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The Arrow Impossibility Theorem assumes transitivity. Acyclicity is a more appropriate rationality condition for collective decision procedures. Many impossibility theorems for acyclic choice need to assume that there are more alternatives than individuals. In this paper we show that by considering circumstances under which groups (or coalitions) have veto it is possible to prove impossiblity theorems without making such an assumption. Our results extend recent theorems by Blau and Deb, and Blair and Pollak.I would like to thank my research supervisor Amartya Sen, the referee and the editor of this journal for their comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore duality in the theory of social choice. As application Arrow's Impossibility Theorem and another impossibility theorem using the notion of positive responsiveness are chosen. It will be seen that we can establish notions and theorems which are symmetric to the original ones. However, if we establish impossibility theorems when rational behaviour is described by budget correspondences and not by choice correspondences, we need not assume that every subset of X (a family of alternatives) with cardinality 2 is a budget set. Therefore the dual theorems also may hold for families of competitive budget sets. It will also be shown that although the underlying preferences on X need not be acyclic, local decisiveness on budget sets may lead to global decisiveness on these sets.  相似文献   

The structure of fuzzy preferences: Social choice implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been shown that, with an alternative factorization of fuzzy weak preferences into symmetric and antisymmetric components, one can prove a fuzzy analogue of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem even when the transitivity requirements on individual and social preferences are very weak. It is demonstrated here that the use of this specification of strict preference, however, requires preferences to also be strongly connected. In the absence of strong connectedness, another factorization of fuzzy weak preferences is indicated, for which nondictatorial fuzzy aggregation rules satisfying the weak transitivity requirement can still be found. On the other hand, if strong connectedness is assumed, the fuzzy version of Arrow's Theorem still holds for a variety of weak preference factorizations, even if the transitivity condition is weakened to its absolute minimum. Since Arrow's Impossibility Theorem appeared nearly half a century ago, researchers have been attempting to avoid Arrow's negative result by relaxing various of his original assumptions. One approach has been to allow preferences – those of individuals and society or just those of society alone – to be “fuzzy.” In particular, Dutta [4] has shown that, to a limited extent, one can avoid the impossibility result (or, more precisely, the dictatorship result) by using fuzzy preferences, employing a particularly weak version of transitivity among the many plausible (but still distinct) definitions of transitivity that are available for fuzzy preferences. Another aspect of exact preferences for which the extension to the more general realm of fuzzy preferences is ambiguous is the factorization of a weak preference relation into a symmetric component (indifference) and an antisymmetric component (strict preference). There are several ways to do this for fuzzy weak preferences, all of them equivalent to the traditional factorization in the special case when preferences are exact, but quite different from each other when preferences are fuzzy (see, for example, [3]). A recent paper in this journal [1], by A. Banerjee, argues that the choice of definitions for indifference and strict preference, given a fuzzy weak preference, can also have “Arrovian” implications. In particular, [1] claims that Dutta's version of strict preference presents certain intuitive difficulties and recommends a different version, with its own axiomatic derivation, for which the dictatorship results reappear even with Dutta's weak version of transitivity. However, the conditions used to derive [1]'s version of strict preference imply a restriction on how fuzzy the original weak preference can be, namely, that the fuzzy weak preference relation must be strongly connected. Without this restriction, I will show that the rest of [1]'s conditions imply yet a third version of strict preference, for which Dutta's possibility result under weak transitivity still holds. On the other hand, if one accepts the strong connectedness required in order for it to be valid, I show that [1]'s dictatorship theorem can in fact be strengthened to cover any version of transitivity for fuzzy preferences, no matter how weak, and further, that this dictatorship result holds for any “regular” formulation of strict preference, including the one originally used by Dutta. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

