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改革开放以后,中国每年到底有多少农村人口迁移城镇成为城镇常住人口,一直是个未知的谜。本文借助现有的统计资料对历年中国“乡-城”人口迁移的具体规模进行了测算,总结了改革开放以来中国“乡-城”人口迁移的变动规律。 相似文献
乡—城人口两阶段迁移模式是中国人口城市化过程不同于国外模式的突出特点。本文简要介绍了两阶段迁移模式的特征和影响,并运用经济学方法分别从城市政府和农民个体两个视角来考察该模式的内在动因和影响因素,揭示了这一模式在根本上是由城乡差别和"城市偏好"的制度安排所造成的。基于此,本文主张在政府行为导向上要努力克服政府的"城市偏好"和"经济偏好"倾向;在政策变革时机上要认识到加快城市化进程、推进农民工的市民化对于扩大内需以应对当前经济困难的重要意义;在政策重点上要紧抓农村转移劳动力在城市的生存、居留和发展等核心问题,为农民工逐步适应并最终融入城市生活提供有效的制度保障和政策支持。 相似文献
本文利用 2 0 0 0年五普数据 ,根据户记录的有关信息 ,证明了家庭迁移是我国 1 990年代人口迁移中的一个重要特征 ,而且目前的家庭迁移是以核心家庭的迁移为主要形式。在此基础上 ,利用罗吉斯蒂回归分析了家庭特征对于家庭迁移的影响作用。分析表明 ,除了家庭特征以外 ,户主的个人特征在家庭迁移中同样是重要的影响因素 相似文献
人口迁移流动是改变人口数量和人力资本空间分布格局的重要因素,人口迁移流动造成的人口数量和人力资本空间分布变化是否一致及其对区域经济社会发展的影响是一个需要更加深入研究的问题。本文针对我国人口流动过程中形成的人口素质结构转变进行理论思考和实证研究,探讨其形成的经济原因和造成的经济影响。相关数据显示我国高等教育群体和中等教育及以下群体长期以来一直处于净流向相同的状态,而2013-2015年以来各省陆续出现净流向相反的现象,形成了人口数量和人口素质的替代效应。高等教育人才的净流入地区是经济发达省份、地理条件优越省份以及少数民族自治区,北京、天津、上海、浙江、江苏以及广东省等三大都市圈内的六个省市的高等教育净流入人才占跨省高等教育净流入总人口的绝大多数。人口替代对当地的经济影响表现为三点:第一,改变当地劳动力资源禀赋结构,使高等教育群体及中等教育群体人数的比较优势发生变化;第二,改变地区平均受教育年限,影响地区科技创新能力;第三,拉大地区劳动力收入差距。据此提出两点政策建议:首先,地方省市可以通过市场化的产业结构调整手段控制相应的流动人口群体规模,而不必依靠限制人口流动的政策以及硬性提出人口调控目标来管理流动人口规模。其次,地方政府要做好地区经济规划以及定位,充分认识现在的人口替代对于未来地区创新能力以及劳动力收入差距的影响。 相似文献
在对近十年来我国人口迁移和流动的时空演变格局进行初步考察的基础上,文章利用面板数据的变系数模型分别实证考察了人口迁移和流动对我国各地区(省域)经济的影响。结果发现:(1)我国各地区间人口迁移相对平稳,而人口流动在2000年以后呈现出持续快速增长的态势,且空间流向极不均衡;(2)人口的迁移和流动对中国整体经济来说是一个帕累托改进;(3)户籍制度对于发达地区起到了人才沙漏的作用;(4)对于中部的绝大部分地区以及西部的一些人口输出大省,伴随人口迁出而引起的人力资本流失对当地经济的负面影响开始凸显出来,人口流出虽然基本出现一个正面影响,但对本地经济发展的贡献并不如我们预想的那么明显。 相似文献
人口迁移的选择性一直以来都是人口学家和经济学家关注的焦点。文章利用2000年中国人口普查微观数据,重点考察了1990年代后期在转型社会中中国人口迁移的选择性问题。研究表明,中国人口迁移具有较强的年龄选择性和教育选择性,但青年迁移者中,女性所占比例有所上升且呈现出高于男性迁移风险的态势。同时,户籍制度是影响迁移决策和决定迁移类型的重要因素。 相似文献
我国高校扩招带动了大批青年进行跨城乡、跨区域的人口迁移,大学生群体成为仅次于农民工群体的第二大迁移人群。高校扩招为青年人口迁移提供了机会,通过接受高等教育以提高向上社会流动率是引发人口迁移的主要内在驱动力,而教育的投入成本与教育回报率是教育投资的关键因素。文章基于人口迁移与高校扩招之间存在的概率关系,利用我国省市级城乡教育数据和家庭收入调查数据(CHIP),建立概率迁移模型,分析城乡居民教育水平差异与城乡教育回报率差异对人口迁移的影响。实证结果表明高校扩招明显提高了农业户口居民和非农户口居民的教育水平,对非农户口居民的影响更大;高校扩招对农村地区高等学历人才数量没有显著影响,但对城市则有明显影响。即高校扩招使得更多来自农村的大学生迁入城市,这就导致城市的高学历劳动力数量不断上升,而农村更加缺乏高素质人才。因此,应加大新农村产业开发,提升大学生回乡就业和创业率;合理布局高等院校,实现教育资源向三四线城市均衡化发展;提高大学生核心竞争力,加快落实地方人才保障计划。 相似文献
针对中国大规模流动人口的流动特点及其流动过程进行理论思考,提出梯次流动概念和流动人口的梯次流动形式、前提条件和原理。将梯次流动定义为在流动迁移的过程中,流动人口凭借自身以及外部的力量不断改善其个人和家庭的福利状况,从而呈现出的一种渐进性的向上流动现象。梯次流动成为一种人口流动中不断优化决策的过程,梯次流动的实现需要一定的社会经济环境,中国近三十年来的改革开放和社会经济发展创造了必要的条件,促成了梯次流动动机的形成和实现的可能。梯次流动的分析视角有助于从微观视角分析个人流动到家庭流动迁移完成的过渡过程,更好地认识中国流动人口现象的特殊性并完善相应的政策与制度。 相似文献
循环流动等非永久性人口迁移在发展中国家的人口迁移及其研究中占据重要地位 ,但在我国还少有对有关文献的介绍和评论。本文就非永久性迁移的概念、在发展中国家的重要地位及形成机制等方面回顾和评述了国外的有关文献 ,并在此基础上 ,结合作者在福建省对流动人口所作的若干调查 ,在更为广阔的领域内重新审视了我国流动人口研究中的一些重要问题。 相似文献
Internal migration intensities fluctuate over time, but both migration levels and trends show great diversity. The dynamics underpinning these trends remain poorly understood because they are analyzed almost exclusively by applying period measures to cross-sectional data. This article proposes 10 cohort measures that can be applied to both prospective and retrospective data to systematically examine long-term trends. To demonstrate their benefits, the proposed measures are applied to retrospective survey data for England that provide residential histories from birth to age 50 for cohorts born between 1918 and 1957. The analysis