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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Call to Action on Underage Drinking Emphasizes Coordinated Response Addiction Workforce Report Released without SAMHSA Endorsement NIDA Pain‐Addiction Conference Focuses on ‘Balance’ CTN to Evaluate 1‐Month Bupe Treatment for Rx Opiates Study Finds Power of Craving Underestimated by Opioid Addicts NJ Contracting System Changes Due to IG Investigation Recommendations from Workforce Report Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Teens Caught in the Middle: Juvenile Justice System and Treatment On Tap for SAMHSA: Reauthorization Expectations, Underage Drinking Efforts Eleven Elements of Effective Drug Treatment in Juvenile Justice System Programs Profiled in Drug Strategies Report Moreno Tuohy Assumes Permanent Position of NAADAC Executive Director: Merger Vote Coming Up NIDA Starts Special Funding Focus on African‐Americans, HIV and Incarceration New HIV Campaign Aimed at Teens Cannabinoid May Make New Brain Cells Grow, Reduce Depression in Rats Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA State‐By‐State Data Underscores Treatment Gap Prop.36 Cost‐Benefit Analysis Justifies Investment in Treatment New Events Sharpen Awareness Month's Focus on Youth Drinking Tribal Communities Need Services for Methamphetamine Addiction Prom, Graduation Season and the SADD Pledge Briefly Noted Requests for Applications Business Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

Methamphetamine Takes Center Stage at Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing Alcohol Exclusion Laws Preventing Screening for Alcohol and Drugs in Emergency Rooms SAMHSA Matrix Model for Methamphetamine Treatment Admissions for Drug Treatment Increase for Older Adults SAMHSA Makes Available Treatment Program Guide SAMHSA, ONDCP to Start Campaign Linking Marijuana, Mental Illness Access to Substance Abuse Treatment Reduces Alcohol‐Related Fatalities Most States have Alcohol Exclusion Laws Offender Re‐Entry Bill Shows Bipartisan Support Coming up…  相似文献   

Advocates Encouraged by Re‐Introduction of Bill to Prevent Underage Drinking ONDCP Director Questioned on Cuts at First Committee Budget Hearing Provisions of the STOP Underage Drinking Act Study: Certain Alcohol Ads May Influence Adolescent Drinking Controlling Access a Key Requirement of HIPAA Security Rule Names in the News Call for Registrants Business Notes Briefly Noted Coming up…  相似文献   

Adolescent Painkiller Use May Increase Risk of Addiction, Heroin Use Women's Component of NASADAD Offers Guidance Document for State Systems Parity Bill Attached to Tax Extender Bill Treatment Funds in Illinois Caught in Apparent Stalemate Substance Abuse: A 12‐Step Primer for Change No Drug Abuse, Underage Drinking or Smoking Allowed on YouTube Briefly Noted State Watch Names in News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Reduced Drinking is a Treatment Option for Some Massachusetts Insurance Mandate Legislation Would Affect Market In SAAS‐National Council Merger, Will SUDs Have a Voice? SAMHSA Plans ‘Listening Session’ on Changes to 42 CFR Part 2 Pennsylvania Governor Asks SSA to Coordinate Opioid Group Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

New Jersey's Recovery Mentor Initiative Increases Workforce More Good News for Youth in Annual Survey, but Treatment Gap Persists Review Shows No Beneficial Link Between ONDCP Campaign, Youth Use Theme at Annual Forum is Change and Journey into the Future Alcohol Expenditure Study Show Alcohol Industry Has Financial Interest in Underage Drinking Reversal of Doctor's Conviction Calls Attention to Pain Management Briefly Noted Grants and Funding Coming Up  相似文献   

Co‐Occurring Disorders Can Be Treated Within SAPT Block Grant Advocates Optimistic as Second Chance Act Clears House Committee Doctor's Sentence Highlights Challenges of Methadone Treatment Recovery Month Slated for Elimination by President's Proposed Budget SAMHSA Announces $96 Million in Access to Recovery Grants Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Rise in Marijuana, Heroin Use Top Concerns in NSDUH Release Long Waits for a Treatment Slot Take Toll on Staff, Reputation Advocates Dismayed as Legalization Moves Forward NIDA on Marijuana Legalization Recovery Month at SAMHSA: Wellness and Walks FDA Requires Black‐Box Warning on Some Opioids Resources Coming up  相似文献   

How CBT Can Help Addiction Treatment be More Recovery‐Oriented Hazelden Targets Young Adults for New NYC Programs Mixed News About Smoking from SAMHSA and the CDC New Commission for Accrediting Addiction Curricula ValueOptions Wins Grant to Use Peers to Cut Repeat Detox Teens in Substance Abuse Treatment Used Diverted Medical Marijuana: Study Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Counselors Rules to be Set by States: SAMHSA Mayo Program Addresses Substance Abuse in Pain Treatment Optum Explores Peers With Faces and Voices of Recovery Caron Takes Delray Beach to Court Over Sober Home Report From Betty Ford Recovery Meeting: Access to Treatment Field Expresses Concerns About Proposed SAMHSA Budget Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Congress Votes to Increase SCHIP Funding with Tobacco Taxes Study Finds 3.8% of Pain Patients Abuse their Opioid Medication Recovery Home Gets Grant from OxyContin Agreement New York State and the MSA NASADAD Makes Case for Increase in Block Grant Legal Community Pitches in to Prevent Underage Drinking Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Second Chance Act Briefly Noted Names in the News State Watch Resources Coming up  相似文献   

How Process Improvements Can Help the Bottom Line New Jersey Leaders Seek to Lift Barriers to Successful Reentry for Addicts The Five Key Principles of NIATx Change Diversify Funding to Increase Agency Admissions SAMHSA: 40% of Underage Drinkers Obtained Alcohol from Adults Use Free Technology to Improve Admissions and Outcomes Health‐Education‐Labor Spending Bill Delayed Briefly Noted State Watch Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Samaritan Village Program Aimed at Veterans' PTSD and Substance Abuse Oklahoma to Merge Medicaid, State Grant, and Block Grant Fee Systems TCA's Principles of Care for Returning Veterans Oklahoma Treatment Stats Drinking Associated with Earlier Onset of Colorectal Cancer Underage Drinking the Theme of Tuesday's 1,200 Town Hall Meetings Support for Faith‐Programs Continues in Face of Increasing Controversy Briefly Noted Business Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

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