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自2004年3月的某天起,经常收看电视的观众不经意间,会看到一个奇怪的歌手选拔赛:一个蓝色幕布的小房间里,迎面坐着三位气定神闲的评委,穿着随意的参赛选手上场,报上自己的编号,开口就唱,没有伴奏,没有章法,没有旋律,刚唱几句,观众还没听出个所以然,评委按铃,歌声戛然而止,评委点评,语言直白甚至尖刻,选手聆听,道谢,然后迅速离开,下一个上场。  相似文献   

斗笠 圆圆的斗笠,两层竹篾中间夹着箬叶精心编制而成。它与我度过了人生的20几个春秋,经历了抹不去的沧桑岁月。在那盛夏劳作的田野,如烤的烈日,头戴斗笠,手舞银锄,伴着吆喝声,唤来了阵阵凉风,拂面而过。汗滴禾下,禾叶随风舒展,禾苗深吸沃土乳汁,扎根土壤,沐浴着阳光,茁壮成长,伴随着劳动的歌声,走到收获的秋天。花开春日,如镜的稻田里,蛙声一片,万物复苏。三两日不时的小雨大雨,在农人们头戴的斗笠上“滴答、滴滴答答、滴滴答答、滴答”,是那不倦的时钟,昼夜兼程,告诉人们珍惜时光。  相似文献   

宝岛台湾,从荷兰殖民者侵占,到民族英雄郑成功收复,再到康熙统一海岛,日本侵占台湾……多少年来一直处于风雨飘摇之中。生于斯,长于斯的台湾诸多原住民,在数百年间,经历了隔海相望,惊世屈辱……尤其是日本占据台湾期间,更是充满黑暗,暴力,血腥,世居台湾的原住民族不易被大众所知晓,《头目哈古》一书可以提供一点线索,引领读者接近台湾的卑南人,了解一些有关的历史和现实。  相似文献   

天命五年(1620)三月,后金国发生了一件大事,大福晋突然被废,《满文老档》对此事记载甚悉,却独未言明大福晋系何人,这在当时大概并不成为川题,逮至后世,却引发了一场长期的争论,或谓大福晋系继妃富察氏,或言乃大妃阿巴亥,各执一端,实难定夺。今细究其据,略发浅见,以求引玉。  相似文献   

临夏回族自治州位于黄河上游,甘肃省中部西南面。东临洮河与定西地区相连,西依积石山与青海省毗连,南靠太子山与甘南州为邻,北濒湟水与兰州市接壤。平均海拔2000米,年平均气温6.30℃。境内山峦起伏,河流纵横,气候温和,风景优美,属于青藏高原与黄土高原的过渡地带的丘陵沟壑区,是农区与牧区、汉族地区与少数民族地区的“结合部”。临夏自秦汉以来,建县设郡,古称袍罕,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是实施西部大开发战略以来,临夏各族人民在州委、州政府的正确领导下,解放思想,更新观念,抢抓机遇,艰苦奋斗,经济社会发展取得了令人瞩目的成就。2005年全州完成生产总值56.23亿元,比1980年增长了8.28倍,在“十五”期间年均增长11%,其它各项主要指标也保持了两位数的增长速度。但与兄弟市(州)横向比较,我们就不能不正视落后的严峻现实,必须实事求是地审视临夏的发展状况,从全省看临夏,从全国30个自治州看临夏,对临夏所处的位置作出正确的判断,找准差距,分析原因,扬长避短,加快发展,争取用较短的时间缩小差距,提升位次。  相似文献   

金锦云 《民族论坛》2010,(12):62-62
小时候,故乡是温和的窝,摸爬嬉戏的岗丘,捉泥鳅,掏鸟巢,拾柴火,贫穷又快乐。村尾两间黄泥瓦房是学校,我认字读书的地方。长大后,村庄那牛粪,那香味,隐隐约约,缥缥渺渺。  相似文献   

