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The AsiaBarometer survey of 1,006 respondents shows that in Taiwan, people have access to modern utilities and digital media, signs of materialistic achievement, and yet are more concerned with physical security and financial safety than with personal growth. Regardless of their demographic backgrounds and value priorities, the Taiwanese, like other Confucian publics, are most satisfied with the interpersonal life sphere and least satisfied with the public life sphere. Their satisfaction levels concerning various life domains affect their sense of well-being more than does their prioritization of values. Assessments of material and nonmaterial life domains contribute to their sense of well-being more than those of interpersonal and public domains do. Access to modern utilities and a high income, however, detract from their sense of well-being. As is the case elsewhere, a better set of objective life circumstance does not necessarily make for a greater quality of life in Taiwan. The government, therefore, should seek to provide more than economic goods and services.  相似文献   

This paper reports a multi-stagestudy carried out between 1999 and 2001 whichaimed to develop an instrument to address theneed for a culturally relevant measure ofquality of life for Chinese older persons inHong Kong and similar communities. The firststage of the research involved a focus groupstudy conducted in August 1999 which it washoped would reflect how quality of life maybe interpreted by older persons themselves. Thenext stage, a content analysis of the focusgroups, enabled the construction of aquestionnaire containing over 100 items onvarious aspects of quality of life (QoL). Thequestionnaire was reviewed by a panel ofexperts and the items were refined and reducedto 86 to which were added a further 25 itemsfor socio-demographic background. This formedthe initial instrument. The final stage was avalidation study based on a representativecommunity survey, with a sample of 3,000respondents drawn for the research team by theCensus and Statistics Department of the HongKong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)Government. The survey yielded 1,616 successfulinterviews with older persons aged 60 or above.The careful stratification of the sampleenabled us to say that subjects in all thestages of the survey had broadly similarcharacteristics to the general Hong Kongelderly population in sex and age distribution.After a rigorous process of validation, theresearch team recommended the adoption of bothan index and six domains for measuring HongKong older persons QoL. The new scale containsa total of 21 items which can be grouped intovarious domains: subjective well-being, with 4items; health with 5 items; interpersonalrelationships with 6 items; achievement-recognition with 4 items, finance and livingconditions (1 item each). The overall QoL scalehas a Cronbachs alpha of 0.72 with its domainsranging from 0.65 to 0.77 which indicates ahigh degree of statistical reliabilities. Thename recommended for the scale was Hong KongQuality of Life for Older Persons Scale-abbreviated as HKQoLOCP.  相似文献   

The Asia Barometer Survey of 1,038 respondents shows that most Singaporeans are happy and enjoy life, although they do not feel a correspondingly high level of accomplishment. Good health, a comfortable home, a job, time with family and having enough to eat emerged as key priorities in life. While Singaporeans are most satisfied with their marriages, family life, friendship, housing, and public safety, their perceptions of their overall quality of life are mostly influenced by their relationships with significant others and their satisfaction with their homes. Detailed demographic analyses are provided and policy implications are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

A community-driven survey of 106 transgender people (the first such survey in Hong Kong) showed that: (1) more than half the sample (50.9%) had a university degree or higher qualification; (2) despite this, 43.4% had a monthly income below HK$6,000 (about USD$775); (3) 66% reported “fair” or “poor” quality of life; (4) 67% of the sample (87.1% of respondents aged 15–24 years) had contemplated suicide; and (5) 20.8% of the sample (35.5% of respondents aged 15–24 years) had attempted suicide. It was found that (1) those who were single, had a lower monthly income, and identified as transgender women reported lower quality of life; and (2) those who were younger and on a lower income expressed higher suicidality. The findings suggest that service providers and policy makers urgently need to address the mental health needs of transgender people, particular younger transgender people.  相似文献   

This study aims at ascertaining how Hong Kong people perceive Hong Kong as a harmonious society. It also identifies the elements that are most conducive to social harmony in Hong Kong, so that the government could take reference when formulating new policies. 1,062 adults residents were asked to rate their perceived level of social harmony and their satisfaction with 36 items (divided into three dimensions: public governance, society, and economy, family and work) for which the research team believes would be influencing the perceived level of social harmony. Results show that the average rating of social harmony was 5.57 (out of 10), delineating a moderate level of social harmony. Subsequent multivariate factor analysis and regression analysis show that the four extracted factors (from the three dimensions) had significant impacts on the level of social harmony. These were, in order of significance: (a) public governance, (b) social solidarity and respect, (c) economy/family/work and, (d) social tolerance and progressiveness. According to the factor loadings of each significant factor, we identified four core values which we hope the government would consider when formulating new policies, as follows: (1) A Justice Government with Sincerity on Communication, (2) Mutual Support and Respect with Integrity and Dedication, (3) Dedication to One’s Job and Community by Helping the Needed and, (4) Creativity and Progressiveness with Tolerance. Implications for policy making are discussed. The study was conducted under the direction and guidance of the Fostering Social Harmony Task Force of the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association (HKPASEA). The authors acknowledge the kind support and assistance provided by the Council Members of HKPASEA and staff members of the Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy at Hong Kong Baptist University. We are also grateful to Prof. Alex Michalos and Prof. P. K. Ip for their comments and suggestions given at the International Conference on National Well-Being held in November 2006 at the National Central University, Taiwan.  相似文献   

