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本文在阅读原著的基础上,回顾了自19世纪下半期以来西方学者尤其是英美学者对中国回族伊斯兰教进行研究的标志性作品,并试图对其内容、方法和观点进行扼要的评述,以观照当前国内正在兴起的回族学研究.  相似文献   

学界及社会各界对伊斯兰教赛莱菲耶存在三个认识误区:一是聚焦当代赛莱菲耶运动及不同的赛莱菲耶团体的政治层面而忽视其更为根本的教义思想、教法主张及特点,实际上赛莱菲耶的政治主张不一,有的积极参与政治,有的拒绝卷入政治;有的主张武力革命,有的采取合法手段参与政治;有的支持本国政府,有的反对本国政府。二是把当代赛莱菲耶的广泛传播和较大吸引力归因于沙特阿拉伯的经费支持,实际上赛莱菲耶团体的许多捐款不是来自沙特,一些赛莱菲耶追随者敌视沙特王室的统治和政策。三是把国际赛莱菲耶与中国赛莱菲耶视为具有相同内涵与特点的思潮和运动,实际上中国的赛莱菲耶不具有政治色彩,但它与国际赛莱菲耶具有宗教上的联系。本文通过对中外文文献资料梳理当代赛莱菲耶在穆斯林世界的发展、赛莱菲耶的教义思想和教法主张及特点,结合我们对甘肃、陕西、云南等地赛莱菲耶的田野调查,分析当代赛莱菲耶对中国穆斯林的影响。  相似文献   

伊朗与中国之间的文化交流有悠久的历史,在伊朗成为伊斯兰教国家之后,伊朗伊斯兰文化对中国穆斯林民族产生了深刻的影响,其中在中国穆斯林文化教育及苏菲派门宦方面的影响尤其明显。  相似文献   

伊斯兰法对青海穆斯林社会的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在介绍了伊斯兰法在青海穆斯林社会的传播情况之后,深入分析了它对青海穆斯林个人生活、婚姻家庭生活和社会生活三大领域的影响。最后认为,穆斯林传统法观念化了的伊斯兰法与社会主义法作为两种在性质上根本不同的法律制度,在调整人类生活方面既有冲突,也有连接点。只要树立正确的观念,就能转消极因素为积极因素,并为现实社会服务。  相似文献   

以丰厚历史底蕴和文化内涵著称的阿拉伯香料在阿拉伯民族的物质生活乃至精神生活中均占有重要地位.独特的阿拉伯香料是物质与精神完美结合的产物,其中蕴藏的精神情结被传承和延续了数千年,不但体现了阿拉伯香料文化的丰富内涵,还对东西方其他民族的文化产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

俭而不吝是中国伊斯兰文化节约理念的重要内容。节俭为本是中国穆斯林的行为准则,伊儒相通是中国伊斯兰文化节约理念的理论来源。中国穆斯林的节约习惯是一种文化自觉行为,也是一种道德涵养。在我国政府高度重视并强调"资源节约型与环境友好型社会"之际,中国伊斯兰文化节约理念有着积极意义。  相似文献   

中国穆斯林同其他50多个民族一道,在开发边疆、保家卫国的历史长河中做出了卓越贡献,其中伊斯兰文化关于爱教必爱国的思想起着重要作用。随着社会的变迁,他们当中涌现出了许多可歌可泣的爱国志士,其英雄事迹永远鼓舞着后辈儿孙们遵守教义,忠于祖国,奋发图强。  相似文献   

伊斯兰文化作为渊源于异域的宗教文化,在传入中国国土后,面临着一个与区域本土文化适应的历程.多向的采借与吸纳成为了伊斯兰文化在异域空间中获取生息的关节要件.旨在中国国土扎根的伊斯兰文化,借用了所置身区域的本土文化,在会通之中将自身的文化和本土文化交融并接,最终形塑凝炼成一个兼具多重特色并举特定时空中的符号.于每年一次在夺底沟回民穆斯林墓地举行的拉萨回民的抓饭节就是伊斯兰文化在直面特殊区域的过程中,对藏文化采用会通性行为而嫁接成的必然产物.  相似文献   