In this note I consider a simple proof of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem (Arrow 1963). I start with the case of three individuals who have preferences on three alternatives. In this special case there are 133=2197 possible combinations of the three individuals' rational preferences. However, by considering the subset of linear preferences, and employing the full strength of the IIA axiom, I reduce the number of cases necessary to completely describe the SWF to a small number, allowing an elementary proof suitable for most undergraduate students.  This special case conveys the nature of Arrow's result. It is well known that the restriction to three options is not really limiting (any larger set of alternatives can be broken down into triplets, and any inconsistency within a triplet implies an inconsistency on the larger set). However, the general case of n≥3 individuals can be easily considered in this framework, by building on the proof of the simpler case. I hope that a motivated student, having mastered the simple case of three individuals, will find this extension approachable and rewarding.  This approach can be compared with the traditional simple proofs of Barberà (1980); Blau (1972); Denicolò (1996); Fishburn (1970); Kelly (1988); Mueller (1989); Riker and Ordeshook (1973); Sen (1979, 1986); Suzumura (1988), and Taylor (1995). Received: 5 January 1999/Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

The paper is based upon ethnographic research undertaken in a large metropolitan Careers Service in England. A consideration of differences between the intent and the outcome of action leads to an exploration of the ways in which white people come to understandings of their superordinate position relative to black people. By emphasising the concept of the materiality of ideology, the analysis attempts to go beyond a functionalist model which would regard a state apparatus as meeting the‘requirements’of capital in an unmediated and direct way. It is argued that racist ideology, as a specific set of linked but contradictory ideas, must inhere unevenly within the structures of everyday life and that struggles against racism have to take into account the discriminatory nature and importance of white‘non-racism’  相似文献   

This article describes the development of the Sexuality Scale, an instrument designed to measure three aspects of human sexuality: sexual‐esteem, defined as positive regard for and confidence in the capacity to experience one's sexuality in a satisfying and enjoyable way; sexual‐depression, defined as the experience of feelings of depression regarding one's sex life; and sexual‐preoccupation, defined as the tendency to think about sex to an excessive degree. The procedure involved (a) item construction, selection and subsequent validation through item analysis; and (b) a factor analysis of the items on the Sexuality Scale and the establishment of factorial validity. The results indicated that the three subscales were psychometrically sound, that males reported more sexual‐preoccupation than did females, and that the three subscales have unique intercorrelation patterns. The exploratory nature of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2006,20(4):291-302
Research shows that there is a difference between being old and feeling old. The way in which the experience of growing into advanced old age is regarded has also been found to play an important role for well-being in old age. One central aspect of this experience — i.e. diminished everyday competence — remains relatively under-researched. This article explores, through 21 qualitative interviews, how a group of elders regard declines in everyday competence. Three distinctive categories were found: (a) diminished everyday competence is regarded as a ‘fact of life’ that cannot be overcome and must therefore be accepted; (b) as something that could be overcome — in the long run — but must be ‘temporarily’ accepted and (c) as a matter of fact that can neither be overcome nor accepted. In addition, these categories were found to come hand in hand with specific ways of regarding limitations; being in need of assistance from others and how the process of growing into old age is regarded as a whole.  相似文献   

Seen through the growth of progressive diversity policies it may appear that contemporary organizations are sites of equality. But although inclusion is the formally stated aim of many organizations, exclusionary pressures toward LGBT workers still challenge sexual minorities' access to full inclusion. A central concern in this paper is exploring how to understand inclusion in organizational contexts where inclusion is formally advocated, and yet where both inclusionary and exclusionary pressures exist. Drawing on an interview study of Swedish gay and lesbian police officers we present the concept ‘peripheral inclusion' as a way to understand inclusion in contemporary organizational life. In addition, we theorize that the dynamics between silencing and voice is a key mode that impacts the informal ways in which exclusion and inclusion occur. We thereby contribute to previous research on inclusion that has focused on the degree to which minorities are included by conceptualizing the mode in which inclusion occurs in everyday work. Studying modes and degrees of inclusion and exclusion in relation to each other highlights how inclusion is a collective and fragile process in which inclusionary and exclusionary pressures coexist, and that questions of who and what is included in contemporary organizations are shifting and open questions.  相似文献   

