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高职教师职业能力亟待提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国力的竞争、人才的竞争、民族素质的竞争就是教育的竞争,而教育的发展,关键在教师。高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,承担着为社会开发劳动力资源、直接向社会输送应用型人才的责任,这就决定了对高职教师职业能力的特殊要求。它不仅要求高职教师有良好的师德、系统的专业理论知识、教育教学专业知识和实践能力,并且要具有丰富的实践经验和娴熟的操作技能及追逐专业系统知识和产业技术进步发展前沿的能力。本文就高职教师职业能力、高职教师职业能力现状中存在的问题、提高高职教师职业能力的有效途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

教育是立国之本,强国之基,其关键是质量,而决定教育质量的至关因素是教师的专业素质及队伍的相对稳定。学校教育肩负着为社会培养合格人才的历史使命,其人才输出规格、培养质量更是直接关系到我国社会主义现代化建设的成败。但是,随着高校教育改革的不断深入,教育竞争的日趋激烈,由于社会、  相似文献   

周建 《现代妇女》2013,(10):127-127,125
数学教学是一项培养人的活动,其目的应该受社会文化环境和就业模式等众多因素的制约;为了适应科技、经济和社会发展的需要,数学教学的重心也在不断地发生变更和深化.为了提高全民族的素质,为了培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义公民,为培养各级各类的社会主义建设人才奠定基础.  相似文献   

张琛 《职业》2011,(5):78-78
师德是指教师的职业道德,是教师在从事教育、教学等职业实践中形成的比较稳定的道德观念、行为规范和道德品质的总和,是教师在从事教育、教学活动中必须遵守的道德规范和行为准则,是一定社会对教师职业行为的总体的道德要求。  相似文献   

众所周知,现代社会的飞速发展和企业文化的日臻成熟,让企业更加注重技能人才的职业素养和道德水平.中等职业教育不仅要培养学生系统的理论知识和扎实的技术功底,更要培养学生良好的思想道德素质.加强和改进中职学生的德育工作,不仅是全面实施素质教育、办好人民满意的职业教育的迫切需要,也是全面实施科教兴省战略和人才强省战略、更好地服务经济转型升级的必然要求,是培养中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人、实现经济社会可持续发展的重要举措.  相似文献   

教师被誉为是阳光下最崇高的职业,教师的人格是照亮青少年心灵的阳光。人类的知识文化由教师延续,人类的精神文明通过教师的劳动发扬光大。这就要求教师不仅要有优良的学识,而且要有高尚的道德情操,这是培养千百万社会主义事业建设者和接班人的需要。随着改革开放,某些不?..  相似文献   

高职教育人才培养目标是国家、社会、学校对高职教育培养人才的要求,随着全球经济的发展,高职教育的培养目标必定产生相应的变化。高职教育与经济的关系紧密、相互影响迅速。社会的发展对高职人才素质提出新的要求,高职人才培养目标要充分联系建设有中国特色社会主义市场经济的社会实际,充分考虑经济与社会的发展变化,明确高职人才培养目标的重要意义。  相似文献   

陈焱  王安娜 《职业》2011,(Z1):7-9
社会主义市场经济的发展,需要大量技能型人才。技工学校承担着面向人才和劳动力市场,培养生产与建设第一线需要的应用型和实践操作的技能型人才的任务。市场的需求就是我们技工学校的培养目标,也是技校和教师们责无旁贷的职责所在。提高学生的实践动手能力,一方面需要学校财力作为保障;另一方面,全体教师要解放思想,改变传统的思想观念,打破传统的教学模式,积极参加社会实践,努力提高教师本身的社会实践能力和操作技能。只有拥有足够的实训场所和具有丰富的社会实践经验与实际操作技能的教师,才能培养出适合职业岗位需要的人才。  相似文献   

