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怀特海哲学既是一种科学哲学、宗教哲学、审美哲学,也是一种道德哲学。怀特海的道德哲学深于对当代文明危机的反思,并力图为道德文明提供一种宇宙论支持。这种支持最核心的意蕴便是把道德直觉和科学直觉、宗教直觉及审美直觉整合为一种统一的、一以贯之的世界观。  相似文献   

怀特海的哲学被称为“后现代的”,而且是“另类后现代的”,据柯布说,主要有三大理由:第一,他的认识论认为感官感知并非是首位的;第二,他的本体论认为构成世界的基本单位是实际事态,即点滴的经验,而不是如唯物论所说是无时间、无经验、无自由的基本粒子;第三,他的这些观点立足于坚实的现代科学基础,尤其是量子论.格里芬把怀特海的哲学称为广义经验论,并发展了该哲学,解决了哲学很多长期悬而未决的问题,诸如心-身关系、因果关系、上帝与世界的关系.  相似文献   

研究者们经常指出,怀特海的过程哲学是一种解释学哲学,但事实上,19世纪和20世纪的哲学解释学往往也是过程哲学。对于保罗.利科的解释理论来说,这一点尤为正确。利科把自我描述为与其环境一起处于一个不断变化的辩证过程。这个明察,再加上他关于前语言的实在对于经验之效应的主张,使利科成为怀特海学派的一位富有启发性的对话伙伴,同时也揭示了从现象学研究与语言分析的"主体主义"中产生过程形而上学的一种可能性。  相似文献   

王立志 《求是学刊》2013,40(5):33-38
摄入概念在怀特海的整个思想体系中居于核心地位,澄清这个概念是理解过程哲学的枢纽。怀特海重建形而上学的目的是为欧洲科学和文化的危机从传统内部寻求出路,他的这一目标是通过对从笛卡儿到休谟这一阶段哲学思想的再发现来实现的。怀特海通过创造性地解读培根、洛克、贝克莱的哲学著作以及雪莱和华兹华斯的自然诗,展示了一幅生动的自然画卷,完成了从自然机械论向自然机体论的转变。对摄入概念的历史性考察再现了这一思想历程。以"摄入"概念为突破口进入怀特海的思想世界是研究过程哲学的新进路。  相似文献   

大卫·格里芬是美国建设性后现代主义的领军人物。格里芬认为,怀特海哲学是通向生态思维的,怀特海哲学就是一种建设性后现代生态哲学。格里芬本人对生态问题的关注贯穿其学术生涯,他本人在对生态问题的具体认识上有一个不断发展、深化的过程。格里芬旁征博引包括相关科学家、哲学家、生态运动领袖等人的观点,对生态危机的真实情况、严重性、紧迫性做了全面深入的论述,有力地论证了生态危机是当前人类最大、最紧迫的危机,而不仅仅是众危机之一,并呼吁各界人士能了解生态危机、关注生态危机,在一切为时已晚前行动起来!  相似文献   

思辨的后现代主义──怀特海哲学[美]小约翰·B.科布张妮妮编译虽然怀特海本人没有用“后现代”(Postmodern)这个词,但他却是以后现代的调子去谈论现代的。特别是在他的《科学和现代世界》这本书里,现代受到了反驳。怀特海赞誉现代世界,但他也清楚地认...  相似文献   

论怀特海的过程哲学观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨富斌 《求是学刊》2013,40(5):23-32
怀特海哲学观的独特之处主要表现在:坚持哲学是宇宙论,试图对世界作综合性的研究和说明;同时又坚持哲学是形而上学,试图通过一系列形而上学概念和范畴来把握和说明现实世界。怀特海坚信,哲学的主题是普遍原理,哲学的功能是提供一般观念。  相似文献   

但昭明 《唐都学刊》2015,(3):121-124
长期以来,加之于怀特海身上的"神秘主义"往往只是被贬斥地理解成科学主义的对立面,这种是此非彼的思维模式妨碍了我们对怀特海哲学之整合性的理解。事实上,怀特海正是立足于科学自身的超越,试图将神秘主义理性化。这种消解对立、同于大一的哲学诉求恰好又应和了神秘主义的原初内涵。只有在此意义上,才能合理地理解怀特海的神秘主义。  相似文献   

怀特海过程哲学及其当代意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
怀特海在其主要著作《过程与实在》中提出了一个开放的、能动的、创造的无限宇宙观 ,其中根本的东西是过程和事件。怀特海有关创造性的、综合的和相关性的教育理论是其哲学宇宙观的应用。而传统的中国文化和美学思想中表现出的运动、生命和发展主题与怀特海的过程哲学息息相关。怀特海的整合学说对当今全球化经济和社会发展具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