reveals stable lifetime migration for men but increased lifetime migration for women associated with earlier ages at moving in adulthood and a compression of intervals between consecutive moves. The proposed cohort measures provide a more comprehensive picture of migration behavior and should be used to complement period measures in exploring long-term trends. Increasing availability of retrospective and longitudinal survey data means that researchers can now apply the proposed measures to a wide range of countries. 相似文献
This paper synthesizes insights from new global data on the effectiveness of migration policies. It investigates the complex links between migration policies and migration trends to disentangle policy effects from structural migration determinants. The analysis challenges two central assumptions underpinning the popular idea that migration restrictions have failed to curb migration. First, post‐WWII global migration levels have not accelerated, but remained relatively stable while most shifts in migration patterns have been directional. Second, post‐WWII migration policies have generally liberalized despite political rhetoric suggesting the contrary. While migration policies are generally effective, “substitution effects” can limit their effectiveness, or even make them counterproductive, by geographically diverting migration, interrupting circulation, encouraging unauthorized migration, or prompting “now or never” migration surges. These effects expose fundamental policy dilemmas and highlight the importance of understanding the economic, social, and political trends that shape migration in sometimes counterintuitive, but powerful, ways that largely lie beyond the reach of migration policies. 相似文献
The interactions between the processes of urbanization and international migration in less developed and transition countries have important repercussions for socioeconomic development, but are not well understood. Based on the retrospective data from the Albanian Living Standards Measurement Survey 2008, we first assess the geography of migration in terms of the rural–urban continuum, the urban hierarchy and the outside world since 1990. We then investigate the spatio-temporal diffusion of rural-to-urban and international movements using survival models. Results reveal an immediate onset of large-scale rural exodus, despite the post-communist crisis. Internal migrants mainly moved to the capital, bypassing secondary cities, and were predominantly female. Initially, international migrants were primarily men who tended to originate from the main urban agglomerations. The diffusion of opportunities to emigrate down the urban hierarchy and across the sexes then redirected the rural exodus abroad, despite domestic economic development. This evolution in population mobility is related to the gendered patterns and interlinkages of the two flows, as well as to rising inequalities within the urban hierarchy. 相似文献
Population Research and Policy Review - Using the 2008 and 2009 Rural–Urban Migration in China (RUMiC) survey data, two waves of a nationally representative survey dataset, this study... 相似文献