与其它发展地区类似 ,二战以后香港人口死亡率已经经历了显著的下降 ,达到了一个非常低的水平。在这种极低水平的现状下 ,香港人口死亡率进一步下降的空间还有多大呢 ?本文基于香港人口死亡率历史数据 ,探讨了其演变趋势 ,同时利用Lee -Carter模型对香港未来 5 0年分性别的人口死亡率进行了预测。如果我们将预测结果与最近的官方预测数据进行比较 ,可以发现 ,本文Lee -Carter模型预测的未来香港人口死亡率下降趋势比官方预测结果要乐观  相似文献   

The CUHK Hong Kong Quality of Life Index, which aims to assess and monitor the quality of life in Hong Kong, is a composite index incorporating both objective and subjective measures. This index, developed by the Faculty of Social Science of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, employs data collected in representative sample surveys and official statistics. A wide range of life domains is covered and the year 2002 is taken as the base year of the study. Index scores demonstrate that in general the quality of life in Hong Kong has improved slightly in 2003; scores of the composite index and the three sub-indices on sectorial performance are somewhat higher than those of the previous year. It is noteworthy that Hong Kong has made noticeable progress and performs as well as many economically advanced societies in certain life domains; yet, the well-being of the people relies on further improvement in others.  相似文献   

The CUHK Hong Kong Quality of Life Index, which aims to assess and monitor the quality of life in Hong Kong, is a composite index incorporating both objective and subjective measures. This index, developed by the Faculty of Social Science of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, employs data collected in representative sample surveys and official statistics. A wide range of life domains is covered and the year 2002 is taken as the base year of the study. Index scores demonstrate that in general the quality of life in Hong Kong has improved slightly in 2003; scores of the composite index and the three sub-indices on sectorial performance are somewhat higher than those of the previous year. It is noteworthy that Hong Kong has made noticeable progress and performs as well as many economically advanced societies in certain life domains; yet, the well-being of the people relies on further improvement in others.  相似文献   

This article makes use of survey data collected in 1992 and 2007 to examine the question of whether or not Postmaterialism is gradually becoming manifest in Hong Kong and to explore the applicability of Postmaterialist theory to this affluent Chinese society. Our findings basically support the hypotheses of the theory that the continued socioeconomic development of Hong Kong is giving rise to a populace that is increasingly inclined towards Postmaterialism. Younger people are more Postmaterialist than their seniors. In addition, Postmaterialists are more likely than Materialists to support the ‘new politics’ and democracy. Nevertheless, Hong Kong is far from being a Postmaterialist society. Multivariate regression analysis also revealed that the Materialist/Postmaterialist orientation is neither related to age nor to formative security.
Ka-Ying WongEmail:

The AsiaBarometer survey of 1,023 respondents shows Life in Korea is highly modernized and digitalized without being much globalized. Despite the modernization and digitalization of their lifestyles, ordinary citizens still prioritize materialistic values more than post-materialistic values, and they remain least satisfied in the material life sphere. A multivariate analysis of the Korean survey reveals that their positive assessments of their standard of living and marriage are the most powerful influences on the quality of life they experience. Remarkable improvements in the objective conditions of life for the past three decades have failed to transform Korea into a nation of well-being.
Chong-Min ParkEmail:

慈勤英 《人口研究》2003,27(1):28-33
人口普查是一次规模空前的国情国力大调查 ,投入了大量人力物力 ,取得了全面翔实的人口社会经济信息。如何开发利用这些得来不易的宝贵资料 ,牵扯到人口普查资料的管理、使用方式的界定、资料的开发模式以及相应的法律建设等一系列问题。香港在人口普查数据开发使用上的信息提供、法律建设、实际操作的规范性管理上积累了一定的经验 ,可供我们借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

何雪松 《南方人口》2007,22(1):37-44
本研究旨在采用纵贯质性研究探索新移民妇女移居香港后第一年的社会支持的变动状况,15个香港新移民妇女参与了这项研究.研究发现,社会支持的类型和来源是因时而变的,重要的决定因素是香港特定的社会文化背景和移民在不同时期的特殊需要.  相似文献   

刘飞 《西北人口》2014,(1):103-108
据统计,截至2007年底大约有12万香港长者赴内地养老。这一跨界养老现象迅速引起了香港特区政府以及大陆相关部门的高度关注。那么,哪些因素可能会影响这些长者的养老迁移决策呢?本文试图通过推拉理论和生命历程理论双重视角来对这一J'l题进行初步探讨,以期为未来的经验研究提供一个解释框架。  相似文献   