本文是三位作者在中国伊斯兰教与世界伊斯兰教、伊斯兰教与中国传统文化的关系、"以儒诠经"与"回儒共明"、伊斯兰教在中国的民族化与本土化等方面的对话。  相似文献   

Li Kun 《民族学刊》2024,15(13):40-48, 124
The concept of the Community for the Chinese Nation is an expression of the shared destiny among the diverse ethnic groups within China, marking a new level of holistic development for the Chinese nation. Moreover, culture can be described as the collective character of an entire nation, not only the soul of a national community but also as a most fundamental and enduring shaping force for a nation. Consequentially, fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is essentially an act of social and cultural construction. This, therefore, would necessitate a profound understanding of the cultural connotation of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, accurately grasping the cultural coordinates of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, consolidating the cultural foundation underpinning Chinese national unity, and building a cultural nexus fostering consensus in values among all ethnic groups.The aim of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is to shape a sustainable culture for the Chinse nation based on the foundation of the community. Among them, the acknowledgment of common ethnic cultural narratives is viewed as a historical bedrock for engendering a sense of community for the Chinese nation, while shared ethnic cultural genes can be likened to scaffolding for the development of this sense of community for the Chinese nation; lastly, common ethnic cultural emotions are seen as a psychological manifestation of this communal sense. Findings, moreover, show that against the backdrop of relentless globalization and unprecedented socio-political transformations unseen in a century, the escalating instability and uncertainty of global development underline the growing identity chasm between economic and cultural entities. This appears to necessitate a reassessment of the cultural adaptability, openness, and other value systems of the East and the West from a community perspective. In this context, this study infers that global population mobility, infiltration of hostile forces, and cultural relativism have posed serious challenges to fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. However, amidst these challenges, apparently the prevalent trend in the world today remains a deep communication and exchange among ethnic cultures, underscoring the resilience of cultural dynamism globally, even amidst adversity. Results also indicate that the collision and integration of global multiculturalism, the rise of China’s global influence, and the substantial practice of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have also injected new vitality and opportunities into fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.In this regard, this article deems it imperative to clarify the coordinates of the era for fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, viewing it through a lens that transcends national boundaries. Central to this endeavor is a steadfast adherence to the value orientations of ethnic-cultural equality, integration, and cooperation. This would, furthermore, necessitate an active cultivation of agents of cultural practice, cultural dissemination, cultural identity, and cultural creation of Chinese national community consciousness. Moreover, it is considered paramount to strengthen the cultural bonds of the great unity of the Chinese nation, continuously enhance the cultural vitality, cohesion, and centripetal force of the Chinese national community, jointly build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, and infuse robust cultural strength for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

Li Kun 《民族学刊》2024,15(1):40-48, 124
文化代表着整个民族的集体品格,既是民族共同体的灵魂,也是一个民族最基本、最持久的塑造力量。铸牢中华民族共同体意识本质上是一种文化构建的实践活动,中华民族共同的民族文化叙事、共同的民族文化基因、共同的民族文化情感赋予了中华民族共同体意识深刻的文化内涵。当今,经济全球化与“百年未有之大变局”构成了铸牢中华民族共同体意识的双重文化语境。在这一背景下,全球性人口流动、敌对势力渗透、文化相对主义思潮等给铸牢中华民族共同体意识带来了严峻挑战;同时,全球多元文化碰撞融合、我国国际影响力提升以及中华民族复兴的伟大实践也为铸牢中华民族共同体意识注入了新的活力与机遇。对此,我们要在全球视域下明晰铸牢中华民族共同体意识的时代坐标,坚持民族文化平等、民族文化交融、民族文化合作的价值导向,积极培育中华民族共同体意识的文化承载主体、文化传播主体、文化认同主体和文化创造主体,为铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供持续的文化动能。  相似文献   

论春节的传统意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于春节日益淡化的现象,我们需要深入研究,而要研究,我们首先必须回答的根本问题是“春节是什么?”只有回答了这一根本问题,我们的研究才能深入。“春节是什么”这一问题与传统社会是分不开的,传统中国社会的主体是宗法社会,宗法社会是以血缘关系为纽带建立起来的注重身份等级的血缘共同体,而传统春节的核心意义正在于它是维系传统宗法血缘共同体和熟人社会得以和谐运转的一种节日仪式,它为具有强烈的宗法观念和情感的人们提供了一种亲情交流的契机和纽带。  相似文献   