Policy‐making in relation to sustainable development is usually at the national (or, in relation to climate change, the global) level, yet the consumption it seeks to modify takes place at the household level. If households all ‘made ends meet’ in the same way then the much‐relied‐upon notion of per capita consumption would be valid and we could use ‘top‐down’ modelling to guide policy. Cultural Theory, however, predicts that there are five socially viable ways of making ends meet, and that all of them will be found (in varying proportions) within any nation. This prediction has been tested on a sample of 220 British households and shown to be well supported. Top‐down modelling, it is argued, has to give way to constructive interplay between the reflexive policy‐maker and a plurally responsive citizenry.  相似文献   


This paper explores differences between Indigenous knowledge and Western/European ways of knowing, and considers the pedagogical implications for Web-based learning. Moving beyond a simple examination of the nature of Indigenous knowledge, this paper explores ways that “education” has been used by colonizers to subjugate Aboriginal peoples. Outlining ways to avoid colonization, this paper contends that rather than simply being sensitive to the nature of Indigenous knowledge when designing Web-based education, instructors need to be sensitive to ways Western/European knowledge subjugates other forms of knowledge by situating itself as “the” way of knowing rather than “a” way of knowing.  相似文献   

Interviews were conducted with 10 MFTs (six females and four males) who had received a formal accusation of unprofessional conduct and went before state licensure boards in three different states. Accusations included dual relationships, financial fraud/errors, receiving DUIs, sexual misconduct, and emotionally harming a client. Utilizing Moustakas’ (1994, Phenomenological research methods, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage) transcendental phenomenology, five essential themes emerged: (a) The experience of being formally accused of unprofessional conduct is life‐changing, (b) state MFT licensing boards are more punitive than rehabilitative, (c) obtaining support is vital, (d) making accusations creates stigma, (e) therapists were unprepared to handle accusations of unprofessional conduct. Clinical implications include the importance of supervision, personal therapy, and strategies for prevention and rehabilitation with this population.  相似文献   

Current theorizing on the role of media in politics and interpersonal relations in contemporary American society not only echoes questions about connections between modernity and viable democratic politics (Ortega y Gasset 1932; Jay 1973; Kornhauser 1959), but also tends to see the media as an insidious and even erosive cultural force (Debord 1983; 1990; Edelman 1967; 1988; Poster 1990; McKibben 1992). Politics is shaped by the mass media and by the dramatic engaging visual spectacles it presents. In this way, a dramaturgical social theory both reflects society and is a means to analyze it. Clearly, drama suffuses modern life figuratively and literally, in part because media genres compete with personal experience as ways of ordering problematic situations. Drama, in various forms, along with war and sport, is the dominant metaphor of our time. A dramaturgical framework emphasizing audience, performance, and theatrical aspects of everyday life, is therefore appropriate for examining changes in the relationships among media, politics, and interpersonal relations.  相似文献   


A positive life review process is crucial to the resolution of the last of Ericson's developmental life crises, ego-integrity vs. despair. This paper describes and discusses: (1) the importance of the life review process and life review therapy; (2) the nature of idea processors, a type of computer software; and (3) ways that idea processors can be useful in facilitating a therapeutic life review process for elderly individuals.  相似文献   

The original Arrow Theorem and many variants were stated with the Universal Domain assumption; but in economic situations, natural assumptions like monotonicity restrict the domain so that the Theorem does not apply. Since 1979, several authors have proved Arrow-type impossibility results in situations such as models with public goods or private goods; and a few have considered mixed-goods or stochastic alternatives models. This paper has similar results in models with mixed-goods, stochastic, and dynamic alternatives; the objects of preference can have any two features or all three. With suitable qualifications, the impossibility result continues to hold, as does the Arrow-inconsistency of arbitrarily small domains type of result I have established elsewhere.  相似文献   