This study is part of a collaborative project examining the quality of life in Confucian societies in Asia. Our major findings suggest that, when our sixteen specific life domains are grouped into three life spheres, namely, material, post-material, and public, the Japanese people tend to be most satisfied with the post-material sphere of life and least satisfied with the public sphere of life such as the condition of environment and welfare system. In searching the direct, independent effects of demographics, lifestyles, value priorities, and domain assessments on the quality of life, none of the public life domain assessments shows a significant impact on the quality of life, while friendships and spiritual life in the post-material sphere of life are an important determinant. Equally notable is the finding that neither educational attainment nor household income contributes significantly to the experience of subjective well-being. Leading a global lifestyle also affects positively the quality of life. Finally, being married and satisfaction with marital life appear to be powerful and prevalent influence on the quality of life in Japan.
Takashi InoguchiEmail:

王苍柏 《南方人口》2007,22(4):25-31
本文以超越地理和社会边界的"区域"作为人口研究的分析单位,勾勒出中港之间人口流动的图景和走势,并重点介绍中港两地在跨境婚姻与生育、跨境置业与养老以及跨境就业等三个方面的人口现象.作者认为"区域"的研究取向有助于突破目前跨境人口研究的困境,并为我国人口政策的制定带来新视野和新思路.  相似文献   

BackgroundExpressed breast milk feeding has increased substantially in the past two decades. Once used primarily for preterm infants, feeding expressed breast milk is now more common in mothers giving birth to healthy term infants. However, the effect of expressed breast milk feeding on breastfeeding duration is unclear.ObjectivesTo assess the association between breast milk expression practices and breastfeeding duration in women giving birth to healthy infants.MethodsFrom 2017 to 2018, we recruited 821 new mothers from two public hospitals in Hong Kong. Participants were followed up at 1.5, 3, and 6 months postpartum or until they stopped breastfeeding. The proportion, type, and mode of all milk feeding were assessed at each follow-up.ResultsAt 1.5 months postpartum, 47.9%, 37.7%, and 14.4% of participants were feeding by direct breastfeeding only, mixed-mode feeding, and expressed breast milk only, respectively. Participants feeding expressed breast milk only were more likely to be supplementing with infant formula. When compared with participants who provided only direct breastfeeding, participants who gave only expressed breast milk at 1.5 months had 57% lower odds of breastfeeding continuation at three months postpartum. After stratification by infant formula supplementation, expressed breast milk feeding only at 1.5 months was associated with an increased risk of breastfeeding cessation in participants supplementing with infant formula (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.17–2.95).ConclusionIn the first six months postpartum, giving only expressed breast milk is associated with early breastfeeding cessation, especially in participants who are also supplementing with infant formula.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(11):1570-1588

The notion of sexual citizenship has been developed over the past two decades, and its discussion has been expanded to other regions. This article investigates the claiming of rights by non-heterosexuals in Hong Kong to achieve two objectives: to articulate the importance of the rights claiming process, particularly regarding how non-heterosexuals are being transformed to become claimants through rights claims, and to extend the notion of sexual citizenship in East Asia, particularly in the Hong Kong context. The findings show four distinctive characteristics of sexual citizenship in Hong Kong. Non-heterosexuals are found to have faced different struggles and barriers before or during the process of claiming rights, including restricted welfare rights access in various social institutions. Furthermore, the development of sexual citizenship in the Hong Kong local context is found to be limited.  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2005,20(2):25-30
本文主要利用穗港澳三地的普查数据,对三地人口老龄化的现状、程度、发展过程和特点进行概括和比较;同时,总结穗港澳三地老年人口的基本特征。  相似文献   

Given the high population and development density in Hong Kong, building failures can result in catastrophic consequences. It is thus worthwhile identifying those dilapidated buildings, and this explains why the Hong Kong government has considered launching a mandatory building inspection scheme in the city. Apart from the measurement of building safeness, however, it is equally important to explore the major determinants of the safety performance of buildings. Such information can help the government and other related organizations to rationalize their subsidies offered for building improvement and to make more informed strategies of urban regeneration in Hong Kong. To this end, the safety performance of 429 private multi-storey residential buildings was measured in this study using the Building Safety and Conditions Index developed by The University of Hong Kong. It was then followed by an explanatory analysis which found that older buildings were less safe than large, modern buildings. More importantly, the co-existence of a property management agent and a statutory owners’ association delivered the best building safety performance, and in this respect was the optimum building management regime for private multi-storey buildings in Hong Kong. These findings pose significant policy implications for building safety and urban regeneration in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(10):1403-1423
The removal of homosexuality from the list of mental disorders and the repeal of restrictive sexual laws deem that Foucault's argument on the discursive control of homosexuality requires refinement to take into consideration the continual modernization and improvement of power. This article examines the multilayered discursive terrain in Hong Kong where homosexuality is created, regulated, and contested in the contemporary era. With the popularization of human rights discourse, sexual dissidents are not simply treated as criminal or pathological; rather, legal and medical discourses have shifted to an increasing reliance on notions of risk to put mechanisms of social regulation in place.  相似文献   

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