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Providers Grapple with Medication Use for Treating Dually Diagnosed Patients EAPs: Getting Back to Intervention and Referral for Alcohol Problems History of EAPs and Alcoholism Treatment Vivitrex Shows Effectiveness Over 18‐Month Period Why Not the Pill Instead of the Injection? Study Shows Meth Damage Reversible After Period of Abstinence Four Percent of Pregnant Women Used Illicit Drugs in Past Month Most Adolescents in Treatment also Need Psychiatric Care Methadone Treatment in Primary Care Found Successful Briefly Noted Coming Up…  相似文献   

Alcohol Use Study, National Meeting Bring Focus to Veterans' Problems Two Surveys On Teen Motivations for Drug Use Focus on Parents and Stress Appalachia Has Highest Rate of Opiate Treatment Admissions Binge Drinking Most Affected by Environment, Says Wechsler FDA Issues Alert on Vivitrol Injection Site Problems Survey Methodology Study Supports ‘Social Norms’ Marketing Value Briefly Noted State Watch Call for Participation Coming Up  相似文献   

In One of its Last Grants to Field, RWJF Focuses on Sustainability Proportion of People Addicted to Drugs, or Drugs‐Alcohol Mix, on the Rise Field Grapples With Sobriety Time for Counselors in Recovery Study: Treatment Shortly After Detox Mitigates Relapse Alcohol/Drug Role in Suicide May Be More Prevalent Than Believed Maker of Vivitrol Touts Results of Study for Opiate Abuse About N‐SSATS Correction Clients in Treatment, According to Substance Abuse Problem Treated, by Facility Operation and Primary Focus of Facility: March 31, 2005 Briefly Noted Grants and Funding Coming Up  相似文献   

New York to Ban Tobacco in Treatment Facilities NAATP, NAADAC Announce Public Policy Collaboration Recovering Alcoholics Who Smoke Have Cognitive Problems: Study Senate Appropriations Committee Says No to Penalty More Committee Language on NOMs For‐Profit Faith‐Based Homes for Offenders in Recovery Briefly Noted State Watch Alkermes Starts Research on New Treatment Medication as Vivitrol Growth Continues Business Grants and Funding Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

AA Linked to Reduction in Depression; Researcher Cites Effects of Spirituality Treatment Centers: Parity has Ushered in Some Tighter Managed Care Practices N‐SSATS: Slight Rise in for‐Profits, Big Rise in Managed Care Types of Treatment Study: Hispanic Patients Have Better Outcomes With Hispanic Counselors IC&RC, at 40,000 Mark, Says Career Future is Bright for Counselors Field Braces for Budget West Virginia Legislators Want to Put Methadone Take‐Homes on Database Briefly Noted Names in the News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

N.Y. Evaluating Effect of Gang Members' Presence in Centers Alcohol Tax Hike for Treatment Expansion Faces Uphill Battle in NJ COMBINE Study: Field Reaction Includes Acceptance of Medication as Treatment Adjunct Hawaii Treatment Center Places Counselors – and Treatment – in School System Briefly Noted Business Requests for Proposals Coming Up  相似文献   

Kentucky Gives Grants to Reduce Parental Addiction and Cut Down on Foster Care New Study Shows Alcoholics' Memory Problems May Have Complex Etiology Tip Sheet on Substance Abuse for Kentucky Child Welfare Caseworkers Maine Conferences Could Fuel Initiatives to Stem Rx Abuse University Intervention for Problem Use Based on EAP Model Areas of the Brain Vulnerable to Damage by Alcohol Briefly Noted Resources Research Education Coming Up  相似文献   

Methamphetamine Takes Center Stage at Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing Alcohol Exclusion Laws Preventing Screening for Alcohol and Drugs in Emergency Rooms SAMHSA Matrix Model for Methamphetamine Treatment Admissions for Drug Treatment Increase for Older Adults SAMHSA Makes Available Treatment Program Guide SAMHSA, ONDCP to Start Campaign Linking Marijuana, Mental Illness Access to Substance Abuse Treatment Reduces Alcohol‐Related Fatalities Most States have Alcohol Exclusion Laws Offender Re‐Entry Bill Shows Bipartisan Support Coming up…  相似文献   

SAMHSA Pushes SBI to Address Baby‐Boomer Drug Use Prosecutor Leadership, Coordination Contribute to S.D. Reentry Strides Drug Could Increase Drinking but Reduce Other Problems NIAAA's Drug Development Goes Beyond Alcohol Problems ADAW Wins Journalism Awards for Parity and State Budget Watch Stories Illinois Treatment Providers Have Backlog of Unpaid Claims Congratulations! Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Wide Interest in Process Improvement has Campaign Planners Thinking Bigger High Dropout Rates for Blacks Attributed to Economics in RAND Study Naltrexone/Family Treatment Mix Under Study for Opiods Addiction Issues Still in the Background in Presidential Campaign How Treatment Providers can Participate Another Perspective on Cultural Differences RAND Racial Disparity and Alcohol Treatment Studies Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Call for Comments Names in the News  相似文献   

