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The Allred Interaction Analysis for Counselors is an instrument for systematically analyzing counselors' and clients' verbal behaviors. It was constructed to provide marriage and family counselors-in-training a method for acquiring meaningful, objective feedback on their counseling behaviors. The interrater reliability coefficients have been high. Results of validity studies have been encouraging. Though the instrument was initially designed from analysis of structured family counseling, research indicates it may have rather wide application for many different counseling approaches and settings.  相似文献   

Using Fragile Families data, this study examined the impact that relationship quality has on American Indian parenting and its consequences on children. Results indicated that the more support American Indian parents received from one another, the more positive interactions they had with their child. Additionally, while engagement increased and spanking decreased with more support received for unmarried American Indian mothers, support from the father impacted their engagement more so than those who were married. Therefore, implementation of culturally appropriate relationship enhancing and premarital programs could be beneficial to strengthening American Indian families and have a positive impact on parenting.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper takes up one of the basic themes of Mancur Olson's Logic of Collective Action (Harvard University Press 1965). that is a group size as a cause of suboptimal provision of collective or public goods. A general framework is developed for classifying collective action situations involving public goods provisions. This framework focuses on the two characteristics: relations between contribution and provision, and rivalness or jointness in consumption of the collective goods. This framework distinguishes six types of collective actions, for each of which a game theoretical formulation is developed to obtain. models concerning social movements against (or for) new legislations, a petition for the recall of an official, a strike, lobbying, building a lighthouse, creation of a database, etc. These models, formulated either as an N-person chicken game or as an N-person prisoner's dilemma game. are examined with respect to how a group size affects non-cooperative equilibria and their Paretooptimality. There is no group size effect in the collective action situations formulated as an N-person chicken game, while large groups may suffer from suboptimal provision of the public goods in the collective action situations formulated as an N-person prisoner's dilemma game. Two types of the group size effect in N-person prisoner's dilemmas must be distinguished. In some cases. “no contribution” is the equilibrium regardless of the group size. but increase in the group size makes the equilibrium Pareto-deficient. In other cases, increase in the group size changes the equilibrium from the Pareto-efficient one with N contributors to the deficient one with no contributors.  相似文献   

要在高职英语教学中提高学生的职场沟通能力,必须从引入职场英语理念出发,有针对性地设定教学目标、整合教学内容。在具体的课堂教学中,运用模拟教学法、项目教学法、交际语言教学法等适当的教学策略,并将课内教学和实践教学有机结合起来。  相似文献   

Distressed couples were assigned to Behavioral Marital Therapy, Communication Therapy, or a Wait-List. Treated couples demonstrated more change than controls in marital problems and general communication patterns, but not in feelings toward spouse or communication during conflict resolution discussions. Wives in treatment reported more positive change in personal, nonmarital problems than control wives. There were no overall differences between treatment groups; treated couples reported increases in marital satisfaction and communication from pretreatment to the 4-month follow-up. There was an interaction between age and response to treatment: young couples changed more in Behavioral Marital Therapy, while older couples responded better to Communication Therapy. Results are discussed in terms of the need for developing client-tailored treatment programs.  相似文献   

Maintaining relationships with racially diverse audiences can challenge nonprofit organizations. Through a survey of 634 volunteers, this study examined the role of inclusion in predicting relationship quality and future volunteerism for participants of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, including African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, and Hispanic/Latinos. Results suggest a positive relationship between level of inclusion, relationship quality, and future volunteer intention. However, inclusion was varied among groups indicating that communication and inclusive behaviors are experienced differently for diverse audiences.  相似文献   

An earlier study of the theoretical and methodological postures used by the authors of 1,434 sociological journal articles found that those with a realist or social factist theoretical approach tended not to involve empirical data gathering and analysis techniques. In contrast, nominalists or social behaviorists used more highly empirical research procedures. Using the same data set, this study investigates the direction and nature of changes which occur over time in the theoretical or methodological orientations for 67 authors of multiple journal articles. The theory-methods pairing used by authors in their first article, when compared to those of their last, shows that about 80 percent of the authors have gravitated to or toward those theory-methods relationships found earlier. Such movement toward theoretical-methodological consistency was more often the result of authors' changing their methodological rather than their theoretical perspective. Implications for the changes in the theoretical-methodological linkages of sociologists over their careers are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this phase of a research project with a government agency was to test the hypothesis of Amitai Etzioni involving socialization, communication, and role performance. The data indicate both socialization and communication are siginificantly associated with role performance. Communication continues to affect role performance to a significant degree regardless of the degree of initial socialization experienced. These data do not support Etzioni's hypothesis.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is developed in which prisonization is determined by the self-concepts which inmates bring to the prison. This model was substantively tested using a Likert-type scale of Inmate Reference Group Identification as an index of prisonization. Self-concept was measured by the Twenty Statements Test and scores were trichotomized to form groups having legitimate, low and deviant social anchorage. The sample consisted of 257 male inmates from two adult prisons. The data were gathered by questionnaire in groups of 15–45 using a cross-sectional design. Four hypotheses were tested relating prisonization to type of social anchorage according to three institutional career phases. Using analysis of variance and contrasts it was found that prisonization was the greatest and increased in a linear fashion during successive career phases among those with deviant social anchorage. Those with low social anchorage showed an increase in prisonization during the middle phase and a decrease during the late phase. No change in prisonization according to career phase was found among those with legitimate social anchorage. The results suggest that self-concept plays a crucial role in defining both the likelihood and form of attitude change following imprisonment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate whether people vary in their willingness to listen and whether this variable has any relationship to dogmatism, receiver apprehension, Self-Perceived Communication Competence (SPCC), or communication apprehension. A refined version of the Willingness-To-Listen (WTL) instrument was used to test these relationships. The results indicated that the WTL scale is a reliable and valid measure of an individual's habitual propensity to listen. WTL was found to be positively related to communication skills and negatively related to receiver apprehension, sender-based communication apprehension, and dogmatism.  相似文献   

