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The costs associated with mental disorders are substantial, yet treatment efficacy is still in its infancy. Drawing from key concepts in the philosophy of science literature, this paper argues that increasing spiritual diversity in social work discourse represents one important avenue to increase the effectiveness of mental health service provision. Toward that end, the role that cognitive diversity plays in scientific advancement is discussed. Demographic data is related suggesting most social workers hold secular values and, consequently, secular perspectives enjoy a privileged status in professional discourse. The effects of the lack of spiritual diversity are delineated on disciplinary discourse, interventions, and service provision. Islam is used as an example to illustrate how effectiveness can potentially be augmented by incorporating the voice of Muslims and other people of faith into disciplinary discourse.  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence and significance of religion among Eritreans in the United States as a basis for building community in diaspora, reconfiguring nationalist identity, and constituting transnational civil society. It argues three related points: that religious identity and gatherings help mitigate against fractured political identities that have weakened secular diaspora associations; that practicing Eritrean identity through religion challenges the hegemonic power of the Eritrean state to transnationally control diaspora communities and dictate national identity; and that the very incipience of religious bodies as transnational avenues provides Eritreans in diaspora with an autonomous space to resist the state's totalizing demands. Through a critical ethnographic investigation of religious identity and church bodies in Eritrea and one United States diaspora community, the article shows that uneven transnational networks between the United States and Eritrea create new spaces for political action. Specifically, the relative autonomy of churches and the incipience of their transnationalism allow diaspora Eritreans to use religion in the constitution of an emergent transnational civil society.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the relations between religious institutions and state in a secular environment. The example for the secular environment has been taken from Estonia that is considered a highly secularized society, and Estonia is by its constitution is a secular state. The article, however, argues that even in a secularized society and in secular state religiously motivated lobby may influence political decision-making processes if the aims of the religious lobby manage to hide its overly religious agenda and present it in the context of ethno-cultural heritage. The example of this approach is taken from the activities of an indigenous neopagan religious association that has been lobbying for the protection of sacred landscapes or natural sacred sites in Estonia which sounds with the general societal approach on nature protection. At the same time new issues concerning the protection of holiness in natural environment have emerged.  相似文献   

We examine the sources of traditional gender attitudes during a period of social conflict and change. Using survey data from Croatia (Center for the Investigation of Transition and Civil Society, 1996; N= 2,030) we explore the relationships between war‐related experiences, in‐group and out‐group polarization, and two dimensions of gender attitudes: policy attitudes (e.g., attitudes toward divorce and abortion) and gendered family roles (e.g., attitudes toward the division of household labor). We argue that ethnic conflict promotes in‐group polarization (i.e., attachment to the Croatian nation) and out‐group polarization (i.e., distrust of “others”), which lead to a resurgence of traditional values, including traditional gender attitudes. We also examine the effects of childhood socialization, individual resources, and interpersonal familial ties on gender attitudes. Results support the conflict‐group polarization model and indicate that out‐group polarization has the most powerful effect on both gendered family role attitudes and policy attitudes for men and women. In‐group polarization does not affect gender attitudes, however.  相似文献   

Evaluation must attend meaningfully and respectfully to issues of culture, race, diversity, power, and equity. This attention is especially critical within the evaluation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) educational programming, which has an explicit agenda of broadening participation. The purpose of this article is to report lessons learned from the implementation of a values-engaged, educative (Greene et al., 2006) evaluation within a multi-year STEM education program setting. This meta-evaluation employed a case study design using data from evaluator weekly systematic reflections, review of evaluation and program artifacts, stakeholder interviews, and peer review and assessment. The main findings from this study are (a) explicit attention to culture, diversity, and equity was initially challenged by organizational culture and under-developed evaluator–stakeholder professional relationship and (b) evidence of successful engagement of culture, diversity, and equity emerged in formal evaluation criteria and documents, and informal dialogue and discussion with stakeholders. The paper concludes with lessons learned and implications for practice.  相似文献   


