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New Jersey's Recovery Mentor Initiative Increases Workforce More Good News for Youth in Annual Survey, but Treatment Gap Persists Review Shows No Beneficial Link Between ONDCP Campaign, Youth Use Theme at Annual Forum is Change and Journey into the Future Alcohol Expenditure Study Show Alcohol Industry Has Financial Interest in Underage Drinking Reversal of Doctor's Conviction Calls Attention to Pain Management Briefly Noted Grants and Funding Coming Up  相似文献   

Canada Study Says Heroin More Cost‐Effective Than Methadone for Some Florida Youth Agency Positioned to Adjust to Changing Landscape Oklahoma Seeks Additional Treatment Beds in Budget Request How ODMHSAS Has Responded to Cuts Single Dose of LSD Can Reduce Alcohol Misuse: Meta‐Analysis Alabama's Prosecution of Moms Challenged; Field Signs on Briefly Noted State News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Baltimore Officials Credit Saved Lives to Peer Administration of Narcan GAO Report Says ONDCP Anti‐Drug Campaign Didn't Overpay Consultants How ONDCP Measures Response to the Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Appropriate Spending for the Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Cost Calculator Helps Employers Manage Problem Drinking A Breakdown of Problem Drinkers, by Industry Profile Alcohol Advertising in Magazines Continues to Overexpose Youth Data Confirm SAMHSA's Efforts Toward Young Adolescents Names in the News Resources Briefly Noted Coming Up…  相似文献   

Senator Rockefeller Proposes Legislation to Regulate Methadone Maker of Vivitrol to Launch Financial Assistance Program for Patients The 8 Criteria for Methadone Take‐Home Doses Caron Tobacco Cessation Program Funded by Phillip Morris Future of Mass. Treatment Programs Depends on Alcohol Tax Breakdown of Governor's Proposed Budget Alcohol Taxes Proposed for Sports and Cities in Indiana Child Abuse/Neglect Increases Risk of Teen Binge Drinking: Study Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

NASADAD Report: Most States Seeing Increase in Heroin Admissions and ODs Some States' Initiatives in MAT Rely Heavily on Primary Care Study Finds Some Benefit of Methadone over Buprenorphine Talking Circles to Be Studied as Youth Prevention Approach NIDA and NIAAA Start to Assemble Plan for Longitudinal Study State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Michigan Requires Addiction Credentials for FQHC‐SUD Medicaid Services Funding Is Still Elusive for Treatment of Offenders Probuphine Rejection by FDA: Adequate Dosing a Key Concern N.H. Advocates Send Senate Video Postcards in Funding Plea Self‐Medicating Mood with Alcohol Linked to Dependence Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Pennsylvania's Access to Treatment Law Facing Supreme Court Challenge NAADAC, ASAM to Help Educate Counselors on Medication Treatment for Alcoholism More People Being Treated for Drugs Other Than Alcohol About Campral A Harm Reduction Approach to Alcohol and Drug Education Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Good News for Youth, Bad News for Adults Treatment Field Copes with Hurricane Aftermath in Face of Uncertainty on Funding How to Help Effect on Recovery Month Opiates Can Exacerbate Vulnerability to Stress, Says Study Researchers Optimistic Buprenorphine Can Help Cut HIV Spread Study with Rats Suggests Long‐Term Sensitization, Problems from Early Drug Experimentation Briefly Noted Resources Invitation for Participation Coming Up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Issues Core Principles for Field in Health Care Reform Counties Mull Local Factors in Deciding Whether to Privatize Treatment Operations NIDA Reminder to Treatment: Counseling is Part of MAT New York State Tells Counties to Improve Access and Efficiency All Eyes on Alcohol Tax in New Jersey Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

McLellan to Focus on Integration, Community Corrections and Evidence New Phase of NIATx Campaign to Focus Only on Bottom‐Line Movers Canadian Study: Medical ‘Heroin’ Better Than Methadone for Some Utah Alcohol Death Prompts Lawsuit, Raises Questions for Schools Remembering Senator Kennedy NAADAC and NAATP Part Ways Amicably on Public Policy Representation Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Study Finds Alcohol Abuse or Dependence Causes Depression, Not Vice Versa Communities Rethink D.A.R.E. as Police Struggle to Maintain Programs Addiction Treatment Providers Spared Worst of Vt. Budget Cuts Parity: Knowns and Unknowns Briefly Noted State News Business News Coming up  相似文献   

Opioid Detox Study Shows Buprenorphine Improves Retention Rate for Teens Funding for Katrina: A Benefit or a Threat for Treatment Field? Buprenorphine, Clonidine, and Naltrexone New Meth Bill Introduced as Souder Lambastes the Administration Again Reclaiming Futures, Youth by Youth Laws Aimed at Denying Benefits to Drug Offenders Affect Only a Small Percentage: GAO Briefly Noted Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

New Drug Court Program in Michigan Defines Distinct Alcohol Component Serious Mental Disorders Predict New Onset Substance Abuse NASADAD Supports Veterans Bill, State Involvement in Services States Set up Programs for Veterans Building the Science of Recovery Gambling vs. Drug/Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Showdown in Iowa Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

New Treatment Money for West Virginia Providers under Justice Reinvestment Act OTPs Confront Price Challenges as They Diversify Drug Options Documentary Trailer Outrages W.Va. Town SUDs Mentioned at White House Meeting on Mental Health $26.9 Million Increase for SA Services in Texas Budget NIAAA Study Shows Varenicline Reduces Alcohol Consumption BFC and Hazelden Pursue Alliance State News Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

SUDs a Core Benefit in Both Health Care Reform Bills, But Hard Work Ahead CSAT Head: Data on Alcohol and Suicide Should Put All Providers on Notice Minnesota Governor to Cut Chemical Dependency Treatment Rates Is Health Care Reform Possible Without Workforce Development? United Nations Report Calls for Increase in Treatment Access DOJ Appropriations Bill Includes Increases for Drug Courts, No MH Merger Briefly Noted State News Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Good News for SBI: Medicare May Pay for Alcohol Misuse Screening Facility's Social Media Policy Mirrors Rules on Other Interaction Partnership at Drugfree.org Acquires Join Together SAMHSA Pushes All Providers for MI and SUD Assesments Alcohol and Marijuana Dominate Probation/Parole Referrals Illinois Providers in Two‐Week Limbo, Still Face State Defunding Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming up  相似文献   

MatriArk, Icon of Mother‐Child Treatment, to Close After Rate Cut by New Jersey New SAMHSA Guide Offers Providers Road Map for Practice Improvement The Alcohol Tax Methadone Program Closing in Camden Prevention Program Aimed at Multiple Problems Proves Effective Psychiatric Hospitals, Managed Mental Health Carved Out Few Medication Interactions for Non‐Opioid Addiction Drugs Briefly Noted State News Business Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

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