Plusieurs stratégies ont été utilisées implicitement ou explicitement afin d'améliorer le taux de rémunération des prestataires de soins, pour la plupart des femmes. Ces tactiques comprennent: élever les titres de compétences requis pour exercer la profession; organiser et syndicaliser; exiger la parité salariale; solliciter du financement public pour leurs services. Alors que plusieurs chercheurs ont étudié le processus et les effets de ces stratégies sur les sciences infirmieres, très peu d'études semblables ont été réalisées auprès d'autres prestataires. Dans cet article, les auteures ont entrepris l'examen comparatif de l'efficacité des quatre stratégìes énumérées ci‐dessus pour atteindre les taux de rémunération appropriés en sciences infirmières, dans la profession de sage‐femme et en puèriculture. Several strategies have been employed either implicitly or explicitly to improve the remuneration levels of largely female care providers; these tactics include increasing entry‐to‐practice credentials; organizing and unionizing; seeking pay equity considerations; and seeking public funding for their services. While many scholars have investigated the process and effects of these strategies for nursing, there has been very little similar research conducted concerning other care providers. In this paper, we undertake a comparative examination of the effectiveness of the four aforementioned strategies in achieving appropriate levels of remuneration within nursing, midwifery and child care.  相似文献   

Organizational analysis, based on a version of symbolic interactionism, is used here to advance a dramaturgical perspective on the relationships between organization, information and technology. Organizations are defined as meaning-production systems stabilized by relatively permanent interactions that are temporally and spatially-based. Ethnographic data, gathered by fieldwork in two police communication centers in the United States and in England, are presented. Each organization receives messages centrally and processes them through three segments (operators, dispatchers and officers). In semiotic terms, the police can be seen to be a means for producing drama, or the selective presentation of signs which either heighten or reduce the salience of other signs in a message. The primary conditions which increase the likelihood of drama being attached to policing are tentatively advanced. The police reduce the salience of emotive or expressive aspects of communication by encoding (recoding) citizens' messages from an aesthetic mode to a logical classificatory code. The greater the information supplied by a caller, the more ambiguity in the call-classification process, and the more interpretation is required. Interpretations rendered are based in part upon segment specific understandings of the meanings of the calls, and in part on more general or shared meanings based upon the occupational culture. The result of these interpretations is that messages become more poetic in character as they move across segments within the system. The police also reproduce their own metaphoric version or map of society in and by their encoding, decoding and recoding actions. By so doing, they maintain the dramatic importance of the police and their actions, and the centrality of myths that reify the notion that the police can and do control all that needs controlling in a society.  相似文献   

Data accumulated from recent studies strongly suggest that family therapy is a promising method of treatment for alcoholism. In this paper a comprehensive treatment approach is proposed, based on known characteristics of alcoholic family systems and the author's clinical experiences in working with families of alcoholics. Specific strategies are described that can enhance treatment success by reducing resistances and maximizing changes in dysfunctional family interaction patterns. The relationship between the spouses is such as to perpetuate the need for alcohol. The major focus in therapy therefore is on understanding and changing the marital relationship.  相似文献   

Morris Janowitz has been a major contributor to sociological theory and research over the last live decades. The range of his empirical work and the logic of his theory–based on philosophical pragmatism and opposed to “grand” formulations– obscure the magnitude of his contribution to social theory, despite his pervasive influence on research in particular subfields. This paper provides a brief overview of the logic and substance of Janowitz's contribution to macrosociology which is focused on his concepts of institutional analysis, social control, and institution building. The use of these concepts is illustrated substantively in the light of current trends in the development of advanced industrial society.  相似文献   

Traditional small group concepts have been derived from experimental decision-making groups. Encounter groups not only focus on functional problem-solving but also attempt to facilitate participants-spontaneous and open expression of their authentic emotions in-situ. Through this emphasis the encounter group leader attempts to provide an antidote to role-oriented everyday societal transactions. The complex nature of encounter group interactions defy standard codification by a non-participant researcher. Recently certain small group researchers have become participants in their groups under study as a way of capturing more dynamic processes of group interaction. The small group researcher as participant and encounter group leader/researcher have become united through their use of empathic identification as an artfull method in linking up abstract theoretical concepts with observed group happenings. An ethnography of a Youth Encounter Group (that I lead) is presented to illustrate the complex features of leadership in an encounter group. Through an analysis of my ethnography I attempt to show (1) how both small group researchers and encounter group researchers have presented idealizations of group process divorced from the practical features that organize and sustain the on-going group interactions and (2) how both the small group researcher as participant and encounter group leader/researcher have used the process of empathic identification as an unexplicated resource that has obscured and masked the interpretive work carried on by participants–lay and professional –during the encounter group and by researchers in their professional reports.  相似文献   

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