In this article, I critique some of the discursive terms in which blackness is folklorized and celebrated institutionally as part of the nation in Puerto Rico. I examine a government-sponsored housing project that meant to revitalize and stylize the community of San Ant n, in Ponce, as a historic black site. Although government officials tried to preserve what they considered to be traditional aspects of this community, conflict arose because not all residents agreed with this preservationist agenda. I document the controversy, linking the government's approach to racial discourses that represent blackness as a vanishing and distant component of Puerto Rico. I argue that this inclusion and celebration complements ideologies of blanqueamiento (whitening) and race-mixture that distance blackness to the margins of the nation and romanticize black communities as remnants of a past era. I link these dynamics to modernizing State agendas and discourses of authenticity that fuel cultural nationalism worldwide.  相似文献   

This article explores the consequences of a gendered nationalism under India's recent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government that has relied on the discourses of Hindu women's violence and protection as elements of its discursive arsenal to pursue nuclearization as an aggressive policy of the Indian state. To this extent, the article interrogates a discursive relationship between a cultural patriarchy, its quest for Hindu nationalism and gender and the ways in which this patriarchy has both used and (ab)used the images of Hindu women to establish Islam/Pakistan as a threat to the supposedly Hindu India, and justify a nuclear policy for India. The article's contribution to international feminist politics lies in its attempts to stitch the localized politics of Hindu nationalism with its broader geo-political aspirations and implications, namely the role of the Indian state, under the BJP, in maintaining a communalized, militarized and a Hindu patriarchal violence at three inter-connected levels – between gender, communities and nations.  相似文献   


Since the 'boom' of US ethnic writing, a number of writers have published novels dealing with the colonial-era Hispanic Caribbean. US-authored novels such as The Agüero Sisters (Cristina García, 1998) have received little critical attention in the USA. Similarly, English language novels written by Hispanic Caribbean authors such as The House on the Lagoon (Rosario Ferré, 1996) have received even less, if not hostile, critical attention from Caribbean scholars. Both novels locate the origins of Caribbean modernity in the violent movement from Iberian colonialism to US neo-colonialism. By comparing these novels' narrative concerns about writing, history and race, the complex relationship between 'possibility' and 'violence' they depict is delineated. Such texts reflect a growing corpus of historical fiction about the Hispanic Caribbean and complicate the flawed and persistent schism between US Latina and Latin American literary traditions.  相似文献   


In this study we explore aspects of minority stress by comparing Malaysian (n = 234) and Australian (n = 123) gay men on internalized homonegativity (IH) and internalized shame (IS) in a 2 × 2 multivariate analysis (country × relationship status). Religious motivation (RM) was also included as a variable because of the importance of religion in Malaysia as compared to Australia. Malaysian gay men scored higher on IH, IS, and RM. Single men reported higher levels of IS than did those in relationships. These results are discussed in terms of the minority stress model (Meyer, 2003).  相似文献   

Cet article examine une première tentative mise au point dans le but d'évaluer le lien entre le mécontentement économique et l'appui accordé aux syndicats en ayant recours à des données provenant de diverses réunions-débats qui ont eu lieu à travers le pays. Un modèle de variable latent (LISREL) est utilisé pour étudier les positions prises par un échantillon représentatif de canadiens entre 1977 et 1981. Selon les résultats, il existe en général une stabilityé considérable pour ce qui est de l'attitude à l'endroit des droits syndicaux et des pouvoirs. Une période de mécontentement économique tend à noircir l'image des syndicats aux yeux des membres. Des tendances nettement différentes séparent, d'une part, les membres actifs et éventuels des syndicats, et, d'une autre part, ceux qui ne sont pas membres en puissance.
This paper represents the first attempt to assess the relationship between economic dissatisfaction and support for unions, using panel data collected at the national level. A latent variable (LISREL) model is employed to examine the attitudes of a representative sample of Canadian respondents during the period from 1977 to 1981. The findings indicate considerable stability in attitudes about union rights and powers over time. There is some tendency for economic dissatisfaction to produce more negative perceptions of unions among union members. Significantly different patterns are found for union members and 'potential' union members, on the one hand, and individuals who are not potential members, on the other hand.  相似文献   

