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与以往主要关注家庭因素、基本人口特征的流动儿童精神健康研究不同,本研究将分析视野扩展到社会经济地位、社会支持和个体抗逆力。数据表明,流动儿童的精神健康差于非流动儿童,社会经济地位、家庭支持和个体抗逆力均对其产生影响,其他社会支持的影响不显著。流动儿童由于面临着社会经济地位和家庭流动方面的"双重劣势",单纯提升个体抗逆力不足以改变其精神健康不良的事实。因此,一方面努力提升流动儿童的个体抗逆力,充分发挥其面对逆境的主体性;另一方面,在宏观层面上不断地瓦解产生"双重劣势"的制度基础。通过两方面的共同作用能改善流动儿童的精神健康状况。  相似文献   

本文使用2000年人口普查0.95‰数据,比较农村地区11~14岁的流动儿童,留守儿童和其他儿童的教育机会(定义为是否在学).模型分析结果显示;(1)与其他儿童相比,留守儿童的教育机会显著偏高,但流动儿童的教育机会显著降低;(2)与母亲一起留守儿童的教育机会得到改善,但与父亲一起留守儿童的教育机会显著降低;独自流动和与父母一起流动儿童教育机会受到不利影响,但与母亲一起流动儿童教育机会与其他儿童无显著差异;(3)女童教育机会明显低于男孩,但儿童类型对教育机会的作用不因性别而异.模型分析结果具有多方面的政策启示意义.  相似文献   

目前有关流动儿童的各种基本信息还明显缺乏。为此,利用2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,概括和分析全国流动儿童的人口学特征、迁移特征和受教育状况等基本情况。流动儿童规模庞大,增长迅速,且分布高度集中,多数来自农村;流动儿童还呈现出明显的迁移特征:跨省、省内跨县和县内跨乡镇的流动儿童各占1/3,他们作为父母的随迁者,已属于长期流动的人口;流动儿童的受教育状况有所好转,但情况依然不乐观,各地流动儿童就学状况的差异较大,流动儿童的义务教育问题并不都是流动所带来的问题。分析结论期望能为流动儿童各方面问题的解决提供基本的人口学依据。  相似文献   

文章利用2006年以来在北京市某区开展的三轮流动儿童发展状况跟踪调查的数据,描述了总样本和跟踪样本的心理状况及其发展过程,并予以简单讨论。结论认为:尽管本地儿童、公立流动儿童和流动儿童在三轮调查中一致性地表现出改善的趋势,但是公立流动与流动儿童的孤独感和抑郁感始终强于本地儿童;公立流动儿童与本地常住儿童有着相同的心理状况及其发展轨迹;流动儿童不仅具有不同的发展过程,而且归因于社会不公的流动儿童的抑郁感并没有得到明显的改善;这两个方面尤其应该引起广泛而足够的重视。  相似文献   

基于新人力资本理论,利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2012年和2016年面板数据分析了我国农村地区父母心理健康对儿童认知能力、非认知能力和营养健康的影响。研究发现:父母抑郁总体上不会对儿童认知能力产生显著影响,但由于留守儿童被抑郁的父母一方照料,其认知能力受负面影响显著;母亲抑郁显著提高女孩抑郁程度;父母抑郁会显著降低儿童摄入高蛋白食物的频率。更高的母亲受教育程度和家庭人均收入对于父母抑郁带给儿童人力资本积累的消极影响有一定缓解作用。研究揭示了父母心理健康问题对儿童发展产生的负面溢出效应,为思考和应对农村成年人心理健康、儿童发展、贫困代际传递等公共健康和社会民生问题提供了新视角。  相似文献   

段成荣  吕利丹  王宗萍  郭静 《南方人口》2013,28(4):44-55,80
文章利用2010年第六次全国人口普查数据,概括和分析全国流动儿童的人口学特征、迁移特征和受教育状况等关系流动儿童生存和发展的基本情况。流动儿童规模庞大、增长迅速、且分布高度集中,多数来自农村;跨省流动儿童约占三分之一;他们作为父母的随迁者已属于长期流动的人口;流动儿童的受教育状况有所好转,但情况依然不乐观.仍然有2.94%的义务教育阶段适龄流动儿童未按规定接受义务教育,流动儿童的学前教育和高中教育问题亟待解决。文章分析结论期望能为流动儿童各方面问题的解决提供基本的依据。  相似文献   

父母外出对农村留守儿童的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化进程中,农村人口的不完全流动产生了大量留守儿童。父母外出对这些儿童的学习生活造成不利影响。一方面,已有的流出地环境极大地制约着留守儿童的生存发展;另一方面,留守家庭成员也会通过积极、消极抑或是不自觉的行动来回应现实需求。因此在分析父母外出对家庭结构和个人所带来制约的同时,进一步考察父母外出后家庭成员能动因素的作用就显得尤为重要。本文利用2013年CEPS调查数据对农村留守儿童的身心健康、认知水平、学习成绩和综合发展状况及影响因素进行回归分析。研究发现母亲外出的流动安排对农村留守儿童造成极不利影响;良好的家庭经济状况和氛围、家庭及个人的自致性因素都显著正向影响农村留守儿童的综合发展;学校和朋辈群体环境中阻碍因素的影响大于支持因素;性别差异主要体现在留守男生的身心健康状况和认知水平优于留守女生,但留守女生的成绩和综合发展能力更好;农村留守儿童与非留守儿童的主要差异在于身心健康。基于此,解决留守儿童问题应兼顾眼前和长远利益,减少发展代价;公共政策和制度设计应嵌入家庭视角,自觉顺应人口流动家庭化趋势;强化家庭责任、发掘能动性,联结多方资源为农村留守儿童建立友好支持环境。  相似文献   