Throughout the evolutionary history of the Chinese nation, a common belief system and a shared spiritual realm among diverse ethnic groups have been rooted in the concept of “home”. The notion of “home” can be defined as a rational narrative that firmly forges a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. The nurturing function of family education and the influence of the familial traditions may facilitate the integration of the internal ethical concept and the external political value of the family and commix these with mainstream consciousness, laying a foundation of the core content, cultural psychology, and value pursuit of the sense of community for the Chinese nation, and constituting a theoretical framework that fosters a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. At the same time, the daily practices within families — such as livelihood, education, and adherence to traditions — have organically constructed the practice form of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. The ethical principles and moral order constructed by “familial” relationships are considered an ethical narrative for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. The concept of “family” contains the virtuous elements of norms, loving bonds, and mutual support, which makes up the essential foundation of a “home”. Consequentially, such an ideal and harmonious ethical framework includes the construction of standards for ethical obligations and moral conduct. In addition, the concept of “family” could be viewed as an ideological foundation of consolidating a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. Research, moreover, demonstrates that in China this family ethic of “affinity” and love within the “family” has been continuously deepened, derived, and expanded. These family principles have then been transformed into political ethics and public ethics through moral empathy and rules, and finally internalized as common beliefs and ethical cultural norms of the Chinese national community, integrated universally within its social fabric. Based on the above, it can be argued that the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation serves as a “field” of collective memory for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. Furthermore, this collective memory of the spiritual home of the Chinese nation has been passed down and extended in time and space, which ensures the transmission, preservation, and continuous evolution of the space-time interaction of the sense of community for the Chinese nation. It represents a deeply philosophical narrative for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. In conclusion, this article maintains that a macro-theoretical framework for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation needs to be supported by a “meta” theory at the micro-level. From “establishing” and “cultivating” to “forging”, the sense of community for the Chinese nation originates in the meta-narrative of “home”. This is embodied in the micro-field of cultivating virtue through familial education, shaping the ethical and moral standards rooted in daily life, and building the spiritual home of the China nation. Therefore, the interconnected narratives of home, family, and homeland arguably constitute the meta-narrative of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, providing theoretical support for the construction of a macro discourse system for the Chinese national community.  相似文献   

Wang Chaopin  Long Ye 《民族学刊》2024,15(13):65-72, 127
This paper posits a close or symbiotic relationship between forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and a Chinese path to modernization characterized by shared core content, main strengths, and the pursuit of goals. Furthermore, promoting all ethnic groups to jointly move towards socialist modernization is viewed as an important embodiment of Chinese modernization. A cornerstone of this modernization, in which all the people should enjoy common prosperity, is the pursuit of common development and progress among the 56 ethnic groups as a whole. This mode of development would potentially help advance national unity and integration as well as enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the Chinese nation. In other words, it can be said that while promoting shared progress for all ethnic groups, a Chinese-style modernization could also strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation and play a vital role in forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.From the perspective of China’s historical and contemporary realities, this study strongly premises that fostering a strong sense of national community is pivotal for the advancement of Chinese modernization. Supported by findings, it can be argued that this fostering could serve to further strengthen the emotional ties of national identity and ethnic integration, enhance a collective sense of identity and belonging of people among diverse ethnic peoples within the Chinese nation, form a common value orientation, further consolidate and develop principles of equality, unity, mutual assistance, and harmony among ethnic groups. Furthermore, fostering a strong sense of national community could also facilitate a conducive environment for societal advancement and modernization for China’s ethnic groups, thereby forming a harmonious and stable social environment, and providing strong inner motivation for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Based on an understanding of a dialectical relationship between forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and the Chinese path to modernization, this article states that efforts should be made to explore a practical implementation of promoting the Chinese path to modernization through forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation. Specifically, this ought to entail a multifaceted approach encompassing the following key initiatives: 1) Strengthening political leadership. Efforts should be directed towards strengthening the political organizational structure of the Party by improving the system and mechanisms of grassroots party unit construction, strengthening the Party’s core capabilities in ethnic affairs, and adhering to the Party’s strategy of border governance following the law. 2) Enhancing ideological consensus. This paper infers it would necessitate prioritizing initiatives aimed at enhancing the “five identities”, establishing a correct view of the history of the Chinese nation, building a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation, promoting a unity and alignment of ethnic and national identities among all ethnic groups, and continuously enhancing the overall cohesion of the Chinese nation. 3) Consolidating the material foundation. High-quality development should be implemented across all facets of the socioeconomic expansion process of ethnic regions. To this end, tailored support policies should be formulated and implemented to promote the revitalization and prosperity of border lands and stabilize them, taking into account the unique cultural and geographical characteristics of each region. 4) Strengthening social education. Lastly, one should closely adhere to core requirements and prioritize educational endeavors on national unity and progress by starting with education on imbuing socialist core values, strengthening the awareness of the Chinese national community, and protecting excellent national culture.  相似文献   

