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Methadone Overdose Deaths Lead to Restrictive Bills in West Virginia Alabama Using SA Treatment Funds for Patients Discharged from Mental Facility Medical Examiners and Methadone Death Data Utah Governor Requests New Facilities, Drug Court Expansion Counseling Key to Buprenorphine Treatment SA Seen as Common Thread in Repeat Emergency Patients Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

CRC Expands Methadone Clinics to Treatment for Non‐Opiates U.S. Center, Canadian Tribe Forge Mutual Learning Partnership Digital Medication Program May Help Methadone Patients in Future Emergencies Blending Research and Practice: NIDA and SAMHSA Team up Opiate Withdrawal Drug Starts Phase III Clinical Trials Briefly Noted Names in the News Grants and Funding Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

National Drug Strategy Focuses on Public Health Approach Mich. Providers Can Benchmark Client‐ and System‐Level Metrics Opioids and Florida: Rx ODs Down, but Heroin ODs Up Adolescent SBIRT Encouraged by National Council ‘Grants’ Veteran Methadone Treatment Provider Calls for Better Access Briefly Noted In the States Coming up  相似文献   

Responding to Negative Press: Methadone, Buprenorphine Targeted Phoenix House Maximizes Chances to Operate Sober Homes The SAMHSA Comment on for‐Profits Hazelden's Seppala Presents on MAT at Rx Drug Abuse Summit Addiction Treatment May Benefit from Parity Lawsuit DOD's Tricare to Pay for Tobacco‐Cessation Medications State News Coming up  相似文献   

Methadone Mortality Summit Shifts Focus From OTPs to Pain Prescribing Lack of Cash Could Persuade California Counties to Tax Marijuana SAMHSA Says It Won't Change Confidentiality Regulations Congress to SAMHSA: Use Drug Court Money for Treatment Briefly Noted Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

No Money for Safe and Drug‐Free Schools Again, New ATR Vouchers House Subcommittee Considers Beefing up Treatment Language in Second Chance Act New ATR Voucher Program Substance Abuse Services and the Budget ‘Disproportionate Impact’ on African Americans FY 2006 Budget, Good and Bad Private Treatment Program for Methadone Detox Focuses on Buprenorphine SAMHSA Survey Looks at Role of Schools in Providing Services Applications Now Being Accepted for Director of Research and Program Applications Briefly Noted Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

Buprenorphine a Focus of Hearing on Government Support for Medications New Wrinkle in Drug Testing Debate: Hatch Proposes Screening the Unemployed Pennsylvania May Limit Methadone Treatment to One Year Letter to the Editor Parity Wins, Carve‐Outs Lose in Federal Court Ruling Briefly Noted Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Study Highlights Dilemma of Coordinating Care for Methadone Patients Lagging Foundation Support Forces Colorado Provider to Shut Operations Congress Moves Closer to Health Care Reform Bill Level Funding for Addiction Treatment in South Dakota Remembering Joel Hernandez: A True Recovery Hero Antipsychotic Drug Being Abused by Addicts Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Two N.J. Programs Join Forces to Capitalize on Economies of Scale, Synergy Wis. Providers Lament State Culture They Say Doesn't Back Treatment HARMD Agenda Worsens Methadone Stigma Issues Vermont Addiction Counselors Under Pressure to Have MH Licenses Police Pay Students for Drug Tips in Controversial Move White House Proposes Level Funding for SAPT Block Grant Briefly Noted State News Business Coming up  相似文献   

Medicaid Costs Go Down if Patients Have Access to Substance Abuse Treatment Most Alcohol Problems Missed by Health Plans: Study Alcohol Practice Standards Doctors Call in Media to Shun “Meth Baby” Myth Most Young People Have Seen Anti‐Drug Ads; Campaign Having an Impact Methadone Treatment in a Primary Setting Successful: Study Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Patients in Methadone Treatment Losing Custody of Babies Mass. Center Sees New Patients by Being Embedded in Hospital Welfare Recipients in Florida Must Take Drug Tests Under New Law Voices of Recovery San Mateo County: Vision, Mission, Governance Post‐Release Treatment Cuts Risk of Return to Prison ADHD Linked to Subsequent Substance Abuse Briefly Noted In the States Coming up  相似文献   

Sober Home Deaths in New York Spur Calls for Regulation Federal Data Show Self‐Help Groups as Integral Part of Individuals' Support The Fair Housing Act on Protecting Alcoholics and Drug Addicts Methadone Programs in Massachusetts Warn of More Cuts Arkansas Task Force Calls for Treatment Expansion Buprenorphine Offered at the Window for Stable Patients Update and Correction: Illinois Governor Restores $55 Million Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Omnibus Spending Bill Passed; SAPT Block Grant Increased, ‘Tap’ Eliminated Leaders Urge Diversified Approach to Advocacy at the State Level Pre‐Conviction Diversion is Best for Outcomes: TASC Report Study Finds Lack of Medicaid Providers May Limit Access to SUD Treatment Drug Courts Found Biased against Methadone, Buprenorphine Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

School Drug Testing Grants Raise Question About Role of Intervention SAMHSA Promotes Prevention Planning System for Wide Distribution Department of Education Drug Testing Grants Stanford Study Uses Alcoholism Model to Assess Internet Addiction Parents Need to Be Vigilant Chaperones of Teen Parties CSAT and NIDA Promote Use of the ASI for Treatment Planning Earlier Onset of Alcoholism Linked to Delay in Seeking Treatment Briefly Noted Coming Up  相似文献   

Attitudinal Barriers Pose Greatest Obstacle to Methadone Treatment Programs in Jails SAMHSA Brings Integrated Treatment to Provider Level with Release of TIP 42 New Mexico Legislation Addresses Methadone Treatment in Jails AATOD Cites Progress in Project to Increase Access to Methadone Treatment SAMHSA Making Strides in Treatment of Co‐Occurring Disorders Security of Health Information – The Latest HIPAA Deadline Names in the News Resources Briefly Noted Coming up…  相似文献   

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