位于兰州市北,因山上有一座白塔,寺因塔而得名,该寺抬建于元代,明朝重建,寺院平面呈长方形,白塔居中,塔身为八面七级,高约17米,上有绿顶,下有圆基,通体洁白,挺拔秀丽。登上白塔,可府视兰州市容,白塔与黄河上的铁桥构成雄浑壮丽的景色,成为兰州的象征之一。  相似文献   

吴迪 《中国民族》2013,(9):8-13
巍巍六盘,赫赫千仞,泱泱黄河,汤汤万里,厚土苍天,物阜民丰。青史浩繁,写满沧桑。问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?看春秋更迭,栽舟于民。登高怀古幽,缅先贤之圣绩;放眼望长空,思兴亡之常伦:千秋大计,以公为基;民生鸿业,以人为本!——摘自原宁夏回族自治区政府主席、现全国政协副主席、国家民委主任王正伟《民生赋》  相似文献   

进行数次长呼吸后走上靶台,举枪,端枪,击发,落枪,一名气步枪射手一定是个安静的人。这种想法,在记者见到杨静的那一刻来了个急转弯。杨静属于那种“耐看型”的姑娘,棱角分明透着倔强,肤色健康,青春逼人,喜欢裂开嘴大笑。她说,射击的时刻身边没有一切,那一刻自己才安静。  相似文献   

The article highlights the ongoing relevance of W.E.B. Du Bois for the global analysis of race and class. Engaging scholarly debates that have ensued within the educational subfields of critical race theory (CRT) and (revolutionary) critical pedagogy, the article explores how a deeper engagement with Du Bois’s ideas contributes theoretically and methodologically to these two subfields. Of particular focus is Du Bois’s conceptualization of a ‘guiding hundredth,’ which he forwarded as a corrective to his ideas of a ‘talented tenth.’ The article also offers a case study analysis of the film Sounds of a New Hope, which documents a hip hop exposure program to the Philippines. The case study draws upon Du Bois’s ‘guiding hundredth’ for a twenty-first century context as a Filipino American cultural worker utilizes hip hop to articulate, analyze, and alter the lived experiences for Filipino/a Americans in a global diaspora.  相似文献   

高永久  冯辉 《民族学刊》2023,14(1):1-12, 140
中国式现代化和中华民族共同体建设是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容。在现代国家建构视角下,中华民族共同体建设和中国式现代化表现为互相促成的逻辑关联和功能关系,分别发挥支撑与指向的功能作用,统一于全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的进程。中华民族共同体建设是推进中国式现代化的基础条件。多元一体的结构格局建设为推进中国式现代化提供了政治和文明两方面的显著优势;团结统一的内部秩序建设为推进中国式现代化提供安全保障,有助于避免认同危机、防范化解风险隐患;命运与共的共同愿景建设促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展,为推进中国式现代化提供实践动力。中国式现代化是加强中华民族共同体建设的发展指向,在性质指向上要求坚持中国共产党的领导和坚持中国特色社会主义道路,在内容指向上要求开展与“人口规模巨大”“全体人民共同富裕”“物质文明和精神文明相协调”“人与自然和谐共生”“走和平发展道路”相适应的内容建设;在价值指向上要求以“自由人的联合体”为远大理想和价值追求,努力促进各族人民的全面发展。维系并深化中国式现代化与中华民族共同体建设的逻辑关联,要重视铸牢中华民族共同体意识的联系纽带作用。  相似文献   

In cultural studies of cemetery locus there is a very important aspect of understanding the cemetery as a tool for the formation of the socio-cultural identity of living people. I adhere to the point of view that the cemetery has always produced, and continues to produce, a variety of identities. While during the pre-Modern period the cemetery was a necessary element of individual self-understanding as a member of a certain community, in the Modern era the cemetery produces more particularistic identities. Modernity generates some universal and abstract schemes of identification, and by means of the repression of death from public consciousness, cemeteries lose their role as a focal point in social communication. I draw attention to the radical utopian ideas of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov, who not only considered the cemetery as a locus of memory, but also proclaimed the task of the transformation of cemeteries into a base for universal work on resurrection of dead ancestors and the restoration of brotherly relations in all mankind.  相似文献   