Wang Chaopin  Long Ye 《民族学刊》2024,15(1):65-72, 127
铸牢中华民族意识和中国式现代化在核心内容、主体力量和实现目标等方面关系紧密、互促互进,中华民族共同体意识是推进中国式现代化的题中之义,中国式现代化是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的战略支撑,二者协同推进中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的实现。中国式现代化在促进各民族共同发展的同时,也加强了中华民族的共同体意识,为铸牢中华民族共同体发挥了重要作用。从历史和现实来看,以铸牢中华民族共同体意识推进中国式现代化十分重要且必要,这是践行以人民为中心的发展思想的现实需要,是推动边疆民族地区高质量发展的时代需要,还是实现第二个百年奋斗目标的战略需要。基于对铸牢中华民族共同体意识和中国式现代化辩证关系的认识,应从政治领导、思想共识、物质基础、社会教育四个层面出发夯实中国式现代化的思想根基,并在此基础上着力探寻以铸牢中华民族共同体意识推进中国式现代化的实践向度。铸牢中华民族共同体意识,增强中华民族凝聚力和向心力,夯实新时代各族人民共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的思想基础,对于实现中国式现代化具有重大现实意义和深远实践指向。  相似文献   

Bi Wenzhang  Jimu Haxue 《民族学刊》2024,15(15):19-27, 131
Ethnic dance in Minzu colleges and universities has demonstrated to play a significant role in education, promoting both ethnic cultural exchange and integration, as well as forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. Taking the campus ethnic dance of a Minzu university in Southwest China as its research object while employing targeted sampling and snowball methods, this paper conducted in-depth interviews with college students of Tibetan, Yi, Uyghur, Kazak, Tujia, Miao, Han, and other ethnic backgrounds that have been participating in the campus ethnic dance activities. It attempts to explore the exchanges and communication among students of diverse ethnicities during said dance events. Starting from the two dimensions of campus ethnic dance practice and cultural identity, this study takes the theory of functionalism as the research perspective. It investigates how participation in these dances may improve interpersonal skills, facilitate the sharing of different ethnic cultural symbols, and promote both ethnic identity and the broader Chinese national identity.Results show that campus ethnic dance activities serve two main functions: Firstly, they can promote college students’ interpersonal skills by having provided a platform for interpersonal communication, having reduced interpersonal barriers, expanded the opportunities for interpersonal communication, and eliminated potential gaps in interpersonal communication. Secondly, campus folk dance activities have been able to foster cultural integration and mutual embedding. Cultural embedding not only has the potential to preserve and pass on high traditional culture of ethnic minorities but also to carry forward and develop high traditional Chinese culture. The research additionally finds that campus ethnic dance can promote cultural and psychological integration, encourage cognitive consensus, facilitate the mutual influence of cultural structures, emphasize emotional sharing, and promote the mutual embedding of cultural concepts while emphasizing common values. Finally, the campus ethnic dance activities have demonstrated to affect positively the forging of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. The key to fostering the sense of community for the Chinese nation has been the cultivation of identity. Findings show that communication of students of various ethnic backgrounds in the campus ethnic dance has been able to enhance their ethnic identity, while their mutual interaction has enabled the enhancement of the broader Chinese national identity, and this integration has been able to enhance the identity of the Chinese national community.In short, campus ethnic dance in Minzu colleges and universities has transcended the mere expression of ethnic cultural identity, by serving as a conduit and bridge for inter-ethnic communication and integration. This transformative role has significantly contributed to the personal growth and development of college students of all ethnic groups. Through the campus ethnic dance activities, students not only have come to appreciate the diversity of ethnic cultures but also recognize their shared attributes, thereby laying a foundation for the construction of the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation. These activities have become a vital bond to consolidate the common consciousness of the Chinese nation. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to point out the direction for the application of campus ethnic dance in the construction of campus culture, and leverage its full potential to promote the university education of consolidating a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

