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Abstract. We study point patterns of events that occur on a network of lines, such as road accidents recorded on a road network. Okabe and Yamada developed a ‘network K function’, analogous to Ripley's K function, for analysis of such data. However, values of the network K‐function depend on the network geometry, making interpretation difficult. In this study we propose a correction of the network K‐function that intrinsically compensates for the network geometry. This geometrical correction restores many natural and desirable properties of K, including its direct relationship to the pair correlation function. For a completely random point pattern, on any network, the corrected network K‐function is the identity. The corrected estimator is intrinsically corrected for edge effects and has approximately constant variance. We obtain exact and asymptotic expressions for the bias and variance of under complete randomness. We extend these results to an ‘inhomogeneous’ network K‐function which compensates for a spatially varying intensity of points. We demonstrate applications to ecology (webs of the urban wall spider Oecobius navus) and criminology (street crime in Chicago).  相似文献   

We propose a new summary statistic for inhomogeneous intensity‐reweighted moment stationarity spatio‐temporal point processes. The statistic is defined in terms of the n‐point correlation functions of the point process, and it generalizes the J‐function when stationarity is assumed. We show that our statistic can be represented in terms of the generating functional and that it is related to the spatio‐temporal K‐function. We further discuss its explicit form under some specific model assumptions and derive ratio‐unbiased estimators. We finally illustrate the use of our statistic in practice. © 2014 Board of the Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics  相似文献   

Geometric Anisotropic Spatial Point Pattern Analysis and Cox Processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider spatial point processes with a pair correlation function, which depends only on the lag vector between a pair of points. Our interest is in statistical models with a special kind of ‘structured’ anisotropy: the pair correlation function is geometric anisotropic if it is elliptical but not spherical. In particular, we study Cox process models with an elliptical pair correlation function, including shot noise Cox processes and log Gaussian Cox processes, and we develop estimation procedures using summary statistics and Bayesian methods. Our methodology is illustrated on real and synthetic datasets of spatial point patterns.  相似文献   

Improving Ratio Estimators of Second Order Point Process Characteristics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ripley's K function, the L function and the pair correlation function are important second order characteristics of spatial point processes. These functions are usually estimated by ratio estimators, where the numerators are Horvitz–Thompson edge corrected estimators and the denominators estimate the intensity or its square. It is possible to improve these estimators with respect to bias and estimation variance by means of adapted distance dependent intensity estimators. Further improvement is possible by means of refined estimators of the square of intensity. All this is shown by statistical analysis of simulated Poisson, cluster and hard core processes.  相似文献   


Kernel estimation is a popular approach to estimation of the pair correlation function which is a fundamental spatial point process characteristic. Least squares cross validation was suggested by Guan [A least-squares cross-validation bandwidth selection approach in pair correlation function estimations. Statist Probab Lett. 2007;77(18):1722–1729] as a data-driven approach to select the kernel bandwidth. The method can, however, be computationally demanding for large point pattern data sets. We suggest a modified least squares cross validation approach that is asymptotically equivalent to the one proposed by Guan but is computationally much faster.  相似文献   

We apply the Abramson principle to define adaptive kernel estimators for the intensity function of a spatial point process. We derive asymptotic expansions for the bias and variance under the regime that n independent copies of a simple point process in Euclidean space are superposed. The method is illustrated by means of a simple example and applied to tornado data.  相似文献   

We study minimum contrast estimation for parametric stationary determinantal point processes. These processes form a useful class of models for repulsive (or regular, or inhibitive) point patterns and are already applied in numerous statistical applications. Our main focus is on minimum contrast methods based on the Ripley's K‐function or on the pair correlation function. Strong consistency and asymptotic normality of theses procedures are proved under general conditions that only concern the existence of the process and its regularity with respect to the parameters. A key ingredient of the proofs is the recently established Brillinger mixing property of stationary determinantal point processes. This work may be viewed as a complement to the study of Y. Guan and M. Sherman who establish the same kind of asymptotic properties for a large class of Cox processes, which in turn are models for clustering (or aggregation).  相似文献   