根据党中央提出的在建设由中国特色社会主义,发展社会主义市场经济中,“要在全国各族人民中树立正确的思想、信念和价值观。加强社会道德教育,各行各业都要重视职业道德建设.逐步形成适合自身特点的职业道德规范.坚决纠正行业不正之风”的精神。对于医学伦理学所研究的具体医疗实践和医学科学中存在的道德问题提出新的要求。医护人员的最终服务对象是病人.对于如何应用医学伦理的道德范畴准则,对病人治疗、痊愈、康复有直接影响。医务人员应将道德规范贯穿于整个医疗服务中。  相似文献   

论高校教师职业道德建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师德,即教师的职业道德,是教师在长期的教育实践活动中形成的比较稳定的道德观念、行为、规范和品质的总和。教师的职业就是教书育人,所从事的是崇高的社会公益事业,担负着培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的神圣使命。正如邓小平同志指出的:“一个学校,能不能为社会主义建设培养合格人才,培养德、智、体全面发展,有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者,关键在教师。”所以,从某种意义上讲,作为开发  相似文献   

This article examines the inclusion of a culturally relevant curricular practice of social identity papers within teacher education in the USA that incorporates the transnational lifeworlds of teachers. Using tenets of feminist interdisciplinary frameworks, we highlight how this curricular practice allows teachers and teacher candidates in urban and rural contexts to examine transnational lifeworlds and their influence on culturally relevant practices in relation to notions of oppression and privilege. We focus on linguistic border crossings and both/and perspectives of teacher’s social identities. More research is needed to better understand the construction of teacher’s social identities within and across transnational lifeworlds and the ways it impacts their practices and student’s academic and social achievement.  相似文献   

《Sociological Forum》2018,33(1):211-233
Mentoring relationships between adolescents and adults are an important source of social capital that facilitates young people's academic and social development. Studies show that close relationships with teachers especially benefit socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents, yet little is known about teacher‐mentors’ perspectives on mentorship. This study draws on in‐depth interviews with teachers in low‐income high schools and ethnographic observations to examine the dynamics that sustain student–teacher mentoring relationships. I engage social exchange frameworks to show that reciprocal exchanges that generated intangible rewards for teachers, such as gratitude and purpose, helped maintain mentorships. I find that teachers’ motivations to invest in students were contingent on the strength of the relationship. Teachers withdrew assistance when they perceived that relationships became nonreciprocal. The context in which teachers interacted with mentees and the form of support they had given also influenced their evaluations of reciprocity. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature on relationships that challenge strict divisions between the function of strong and weak ties. Further, these findings contribute to social capital literature by showing that once accessed, social capital does not lie latent as network ties maintain the same willingness to help. In actuality, resourceful ties must be maintained.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between teacher beliefs pertaining to cultural diversity and their actual teaching activities. Using a model-based approach, this study looks at beliefs regarding diversity issues at both the theoretical and empirical levels. At the theoretical level, we attempt to systematise the many meanings of ‘beliefs’ found in the literature. At the empirical level, we examine the link between theory, beliefs, and teaching activities relating to diversity, using integrated analysis tools. To accomplish this, we used a qualitative methodological approach to examine the relationship between theory and practice in education. The sample consisted of 45 in-service primary teachers. The first results showed a gap between what teachers tend to say and what they actually do. We argue that future research needs to focus on the effects of teacher beliefs on teacher practice, with special attention devoted to the reflective process.  相似文献   

This article is based on research into the European Dimension in the primary curriculum undertaken through interviews with primary teachers in a range of different European countries (Denmark, England, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) during 1995 and 1996 (Ritchie, 1996). Key questions for the research included the relationship between the treatment of the European dimension in the curricula of the countries concerned, and the teachers’ own ideas about Europe and the European dimension which underpin their practice. The article concludes with a discussion of the multicultural dimension in the curricula, and the relationship between this and teachers’ understanding of Europe and the European dimension. Recommendations for curriculum planners, teacher trainers and teachers as a result of the research findings are included.  相似文献   