吴敏  段成荣  朱晓 《人口学刊》2016,(4):93-102
农民工因迁移造成的空间场域转换、社会适应难、经济地位低等是影响其心理健康的重要因素。高龄农民工是农民工中的特殊群体,其心理健康状况堪忧。社会支持已被证实对心理健康具有重要的保护作用,据此,本文研究社会支持对高龄农民工心理健康的作用。结果发现,社会支持"量"的特征对心理健康不存在显著影响,而社会支持"质"的特征则显著促进心理健康并有明显的调节作用,高龄农民工心理健康差于中青年农民工,但感知城市户籍人口支持减缓了高龄农民工在城市生活中的心理负担;此外,在高龄农民工内部,跨省农民工心理状况劣于省内流动者,而感知城市户籍人口支持减缓了跨省流动者的心理压力。  相似文献   

劳动年龄人口大规模流动,其子女的去向一直是学界关心的问题。已有研究证明相对于留守儿童,流动儿童身心发展较为健康。包括子女性别、年龄、流动人口自身职业、收入等在内的多种因素影响流动人口子女随迁的机会,但鲜见关于生育年龄对子女随迁机会影响作用的探讨。本文利用2014年全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查数据,以目前只生育了一个子女且子女年龄在3-14岁的流动妇女为研究对象,分析生育年龄对其子女随迁机会的影响作用。结果发现:在控制了社会人口学变量、流动特征及流入地政策环境等变量后,生育年龄仍可正向预测其子女的随迁机会,越晚生育子女随迁机会越大;与生育年龄相关的社会经济状况可提高流动人口子女随迁机会,但无法替代生育年龄对子女随迁机会的预测作用,晚育对流动人口子女随迁机会的促进作用可能同时得益于年龄增长所带来的心智成熟;流动人口的生育年龄、子女年龄与实际年龄之间存在密切关联,但流动人口的生育年龄比实际年龄更为单纯,对子女的随迁可能性有更大预测作用,该结论可推广至其他有关流动人口子女的研究中,使用流动人口的生育年龄而非实际年龄作为自变量将有助于区分父母特征和子女特征对流动人口子女相关因变量的影响作用。  相似文献   

要重视流动儿童少年的教育问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
流动儿童少年人口的教育问题必须受到重视 ,流入地政府和教育部门要从全国的高度认识流动儿童少年的教育问题 ,流入地的学校要采取措施吸收流动儿童少年入学 ,以更好地发挥流入地的教育资源优势 ,要允许流动人口开办“打工子弟校” ,从事流动儿童少年的教育工作 ,同时 ,对各种“打工子弟校”要加强管理。在“入学率”和“巩固率”统计中 ,要改“户籍人口”口径为“常住人口”口径 ,以促使流入地更好地关心流动儿童少年的教育问题  相似文献   

流动儿童心理状况及讨论   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文运用在北京市某区进行的小样本抽样调查数据,比较分析了分别就读于流动儿童学校和公立学校的流动儿童的心理状况,并从流动儿童的个人特征和家庭特征两个方面讨论了影响流动儿童心理状况的原因。结果表明,流动儿童学校中的流动儿童的心理状况相对较好,因此,从儿童发展的角度来看,流动儿童学校的存在不仅是合理的,而且有关部门应该对当前处于自由发展、自由竞争中的流动儿童学校给予某种指导与帮助,以期能够为流动儿童的健康成长、更好地学习与发展提供某种政策支持。同时,更应该注意到本地常住儿童的心理状况相对较差的事实,这可以被视为当前鼓励流动儿童以公立学校就读为主的受教育政策的负面效应之一。公立学校应该从三个方面采取措施防止这种状况的扩大。当然,流动儿童的心理评价及各种影响后果的研究仍然有待于深入的讨论。  相似文献   

This article uses data from the 1996 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey to examine whether migration of women improves the survival chances of their children to age five. We expand on prior research by testing not only the hypothesized positive effect of rural-urban migration, but also the effects of other migration stream behaviours on child survival. Results show that up to 10% of children die before age five and within-group differences in mortality exist among urban and rural children depending on their mother's migration status. Only urban-urban migration was significantly related to child survival, compared to rural non-migrants, after controlling for other factors, although other streams of migration (rural-urban, urban-rural, rural-rural) were positively related to child survival. Generally, migration explains a small component of the variance in child survival. Several other factors, including parents' education, household size, household headship, mother's age at birth, duration of breastfeeding, and place of delivery have a significant predictive power on child survival.  相似文献   