Treatment won't Suffer, may Benefit in Democratic Takeovers New Caron Residential Program Tailored to Young Adult Males No Peace Dividend Hazelden will Build Youth Facility on Veritas Villa Grounds Did a Tree Just Fall in the Forest? New ‘Alcohol‐Sniffing’ Ankle Bracelet Used by Corrections Study: Contingency Management Improves Treatment Outcomes Clarification and Correction Briefly Noted Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

How Treatment Programs Can Participate and Benefit AMA Polls Find Parents Give Alcohol to Teens and Their Friends A Day for Counselors Alcohol and 9‐ to 15‐Year‐Olds AMA on Alcohol's Effect on Brains of Children Polls The Marketplace of Meth: Spotting the Tipping Point NY Governor Vetoes UPPL‐Repeal Bill Brain‐Scan Study Shows Methamphetamine and HIV Combined Change Brain Size, Cognitive Function Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Jails, Probation Speak Out in Favor of Methadone Treatment NY Treatment Providers Get $8.5 Million for Higher Counselor Salaries, Health Insurance Mexican President Demands Changes in Decriminalization Bill Categories of OASAS Awards Programs Receiving OASAS Residential Treatment Program Awards Cost Report, Court Ruling Lend Momentum to Canada SA Efforts COJAC Puts Substance Abuse and Mental Health on Equal Footing, in Philosophy if Not in Dollars AHRQ Study: $2 Billion on Alcohol Abuse for Inpatients Briefly Noted Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

Senator Rockefeller Proposes Legislation to Regulate Methadone Maker of Vivitrol to Launch Financial Assistance Program for Patients The 8 Criteria for Methadone Take‐Home Doses Caron Tobacco Cessation Program Funded by Phillip Morris Future of Mass. Treatment Programs Depends on Alcohol Tax Breakdown of Governor's Proposed Budget Alcohol Taxes Proposed for Sports and Cities in Indiana Child Abuse/Neglect Increases Risk of Teen Binge Drinking: Study Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Study Finds Alcohol Abuse or Dependence Causes Depression, Not Vice Versa Communities Rethink D.A.R.E. as Police Struggle to Maintain Programs Addiction Treatment Providers Spared Worst of Vt. Budget Cuts Parity: Knowns and Unknowns Briefly Noted State News Business News Coming up  相似文献   

Marketer of Vivitrol Focuses on Addiction Profession, Shuns Primary Care for Now Congress sets Buprenorphine Cap at 100; Role of Counseling Unclear Updated Guide from NIAAA for Physicians on Helping Patients with Alcohol Problems Congratulations on iPod Winner An Oral Alternative to Vivitrol? Oregon Joins Small Group of States with Comprehensive Parity Maine Treatment Advocates Urge Balanced DUI Approach Methadone vs. Buprenorphine Buprenorphine and Alcohol Study: Group Therapy Should be Integrated for Patients with Co‐Occurring Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Recession: It's Not Over for the States Hawaii's Substance Abuse Director Aims to Preserve Funding for Services Solutions for Treatment Providers MOE Requirements for SAPT Block Grants Report: Most Inmates Need Treatment, Few Get It Provider Fund Helps Patients Defray Costs SECAD: Mee‐Lee Urges Providers to Treat Whole Patient Treatment Can be Provided by EAP, But EAP Can't be a ‘Gatekeeper’ Alcohol Use Lower, Drug Use Higher, Among Blacks Than Average Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Congress Heads into Home Stretch for Parity Legislation Oxford Houses Thrive Under Radar of Addiction Community Background on Parity Legislation Budget Battle: SAMHSA Speaks Out – Will Congress Listen? Manicures, the RCSP, and the Budget Alcohol/Drug Screening by Computer Helpful: Psychiatric Study Idaho Governor Backs off on Treatment Cuts State Watch Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Canada Study Says Heroin More Cost‐Effective Than Methadone for Some Florida Youth Agency Positioned to Adjust to Changing Landscape Oklahoma Seeks Additional Treatment Beds in Budget Request How ODMHSAS Has Responded to Cuts Single Dose of LSD Can Reduce Alcohol Misuse: Meta‐Analysis Alabama's Prosecution of Moms Challenged; Field Signs on Briefly Noted State News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Federal Government Looks at Regulating Substance Abuse in Coal Mines Survey: People Still Unsure Whether Alcoholism is Disease or Moral Weakness Comments from Mine Employees and Operators Americans Put Alcoholism at Bottom of the List Anxiety and Alcohol Consumption Linked in Animal Study Katrina Legislation Would Help Substance Abuse Treatment Briefly Noted Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

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