To analyze interactions in marked spatiotemporal point processes (MSTPPs), we introduce marked second‐order reduced moment measures and K‐functions for inhomogeneous second‐order intensity‐reweighted stationary MSTPPs. These summary statistics, which allow us to quantify dependence between different mark‐based classifications of points, depend on the specific mark space and mark reference measure chosen. Unbiased and consistent minus‐sampling estimators are derived for all statistics considered, and a test for random labeling is indicated. In addition, we treat Voronoi intensity estimators for MSTPPs. These new statistics are finally employed to analyze an Andaman Sea earthquake data set.  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial Cox point processes is a natural framework for quantifying the various sources of variation governing the spatial distribution of rain forest trees. We introduce a general criterion for variance decomposition for spatial Cox processes and apply it to specific Cox process models with additive or log linear random intensity functions. We moreover consider a new and flexible class of pair correlation function models given in terms of normal variance mixture covariance functions. The proposed methodology is applied to point pattern data sets of locations of tropical rain forest trees.  相似文献   

The average availability of a repairable system is the expected proportion of time that the system is operating in the interval [0, t]. The present article discusses the nonparametric estimation of the average availability when (i) the data on ‘n’ complete cycles of system operation are available, (ii) the data are subject to right censorship, and (iii) the process is observed upto a specified time ‘T’. In each case, a nonparametric confidence interval for the average availability is also constructed. Simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optimal estimation method for the shape parameter, probability density function and upper tail probability of the Pareto distribution. The new method is based on a weighted empirical distribution function. The exact efficiency functions of the estimators relative to the existing estimators are derived. The paper gives L 1-optimal and L 2-optimal weights for the new weighted estimator. Monte Carlo simulation results confirm the theoretical conclusions. Both theoretical and simulation results show that the new estimation method is more efficient relative to several existing methods in many situations.  相似文献   

The conditional intensity function of a spatial point process describes how the probability that a point of the process occurs ‘at’ a particular point in its carrier space depends on the realisation of the process in the remainder of the carrier space. Provided that the point process is simple, the conditional intensity determines all of the properties of the process, in particular its likelihood function. In this paper, we review the use of the conditional intensity function in the formulation of point process models and in making inferences from point process data, giving separate consideration to temporal, spatial and spatiotemporal settings. We argue that the conditional intensity function should take centre-stage in spatiotemporal point process modelling and analysis.  相似文献   

Sometimes, in industrial quality control experiments and destructive stress testing, only values smaller than all previous ones are observed. Here we consider nonparametric quantile estimation, both the ‘sample quantile function’ and kernel-type estimators, from such record-breaking data. For a single record-breaking sample, consistent estimation is not possible except in the extreme tails of the distribution. Hence replication is required, and for m. such independent record-breaking samples the quantile estimators are shown to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal as m-→∞. Also, for small m, the mean-squared errors, biases and smoothing parameters (for the smoothed estimators) are investigated through computer simulations.  相似文献   

This article reviews semiparametric estimators for limited dependent variable (LDV) models with endogenous regressors, where nonlinearity and nonseparability pose difficulties. We first introduce six main approaches in the linear equation system literature to handle endogenous regressors with linear projections: (i) ‘substitution’ replacing the endogenous regressors with their projected versions on the system exogenous regressors x, (ii) instrumental variable estimator (IVE) based on E{(error) × x} = 0, (iii) ‘model-projection’ turning the original model into a model in terms of only x-projected variables, (iv) ‘system reduced form (RF)’ finding RF parameters first and then the structural form (SF) parameters, (v) ‘artificial instrumental regressor’ using instruments as artificial regressors with zero coefficients, and (vi) ‘control function’ adding an extra term as a regressor to control for the endogeneity source. We then check if these approaches are applicable to LDV models using conditional mean/quantiles instead of linear projection. The six approaches provide a convenient forum on which semiparametric estimators in the literature can be categorized, although there are a few exceptions. The pros and cons of the approaches are discussed, and a small-scale simulation study is provided for some reviewed estimators.  相似文献   