杨倩 《创新》2015,9(1):71-74
怀特海的宇宙论是其教育哲学建构的思想基础。他认为宇宙的根本是"过程"和"事件",世界是开放的、动态的,是由处于一定时空关系中"事件"组合而成的统一体。基于这一理解,怀特海强调教育是人们自我发展、自我实现的过程,教育的作用就是要帮助学生发展学习的天性,教育的目标就是独特个体的培育。毫无疑问,他的教育哲学观对于当代教育实践及社会健康发展具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   


Studies of empathy and empathy-related responding show that while some people respond to observing the suffering of another with a prosocial concern and urge to help the suffering person, others have an aversive, avoidant response that is primarily self-focused and aimed toward relieving their own distress rather than helping the other person. This self-focused response, labeled personal distress, is associated with various social and psychological problems. This article discusses the concept of personal distress and describes a study of licensed clinical social workers (n = 171) that examines the relationship of personal distress and three other aspects of the empathy construct with compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction. Results of ordinary least squares multiple regression analyses indicate that the model of empathy components and control variables explain 20% to 23% of the variance in the dependent variables. Personal distress is the only component of the empathy construct with significant associations with the dependent variables. Higher personal distress is associated with higher compassion fatigue and burnout and lower compassion satisfaction among clinical social workers. Implications for future research and for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

In Roberts and Strayer (1996 ) we described how emotional factors were strongly related to children's empathy, which in turn strongly predicted prosocial behavior. This paper focuses on how these child emotional factors, assessed across methods and sources, related to parental factors (empathy, emotional expressiveness, encouragement of children's emotional expressiveness, warmth and control) for a subset of 50 two‐parent families from our earlier sample. Parents reported on their emotional characteristics and parenting; children (5 to 13 years old; 42% girls) also described parenting practices. Children's age and parenting factors accounted for an average of 32% of the variance in child emotional factors, which, with role‐taking, strongly predicted children's empathy. In contrast to earlier, less comprehensive studies, we found important paths between parents’ and children's empathy, mediated by children's anger. These countervailing pathways largely neutralized each other, resulting in the low correlations usually seen when parents’ and children's empathy are examined in isolation. Thus our findings are an important confirmation and extension of the theoretically expected link between parents’ and children's empathy.  相似文献   

Compassion fatigue is a relatively new term that describes the symptoms that are experienced by social workers and other helping professionals who work with clients experiencing trauma. This article defines the concept of compassion fatigue and relates compassion fatigue to Adult Protective Services (APS) social workers. It is proposed that APS social workers may be susceptible to the deleterious effects of compassion fatigue due to the nature of their work and environment. Suggestions for avoidance of compassion fatigue are also discussed, including self-care strategies and the need for continuing education regarding this phenomenon.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that empathy is important for social work practice, yet there are multiple dimensions of empathy and comparatively few studies of empathy as a component of social work skill. To date, published studies have been quantitative, and as a result, we know little about how social workers demonstrate empathy in practice or what skilled empathic practice in child and family social work might sound like. This study contributes to the development of understanding of empathy as a social work skill through a mixed‐methods analysis of 110 audio recordings of meetings in a child protection service between workers and parents, applying a coding framework for analysis. Findings indicate that workers who demonstrate higher levels of empathy skill use more open questions and reflections in their communication with parents. Further, they demonstrate curiosity about and make efforts to understand parents' often difficult experiences, including a focus on emotions. That the majority of workers were found not to demonstrate a high level of empathy skill presents concerns to be considered by the social work profession. A deeper understanding of empathy presents an opportunity for an increased focus in organizations to enable workers to demonstrate empathy towards families they work with.  相似文献   

感知与洞察:研究实践中的现象学社会学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨善华 《社会》2009,29(1):162-172
本文认为,现象学社会学对定性研究实践的最重要的意义在于,由现象学的内涵所规定而强调的一种积极的认知态度。而这种积极的认知态度一旦被贯彻,就会给我们的研究乃至学生培养和训练带来一种革命性的改变。这样一种认知在研究实践中经由感知与洞察得以完成,从而获得对现象的意义的相对深刻与准确的理解和解释,由此也给出了现象学社会学将“日常生活”作为其主要研究领域的原因:日常生活即是“生活世界”的中心,而由社会行动者(包括他们形成的主体间际)及其生活于其中的环境所组成的生活世界在某种程度上可以称之为一个意义的世界。  相似文献   