Migration entails, among other consequences, the presence of different cultures and religions. Italy, being a latecomer among immigration countries, has had specific difficulties in acknowledging the new cultural and religious pluralism brought by migrations, due to lack of knowledge and reflection in this sphere. In the more recent context of social and cultural change in Europe, Italian society is also going through a phase characterised by reactive identities and cultural conflicts. They are producing a diffused anti-multiculturalist opinion, even though multiculturalist policies have not been openly implemented. Thus, on the one hand, this situation has so far prevented a real recognition of cultural and religious differences, particularly concerning Islam. But on the other hand, positive actions in favour of migrants can also be observed, especially at the local level.  相似文献   

The effects of parental behaviors, attitudes, and drug-use as perceived by adolescents on the latter's attitudes toward and intent to use psychoactive substances were studied. Perceived parental rejection, acceptance, and attitudes significantly differentiated between adolescents who reported favorable attitudes toward and high intent to use substances and those who expressed less favorable attitudes. On most parameters, the father's influence was significant, whereas the effect of the mother did not reach significance. Positive and significant relationships were also found between perceived parental rejection, acceptance, and attitudes and adolescent attitudes and intent to use psychoactive substances. No relationships were found between controlling parental behavior and adolescent attitudes and intent to use psychoactive substances. The role of the parents, as well as implications of the findings for prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

"This study attempts to explain similarities and differences in the mortality experience of three population groups: Puerto Ricans on the island commonwealth, Puerto Rican born persons in New York City and Puerto Rican born persons in the rest of mainland United States. Mortality is much higher among Puerto Ricans in New York City than among those residing elsewhere. Much of the difference is due to excess mortality caused by cirrhosis of the liver and homicide. Puerto Rican born persons living on the mainland but outside New York City generally have low mortality, even when compared with U.S. whites."  相似文献   

In this essay, I describe and evaluate the contemporary debate over support for Confederate icons. This debate is often stylized as “heritage” versus “hatred.” In this debate, one side alleges that their favored Confederate symbols represent pride in Southern-Confederate identity, whereas the other urges that Confederate symbols represent racial hatred and white supremacy. I argue that the “heritage versus hatred” framing that typifies the public debate and the academic literature is not helpful. Additionally, the literature has largely ignored the views of Black Southerners, who have far more negative attitudes toward Confederate symbols compared to whites. Thus, many works implicitly assume a distinctly white southern past. Together, these shortcomings mean that existing research has likely overestimated overall public support for Confederate symbols and overstated the importance of Southern pride or heritage in informing that support, while at the same time underestimating the extent to which racial animus undergirds pro-Confederate views among whites.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1980s, the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among Blacks has increased dramatically nationwide, particularly in Philadelphia and other major urban areas. One approach to this public health problem is to prevent the further transmission of disease through the use of condoms during sexual activity. To provide a basis for condom‐promotion programs within a high risk Black urban community, we explored condom use behavior and the relationship between condom use and variables related to demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, perceived risk and concern about STDs, and STD history. A household survey was conducted of a stratified, quota sample of 925 male and female adolescent and adult residents in North and West Philadelphia. These areas have the highest rate of STDs in the city and among the highest rates in the country. The survey revealed a trichotomy among respondents with respect to condom use: approximately one‐third of the sample used condoms consistently; one‐third used them intermittently, and one‐third never used condoms. Consistent condom users tended to use condoms with both steady and casual partners; less frequent condom users tended to use condoms with partners who could be considered higher risk: new partners and casual partners. Although condom use rates did not vary as a function of age among males, women under age 20 were far more likely to use condoms than were other female age groups. Knowledge about STDs and prevention was not found to predict condom use. Negative attitudes toward condoms were related to non‐use, with the exception of women who used condoms in perceived high risk situations despite negative attitudes.  相似文献   

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