Estimation of the causal effect of parental migration on children’s educational attainment is complicated by the fact that migrants and nonmigrants are likely to differ in unobservable ways that also affect children’s educational outcomes. This paper suggests a novel way of addressing this selection problem by looking within the family to exploit variation in siblings’ ages at the time of parental migration. The basic assumption underlying the analysis is that parental migration will have no effect on the educational outcomes of children who are at least 20?years old because they have already completed their education. Their younger siblings, in contrast, may still be in school, and thus will be affected by the parental migration experience. The results point to a statistically significant positive effect of paternal US migration on education for girls, suggesting that pushing a father’s US migration earlier in his daughter’s life can lead to an increase in her educational attainment of up to 1?year relative to delaying migration until after she has turned 20?years old. In contrast, paternal domestic migration has no statistically significant effect on educational attainment for girls or boys, suggesting that father absence does not play a major role in determining children’s educational outcomes. Instead, these results suggest that the marginal dollars from US migrant remittances appear to enable families to further educate their daughters. Thus, policymakers should view international migration as a potential pathway by which families raise educational attainments of girls in particular.  相似文献   

This study uses nationally representative longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, to examine the prevalence and predictors of extended family households among children in the United States and to explore variation by race/ethnicity and socio-economic status (SES). Findings suggest that extended family households are a common living arrangement for children, with 35?per cent of youth experiencing this family structure before age 18. Racial/ethnic and SES differences are substantial: 57?per cent of Black and 35?per cent of Hispanic children ever live in an extended family, compared with 20?per cent of White children. Further, 47?per cent of children whose parents did not finish high school spend time in an extended family, relative to 17?per cent of children whose parents earned a bachelor's degree or higher. Models of predictors show that transitions into extended families are largely a response to social and economic needs.  相似文献   

何志鹏  余康  刘强  李雷 《南方人口》2021,36(1):17-30
从"只身外出"到"举家迁徙"的农民工流动趋势转变,子女是否随迁逐渐成为进城农民工家庭面临的重要选择.本文利用"城镇外来务工人员就业和食品需求"调查数据,考察了子女随迁对进城农民工营养摄入量的影响.结果表明:在控制了收入和劳动强度等因素后,与子女未随迁的农民工相比,有子女随迁农民工的热量摄入量显著增加了4.9%,从营养摄...  相似文献   

本文使用了2009~2014年江苏省44个县市的数据①,利用面板数据进行回归分析,证明了地方教育财政支出会受到流动人口、地方经济发展等因素影响;人口流动会对人口流入地县市产生教育资源挤占效应,地方政府基础教育财政支出可能存在自利性动机,为了实现本地利益最大化,会对流动人口子女在本地入学设置相关门槛;这些发现表明,我们在发展地方经济、加大转移支付及实现义务教育经费随学籍走制度的同时,需要对产生问题的根源户籍制度进行改革,接纳农民工子女进入本地公立学校,才能实现中央“两为主”政策的教育公平目标。  相似文献   

家庭迁移决策分析——基于中国农村的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用中国健康与营养状况调查数据,以家庭为单位分析了农村劳动力迁移的影响因素。结果表明,有无子女、子女年龄是影响家庭迁移的重要因素。与无子女的家庭相比,有子女家庭中夫妻二人至少一人外出打工的概率会大大降低,且子女年龄越小,影响越大。老人健康因素对一个家庭中夫妻二人是否至少有一人外出打工的影响不大,但家中男性老人健康较差会大大减少已婚子女夫妻共同外出打工的概率。  相似文献   

The results reported here show that the stage of an individual's life cycle not only has direct effects on the likelihood of migration, but also establishes a context within which the motives to migrate are evaluated and acted upon. One contextual impact of the life cycle concerns the effects of length of residence on migration. The results show that the probability of migrating declines more rapidly over time for married males with children than for singles males--i.e., the difference between the likelihood of migration for single males and married males with children widens with increasing length of residence. Much of this difference may be due to the greater number and strength of community ties for individuals who are married with children. These ties are not well developed at the beginning of a residence but continue to strengthen over the course of a residence. In addition, there are variations in the levels of job rewards and location-specific resources across the life cycle and there are two variations across the early life cycle in the effects of independent variables on the initial rate of migration. One resource (self-employment) and one job reward (prestige) have different effects for single individuals than for either group of married males. If the span of the life cycle considered in this analysis were broadened to include older men, additional differences in the effects of independent variables might be uncovered. In research with cross-sectional data containing a wider range of ages than the data used here, Heaton et al. (1981) found that economic variables were more important in determining the migration of younger individuals than that of older individuals, whereas noneconomic factors were more important determinants of the migration of older than of younger individuals. The results of this paper and Heaton's results suggest that at different stages of life people use a somewhat different "subjective cost-benefit calculus" in making migration decisions. The importance of certain migration determinants may vary significantly depending on whether an individual is married, whether he or she has children, and/or whether he or she is in the labor force or retired. Additional research on these issues could greatly contribute to our understanding of migration.  相似文献   

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