This article presents the goals, rationale, history, and some implementing techniques to help disoriented old-old restore dignity and self worth in a group. The techniques focus on non-verbal helping methods. Validation/Fantasy is based on the following principles: 1) There is reason behind all behavior. 2) Each stage of life has different goals. 3) Goals of severely disoriented aged are to resolve the past. 4) Each human is valuable and unique. 5) The helper must use empathy and genuine human regard, tuning into the goals of the "other." 6) Damage to sensory cells can lead to a gradual blurring of present reality and self-awareness. 7) Early-learned emotional memory replaces cognitive thinking in disoriented aged. 8) Disoriented aged can tap logical thinking centers when they are helped to resolve the past. 9) Validation/Fantasy tunes into the old-old. Some prefer to remain in the past. Some can return to the present. No one formula works for everyone. 10) People who are disoriented and old-old and who cannot return to the outside community deserve to resolve the past and justify their past roles before death.  相似文献   

Empathy and Observed Anger and Aggression in Five-Year-Olds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In Roberts and Strayer (1996 ), we reported that emotional expressiveness and anger were important predictors of empathy for school‐age children, and that empathy strongly predicted prosocial behaviors aggregated across methods and sources. In this paper, we report how empathy was associated with direct observations of anger and aggression in peer play groups. Twenty‐four initially unacquainted five‐year‐old children (50% girls) were randomly assigned to six same‐sex groups; each group met for three one‐hour play sessions. Physical and verbal aggression, object struggles and anger were coded from videotapes, as were prosocial and social behaviors. As expected, empathy (aggregated across methods and sources) was negatively associated with aggression and anger, and positively associated with prosocial behaviors. Although children who were more angry were also more aggressive, anger and aggression did not covary across play sessions as a simple causal model requires. These results suggest further directions for research in emotions and aggression.  相似文献   

In moral psychology, it has long been argued that empathy is a necessary capacity of both properly developing moral agents and developed moral agency ( Blair, 2008 ; Hume et al., 1978 ). This view stands in tension with the belief that some individuals diagnosed with autism—which is typically characterized as a deficiency in social reciprocity (including empathy)—are moral agents. In this paper we propose to explore this tension and perhaps trouble how we commonly see those with autism. To make this task manageable, we will consider whether high functioning individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder are capable of empathetic responses. If they are, then they possess a capacity that, on the view above, is required for moral agency. If they are not so capable, and yet sometimes engage in moral behaviour, this casts some doubt on the claim that empathy is required for moral agency. This second possibility will necessitate an exploration of the capacity of some individuals with autism to engage in moral behaviour, giving us further grounds to re-see these individuals as moral agents.  相似文献   

The recent challenge of Dynamical Systems Theory (also known as ComplexityTheory or Chaos Theory) to the social sciences, is based largely on the beliefthat processes in the social arena can be considered as analogous to those of the natural world, and that in consequence general theoretical advances in explaining the latter might with advantage be applied to the former. This paper aims to show that claims for Dynamical Systems Theory with respect to the understanding or measurement of social processes would be premature; the reasons for this lying not only in the unfamiliarity and operational difficulties of Dynamical Systems Theory in itself, but also in the problematic nature and history of our usage of the term 'social process'. Reviewing some examples of such usage from Sociology and Social Psychology, it is concluded that Dynamical Systems Theory might serve as a catalyst for a re-examination of existing orthodoxies and major concepts, but that progress would be retarded by the uncritical application of it's terminology, concepts, and techniques of mathematical modelling, without this prior and demanding first step.  相似文献   

路英浩 《社会》2007,27(5):89-89
本文根据费孝通的有关理论、观点提出“乡寰视野”、“劦业乡”两个概念,尝试以此来诠释费孝通关于中国城乡社会发展与世界经济之“休戚与共”的理论和实践活动。文章阐述了费孝通“乡寰视野”观的渊源、演进;从概念结构上解明“乡寰视野”中的“乡”和“寰”,以及“劦业乡”各自的内涵构成;通过对映衬费孝通“乡寰视野”历史意识的理论梳理,以及对费孝通晚年就“乡”“寰”关系问题所作阐述的把握,试图以更具综合性的视域对费孝通的这一重要思想作出较为系统的学理解释。文章最后指出,费孝通倡导“文化自觉”体现出了更为宽广、更为仁至的人文关怀的情愫。“乡寰视野”中的纯真的愿景,是“‘美好社会’的意念”。  相似文献   

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