We consider an inhomogeneous Poisson process X on [0, T]. The intensity function of X is supposed to be strictly positive and smooth on [0, T] except at the point θ, in which it has either a 0-type singularity (tends to 0 like |x| p , p∈(0, 1)), or an ∞-type singularity (tends to ∞ like |x| p , p∈(?1, 0)). We suppose that we know the shape of the intensity function, but not the location of the singularity. We consider the problem of estimation of this location (shift) parameter θ based on n observations of the process X. We study the Bayesian estimators and, in the case p>0, the maximum-likelihood estimator. We show that these estimators are consistent, their rate of convergence is n 1/(p+1), they have different limit distributions, and the Bayesian estimators are asymptotically efficient.  相似文献   

With reference to a specific dataset, we consider how to perform a flexible non‐parametric Bayesian analysis of an inhomogeneous point pattern modelled by a Markov point process, with a location‐dependent first‐order term and pairwise interaction only. A priori we assume that the first‐order term is a shot noise process, and that the interaction function for a pair of points depends only on the distance between the two points and is a piecewise linear function modelled by a marked Poisson process. Simulation of the resulting posterior distribution using a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm in the ‘conventional’ way involves evaluating ratios of unknown normalizing constants. We avoid this problem by applying a recently introduced auxiliary variable technique. In the present setting, the auxiliary variable used is an example of a partially ordered Markov point process model.  相似文献   

In the existing statistical literature, the almost default choice for inference on inhomogeneous point processes is the most well‐known model class for inhomogeneous point processes: reweighted second‐order stationary processes. In particular, the K‐function related to this type of inhomogeneity is presented as the inhomogeneous K‐function. In the present paper, we put a number of inhomogeneous model classes (including the class of reweighted second‐order stationary processes) into the common general framework of hidden second‐order stationary processes, allowing for a transfer of statistical inference procedures for second‐order stationary processes based on summary statistics to each of these model classes for inhomogeneous point processes. In particular, a general method to test the hypothesis that a given point pattern can be ascribed to a specific inhomogeneous model class is developed. Using the new theoretical framework, we reanalyse three inhomogeneous point patterns that have earlier been analysed in the statistical literature and show that the conclusions concerning an appropriate model class must be revised for some of the point patterns.  相似文献   

In this study, a new method for the estimation of the shrinkage and biasing parameters of Liu-type estimator is proposed. Because k is kept constant and d is optimized in Liu’s method, a (k, d) pair is not guaranteed to be the optimal point in terms of the mean square error of the parameters. The optimum (k, d) pair that minimizes the mean square error, which is a function of the parameters k and d, should be estimated through a simultaneous optimization process rather than through a two-stage process. In this study, by utilizing a different objective function, the parameters k and d are optimized simultaneously with the particle swarm optimization technique.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two SUR type estimators based on combining the SUR ridge regression and the restricted least squares methods. In the sequel these estimators are designated as the restricted ridge Liu estimator and the restricted ridge HK estimator (see Liu in Commun Statist Thoery Methods 22(2):393–402, 1993; Sarkar in Commun Statist A 21:1987–2000, 1992). The study has been made using Monte Carlo techniques, (1,000 replications), under certain conditions where a number of factors that may effect their performance have been varied. The performance of the proposed and some of the existing estimators are evaluated by means of the TMSE and the PR criteria. Our results indicate that the proposed SUR restricted ridge estimators based on K SUR, K Sratio, K Mratio and [(K)\ddot]{\ddot{K}} produced smaller TMSE and/or PR values than the remaining estimators. In contrast with other ridge estimators, components of [(K)\ddot]{\ddot{K}} are defined in terms of the eigenvalues of X* X*{X^{{\ast^{\prime}}} X^{\rm \ast}} and all lie in the open interval (0, 1).  相似文献   

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