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This paper examines union grievances dealing with the body, appearance and demeanour fought by the Canadian Air Line Flight Attendants Association, on behalf of its female and male members over a 30‐year period. Taking a historical, materialist‐feminist approach, we examine how workers used the grievance system to resist regulations they believed contradicted their right to dignified labour. We ask how and why bodily regulation differed for men and women, and how this changed over time, as the union merged its male and female job occupations. Using arbitrated grievances, union records and discussion of these issues in the mass media, we show how both feminism and service union activism encouraged flight attendant resistance to airlines’ efforts to regulate the appropriate body and attire for male and female workers. The use of labour law offered workers some respite from regulation, but did not facilitate fundamental questions about the power of management to ‘dress’ its workers.  相似文献   

Although the problem of heteroscedasticity has been the subject of much discussion in other areas of applied statistics the problem has received scant attention in the social network literature. This study attempts to remedy this situation by considering how traditional methods for significance testing in dyadic regression models, such as standard QAP tests, perform under conditions of heteroscedasticity. Moreover, the article presents two alternative methods to deal with heteroscedasticity that are both shown to perform rather well with typical social network data under conditions of both heteroscedasticity and homoscedasticity. Overall, the results of the study suggest that applied researchers using regression techniques to study dyadic data are well advised to correct for heteroscedasticity, by either of the two methods discussed here, whenever there is a reason to suspect heteroscedasticity.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Coordination of services for under-fives is a major concern in efforts to achieve a reasonable level of services with low levels of resources. This article relates the history of one attempt to develop such a coordinated approach in one local authority — Leeds. A specially appointed Council Committee led the way to breaking down many barriers between services, to improving training, and to using scarce professional skills to best advantage.  相似文献   

"This article presents some of the latest available figures on illegal immigration in Japan, a process that did not assume significant proportions until the mid-1980s. It also discusses briefly the latest developments around 'immigration' policy--more precisely, the law on the entry and exit of aliens."  相似文献   

Since the introduction of federal mental health legislation in 1963, there has been a changing emphasis on evaluation and accountability. With direct federal funding of community mental health services, accountability demands were met through expectations for local agency evaluation activities which were overseen by federal authorities. The advent of the New Federalism and the shift to block grant funding of mental health services to state mental health authorities have shifted responsibility for evaluation to the states and local programs. This paper reviews federal mental health statutes to trace the extent and locus of required evaluation activities and discusses two approaches to carrying out program evaluation: "top-down" where the evaluation topic, method, and data collection are mandated by an administering or funding body; and "bottom-up" approaches where the subject, method of study, and data to be collected are developed in response to a felt need at the local agency level. A case study of each approach as used at the state level in mental health is examined. Based on the literature and the case studies, conclusions are presented on the pro's and con's of each method in meeting accountability demands and the barriers which must be overcome for either method to be successful.  相似文献   

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