Globally there is a visible counter-trend to the destructive process of ‘development’ that the forces of capitalism, statism, patriarchy have imposed. Though still marginal and not yet able to make significant macro-level transformations, the resistance is growing. As is, often emerging from such resistance, there is a re-assertion of ways of life that respect, nature (including humans), co-existence, and justice. Such radical alternatives can be from ancient cultures, or be very new, but all have a core of ethical values that put life at the centre. One crucial barrier to these becoming a force for macro-level change is that they remain scattered, only sporadically learning from each other and becoming a greater critical mass. With this background, a Global Tapestry of Alternatives has been initiated in mid-2019, a kind of confluence of ideas and practices towards further collaboration and visioning. The idea has emerged from the Vikalp Sangam (Alternatives Confluence) process running since 2014 in India.  相似文献   

Stakeholders and evaluators hold a variety of levels of assumptions at the philosophical, methodological, and programmatic levels. The use of a transformative philosophical framework is presented as a way for evaluators to become more aware of the implications of various assumptions made by themselves and program stakeholders. The argument is examined and demonstrated that evaluators who are aware of the assumptions that underlie their evaluation choices are able to provide useful support for stakeholders in the examination of the assumptions they hold with regard to the nature of the problem being addressed, the program designed to solve the problem, and the approach to evaluation that is appropriate in that context. Such an informed approach has the potential for development of more appropriate and culturally responsive programs being implemented in ways that lead to the desired impacts, as well as to lead to evaluation approaches that support effective solutions to intransigent social problems. These arguments are illustrated through examples of evaluations from multiple sectors; additional challenges are also identified.  相似文献   

Polanyi argued that the project of creating a fully self-regulating market was utopian, in the sense of impossible. However, movement towards this utopia, the ever greater but never completed process of disembedding the economy from both society and nature, creates growing dislocations and tensions which call forth a counter movement. This double movement may be thought of as successive changes in the way in which the economic process is instituted. The focus of the paper is on the meaning of embeddedness, the ways in which the economy was reinstituted during the Great Transformation and the subsequent counter movements, and alternative approaches to further reinstituting the economy in ways that disembed it further or (re)embed it more firmly in society and nature. It is argued that prior to the creation of the capitalist market the economy was organically embedded in society and nature. However, the creation of separate economic institutions, the institution of the economic process as a distinct system with its own laws of motion, severed these organic links and the economy came to dominate both society and nature. Here, however, the symmetry between society and nature ends. Society has the capacity for conscious, purposeful action; nature does not. For the economy to be reinstituted in ways that create a sustainable organic relationship with nature, it must first be reinstituted in ways that bring it under social control.  相似文献   

Social capital has become a key concept in Government policy‐making and academic circles. Particular forms of social capital theorising have become dominant and influential, invoking certain conceptions of the nature of family life. Inherently, ideas about ‘the family’ not only draw on gender divisions in fundamental ways, but also on particular forms of intergenerational relationships and power relations. This paper explores the place, and understandings, of family in social capital theorising from a feminist perspective, including the way that debates in the social capital field interlock with those in the family field. These encompass: posing both ‘the family’ and social capital as fundamental and strong bases for social cohesion, but also as easily eroded and in need of protection and encouragement; the relationship between ‘the private’ and ‘the social’; notions of bonding and bridging, and horizontal and vertical, forms of social capital as these relate to ideas about contemporary diversity in family forms and the nature of intimate relationships; and analytic approaches to understanding both the natures of social capital and family life in terms of an economic or moral rationality. It argues for greater reflexivity in the use of social capital as a concept, revealing rather than replicating troubling presences and absences around gender and generation as fundamental axes of family life.  相似文献   

The following paper examines the contribution that relatively recent discoveries about the nature of expertise can make to an understanding of the relationship between theory and its application. Commencing with an example of how a theory might be developed, it takes elements of this example, such as the creation of generalisations based on pattern recognition, learning over time from experience, intuitive practice and so on, and provides a commentary on them using what is known of the movement from novice to expert. With the foregoing background the paper then goes on to explain some of the processes that lead to a failure to explicitly apply theoretical principles to practice. Finally, it examines the role played by differing levels of experience in determining the readiness with which theory may be applied and ways in which the intuitive use of theory can be developed.  相似文献   

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