Very little is known about how people perceive and respond to sexual relationships between students and teachers, and even less is known about how adolescents view these relationships. In this study, a large sample of high school students (= 1203; Mean age: 16.83) responded to four scenarios describing a sexual relationship between a student and teacher. We manipulated student and teacher age, and the power differential between the student and teacher and we measured perceptions of wrongness and likelihood of reporting the situation. The data indicated that in situations of older students (18 vs. 14 or 16) and younger teachers (21 vs 30 or 40), they are less likely to be perceived as wrong and less likely to be reported. Likewise, situations were judged as more wrong when the power differential between students and teachers was greater. Further, there were strong gender differences, such that females (vs. males) consistently viewed the situations as more wrong and were more likely to report. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   


In most teacher education programmes in Canada and the United States, educators’ opportunities to develop equity-related skills are concentrated into single ‘multicultural’ courses. These courses tend to have a conservative or liberal orientation, focused on appreciating diversity or cultural competence, rather than a critical orientation, focused on preparing teachers to address inequity. In this study, based on a survey of instructors of multicultural and intercultural teacher education courses in Canada and the US (N = 186), we examined the relationship between the criticality of their multicultural teacher education courses and their perceptions of institutional support for the values they teach. We found a negative relationship between the two – the more critical the instructors’ approaches, the less institutional support they perceived.  相似文献   

Researchers have argued for increased collaboration between teachers and museum educators to improve the outcomes of museum education on students; however, significant gaps in understanding between the two remain impediments to effective collaboration. We surveyed fifty-one museum educators, conducted in-depth interviews with ten of these respondents, and analyzed the data with use of an inductive lens. In this article we use a composite dialogue between a museum educator and a teacher to present a series of questions teachers should ask of, and information they should provide to, museum educators. Such questions and information can be used to initiate more effective collaborative relationships that may ultimately improve the quality of museum education for our students. We argue that gaps in museum educators’ understanding about teachers’ needs, objectives, and concerns about museum visits could be bridged if teachers knew what questions to ask and what information to volunteer to museum educators before arranging a museum visit.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from research about how practice teachers in social care education in Ireland view their role, in particular what elements they prioritise and what they see as relatively unimportant. The aim of the research was exploratory, seeking to discover commonalities and differences in how practice teachers saw their role in the supervision of social care students. Q methodology was used to compare the participants’ viewpoints. Twenty practice teachers, from varying practice backgrounds and levels of experience, sorted statements outlining aspects of the practice teacher’s role, during individual interviews. Analysis indicates participants had two ways of conceptualising the role. One focuses within the agency, prioritising students’ awareness of the clients using the social care service and policies as guiding practice. The second encapsulates a broader view of learning beyond the agency, focusing on the practice teacher assisting the student to integrate theory with practice and using reflection as a learning tool. Conclusions are drawn in relation to social care education.  相似文献   

This paper proposes rethinking intercultural education in teacher education, arguing that any discussion of student teachers’ intercultural education should be connected more explicitly to a theoretical conceptualisation of love. The first part of the paper focuses on identifying discursive boundaries in engaging with intercultural education in teacher education. It is argued that if we are to develop intercultural education, we need to consciously move away from some discourses in teacher education, namely instrumentalism, performance orientation, emotionlessness and seeing the relationship between teacher and learner as static. The second half of the paper develops a theoretical alternative by engaging with the concept of love as a basis for intercultural education in pursuing an alternative to the instrumentalist, performance-based, non-emotional fixed-relationship ethos of intercultural education in teacher education.  相似文献   

Practice teaching is central to social work education. Significant changes have occurred in the past 10 years affecting social work education in Scotland. This article reports on the findings of a small-scale study involving the audio recording of supervision sessions and the interviewing of students and practice teachers engaged in a 65-day assessed placement. The research reveals a high level of congruence between students and practice teachers in perspectives on the supervisory relationship, confirms the findings of other studies concerning effective supervision and provides some vivid evidence of practice teacher and student activity within supervision perceived to be conducive to student learning. A specific finding was the association between the use of ‘exploring’ by practice teachers and students engaging in practice analysis. It is concluded that the changes affecting social work education over the past 10 years, on the evidence of this small sample, overall have had a positive impact on the supervisory relationship within practice learning. One area suggested for further study is the potential link between ‘expressing opinion’ by practice teachers and students within supervision and the development of evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

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