Yang Yifeng 《民族学刊》2024,15(19):15-23, 147
The sense of community for the Chinese nation serves the foundation of ethnic unity, the essence of national ethos and identity, and the basis of national unity. The Communist Party of China (CPC) proposed to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, rooted in historical, theoretical, and practical logic. Its multifaceted connotation can be explored through three key dimensions:Firstly, accounts demonstrate that the sense of community for the Chinese nation has been a historical choice shaped by the five millennia of Chinese civilization. Its development history, moreover, has been characterized by continuous interaction and integration among various ethnic groups. Records further show that this historical narrative reflects a tradition of “Great Unification,” emphasizing interethnic communication, interaction, and integration, which can be considered central in forging a strong sense of community and unity for the Chinese nation. From this it can be concluded that the cultural concept of pursuing national unity has become an endogenous and ideological driving force for continuously promoting the formation, development, and consciousness of the Chinese national community. Secondly, fostering a strong sense of the Chinese national community is the latest theoretical achievement of the CPC, reflecting its commitment to promoting the innovation of ethnic theories and policies. From a basic “transplantation” of Marxist ethnicity theory to its adaptation to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, from a “two inseparables ”(The Han cannot live without the ethnic minorities, the ethnic minorities cannot do without the Han) in the early days of reform and opening-up to a “five identifications” theory (identification with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics) in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it conceivably illustrates the CPC’s responsive approach to the innovation and improvement of ethnic theories and policies while leading revolution, construction, and reform of China. These developments constitute the theoretical foundations of consolidating the consciousness of the Chinese national community. Thirdly, consolidating a strong sense of the Chinese national community has been the result of the CPC’s innovative practice of adaptation Marxism to the Chinese context in the new era. What is more, through targeted efforts, such as policies aimed at poverty alleviation in ethnic regions, the building of a “common spiritual home of the Chinese nation” and exploratory embedded community governance to promote interethnic interaction and integration, the CPC has established an action-oriented framework seeking to consolidate Chinese national community consciousness. In short, an analysis of the thinking behind the consciousness of the Chinese national community through historical, theoretical, and practical lenses can offer a logical interpretation to the necessity and significance of strengthening the consciousness of the Chinese national community. Moreover, it points out possible pathways for future improvement to institutional mechanism aimed at strengthening the consciousness of the Chinese national community, and promotion of forging this consciousness, potentially achieving a logical integration of history, theory, and practice.  相似文献   

Dao Bo  Yang Xiaohong 《民族学刊》2024,15(19):39-49, 150
Minzu universities have played a vital role in the advancement of China’s socialist development by nurturing outstanding talents across various industries for different ethnic groups. As such, they have become an indispensable part of the national higher education system, fulfilling a unique role that other institutions cannot replicate. In addition, Minzu universities have been serving as critical platforms implementing the Party’s ethnic policies. Consequently, it is the mission of Minzu universities to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, reflecting the principal objectives of ethnic work in the new era and embodying the universities’ foundational aspirations of ethnic education. Therefore, this study infers that in the new era, Minzu universities should embrace their responsibilities by focusing on “serving the Chinese national community, serving the overall ethnic work, and serving the economic and social development of ethnic regions”. This should entail strengthening the great unity of the Chinese nation, enhancing Chinese cultural identity, building a shared spiritual home for all ethnic groups, and forging a strong sense of community for Chinese nation.On the basis of comprehensively analyzing the operational requirements, characteristic advantages, and foundational principles guiding Minzu universities in their efforts to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation from a macro perspective, this article proposes specific practical strategies for Minzu universities to consolidate the Chinese national community consciousness in the new era, while providing theoretical references for Minzu universities to expand and deepen this “forging”. What are the new expectations for Minzu universities in forging a sense of community for Chinese nation in the new era? What significant advantages do they possess? What basic principles should be followed? What are the main pathways for effective implementation? By thoroughly exploring and addressing these issues, the paper aims to provide theoretical support for Minzu universities as they navigate the challenges of the new era, while also offering practical approaches for cultivating new generations capable of contributing to the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation.Based on the practical needs of national development and a high-quality development of the Party’s ethnic policies in the new era, by firmly adhering to the socialist path, and comprehensively forging the sense of community for Chinese nation, this report believes Minzu universities can significantly influence the economic and social development of ethnic regions. Forging a strong sense of community for Chinese nation can be considered a “guiding principle” for the governance of Minzu universities as well as a fundamental aspect of “fostering virtue” through their educational mission. To achieve this, Minzu universities should maintain a sharp focus on the main task of ethnic work in the new era, further strengthen and improve this work, and adhere to the basic principles of Party leadership, performance assessment, scientific research innovation, and campus culture construction. Meanwhile, these universities should also refine organizational structures, enhance curriculum frameworks, build disciplinary platforms, carry out targeted research, and organize high-quality cultural activities to comprehensively and deeply promote the work of forging a strong sense of community for Chinese nation to new heights.  相似文献   

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