the experience of the social work student is often one of cultural isolation and emotional vulnerabilities. Whilst cross-cultural learning is a core practice goal of the placement, the ability to engage with this learning is affected by the impact of distance on the student. In turn, the university responsibility for the student is heightened by the distance involved, creating an increased sense of risk for both the student and the social work educator. This article draws on a mixed-methods study, with data sourced from both questionnaires and in-depth interviews with university field education staff, former social work students, and field educators. Five lenses of distance are explored in the aim of increasing understanding of the student experience: geographical distance, cultural distance, emotional distance, pedagogical distance and technological distance. In doing so, the social work educators’ ability to monitor and support remote students is enhanced, and the capacity for the student to engage in a positive teaching and learning environment is increased.  相似文献   

The international field placement is a site of both identity confusion and identity development for the social work student. Aiming to develop their professional identity they are faced with a challenge: the presence of two dominant identities, the tourist identity and the student identity. Whilst the embodiment of the tourist identity has often facilitated the student’s motivation to undertake the placement experience, the student identity is what both university staff and agency field educators perceive as integral to student engagement in this remote educational setting. Social work educators perceive this identity challenge as an impediment to learning. In contrast, students report feeling that their tourist traits strengthened their personal and professional capacity, natural curiosity and ability to engage with the local community. By analysing the roles of university staff as liaison support, and field educators as agency supervisors, it is possible to explore a teaching and learning relationship that is student-centred, grounded in the immersive international experience. Through privileging the student’s voice social work educators involved with organising, supporting and supervising international field placements are able to understand the placement as a continuum of learning. On this continuum identity reconciliation is viewed as a crucial element in the development of a professional identity.  相似文献   

人才培养工作是高等学校的主要任务,学生管理是人才培养工作的重要环节之一。针对当前高校学生管理工作实际,在二级管理体制下创新管理理念、运行机制和考核评价机制,并对提升学生管理水平进行了实践探索。  相似文献   

This paper describes the use and evaluation of the folder feedback system. The folder feedback system is a useful teaching tool based in principles of adult learning. It is designed to help organize student learning, increase communication with the instructor, insert an element of fun into the class, and assist with student/teacher relationship building. An evaluation of the teaching tool produced mixed results. The treatment group received higher grades than the comparison group, yet in all other measures no differences were found.  相似文献   

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