十一五"期间,东北朝鲜族村整体步入"小康社会"。这一成果得益于新农村建设的成就。率先全面步入"小康社会"的东北朝鲜族开始以新农村建设为契机全面建设小康社会,它们的发展可以成为少数民族新农村建设的典范。从建设示范性、发展超前性、产业优势性和地缘族缘优势性研究东北朝鲜族新农村建设的特点,总结"十一五"东北朝鲜族新农村建设,为"十二五"民族地区的新农村建设提供一个值得借鉴的发展思路。  相似文献   

The Italian populist movement Lega Nord once famously claimed that the north of Italy was a nation (‘Padania’) that should be granted independence. Padania was posited by the party through a combination of outrageous anti-Italian statements, gatherings in places of historic and symbolic significance and through the selective appropriation of the past. This article takes this new ‘nation’ as a case study through which to further our understanding of the discursive strategies of nationalist movements, as they reinvent and rewrite history and redefine identities. It argues that some within the Lega, far from simply adopting a covert strategy of reinvention of the past (like many of their fellow nationalists do), openly advocated such strategy as a means of ‘liberation’. Moreover, the analysis highlights crucial contradictions between: the reality of strong, heterogeneous local identities in northern Italy and the effort of creating a new unitary community in the area; the needs of a hyper-modern economy and the longing for a mythic past; and, finally, a dubious rediscovered paganism and rooted Catholic traditions. The article argues that the lack of territorial and symbolic coherence in northern Italy was a crucial factor in making the Lega's attempts at re-invention less than compelling.  相似文献   

Education has played a fundamental role shaping Cape Verdean mobilities and recent increases in educational opportunities for poorer sections of the youth population have raised expectations for a better life. Through a discussion of how modern-day education has become a project of self-realisation, the article provides a detailed analysis of a regime of mobility that encouraged Cape Verdeans to study in vocational colleges in Portugal. It illustrates how the protocols signed between local councils in Cape Verde and the colleges created a responsibility vacuum that caused students to slip into illegality, perpetuating the inequalities which the pursuit of education is intended to redress. The ways in which Cape Verdean youth responded – navigating constraints to create the image of a successful life in Portugal against all odds – elucidate how the power of the moral expectation to succeed led them to work the system and to turn secondary education into a stepping stone for their mobility.  相似文献   

The main focus of this article is how a set of practices revolve around the formation of an imagined community in dispersion – diasporisation. The study discusses the case of the Chilean diaspora in Sweden and its transformation from an exile context to a post-exile context facing a drastically altered historical situation. This transformation is analysed as a matter of agency where practices are framed differently as a response to the demand perceived in the context. The outcome of this argument speaks in favour of a diaspora concept that focuses on practices and how these are framed in order to mobilise a putative dispersed population.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
This article examines nationalist impulses toward a familiar, traditional heteronormativity through the language and imagery of a sample of tabloid newspapers in Britain during the Falklands War in 1982. In doing so, it asks how tabloid representation of the war created a particular and normative version of ‘Britishness’, central to which was the English woman, whose body became the site for a specific coalescing of race, gender and sexuality; a fixed notion of whiteness and normative heterosexuality located in the particular, unstable cultural space of a struggling ‘post-colonial’ Britain.  相似文献   

梁音 《民族学刊》2011,2(5):56-62,94-95
洛带是近十多年来以"西部客家第一镇"而闻名海内外的一个成都东郊小镇。一年一度的客家水龙节是洛带民俗旅游活动的重头戏,而其中的女子舞龙队更是一道靓丽的风景线。东道主女性对旅游的参与程度和旅游对东道主社会介入的深度、旅游开发的类型与女性参与旅游活动的类型都是决定旅游对东道主地位变化影响的重要考察维度。洛带女子舞龙队虽然是水龙节表演的重要角色,但这种参与对旅游中女性东道主地位的影响甚微。  相似文献   

本文阐述了腐败的由来及当今的特点 ;腐败滋长与蔓延的根源 ;反腐败要标本兼治、综合治理、坚持不懈。  相似文献   

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