文章从影响人口迁移的动力要素和迁移方式入手,从战略上把握我国不同地区未来人口迁移及空间格局的基本趋势,探索促进人口有序流动的各项政策。研究表明,2000~2020年我国每年从乡村迁入到城市的净常住人口数量将大体保持在1500万左右,并在链式迁移方式主导下,人口迁移的空间格局不会有太大的改变,仅出现一些微调,未来迁移人口还将主要集中在大都市区范围内。 相似文献
Social Indicators Research - This paper examines the major features of demographic transition that Korea experienced during the 20th century in association with changing political, economic, and... 相似文献
西方国家早期的家庭政策是通过普适性的福利性手段减少家庭贫困,全面提高公民的福利水平。20世纪60、70年代,西方国家完成人口转变之后,家庭的发展进入后现代化时期,家庭模式发生了巨大转变。为达到国家的人口战略目标,西方国家的家庭政策从覆盖全民的福利性保障,逐渐转为在保证福利的同时,更加注重鼓励生育。当前西方国家在家庭政策的实施中所采取的主要政策工具包括家庭补贴和税收优惠政策,产假、生育补贴和工作保护,以及儿童看护和教育政策。依据西方发达国家家庭政策的已有经验,我国家庭政策体系可以采取"保基本、广覆盖、福利与调控人口并重"的政策路线。 相似文献
总体上说,大学毕业生是劳动力市场上的优势群体,但是,大学生就业的劳动力市场过程并不稳定,特别是考虑到大学生的高人力资本存量,国外都积极采取专门针对大学生的“特殊性”的就业政策。这些政策旨在更多地刺激创业精神,创造就业岗位;激励大学生到艰苦的地区与艰苦的行业从事艰苦的职业;提升大学生的就业能力,提高就业的适应性与灵活性;加强职业匹配服务,改进大学生就业的效率,以期通过在需求、供给及供求匹配等三个方面的政策干预全面促进大学生就业。这些政策无疑对中国的大学生就业政策制定具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
Issues of international migration are drawing increasing attention not only from governments and their national constituencies but also from international organizations, notably from various components of the United Nations system. Better understanding of the causes of the flows of international migration and their relationship with development and answers to policy questions arising therefrom are, however, hampered by scarcity of up‐to‐date and reliable quantitative information concerning international migration. As a step toward remedying this gap, in March 2003 the Population Division of the United Nations issued a report, presumably the first of a series, titled International Migration Report 2002. A review essay by David Coleman discussing this publication appears in the book review section of the present issue of PDR. The bulk of this 323‐page document presents statistical profiles for more than 200 countries and territories and also for various regional aggregates. These summaries provide data or estimates (when available or feasible) on population, migrant stock, refugees, and remittances by migrant workers for 1990 and 2000, and on average annual net migration flows for 1990–95 and 1995–2000. These profiles also offer characterization of government views on policies relating to levels of immigration and emigration. According to the report, the total number of international migrants—those residing in a country other than where they were born—was 175 million in 2000, or about 3 percent of the world population. In absolute terms, this global number is about twice as large as it was in 1970, and exceeds the 1990 estimate by some 21 million. The introductory chapters of the report discuss problems in measuring international migration and summarize major trends in international migration policies since the mid‐1970s. An additional chapter reproduces a recent report of the Secretary‐General to the United Nations General Assembly on international migration. Reproduced below is much of the “Overview” section of the report (pp. 1–5). In addition to its published form (New York: United Nations, 2002, ST/ESA/SER.A/220), the full report is accessible on the Internet: http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/ittmig2002/ittmigrep2002.htm 相似文献